How did you come up with your Gamertag?


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Hey all, I'm joining Xbox live soon and I'm wondering how all of you out there came up with your gamertags... I'm trying to think of something cool or witty to go with, but still reflects my personality.

was your gamertag made up on the spot? was it a name you use every where else on-line? do you have a back story? I'm intersted to know

I use Drnick for pretty much everything (I'm a BIG Simpsons fan, and Dr. Nick was a pretty funny character) My name is Nick, and I also own a computer company called the "Computer Doctors" so Dr.Nick works on a bunch of levels. I know that name is taken on xbox live so I'm looking for something else (other than putting some numbers at the end of it)

Happy Holidays!
I like fire. I got caught up in adding "X" to the end of everything near the year 2000.

That's pretty much it.
haha, your one of THOSE huh? lol at least you didn't put and x before AND after your name... or worse done the big x and small x at each end (I.e. XxScorchxX)

that pisses me off.... and I'm not sure why, lol
I use to smoke a lot of weed around 5 years ago. I was posting on the Gamespot forums and wanted to use the name chronic, that was taken so I put a 1 instead of an i. The name stuck with me so Christmas 03 when I joined live I choose the gamer tag chron1c. I was surprised it wasn't taken already.

Now that I think about it, the name is really bleh now that I don't smoke weed and am more mature now. I want to change it but can't think of another tag.
I went to watch XxX in theatres when it came out. In the opening scene I heard this German band that I thought was kinda weird but still pretty badass. Saw the soundtrack by accident in a CD store shortly after and that's where I discovered Rammstein and the song in the movie (Feuer Frei!). After that, I got really hooked on Rammstein. It translates into "Open fire!", so I thought it would make a good name for a shooter, so I made that my name for SOCOM on PS2, which is all I played at the time. Then once I got my 360, I was so used to being called "Frei" (pronounced 'fry') or "fever" (no one understands it's a 'u' not a 'v') or "FeverFrei", that I made it my XBL name. FeuerFrei was already taken, so I threw 360 on there. Luckily it wasn't taken when I got my PS3.


I just realized this was my 1000th post. I feel so accomplished. Only took me 3 years.
My nickname in real life was Panda for a long time.

Halo 1 rolled around, I used Pandamonium as a play on words.

Pandamonium was taken. So I again made another name as a play on words, thus you see Panda Owning Em.
My name is Ken. When I used to play Quake with my buddies I got the name of Kendal. When trying to get that name to work, nothing would. So I tried just off the wall combinations. CAGKendal worked. I stuck with it. I want to change it to TwoTonTunic. It is one of my favorite shengongwu.
Charron is apparently a common last name in America, yet I've never met anyone with it. Go figure.

As for my XBL name, a friend of mine is studying Japanese, and Kiya Ichiko was what she came up with as a way to name-ify "girl geek". I'm still not sure how to pronounce it.
An old roomate of mine refused to use "Bad Words" and "Son Of A Beep!" was a regluar exclamation that year. He was a pretty funny guy, just had some odd quirks like that.

I used to like yelling "BEEPfuck" all the time and he'd ask me.. What did you just beep?
Well i like ninja's and well Lunchbox is my real nick name which i earned in 2005 on my first deployment to iraq!!! Im currently deployed again , so i wont b on live till june thats when my R&R is . . . . YAY!!!
When Redmoon online first came out Farh just popped into my head and most of my friends actually call me that now, odd. So for like 8 years I've used it for everything unless something is stupid and won't let me have just four alpha characters which is lame...
My name was based off of my Friends name when I was little(r). I never had a computer when I was growing up. I was over my friends house with another friend. He had a computer and I wanted to chat on AIM ( When it was cool in the mid-late 90's ).

His name was pimpinp. I thought that was pretty cool so my one friend made a pimpinjay and I went with pimpinc333. At the time it stood for pimpin chris. But now I go by it as Pimp Inc.333. I use this name for everything. I'm too uncreative to think of something else to use. I liek it also :D Pretty Lame but thats how it do.
I have another internet alias I use sometimes, fragoff. It's a shooter/military take on fuck off (duh). Obviously Frag Off was already taken when I registered for LIVE on May of this year.

I was in a rush to play GoW online, so I just slapped on Kindly on the end (Please and Sir were also in the running). Microsoft Support loves it when I tell them my Gamertag. :lol:
My tag is IllSmokeYourAss. Not a drug reference, but HeWhoSmokesBitches was too long :p

My cousin's is my favorite though: Darth Goulet :D
Years ago (somewhere in the neighborhood of 12-13) I was talking a lot on an IRC chat channel when someone decided to give one of the bots my handle. I was only on late at night, the moderator of the channel was on during the day and apparently had no idea I existed. Anyway....I looked around for something to change it to that no one would take. I was listening to a cd at the time by a group called Argyle Park, liked the sound of it and figured "no one else will ever use 'argyle'.

Turns out, people use 'argyle' all the time.

So a couple years ago I decided I wanted to grab a domain name, and started trying to think of something that wasn't taken. I like monkeys, so 'ArgyleMonkey' was born. So far, that's actually been one that no one else uses. ;)
My nickname was Steve in high school after Steve McQueen. I didn't want the full name and I thought SteveMcQ would get that across, so that's that.
I used to use 'Ionix' as a tag a long while back for playing Unreal Tournament, but that turned out to be something everybody used. A little googling later, and I'm the only one using my current username. Which is pretty nice, seeing as how I can basically use it as a common login name with all my online wanderings.
I love Evangelion, Rei Ayanami especially. So I use Rei no Otaku for everything (it means "Rei's obsessed fan"). When I went to make my XBL account it was already taken! So I came up with Rei no Ai, which means "Rei's love."
haha great guys (and girls), I'm glad this thread has turned out so well!

Rei no Otaku... how was that already taken? lol By the way I live in RI too (Tiverton). small world :)
Sloane Is Dead= Reference to an episode of one of my favorite shows ever, Alias. Anyone who has seen all of the seasons of alias will know what episode involving Arvin Sloane (one of my favorite characters) is in reference to.

asianxcore= Something a group of my friends came up it. It came from the kind of shows/concerts we attended pretty frequently (hardcore/punk shows) and my ethnicity.
[quote name='SuperSnake2012']I'm a huge Rush fan... enough said :D[/QUOTE]

awesome, so am I! At least you didn't make your name tom sawyer ;-)

or worse..... snakes and arrows... (I was VERY disappointed in their newest album.. way to mellow)
Malik = my first name (pronounced Ma-lick)
112099 = Nov 20, 1999 = wedding date

I use Malik112099 for EVERYTHING...i am totally screwed if i ever get a divorce
I use Spectre a lot for games. Comes from Twisted Metal 2 (and some of the other TM games but 2 was the best).


My gamertag?

"My name is Dmitri Volkov. I am Director of Executive Action for HARM, but that is merely a polite euphemism for being a cruel and sadistic individual."

Nuff said.
I honestly have no fucking clue how, when, or where I came up with my gamertag name. Though it's a lot better than one of my other aliases I use to use, which was "Aaogan." Seriously, how the fuck do you pronounce that? My brain mustof been dead watching wheel of fortune one day and had some dream about "I'd like to buy a vowel."
Mine all goes back to the days of AOL. RichMeister was taken and so was RichMan. So I combined the two and it wasn't taken.

Now I am the super fantasic RICHMEISTERMAN!
my tag came from devil may cry
Nelo-Nelo Angelo(boss in dmc)
Ice-ice monsters after u fight nelo angelo

...and my cousins came up with it and i just took it...though he uses nelo angelo or some form of nelo(without ice or angelo):lol:
Oy. Many, many moons back, I would choose names for forums and such that sounded semi-anonymous. I thought "Citizen Zero" sounded pleasantly generic, yet kind of ominous. About two years later, they announced the PC/360 game of the same name, and everyone thought I was just a huge fan of some unreleased product. Couldn't be happier that thing turned out to be vaporware...
The tag is GloveSlap.

It's pretty much from the episode of the Simpsons where Homer goes around gloveslapping everyone to intimidate them.

The whole dueling nature of a gloveslap seemed to go along with the competitive nature of Xbox Live. Most people i run into online seem to like it. I also get kids singing the "gloveslap-baby-gloveslap" song from the Simpsons episode constantly.
Mine is real simple, I used the first two letters of my first name and combined them with the first to letters of my girl's first name.
I loved the Ghostalker character from C&C, my gamertag used to be Ghostalker, but found that people just called my ghost or ghosty, so changed it to ighosty since ghosty was already taken. Will probably change it in feb tho.
bread's done