How did you meet your wife/husband/significant other?


Yes, I know that this is a strange place to be asking this, but it is nice and anonymous. I broke up with my boyfriend months ago, and the guys that I have met that I would have considered dating are all engaged or married. I am not into the bar scene, and I am older (well, 29) so most of the people around my age seem to already be married. I am getting frustrated with going into work and hearing about the wedding plans of my boss (ok, I had interest in him but some other woman at work beat me to him) and a guy friend who works down the hall from me.

Ok, I will stop ranting. I just want to know if anyone has actually had any luck with the online dating services or something like that? Thanks
this is gonna sound pretty sad, but the best relationships i had, were with girls i met online..yes i kno it sounds really odd, but seriously, it was alot easier to get along with the person since u got 2 kno their personality first..then see them in person..
The best way to find a good match is to find something you have a genuine interest in and hopefully you'll meet someone along the way. For example, if you are a fit person and like to work out, join a gym and you will meet someone there who likes to do the same. Take a community ed. class and you'll meet someone who's interested in furthuring their education. Join a social club like the Jaycees or some other organization in your town. do volunteer work. Make sure it's something you really enjoy first and not becuase you want to meet someone, otherwise guys will surely be able to tell you're wearing your heart on your sleeve and take advantage of you.

I met my wife in college. She was going out with a friend of mine and he neglected her, so I was right there to give her the attention she deserved.
I always met the best girls online, no doubt becuase when you learn about someone's personality and interests before seeing them you have a much greater chance of enjoying the company of that person. In fact, I met my girlfriend of almost 5 years now on ICQ. Almost every decent female I've met in the last 6-7 years has been online.
yeah working with you SO is not is great as it would intially sound, being able to see each other even at work. talk about making you enjoy your alone time better. i had to go through that for almost a year, that was a hell of a year. but we got through and now have been engaged for just over a year.

oh yeah, "met her online". quote marks because we went to school together but would've never met/talked to her had it been online. a genuinely kind person, thats what made me fall in the love with her. that and the fact that we can deal with each others shit rather well. tough times suck, but we make it through to live another day.

ahhh love ain't it grand.....
Met my ex at traffic school. She was the instructor, I was the unlucky driver looking for any excuse to stop her from carrying on the boring lessons about defensive driving and all that drivel, as long as we are chatting about anything BUT traffic school stuff. :wink:
[quote name='A7las'][quote name='the_gloaming']I'm dating my Psychology professor. Don't ask.[/quote]

I want to ask sooo bad.[/quote]

Me too...
[quote name='A7las'][quote name='the_gloaming']I'm dating my Psychology professor. Don't ask.[/quote]

I want to ask sooo bad.[/quote]

me too plzzzzzz atleast possibly age difference and high school or university?
I met my wife at Johny Rocket's. she and a girlfriend walked in and there were only three seats at the counter and I was in the middle one. I moved over for her and her friend to sit down. I asked her how her cheese fries were, then she asked how's my cherry coke and that's all it took. 9 years later we're still in love and happy.
Me and my gf met at a bowling alley with a group of people, I thought she was with someone and she thought I was the guy she was supposed to meet that night. I fell in love with the first words I heard her utter "BOO-MOTHER F*CKER" at a car that drove by staring while she smoked. We've been off and on for about 4 years.
Well, since it looks like I won't be hearing the story of the student and the professor I will tell my story.

First day of college on move in day, I parked my car next to a blue mini-cooper. I got out of my car and locked the door and saw a girl with amazing blue eyes getting into the mini-cooper. Being that it was the first day of school, I acted cool and gave her a smile and didn't think much of it until.... a couple days later I saw her again. I was feeling slightly out-going so I walked up to her and said, "Hey, you're that girl with the beautiful eyes." We've been together since... a year and four months that is. :D

So yea, long story short... it just happens. I've never really gone out of my way to get into a relationship... they just seem to fall into place.
Met my fiancee during my Organic Chemistry lab course. I lucked out enough to be partnered with *by far* the most attractive girl in the class for the whole semester. After that, it was game over. She fell for my chemistry smooth talk and my uncanny ability to pour any acid used in the course on her hands (luckily the acids were always very dilute)! :wink:
I taught Wushu (Chinese Martial Arts) as a gym class with a couple teammates last Fall Term. The girl who would become my significant other was enrolled in the class. Truth be told, I was too shy to talk to her because she was (and still is) so hot. Wushu instructors also help their students stretch my pushing them down and what not to increase their flexibility - but I was too afraid to touch her. So I helped stretch everyone EXCEPT her. ^^;
Long story short, after about two months of me being shy and "really cute about it" she asked me out on a date. The rest is history. I've always wanted to have a Teacher/Student relationship - looks like my experience really paid off. I couldn't be happier. :D
Met my wife while I was dating her best friend and she was dating a friend of mine. We would bitch to each other about what we didn't like about who we were dating and in the process found out we were pretty compatible. And 7 years later still going strong.
I'll second the fact that work and romance generally don't mix. If you break up, there's a chill in the air; if your jobs are similar, what do you talk about at home? and you do need time away from your SO. I didn't meet my wife at work, but we worked together for a while, and it wasn't real fun.
I actually met my wife online.
I was in college, and had a girlfriend at home [about 1/5 hours away] so I saw her about every two weeks.
Anyway, my roommate and I, and a friend from another school, starting playing a MUD very heavily [like a free, text MMORPG.] We 'met' people all over the world and got to know them through the game, and one person was this girl who happened to be in the dorm next to mine [I'm not sure how she even found out about me, because I was playing a female character]. Anyway, after a while we met, starting hanging out, then after my at-home GF cheated on me, we started dating. Been married 9 years now.
Well, I met my fiance at the BAR. However, she was the sister of my brothers roommate, so she wasn't a COMPLETE stranger, it was more of a comfort zone knowing that we had the same people in common. We totally clicked that night, and have been together ever since. Getting married in June :)

Also, I've been on the online dating thing. One turned out GOOD...other was not so good.
The GOOD: I had in my bio that I went to a certain college, she found that, and I decided to show her around the campus....which kinda was a way for us to meet. Let's say things went REALLY well this first time we met...nice ;) However, things broke off since it was a long distance thing (since she was still in HS when we met....and I asked if she would wait until she moved here....nope...oh well, no regrets about that...she was a bit off anyways)

Basically, she didn't have a picture....or only a head shot. Said she wasn't BIG...and SHE WAS BIG. I know that shouldn't matter, but it did.
I met my wife in high school (we also went to college together :) ).

Meeting people to date online makes sense to me. That way you know you are going to date someone who has many of the same interests you do. If you meet someone in a bar or something, all you know is what they look like and that they like to drink in bars.
I met her in the downtown liquor store. She was looking all slim and sleek. Had a glossy look to her with a little sparkle in the light. She wasn't wearing much. Just enough to cover up the important parts, while showing off the beauty underneath. She was with some friends, but they were nothing compared to her. I'm usually shy, but for this it didn't matter. She didn't have to say a word - we had a silent agreement. With a slight nod of my head, I swept her into my arms and headed for the cashier's station.
That day, I found true love. I paid the cashier and took my beautiful bottle of vodka home with me.
I met my wife at Captain D's...... 2 or 3 months later we moved in together...... 7 years later we got married...... we have been married for 3 years now.
Thanks to all for the advice.

I have also seen coworkers date and the relationships go sour. It is definately a gamble, and you have to have an exit strategy to use if necessary. The company that I work at is not the most stable now, though, so even if I had found someone at work we might both have to look for new jobs anyway. The vast majority of the guys at work are already spoken for, and I am not into being the "other woman". In the case which I mentioned, if the guy had been available I would have definately bailed to another company if things looked promising. But, he is all but married now to his live-in fiance who just found out that she is pregnant.

It sounds like looking more seriously for someone online might be my best bet.
[quote name='daria19']Thanks to all for the advice.

I have also seen coworkers date and the relationships go sour. It is definately a gamble, and you have to have an exit strategy to use if necessary. The company that I work at is not the most stable now, though, so even if I had found someone at work we might both have to look for new jobs anyway. The vast majority of the guys at work are already spoken for, and I am not into being the "other woman". In the case which I mentioned, if the guy had been available I would have definately bailed to another company if things looked promising. But, he is all but married now to his live-in fiance who just found out that she is pregnant.

It sounds like looking more seriously for someone online might be my best bet.[/quote]

The female to male ratio is incredibly in your favor on yahoo messenger
[quote name='phattyphat69']Met my fiancee during my Organic Chemistry lab course. I lucked out enough to be partnered with *by far* the most attractive girl in the class for the whole semester. After that, it was game over. She fell for my chemistry smooth talk and my uncanny ability to pour any acid used in the course on her hands (luckily the acids were always very dilute)! :wink:[/quote]

Chem nerds apparently get it on. I wonder if something like that will happen to me and/or my friend (chem engineer majors)...
[quote name='jlarlee'][quote name='daria19']Thanks to all for the advice.

I have also seen coworkers date and the relationships go sour. It is definately a gamble, and you have to have an exit strategy to use if necessary. The company that I work at is not the most stable now, though, so even if I had found someone at work we might both have to look for new jobs anyway. The vast majority of the guys at work are already spoken for, and I am not into being the "other woman". In the case which I mentioned, if the guy had been available I would have definately bailed to another company if things looked promising. But, he is all but married now to his live-in fiance who just found out that she is pregnant.

It sounds like looking more seriously for someone online might be my best bet.[/quote]

The female to male ratio is incredibly in your favor on yahoo messenger[/quote]

HAH! The same can be said about CAG :D Just make sure to check their IDs since you might want someone legal and end up w/ Mr. Anderson :lol:
[quote name='jaykrue'][quote name='jlarlee'][quote name='daria19']Thanks to all for the advice.

I have also seen coworkers date and the relationships go sour. It is definately a gamble, and you have to have an exit strategy to use if necessary. The company that I work at is not the most stable now, though, so even if I had found someone at work we might both have to look for new jobs anyway. The vast majority of the guys at work are already spoken for, and I am not into being the "other woman". In the case which I mentioned, if the guy had been available I would have definately bailed to another company if things looked promising. But, he is all but married now to his live-in fiance who just found out that she is pregnant.

It sounds like looking more seriously for someone online might be my best bet.[/quote]

The female to male ratio is incredibly in your favor on yahoo messenger[/quote]

HAH! The same can be said about CAG :D Just make sure to check their IDs since you might want someone legal and end up w/ Mr. Anderson :lol:[/quote]

Now that would be interesting
I met my wife in the waiting room of the cardiac intensive care unit of a hospital in Seattle. My cousin's heart stopped and it didn't look like he was going to make it through the afternoon. Everyone rushed to be there and possibly say goodbye. My wife, as it turns out, was the stepsister of my cousin's wife. Which means, yes, we're inches away from being related...but only by marriage. I'm bringing a little bit of the Ozarks to the Pacific Northwest. I brought her a soda and the rest is history - and my cousin lived.
Met my wife through a mutal friend who invited her to go out with a group of us. She thought I was the nice one of the bunch :) and we ended up dating for over four years - now we've been married for over eight years.
I'm another one who met my wife on-line. We met in a chat room seven years ago, then met in person, fell in love, and have been together ever since.
She was dating my best friend at the time...

Although as bad as that sounds, they only dated for 2 weeks, I had his permission before I went after her, and we're still close friends.

So, 4 years later.. its all worked out so far.
Okay, here goes on the tale of my relationship with my professor. It's a college thing, by the way.

During my Human Sexuality class, we have to participate in the grad student's studies to get credit for the "lab" portion of the course. It usually required us to answer surveys about attraction and tendencies we had towards the opposite (or same) sex.

Anyway one of the professors was helping administer the survey, and I accidentally put my name on it. Duh. Anyway, she sent me an email to tell me it wouldn't count towards my grade unless I re-did it anonymously .. something about lab ethics, or something.

So I had to go to her office and retake the survey for it to count (it was the end of the semester and I was running out of lab options, so it was necessary to redo this particular one). We ended up leaving really late because the copy machine wasn't working, and she asked me to have coffee with her at the local "Starbucks" rip-off in town. I told her I didn't like coffee, so we ended up going to a bar instead. And that is about it. We exchanged numbers and have been dating frequently since.
[quote name='"beerguy961"'][quote name='"phattyphat69"']Met my fiancee during my Organic Chemistry lab course. I lucked out enough to be partnered with *by far* the most attractive girl in the class for the whole semester. After that, it was game over. She fell for my chemistry smooth talk and my uncanny ability to pour any acid used in the course on her hands (luckily the acids were always very dilute)! :wink:[/quote]

Chem nerds apparently get it on. I wonder if something like that will happen to me and/or my friend (chem engineer majors)...[/quote]

That is pretty funny, actually. I have a masters in organic chemistry, and the field is pretty male dominated, but I usually meet the guys after they are already spoken for. It is all a matter of timing, I guess.
[quote name='"jaykrue"'][quote name='"jlarlee"'][quote name='"daria19"']T
The female to male ratio is incredibly in your favor on yahoo messenger[/quote]

HAH! The same can be said about CAG :D Just make sure to check their IDs since you might want someone legal and end up w/ Mr. Anderson :lol:[/quote]

Yea, I am not interested in jailbait. That is one thing that does scare me about online dating. You just hope that the person is not misrepresenting themselves.
i met my gf during my last year in high school... she just moved to our school mid year, and wound up eating by herself everyday at lunch. one day i got wrecked on xanax and walked over, introduced myself and talked about sweet little nothings... then come next day, i didnt remember a damn thing from the day before, i walked up to her during lunch, and introduced myself, and went on to talk about the exact same stuff. she was so confused!!
long story short, 3 years later we're still together, looking to get a house next fall
[quote name='weimerwanger']i met my gf during my last year in high school... she just moved to our school mid year, and wound up eating by herself everyday at lunch. one day i got wrecked on xanax and walked over, introduced myself and talked about sweet little nothings... then come next day, i didnt remember a damn thing from the day before, i walked up to her during lunch, and introduced myself, and went on to talk about the exact same stuff. she was so confused!!
long story short, 3 years later we're still together, looking to get a house next fall[/quote]

That's the sweetest story involving being high on presprictions that I've ever heard. And I know a lot of stories about that (probably more than my drunk and marajuana stories)...
Hey Daria, I agree work and romance dont mix well. My ex wife was working with me at my office when we were about to divorce, made for an interesting and stressful situation.

I met my ex wife through a friend who brought her over to my house for a weekend party. I remember thanking him.

I met my most recent, yet ex girlfriend at Graham Central Station (a nightclub) in Lafayette, Louisiana.

Ive also had girls I met online, they didnt last for me.

Although my friends say I seem to attract the wrong ones.

Anyways, Im 30 and single now, and whatever happens will happen.
Used to hang out with a girl in High school she had a little sister of no interest to me at the time. Seen her lil sister at a party after she had graduated, hooked up with her and ended up marrying her. Going on 15 yrs now.
[quote name='greydemise']this is gonna sound pretty sad, but the best relationships i had, were with girls i met online..yes i kno it sounds really odd, but seriously, it was alot easier to get along with the person since u got 2 kno their personality first..then see them in person..[/quote]

I thought it was crazy, until I met my current gf, of 6 months, right here on CAG.
[quote name='"daria19"'][quote name='jaykrue'][quote name='jlarlee'][quote name='daria19']T
The female to male ratio is incredibly in your favor on yahoo messenger[/quote]

HAH! The same can be said about CAG :D Just make sure to check their IDs since you might want someone legal and end up w/ Mr. Anderson :lol:[/quote]

Yea, I am not interested in jailbait. That is one thing that does scare me about online dating. You just hope that the person is not misrepresenting themselves.[/quote]

The yahoo messenger has like age and region specific rooms. And with cams its not like in the old days where people can outright totally fool you
I fell in love with my wife in Mexico. :) We were part of a group of college students that were going down there to help in churches, community projects, camps etc. It was 8 weeks in Mexico and 2 weeks in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. We had 2 vans, but for some reason it always worked out that we were in the same van. Our intent was not to date, or find a date, it just sort of happened.

As I talked to her, I realized what a TREMENDOUS girl that she was, and I began to look forward to spending time with her.

By Week 4 or 5, I was saying that "I wanted to marry a girl like Jill."

By the end of the trip, I was saying, "Jill is the girl I would like to marry."

It is amazing how much you can learn about someone when you watch them serve other people over the course of 10 weeks.

We dated 1 year, then got engaged for about 14 months, then got married June 12, 1998.

My best advice - Find friends. To find friends, you must make yourself friendly.

Jill and I - Married 6 1/2 years, 2 lovely kids. PTL

bread's done