How did you pick your CAG screen name?

Because I was (and still am, mostly) a health nut. I use this name on every board I'm registered at, so if you see Allnatural elsewhere, it's probably me.
I started using for a game known as NetMonster, many years ago. Stuck with me ever since. The earliest physical evidence I have of using the name is a pair of dog tags I had printed at a museum about 8-9 years ago. I think they are still buried somewhere at my mom's house.

As for NetMonster, some of the old emails still exist on the Yahoo! logs, this is the oldest message from me that I could find:

Tue Jul 18, 2000 10:57 pm

im looking for any DNA strands with 25% completed (even though it shows 24%
in the window) if you have any please contact me!

AOLIM: Col HotShotX
E-Mail: hot_shot_x@...

PS: So far I Have 25% Common Dragon and 25% Light Mage
When I was 17, I got a ticket doing 123 in a 55. In Compton. At 2:30am. The cop called me a little speedracer, cut me a ticket for $802, and told me to have a nice evening.

So yea.
[quote name='speedracer']When I was 17, I got a ticket doing 123 in a 55. In Compton. At 2:30am. The cop called me a little speedracer, cut me a ticket for $802, and told me to have a nice evening.

So yea.[/quote]

[quote name='yukine']Very carefully.

I needed a new username, girlfriend came up with it and I thought it sounded interesting. That's it.

I wouldn't mind changing it, maybe even to my gtag name. But I have a lot of sites invested into that name, it would take way too much time and effort to change it.[/QUOTE]I actually had a similar situation where I used one name a lot (my old online name). What I did was just change my name on forums, while some webspace type sites, I just created a new account. And then I made sure to use Mana Knight pretty much everywhere.
My name is Sean, and up until recently, I lived in New Orleans. I actually want to change my name, because I moved away this year, and I'm not exactly proud of where I came from, but I'm in the same boat as Yukine where I'm kinda invested in this name now, and I'm only a few months away from my CACiversary, and I'm not sure if I want to start all over again :whistle2:\
As a long-time Dungeons & Dragons enthusiast, I used to read The Dragon, in which Gary Gygax had a regular column titled "From the Sorcerer's Scroll." Gygax often refered to the "Gentle Readers," so I extrapolated to Gentle Gamer, or Gentlegamer. It's my screen name at any game-related community.
From a Foo Fighters song. Not a huge fan, but I loved The Color and the Shape, their 2nd album, and just chose it randomly. The actual song is called, "Hey, Johnny Park!"
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