How Do You Determine Which Version of a Game You Are Going To Get?


Say for instance the game Gladius, I looked at Gamerankings and both the GCN and XBX versions have similar scores to each other. Now both are cheap and it doesn't matter for which system it is for (obviously) as I have both, so how do you decide.
I decide by which controller I like better. Also, if the controller fits. Like Mega Man X Collection, I should have picked the PS2 controller, but I chose the GC controller; big mistake!
[quote name='Moses144']I decide by which controller I like better. Also, if the controller fits. Like Mega Man X Collection, I should have picked the PS2 controller, but I chose the GC controller; big mistake![/quote]

so how about in this instance then? Gladius GCn or Gladius XBX.
For Gladius I chose XBox. Whether it's true or not, I feel like the XBox has better load times and tiny bit better graphics. Also, I like not dealing with a memory card.
Plus with GameCube you may have to worry about sound and video degredation because of compression due to the smaller disc format.
If its PS2/GC/Xbox then I usually get PS2 because I don't have an xbox, and I gave my GC to my little sister since I never play it. Plus I like the PS2 controller the best and the difference between versions usually isnt anything noteworthy.
for people choosing a game for PS2 because of the controller, consider spending $10 to get a converter and use your PS2 controller on Xbox.
If I have the prequel/sequel on a particular platform, I'll get the new one on that platform, too. So, because I got Prince of Persia on XBOX, I'd get the sequels on XBOX too.

If it's a kids game or a game my kid will be playing, I'll get the Gamecube version. (The neighbor has a Gamecube.)

If it's graphics intensive or has a really large save file, I'll get it for XBOX.

If it's cheaper on one system, I'll take that into consideration.

In most cases, it comes down to really personal reasons -- most games are close enough on the various systems that it doesn't matter.

That said, I sought out Megaman Anniversary on XBOX specifically (for control) and found PS2 Psychonauts unplayable and got the XBOX version instead.
For multiplatform games, I typically choose the Xbox. It's got faster loading times, slightly better graphics, and typically the controller is more suited for multiplatform games.

In some instances though, the Gamecube version ends up being better. To make sure I get the best version, I typically go to GameSpot and read the review as they will often compare them and list which version is the superior one.
I played and finished Gladius on the PS2. I would imagine the GC controller and graphics are not ideal for it, especially since Gladius is American made - thus X-Box is almost definitely the place for it to go.
Last generation I usually went with the gamecube version, it was my first and favorite system last gen, so I generally tried to support it by buying multiplatform games. Generally the reviews said the graphics were pretty close.

Sometimes I went with the xbox version if there was a huge graphical difference or bad port on the cube. Price was sometimes a factor.

I also usually tried to keep a series on one platform, don't really know why, I just liked keeping a series to one system.

I only bought exclusives on the PS2.
[quote name='Moses144']I played and finished Gladius on the PS2. I would imagine the GC controller and graphics are not ideal for it, especially since Gladius is American made - thus X-Box is almost definitely the place for it to go.[/QUOTE]

Why would the GC graphics not be ideal for it, given it is a more powerful (slightly) system than the PS2? The controller issue I also don't understand - I have no preference whatsoever between the two controllers. I have the PS2 version and really want the GC one. I tend to buy everything GC for the sheer pleasure of using a Wavebird and also to support third-party devs on Nintendo systems (basically, same reasons as msdmoney). Plus, in many cases the GC version is going to be better (graphically, pro scan, etc) than the PS2. I've never had an Xbox, so I have many lesser PS2 versions of games. Now that I will be getting an Xbox 360, I've been replacing my PS2 games with Xbox versions especially if they are clearly superior - e.g., Psychonauts ($3 for Xbox version at Kmart, can't beat that). Target had SW Ep III for $5 for XBox so I snagged that. As soon as I can get Star Wars Battlefront II cheap for Xbox I will replace my PS2 copy of that.

Rolento - I don't think you can bring the 360 into it, as obviously that changes everything. In fact, I picked up Lego Star Wars II for 360 just this week ($20 at GR new) even though we have played the GC version to near 100% completion. I want to do it again for the achievements ;).
By controller, content, and graphics.

Some games have different content for each console.
Some games play better on a certain controller.
Some games looks better on a certain console.

The GC controller has 7 buttons, and two joysticks. The xbox has 8 buttons and two joysticks. So I would go to gamefly, and see what the buttons do.

If I needed all 8 then I would get it on xbox.
Sometimes IGN,, and Game Informer will give an edge to one system over another (key is to read the reviews and to not go by the scores).

Last gen I mainly went with Xbox over PS2, but not exclusively. For example, I have the sealed Xbox version of Spartan, but I just read the review that the PS2 controller is more ideal for the game. I'll most likely buy the PS2 version and sell the off the Xbox one.

The only game I can think of that I went with the Cube over another system was Def Jam Vendetta. Seemed a no-brainer since I was used to the N64 controls for the previous Aki games. Fight for NY went to my Xbox, though.

Edit: I choose Cube versions of RE4 and VJ2 over the PS2 versions, too.
For last generation, I choose XBox unless it's an exclusive, or there is a damn good reason not to.

This generation, I'm beginning to think 360 is the way to go, Wii has just had dissapointing ports. Similar to last gen, Great first party games, lame everything else.
[quote name='ViolentLee']Plus with GameCube you may have to worry about sound and video degredation because of compression due to the smaller disc format.[/quote]
Yup. I prefer buying for the GC, but space limitations are sometimes an issue. Besides checking the reviews, I also hit up the torrent sites to verify the size of the PS2 rips. If it's significantly larger than the capacity of a GC disc I'll get the PS2 version (unless it's a multi-disc release, such as Killer 7, or the PS2 scores are especially bad).
I always go for the best version of a game so I consider a lot of things:

1) Gameplay additions - Are there new modes, new characters, new levels, etc?
2) Are the graphics improved? Is the change in graphical quality signifcant enough to change how good the game is overall?
3) Is there a difference in the sound quality? For example, Shenmue II on the Xbox is worse than the DC version IMO because the voice overs are so insanely bad.
4) Controller. Is it even playable on X system? Metal Slug Anthology on the Wii, for example, was unplayable, so regardless of the other three factors, I'd choose the PSP or PS2 versions over it.
I have PS2, GC and XB and I bought them in that order.

I only buy multiplatform games on XBox. The better graphics, standard controller and biggest of all, not having to worry about a memory card are what do it for me.

The only exception to this rule that I can think of is continuing a franchise on a given platform.
Last generation I pretty much went Xbox for my 3rd party games for better graphics, acceptable controller, and the only online I wanted to deal with. For a lot of the generation, I preferred the PC to the Xbox as well, so that's where I played Splinter Cell and Chaos Theory.

GCN - 8/42 are on other consoles. All of those are available only on the PS2 and GCN (Def Jam Vendetta, Viewtiful Joe, Viewtiful Joe 2, Killer 7, RE4), had exclusive content (Pac-Man Vs / Pac-Man World 2), or games I bought before I had any other console (Tony Hawk 3, Extreme-G 3). I could see adding Super Monkey Ball 1 and 2, since the content is available on other consoles.

PS2 6/38 are on other consoles. 3 of those are GTAs, because I didn't want to wait / didn't know they were coming to other consoles. I re-bought San Andreas on PC. SSX3 is the only game I got for the PS2 specifically for the controller. Red Faction II was a gift and The Suffering cost $2.

Xbox 30/46 are on other consoles. Enough said.
Well first I get the monkey good 'n drunk on some Everclear.

When he starts telling me about his ex and how he still loves her, that's when I hand him the darts.

This has not failed me yet.
[quote name='io']Why would the GC graphics not be ideal for it, given it is a more powerful (slightly) system than the PS2? The controller issue I also don't understand - I have no preference whatsoever between the two controllers. I have the PS2 version and really want the GC one. I tend to buy everything GC for the sheer pleasure of using a Wavebird and also to support third-party devs on Nintendo systems (basically, same reasons as msdmoney). Plus, in many cases the GC version is going to be better (graphically, pro scan, etc) than the PS2. I've never had an Xbox, so I have many lesser PS2 versions of games. Now that I will be getting an Xbox 360, I've been replacing my PS2 games with Xbox versions especially if they are clearly superior - e.g., Psychonauts ($3 for Xbox version at Kmart, can't beat that). Target had SW Ep III for $5 for XBox so I snagged that. As soon as I can get Star Wars Battlefront II cheap for Xbox I will replace my PS2 copy of that.

Rolento - I don't think you can bring the 360 into it, as obviously that changes everything. In fact, I picked up Lego Star Wars II for 360 just this week ($20 at GR new) even though we have played the GC version to near 100% completion. I want to do it again for the achievements ;).[/quote]

I was saying in relation to his choices, X-box and GC, he should take the X-box version.
If all versions have about the same review score then I usually go Xbox for the better graphics and controller, plus better picture quality (480p, 720p) and Dolby Digital, not to mention the occasional custom soundtrack option. I prefer the PS2 controller first but the technical advantages of Xbox more than make up for it. The poor GC, I only buy exclusives for it, mainly due to the controller. I don't hate it but it's just not that good.
Well I'd choose based on the better controller for my hands, more reliable system (ex, my GC never freezes and my PS2 sometimes does), and also where the playing area for that system is since my consoles are on diff tvs and I like playing in one place more than the other...and ya thats about it. If the games are equally rated, I'm assuming the graphics and everything are the same...

I don't buy many multiplatform games though anyway, since they often aren't as good xD
Well if the game is on the 360 I get that first. I am willing to pay the extra 10$ for the achivements, live play, or just company support in general: IE buying Sam Warriors 2: Empires for the 360, despite the only difference between the PS2 version and that version being the achivements and getting more KOEI support for the 360.
[quote name='62t']for people choosing a game for PS2 because of the controller, consider spending $10 to get a converter and use your PS2 controller on Xbox.[/quote]

I have been looking for a converter for some time. Which B&Ms carry them?
Usually I go by these choices

1. Price- which one is the cheapest, which is why I have so many Xbox games(cause they were usually the cheapest).

2. Controls- which one controls are the best of the versions. Which is why I picked the Viewtiful Joe games for Gamecube instead of PS2, cause I didn't like using the PS2 controller for those games.

3. Graphics- usually with multiports, the graphics are the same. But there are exceptions, like the Tom Clancy games. Which is why I went with the Xbox versions of the Splinter Cell games(not to mention the XBL support).
Well, my PS2 has approximately 0 multiplatform games (excluding the PSP), so I'd say I typically get the GCN version (don't own an XBOX) unless something is wrong with it. I mainly set it up this way because of multiplayer, as I never wanted to pick up a multitap for the PS2. I also have much more memory card space on the GCN (1654 blocks) as compared to the PS2 (16 MB).
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']I have been looking for a converter for some time. Which B&Ms carry them?[/quote]

I got mine at Gamestop for $10 new but that was a LONG time ago.

I chose the Xbox version because 99% of the time it's superior in some way, big or small.
-Getting it for the system it was made/intended for (ex. Resident Evil 4 GC)
-How close is it to being arcade perfect?/Controls

The 2nd reason is the one I ask myself the most, since I am into 2-D/3-D fighting games.

With games like Last Blade 2, Fatal Fury: MOTW, SF III: Third Strike (etc.), I have to ask myself the 2nd question, seeing as most fighting games (especially 2-D) are on multiple platforms.
Like many others have said, Xbox was my home for multiplatform releases this last gen. There were just too many advantages for me to ignore: better graphics, no memory cards, better online, custom soundtracks, and I honestly prefer the S-controller to the dual shock.

The Gamecube and PS2 were strictly used for exclusives. In the case that a multiplatform game came out that wasn't on Xbox, I went for the Cube version due to the chance of better graphics and most of the third-party titles just felt like Gamecube games.

I only really bought multiplatform PS2 games if there was something really wrong with the Cube version (or if it was so ridiculously cheap that I couldn't pass on it).

I see my buying habits for this next generation lining up in very similar fashion. I'm going to be buying the majority of multiplatform games on 360 due to achievements, Live, and the 360 controller. The other two consoles will only be used for exclusives.

In case there are third party games that only come out for PS3 and Wii, well, I guess that would be completely determined by which control scheme I thought worked best.
[quote name='Greetard']Last Generation (for the most part):

PS2- Single Player Games
Xbox- Multi-player Games
Gamecube- Nintendo Games[/quote]

I usually get my Nintendo games on the PS2 but that's just me.;)
I choose a little differently. I see if I can get all games of that series on the console. For example: I want DBZ budokai for PS2 since gamecube only got 1 + 2 or Viewtiful Joe on GC since PS2 didn't get VJ: red hot rumble.
I always get the xbox version, mainly cause it would usually be superior. Even if it's a miniscule thing like loading, it's still a plus. I see myself doing the same thing this gen too, irregardless of the Wii's controls or PS3's...whatever it will be doing. I do like achievements, and that's definitely going to factor in.

Majority of my games though, aren't multiplatform. If I had a game on Cube or PS2, chances were it was not on another system.
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