How do you get stickers off preowned games?


Whats the best way to get stickers off preowned games? I think they're an eyesore. If you just peel them, you're left with a sticky spot or possible destruction to your case. How frustrating.......
To get the stickers off the game disk just pick at them and peel them off, then spray some Goo Gone on a paper towel and carefully wipe the excess crap off the disk.

Works for me on my DVDs and games (even those annoying DVDs that have just the tiny sticker in the middle of the disk)
i use goo gone as well.. but, don't pour it directly onto the insert. you need to use a piece of cloth or paper tower cause you could easily ruin the insert. when youre taking the stickers from the case, take the insert out. pour directly onto it and damp it with paper towel and let it sit for a minute or so. the older EB stickers are a bitch to take out. once the sticker absorbed the goo gone peel it off slowly.
[quote name='Dragon_Master']how do you get stickers off off the disc its self?[/QUOTE]
Many stickers will simply come off if you peel them off SLOWLY. Although, many seem to act like they 'have no time' to do that the right way. Also, though it may be an annoying tactic and make noise which will disturb other people, here's how to get that residue off without using Goo Gone(which I feel leaves another residue all its own).

Use the sticker you just removed gently and hold it in your hand and start re sticking it to the case, but as soon as it makes contact with the case, peel it right back off. If you do this quickly enough, you can get ALL or at least most of the residue off without using Goo Gone.
I bought a used game the other day that had the sticker underneath the plastic clear wrap of the DVD case. I have no idea how they got it on there or how I'm going to get it off.
Slide the insert out from under the plastic cover on the dvd case. Unless you mean it was sealed(but used) and somehow they got a sticker there on the case. In which case, you would have to open the plastic wrap up and take the sticker off.
[quote name='sasukekun']Use Goo Gone, but dont put it on the disc itself or cover art.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. Also don't use it on cardboard boxes or the labels of cartridge games. It will turn them white.

You can also try rubbing alcohol, but goo gone definitely works better.

As far as getting them off the disc (or other printed surface) I usually just try to peel them off slowly and then use the method IAmTheCheapestGamer just detailed to get anything left. You could try warming the sticker with a blow dryer, but I'm not sure if that would help or not.
If you don't want to go out and buy Goo Gone, you can use peanut butter. I tried it before and it works. Just a spread a little over the area and rub with paper towel and then wipe off.
During Game Crazy's first plastic sale (3 for $15) I got a lot of practice getting stickers off.

Goo Gone can work great for most stickers. If the stickers are on plastic (Cartrides or Game Case) you can use it fairly liberally.

If it is on a disc, you can still use it but don't rub too hard or you will take the graphics off.

If it is on a box, manual, or guide it is best to wet a paper towel then add a spot of Goo Gone. I think the water helps dilute the Goo Gone a little, but you still have to be careful and not rub too hard.
Yeah I have that problem too, but have only ever had to get stickers off the case itself. I didnt even know the discs woudl still play with stickers on the actual discs.

I use the peeling method but you have to be patient and go SLOWLY. It kinda sucks but beats buying goo gone.

Once I get the majority off the case, I just use spit or soap and water to kind of just wash/scrape the residue off. If this doesnt work I use mind bullets or the Stihl.
Lemon furniture polish takes sticker residue off pretty well- spray, let it soak a minute, rub of with a soft cloth.

The nice part is, you pretty much don't have to worry about damage to disc art if that's stickered. If there's one on the paper insert/manual, cut back on the soaking and repeat application a few times. It'll work as long as you're patient.
I used to use lighter fluid back in the day on cartridges to get rid of any marker or price stickers. Only problem with that was, until it evaporated the cart was quite flammable. LOL Although, I will say that the lighter fluid worked like the rubbing alcohol does to clean a laser in a cd/dvd based game system, in that it did evaporate quickly and the smell dissipated/disappeared almost as quick too.

Hell, I think one time I even tried uhhh....gasoline. Although, that left a stench that was so strong that it permeated everything. That's one thing I dislike about Goo Gone is that it leaves that orangey scent on the stuff I use it on and if you end up sniffing it too close, you can TELL that the petroleum smell is still there as well.
I've used brake cleaner on cases. It stinks (temporarily) but it gets the job done. I wouldn't recommend it for discs though; it destroys polycarbonate.
I use Goo Gone for stickers (usually all Gamestop and Book & Music Exchange, and old Book Broker stickers; new Book Broker and all Game Crazy stickers seem to come off fairly easily), removing the sticker first and using a little bit of Goo Gone applied to a soft rag or shop towel to remove the remaining sticky.

For marker on carts, it's Magic Eraser all the way. Never tried Magic Eraser on discs... and to be honest, I'm afraid to.
[quote name='Sailorneorune']
For marker on carts, it's Magic Eraser all the way...[/quote]

just be sure to use a very light touch and go slow. agressive or senseless rubbing with a Magic Eraser will scuff the plastic and damage the texture, causing shiny (or dull, depending) spots on the affected area.
bread's done