How do you guys store your games?


After using this site for quite a while I've found I have quite a collection on my hands. How do you guys store and display your games. I'm thinking about a dvd rack but I don't want to spend over 20 dollars.
I keep my games in a twelve pocket zipper pouch. And I keep the pouches in a camera game along with my GBA-SP.

I don't like leaving them in the cases because they are so hard to remove I always think they are going to break.
Yep I don't leave them in cases either. I have three CD cases, the big one contains my Anime and demos. The middle one contains my PS2 and Gamecube games. The small one that was given to me by Sony for joining GAP and I keep my current favorite PS2 games there. The cases are just kept in my entertainment center and in the bookcase.
My brother-in-law hates it, he needs his game in the cases so he just puts his in a bookcase.
Bookshelves for PS2, Gamecube, Xbox, SNES, NES, Genesis, Playstation, Dreamcast, Sega CD and Saturn games. Gameboy, Gameboy Advance, Virtual Boy, Turbographics Hu cards, and Intellivision carts I store in shoebox sized tupperware containers.
I keep the games I play quite a bit in a storage cabinet under my gaming setup. The others are in my closet, stacked.

I have the best solution. Go to IKEA and get those little white DVD storage cases. They hold about, oh, I'd say 25 to 30 DVDs. But DC,PS1, N64, SNES, and Genesis games fit PERFECTLY if you spend some time keeping them organized. I'm an organization freak, sometimes I feel like I like buying and organizing games more than playing them. All my games are in alphebetical order for each system. Each different game catagorization (i.e., PS2, GC) goes in order from most recent to oldest. Wheee! Organization is funnn!
Games go into CD pouches. Cases go into a drawer and the closet. Closet for the games I won't touch for a long time or at all. Drawer for those newer, still haven't finished games.

I keep the CD pouches in the stand under the television right beside the consoles.
I just throw them in a paper bag...well..not really. Actually I keep my games (in the cases) in one of my large desk drawers. They all fit, along with my DVD's. For how much longer, I don't know. It's getting a little cramped in there. Maybe I should stop buying games altogether.....

....nah :lol:
I bought two verticle dvd/cd cases from ikea for about 25 bucks each and then an additional horizontal cd rack for about 15 which is the same color from ikea. Out of these cases I have created an arch way on my wall and then my TV is in the middle of it on a stand. The archway of gaming!
wherever they land is where they will stay. currently i've got some on my desk, in a shelf above my desk, on top of my tv, next to my tv and then under my tv in my entertainment center. all in their original cases. i've never had any trouble removing them from cases.. you just kind lift up for the audio cd styled cases, and press the button for easy release in the dvd cases. cd's are durable as can be, there's not really anything to worry about.
hmm... disc games (dc gc ps2ps1 xbox saturn) in their cases in various media racks including a wall mounted ikea sliding glass doored case and in various spots on my entertainment center
cartridge games in tupperwares and other various containers not very space efficient but i like to have an impressive looking collection on display so i can feel like a real video game dork
PS2, XBOX, and GCN are all in vertical metal DVD towers from Sam's club. They each hold 84 games or DVDs and only cost $18. Genesis, Sega CD, and 32x are in a bookshelf. N64 and Super Nintendo games are in those little wooden crates they sell for CDs with the crates stacked two high on bookshelves, creating a double shelf. DC games are in horizontal CD cases on top of the bookshelves, NES games are in a smaller wooden rack made originally for VHS, PS1 games are in one of those wooden multimedia racks. GBA, GBC, NGPC, and Gamegear games each have a tupperware like storage box, and the old spinach color gameboy games are crammed into a big zippered case meant to hold a gameboy, games, accessories, etc. Another solution if you don't care about cases is to get a big ass CD binder. I got one that holds 240 disks without putting them back to back in the pockets for $12 on clearance at Target.
all cd format games i keep in giant cd binders, gameboy games i keep in a rubermaid container, but its almost over flowing, anes, genesis, and n64 games i keep in an under bed storage container under my couch, i have another one under there for controllers and guns and whatnot, and finally nes games are kept on a media shelf with tapes and dvds
I came here to the CAG board to ask the same question. Right now I have my games in a 2-shelf bookcase, but it's going to be filled up soon enough. So I kicked myself and bought an "O'Sullivan Bank Alder Media Storage Tower" at (and used a 10% discount code, of course). It stores 340 DVDs, which means I will just have to get more console games to fill it up. :lol:
I also Like the One's from Target there Black Metal and hold about 45 Games/DVD I think there around 12 bucks . I have 5 of them and they store DVD's and games well. The only think that sucks is you can't fit 2disc DVD's or box sets.
I hate going over my non-CAG (upper-class) friends' houses only to find they have games in the wrong cases, game CD's lying around, game cases eaten and chewed by their dog, and no booklets or inserts because they glance at them once and throw them away. It really pisses me off. I once had a friend whose brother pawned his PS2 and N64, so the next day his mother bought him a new PS2 and an Xbox along with over 10 games.

As for me, I keep my Dreamcast games with all their booklets and cases on two wall-mounted CD racks, in alphabetical order. I keep the accessory and console boxes in perfect condition in my closet.

For my Playstation 2 games, I keep them in their cases with their booklets lined up on my fireplace mantle for all my visitors to see them. I keep my PS2 console on rubber padding so the bottom doesn't scratches and I dust it regularly. I keep all the accessory boxes in my closet.

As for my Atari 2600, I keep all the cartridges in a box and all the manuals in a zip-loc bag.
unrelated, but Tespo, what in the HELL is your avatar?
related, that entertainment center isnt cutting it. im gonna need like 20 racks cause i just found over 50 atari 2600 and intellivision games.
[quote name='Tespo125']My avatar? It's a... uh..., oh who cares, look at how happy he is![/quote]
its a penis. my games are either in what ever case was nearest when i was done with it or on the floor. have to be carful were i step.
All my PS2 games and DVDs are on a simple bookshelf sitting next to the drawers which hold up the TV. My PS1 games and other CDs are "neatly" organized in a 80ish-CD spinning tower. My DC games sit on a counter across from my TV, and all my OPM demo discs are laying on the floor (but in a stack, at least). lol
[quote name='D4rkewolfe'] The small one that was given to me by Sony for joining GAP and I keep my current favorite PS2 games there. [/quote]
you got something for joining the GAP? All I got was an email saying thank you..

I store everything in their respective cases,alphabetized and by system on wall mounted shelves. I also have a metal shelf I found in our new house sitting on the floor organized that way with games and various stuff....
8) I keep my entire gamecube system and the 10 games I presently own in a big black Carry-ON duffle bag. This way the system never gathers dust and the cube is so small that I could still cram in 10 or 20 more games... The system is so easy to setup and disconnect that I just set it up when I'm ready to play and then disconnect it when I'm finished. Everything I own still looks brand new after a 1 1/2 years. I keep the game discs in their boxes as well.
i keep my games in its original case, except for GBA games. all games are vacum sealed after play, and i keep all the boxes of games in my semi storage closet, where the sun never shines. once a month i use a dehumidifier in there, and check the baggies for leaks.
In a tin cookie jar. No one will steal from me...muhahaha...
CD based games stay ni their cases while cartridge games are stored in a different area. The boxes to the cartridge games and CD based games are all stored on bookshelves. Lots of bookshelves.
bread's done