How do you know if your games have been repackaged?

Well, if the manual is torn or there's a lot of scratches on the disc that's one easy way to tell. Usually games that are truly new are wrapped tightly, so if the wrapping is loose that could be a hint too (but no guarantee).
I recently bought XIII, and the packaging wasn't like the way my SSX 3 was packaged.
There is a big difference between factory sealed and factory shrinkwrapped and plain old resealed.

Even games that come factory shrinkwrapped are different from ones that are resealed. I've noticed that the factory sealed shrinkwrap is significantly thinner and that there are very small holes along the front cover.

The only games that I've encountered that comes factory shrinkwrapped are LucasArts games. (Eg: Gladius, Star Wars Bounty Hunter, Star Wars Clone Wars)
Normal packaging has those plastic flappy things on the plastic near the top, you know? It's not just a layer of plastic with a seam.
the plastic wrapping isnt a good identifier. There are multiple ways that games are shrinkwrapped. some nice looking (like a cd) to "we used the machine in the back" kind. Varies from publisher to publisher.

with gba its a bit tougher, but if its not in its little plastic baggy, or if there is a saved game on the cartridge ( :) ) then its probably not new.
Whenever I buy a new game it comes with a security stripe along the top of the game, but it is on the inside of the shrink wrap. Its easy enough to peel off, but cant be put back on cause it sorta breaks apart after. CDs and DVDs come with them too. But Im in Canada so it might be different here.
Unless it's a GC game they usually have the sticker across the top of the game that states it's name and has a UPC code just like CDs. A correctly wrapped PS2 (and possibly xbx) game will also have a perfectly sealed plastic that is stiff, not stringy like ceran wrap, and have a pull tab to open the plastic.
So some third party developers shrinkwrap their games? Is Prince of Persia wrapped in the same fashion?(Talking about GC version)
New gamecube games have fitted plastic and the notable feature is that the top edge of the box has the plastic folded neatly inwards on both edges, like how you would wrap a box for a christmas present. Every GC game I've bought has been like that. If its been resealed (there's a long line where the plastic has been sealed, it isn't new).

PS2 games have a PS2 holofoil strip that covers the top of the box over the plastic.

I don't have any X-Box games so I don't know how those look like.
Working at Gamestop, I've seen a whole bunch of sealing jobs. From new games to people trying to return them as "Unopened". Inidcators of a resealed game:

1. Shrinkwrap. Flimsy and thin. You can tell the difference right away. Most new games DO NOT use this type of packaging, and hving a game like this is usually a good indicator that somethign is wrong.
2. Fingerprints under the wrap. I know it could be somethign that was done at the factory, but in my experiences, if I see finger prints under the wrap and then open it, I find Toaster instructions and a Fifa 2002 disc.
3. Security seal. If it's not there, something is wrong. People get around this, however, especially with the PS2. You can open the case enough at the bottom to put the disc in there without even damaging the seal. NGC owners are out of luck on this one.
4. Dings or rips in the case. This is an obvious one that people overlook. If you get a new game, and it's beat up but was behind a glass case, either an emplyee screwed up or you're getting screwed. If the damage is around the spine of the case, then it's almost positive that your game was tampered with. In my experience, shipping problems always have damaged the front (indentations etc)

As someone stated, some games are shrinkwrapped, but there's a difference between facotry shrink and a amateur job. Look at a new GBA game. Flip it over, see theseal line on the back? How it's slightly perforated and looks kinda "folded over". Now look on the sides, there should be two more. This is because of a special machie that manufacturers use to seal the game by folding the shrink over the top and wrapping it around the back and then sealing it. Home machines use a long roll of shrink wrap that seals at the side and possibly bottom/top. There isn't a seal on the back. BIG MINDICATOR. Also, usually when wrapping something, the amateur will do it incorrectly and allow the seal to be puled to the side or even on the front cover of the game. If you see that, you know some foo' has resealed it. The best bet, honestly, is to go with your gut.
As many have said, most ps2, xbox, gcn games have top and bottom folded thick plastic (like a bag type of film that is SCRATCH RESISTANT). Resealed games have melted plastic seams and is not scratch resistant. Ask your local ebgames to show you what a resealed game looks like, as I know they have one in the back.
I bought a game that was re packaged once, i returned it. and to tell just rub the case against ur face, and if it has the nice new game feeling, then its new. if it duzn't then its not new
I bought a used dvd once, it was resealed. When I got it home and opened it the smell of weed nearly choked me to death.
I never bought a new video game that I thought was resealed, but I have bought a few DVDs that I know are resealed. Signs that they are resealed? Disc with fingerprints and/or scratches.
I'd have to disagree that all new games have the cellophane type folded corners. Many GameCube games are shrinkwrapped similar to how EB would re-shrinkwrap their games. If you get a game that has the cellophane like wrap and folded corners, it's definitely new.

If you receive one that is shrinkwrapped a la EB, take a close look. If there are uniform small (operative word) holes in the shrink wrap, it's most likely from the factory. You can also check the back, sometimes (not all the time) there's a seam of some sort along the back or a weird "design pressed into the shrinkwrap itself" (always on the back).
Usually had no security sticker or the sticker has been cut. Also if it has a different plastic wrap than what is normally used on games.
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