How do you like your Steak?


22 (100%)
So I am sitting here sitting eating my Steak and I was just wondering how everybody likes to have their Steak cooked. I usually like Medium-Rare, but this Steak came out more Rare, which I don't mind.
[quote name='Moxio']I don't. :cool:[/quote]


Also, steak isn't a proper noun, darthbudge.

Or medium-rare.

Or rare.

Well, they'd be adjectives, I suppose.
[quote name='Liquid 2']No medium-well option?[/quote]

Indeed. That would be my choice. I don't want any chance that it's gonna be undercooked.
Wow, I can't believe 6/6 picked the same answer so far.

I gotta admit, I might have to bump it up to Medium when I eat at Applebees. I swear the last one I got mooed at me. They always have those thick cords in them, like you're eating somebody's carotid artery.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Wow, I can't believe 6/6 picked the same answer so far.

I gotta admit, I might have to bump it up to Medium when I eat at Applebees. I swear the last one I got mooed at me. They always have those thick cords in them, like you're eating somebody's carotid artery.[/quote]

I find it the opposite, alot of places I go to always over cook the meat.
Medium rare here.

I especially love a really fatty steak, so I usually go for the cheaper stuff than the really expensive steaks.
[quote name='Okari']Well done. I can't eat a steak if there's any pink in it.[/quote]
Same I can't stand eating raw meat.
[quote name='Okari']Well done. I can't eat a steak if there's any pink in it.[/QUOTE]

My wife used to be the same way, until she tasted the goodness that is medium-rare. She used to be grossed out by the redness, but the taste, juiciness, and tenderness that comes with a medium rare converted her over from eating the hockey pucks she used to cook.
[quote name='Liquid 2']No medium-well option?[/QUOTE]I agree. That's how I like my steak and my hamburgers.

Anyway, it's usually medium or medium well. Nothing below medium, since I do not like rare/raw.

I had steak on Friday actually. :D
Medium-rare if it's at home/a cookout setting. Medium to medium well if I'm at a restaurant, I'd rather be safe than sorry if I can't see it being cooked.
I like my steak black and white and mooing at me. Problem is I still haven't figured out how to properly eat the cow *while* its still alive.
Medium-well. I always order it this way because more often than not my steaks come back underdone and then if I end up with medium I'm ok with that.
Have yet to find this magical deliciousness that makes people obsessive about steak, so I don't even bother trying it anymore.

But I guess I prefer red meat medium to medium-well depending on where I'm eating and how often I know they screw up cooking it.

I just cooked up two pieces of steak on the grill (Rib Eye) for some relatives and they liked their's well done. I cut me off a piece early when it was rare and enjoyed it with some potato salad and whiskey. :)
[quote name='georox']I like my steak black and white and mooing at me. Problem is I still haven't figured out how to properly eat the cow *while* its still alive.[/quote]

Get it drunk first.
Depends on the cut but for the most part mid rare. Anyone that goes with Mid Well and above is a fuckin idiot and shouldn't even have the privilege of eating steak.
[quote name='Malik112099']Hey OP, how often do you have dinner with your computer?

(rare / medium rare for me)[/quote]

Quite Often.
how can anyone eat steak rare? I thought this was not safe.

I gave up on "well done" long ago after restaurants could never figure out how to get it "well done" medium is fine with me.
[quote name='ITDEFX']how can anyone eat steak rare? I thought this was not safe.

I gave up on "well done" long ago after restaurants could never figure out how to get it "well done" medium is fine with me.[/quote]

I don't have that problem that much anymore. The places seemed to have learned how to actually cook. I usually have to tell them to butterfly it though.
I like to buy grass-fed NY strip steaks and cook them for only about 3 or so minutes per side, so the outside is brown, but the inside is raw but still hot. fuckin' awesome, and the lack of heat means that the nutritional integrity of the meat is still intact. I don't do it all the time, though, because grass-fed beef is about $16 a pound, and if you try that with grain-fed beef you could get sick.

Otherwise I take it medium to medium rare.
bread's done