How do you make money in school?


CAG Veteran
I just wanted to know because all my friends are successful except me. For example, one of my friends made $500+ selling shirts that he made with an iron on kit and blow art! Another one of my friends made $60 selling duct tape wallets. Since we all need money to buy games, how do you guys get it? (Just the guys in school) Got any suggestions for me?
???? sell candy? someone i know made $47 (would've made more $$ but he got in trouble) but that was in 6th grade, im in highschool now and no ones cares what you do, so it all depends what grade your in.
Lol. Heres some advise: don't sell drugs or weapons. Not only will you get in trouble and probably expelled but it's really not worth it to do that crap to yourself. Oh and don't scam...
I got a friend who buys fabric with popular logos on it, and makes pillows out of it to sell on eBay.

stuffing is about five dollars a package, and the fabric rarely goes for more than five dollars a yard

He makes $30 or more per pillow

No, it's not going to make him rich, but it did get him an xbox and the GBA with two games apiece all bought at full price
do some dance lessons for your school if you know how to dance this will really get people in especially if you get the girlie girls in
[quote name='minx']

The behind the scenes stuff, like accounting , is completely nonsexual and sometimes they're willing to take a chance on younger people for minor stuff[/quote]

yeah like a fluffer \:D/

Seriously though you have many options but whatever it is you do make sure that it is designated to your peers.
If you're in high school and play a musical instrument, you might want to consider teaching private lessons. Adults and professionals typically charge about $20 a half hour, but I charge half that plus an additional $5 to drive to the kid's house. I make just under $50 a week for barely two hours of my time.

Also consider being a little league soccer referee or baseball umpire. You typically make around $30 for a two-hour game. I know it's not during school, but it's such a small time commitment for so much money that it's worth mentioning.
[quote name='defender']I sold APPLES at my school...

Honestly. I sold about 500 APPLES . Sorry I didnt deal with ORANGES. When I was a kid an honest APPLE fight was the best. You could take a few cuts without getting a murder charge and still kicking other guys butt.

I dont recommend you sell weapons but you asked what I did. I never did get caught but I was nervous since I had about 50 APPLES in my locker at all times. They sold for $5-$10 and I bought them at $1-$3. Great markup if you know where to buy them. I been a hustler since I was a small kid. Making money is what I do best.

*edited by CheapyD (do I even need to explain why?)*[/quote]

Those apple fights hurt! :lol:
I was a paperboy when I was 12-15. I had a decent route, and managed to get about 30 dollars a week (this was about 15 years ago). It wasn't too bad seeing how it only took 30 minutes a day / 6 days a week.

Also, the tips at Christmas were a great bonus. I could usually count on an extra 150-200 dollars.
Man That paper job sounds did you get it? Did you contact the newpsaper co. or something?
Yeah, contact your local newspaper. I'm sure they'll have some routes open. I remember finding my route in an ad in the paper that told where the route was, approximate time it took to complete route, number of deliveries, and how much you made per week.

Some things to consider: The time your newspaper is published, and how many days per week you have to deliver. When I started our local newspaper was an afternoon printing meaning I could deliver after school. Also, at the time there was no Sunday newspaper. A few years later the newspaper switched to a morning publication, and seven days a week. Which means you'd have to deliver newspapers before school.

Also, when I started I had to go door-to-door to collect the money each week from each customer. I didn't really mind this, but it took twice as long. Now the newspaper makes people send the newspaper a check, and in turn, you get a check from the newspaper. This is a lot easier than collecting, but sometimes you get ripped off in weekly tips since the people don't see you.

Scope out the neighborhood of the route you're interested in. Is it nice or rundown? Nicer neighborhoods will yield better tips, but you'll have more crotchety old folks complaining about you walking on their lawn, etc. Good luck, if you have any other questions I'll try to help.
What are my chances of delivering for a big newspaper co like The Seattle Times, PI, etc.? (I think its prety slim) If not those, then I'm screwed cuz I dunno any other newspapers around where I live.
[quote name='plumberdude']Do any of you sell games? Because that is what I'm trying to do. Do any of you have any tips?[/quote]

Buy low and sell high.
I was just busting your balls, but try Circuit City and KB Toys with their real cheap games. Sell 10-20% higher, and eventually you'll reel in the profits.
[quote name='st0neface'][quote name='plumberdude']Do any of you sell games? Because that is what I'm trying to do. Do any of you have any tips?[/quote]

Buy low and sell high.[/quote]

Good advice for stock trading as well as video games, lol.

I loved being a kid, but having no money is one thing I sure don't miss. That and having a car. Not haveing someone tell you to clean your room is cool too. But boy do I miss summer vacation!
Snow days were a nice thing too. I don't really care for fighting my way though 20 miles of ice and snow covered road, and have it take 2+ hours to get in to work, and then the same amount of time getting back home.
yeah JS I can agree with that.... theres just something crappy about getting up and knowing you have to first spend all that time getting to work, not really worrying about you, but all the other idiots (usually in SUV's) who are running late and think because they have 4 Wheel drive they can dry like it's freaking summer.....
I sold hot property and bootleg cds out of my trunk in the school parking lot.

Thats all in the past now, I'm Honest Abe now.
[quote name='extzed']yeah JS I can agree with that.... theres just something crappy about getting up and knowing you have to first spend all that time getting to work, not really worrying about you, but all the other idiots (usually in SUV's) who are running late and think because they have 4 Wheel drive they can dry like it's freaking summer.....[/quote]

Seconded on the SUV rant...we had a lot of snow - for us at least - up here in WA a few weeks back. I have a Subaru wagon, and on the way to work the first morning it snowed I was passing Tahoe after Suburban after Grand Cherokee, all stuck in ditches on the side of the road or high-centered. Having 4WD just means you'll get through it, it doesn't mean you can get through it QUICKLY. Meanwhile me and my AWD got along just fine.

Sorry, I don't have anything to add on the money-making have a friend who made t-shirts - obviously a relatively creative notion. What do YOU do - what are your talents or interests that you could potentially parlay into a money-making venture...?
This dude i knew would buy cds burn them and then sell them but got expelled...he then went to my school and did the sam thing but got expelled again, so this is a very bad idea but i thought i might mention it lol
I used to sell gum. I would walk past Albertson's every day on my way to Jr. High and buy gum for like $.30 (or less I don't remember). Plus I used my five finger discount to lower my overhead. Then I would sell it all for $.50 each and make a nice profit. I made about $20 a day which was plenty for me.
My parents give me $20 every two weeks. They also tell me to save my $10/week lunch money if I want to. I get money for good grades. I also sell stuff I have on eBay (guitar pedals, collector's cds, etc). You can also get a job. If your parents are leary about letting you getting a job during the school year, try getting one that doesn't require as much time, such as lawn mowing. Cutting grass brings in a pretty nice cash flow (most lawns are cut for $20; three lawns a day = $60; three a day for five days = $300 - easy job that doesn't take much time and gets you a decent amount of money). I don't buy that many games anymore, so I don't need tons of money all the time.
last year for english class i had to do this Newspaper project about "Much ado about nothing." Easy stuff and i found 2 of the laziest people on earth. I made $60 off both of them :D
[quote name='xSic315']My parents give me $20 every two weeks... I get money for good grades.[/quote]

Sorry to single you out, but I frown upon people like you who get free money from their parents for doing nothing or getting good grades. I have a 4.0 unweighted GPA (not to brag) and not a dime from my parents for earning it. That's because neither my parents nor I believe that I need an incentive to do well in school - it's what I should do in the first place. You can't go through life getting paid for everything you do that should be done anyway, so get used it now - stop making your parents have to give you cash every time you get an A on a test.
[quote name='video_gamer324'][quote name='xSic315']My parents give me $20 every two weeks... I get money for good grades.[/quote]

Sorry to single you out, but I frown upon people like you who get free money from their parents for doing nothing or getting good grades. I have a 4.0 unweighted GPA (not to brag) and not a dime from my parents for earning it. That's because neither my parents nor I believe that I need an incentive to do well in school - it's what I should do in the first place. You can't go through life getting paid for everything you do that should be done anyway, so get used it now - stop making your parents have to give you cash every time you get an A on a test.[/quote]

You might just have the wrong spin on things. I mean if they gave me money for good grades I would still get good grades from wanting to excell but turning down money can be hard if you know what I mean ;)
[quote name='gamefreak'][quote name='video_gamer324'][quote name='xSic315']My parents give me $20 every two weeks... I get money for good grades.[/quote]

Sorry to single you out, but I frown upon people like you who get free money from their parents for doing nothing or getting good grades. I have a 4.0 unweighted GPA (not to brag) and not a dime from my parents for earning it. That's because neither my parents nor I believe that I need an incentive to do well in school - it's what I should do in the first place. You can't go through life getting paid for everything you do that should be done anyway, so get used it now - stop making your parents have to give you cash every time you get an A on a test.[/quote]

You might just have the wrong spin on things. I mean if they gave me money for good grades I would still get good grades from wanting to excell but turning down money can be hard if you know what I mean ;)[/quote]

I understand, but like I said earlier, I get good grades and don't get any money. Most people who have parents that pay them to get A's aren't the greatest students, and I see it as 100% wrong to pay your children not to be bad students.
[quote name='video_gamer324'][quote name='xSic315']My parents give me $20 every two weeks... I get money for good grades.[/quote]

Sorry to single you out, but I frown upon people like you who get free money from their parents for doing nothing or getting good grades. I have a 4.0 unweighted GPA (not to brag) and not a dime from my parents for earning it. That's because neither my parents nor I believe that I need an incentive to do well in school - it's what I should do in the first place. You can't go through life getting paid for everything you do that should be done anyway, so get used it now - stop making your parents have to give you cash every time you get an A on a test.[/quote]

Same here brotha. Same here.
[quote name='xSic315']My parents give me $20 every two weeks. They also tell me to save my $10/week lunch money if I want to. I get money for good grades. I also sell stuff I have on eBay (guitar pedals, collector's cds, etc). You can also get a job. If your parents are leary about letting you getting a job during the school year, try getting one that doesn't require as much time, such as lawn mowing. Cutting grass brings in a pretty nice cash flow (most lawns are cut for $20; three lawns a day = $60; three a day for five days = $300 - easy job that doesn't take much time and gets you a decent amount of money). I don't buy that many games anymore, so I don't need tons of money all the time.[/quote]

You obviously live in an area with small lawns. In the suburbs closer to rural areas, it's not uncommon to see HUGE lot sizes, which cuts down on the number of lawns you could possibly do, but the homeowners wouldn't want to pay any more for a kid to cut thier lawn.
For an Econ. business project, one group sold Garlic Bread and made a profit of $500 in a matter of weeks.

My business project wasn't as successful, but it was damn entertaining (set up a gaming station and brought in classic N64 games: Goldeneye, Mario Kart, and Smash Bros.). We donated the $20 we made to our poor teacher.

The point? Sell something that is consumable, cheap, and easy to provide in mass quantities. Go with the garlic bread.
Dice,Sports gambling, Magic cards, selling cigarettes/drugs booze, bullying, extorting teachers/staff, stealing, vandalizing and robbing soda/snack machines. I did the first 3 when i was in high school, and witnessed most of the other stuff.
Isnt garlic bread one of those things that you really could make without a recipe? Like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?
[quote name='video_gamer324'][quote name='xSic315']My parents give me $20 every two weeks... I get money for good grades.[/quote]

Sorry to single you out, but I frown upon people like you who get free money from their parents for doing nothing or getting good grades. I have a 4.0 unweighted GPA (not to brag) and not a dime from my parents for earning it. That's because neither my parents nor I believe that I need an incentive to do well in school - it's what I should do in the first place. You can't go through life getting paid for everything you do that should be done anyway, so get used it now - stop making your parents have to give you cash every time you get an A on a test.[/quote]

Actually, I don't make them give me money. They do it on their own. I tell them not to worry about it because I feel it's my responsibility to keep my grades high, but they give it to me anyways. Whatever.
yeah, i'm a teen too (15) and i'm going to get a job as soon as i'm 16, which is in may. pretty far away, but i can wait. i hope the strike thing with ralphs/albertsons/vons will be settled by then, because right now, they are only hiring 18 and older. i also heard they are paying some people 20+ per hour....
[quote name='plumberdude']Do any of you sell games? Because that is what I'm trying to do. Do any of you have any tips?[/quote]

I used to sell games that I would buy for cheap, and make good money off of it. Good enough to feed the habit at least. The one thing I would reccomend is garage sales. Have a garage sale every weekend, and then you can get people to come to your house and be regular customers. I also used to sell at a swapmeet. I no longer do that because I now have a job and I would rather put more time into that than the other options.

If you realy want to do this, you need to get lucky. I happened across 9 copies of gungrave and Mad Maestro apeice, and I did not sell very many. I sold the heck out of Metroid prime at 25 bucks, and I sold lots of cheap Gamecube games (I got stuck with Aggressive Inline though.) It takes a lot of time and effort to make money selling videogames. But, try not to sell them to friends. If you rip off your friends, then you get a bad feeling in your stomach. (I did)
I used to sell candy at school. I started in elementary school and continued it all the way through high school. I lived right across the street from my elementary school and business got so big my parents converted our garage into a store and kids would come before and after school and so did the middle and high school kids that rode the bus in my area. I sold soda's, candy and even some school supplies. My mom would run the store when I was in school.

In school I would take the most popular candy and some general school supplies. I never got in trouble for selling candy or school supplies. I'm sure your parents have a membership to one of the big stores like Sam's Club or CostCo. They sell candy in bulk for small stores and such. I would stick with candy that is inconspicous. You don't want people to be digging into a bag to eat their candy. Stick to stuff like gum or hard candy type stuff. Just make sure you have some popular stuff and NEVER give credit.

In my spare time I would collect cans and sell them. At 12 years old I had $12,000 in the bank. Now I'm married and my wife holds my money. I'm getting allowance like all the other kids.

bread's done