How do you think Batmam Arkham Origins will compare to Arkham City and Asylum?


CAG Newbie
I personally loved the first two, although thry were relatively short. But now that Rocksteady is not doing this game, how do you think the prequel will be?
Better? Worse?
I'm afraid it will be way too familiar. I loved Asylum, but had to force myself to finish City. Asylum was much more focused and linear, whereas I didn't feel like I had much of an effect on the ecosystem of City...prompting me to fly right over respawning baddies and not bothering with sidequests or collectables.

Anywho, with Origins, I think the new dev is going to play it pretty safe and not shake things up too much. I'll skip it.
Worse, off-brand version of the greatest games ever made. How much worse is the question. They've already admitted to wasting time with multiplayer garbage. That's just the beginning.
[quote name='matrix9280']Worse, off-brand version of the greatest games ever made. How much worse is the question. They've already admitted to wasting time with multiplayer garbage. That's just the beginning.[/QUOTE]
Do you mean player on player multiplayer, or the kind of mulitplayer in Rocksteady Batman?

I think PvP multiplayer would be ridiculous for a Batman game, and I don't think anyone really cared about the multiplayer in Rocksteady Batman. Just a few more missions tin which you could see a comparison between you and the other players.
The fact that they spent time developing multiplayer for it instead of focusing solely on single player is a bit troubling. Also, as far as I know they have shown ZERO gameplay, which is a red flag. I'll be waiting for the reviews before thinking about purchasing it.
I have faith that Origins will be a decent game. Heck, if they keep the combat engine the same, that's half the battle. I loved the setting of Asylum, but the gameplay of City blew it away. Basically, if this is a cut and paste of previous Batman games, it's good enough for me. Anything to be engrossed in more of the Arkham world. 

I think it will be just as good or better than the first two but since I also think it will be "more of the same" it will get a bad rap and the general perception will be that it is an inferior game when it actually isn't - think Bioshock 2.

Worse than Asylum, but better than City. City had a lot going for it, but it was just missing something I couldn't put my finger on. It will be nice to see another studio's take on Batman, too. One thing that I actually got pretty stoked for from the new trailer was the interrogations. Hopefully they're more fleshed out like the interrogations in Batman Begins.

Worse than Asylum, but better than City. City had a lot going for it, but it was just missing something I couldn't put my finger on.
For me it was the atmosphere was the same (due to the open world design) and the story wasn't as good.

Still a great game though. Not sure how interested I am in a third right now though.

Everything from E3 says the game play is the same.  With that being said I would think the only thing that could get jacked up is the story and the voice acting isnt the same.

Worse than Asylum, but better than City. City had a lot going for it, but it was just missing something I couldn't put my finger on.
For me it was the atmosphere was the same (due to the open world design) and the story wasn't as good.

Still a great game though. Not sure how interested I am in a third right now though.
Seriously? I thought the atmosphere was pretty different between the two. City was much less creepy than Asylum. Story was awesome, just felt a little too spread out.

Everything from E3 says the game play is the same. With that being said I would think the only thing that could get jacked up is the story and the voice acting isnt the same.
I'm glad to hear that the gameplay is untouched. Rocksteady achieved near perfection with the game mechanics in the previous Arkham titles. I was worried there might be some so-called "improvements." I just hope they don't end up making the story too 'Nolan-esque' and getting more dark, gritty and 'real world.' Strongly disliked the last Batman movie trilogy; give me the comic book fantasy style any day. Hopefully we get a decent round up of DLC costumes for Origins too. I'm hoping for a 1989 Keaton Batman skin.


The remote claw looks freaking awesome. I think Batman sounds terrible, but it's not enough for me to not get the game. I don't like that Bane is in this, it's too early in the mythos.

The new claw and the new detective mode both look awesome. The game may be "familiar", but that's not a bad thing. They have a great formula. The one thing I wish they would do is make it more of an action-adventure game w/ Zelda or God of War type puzzles.

I actually really like that they're adding Bane into this. Sure, it's way, wayyyy too early if you're going by pre-New 52 stuff, but they hinted at a ton of back story between them in the other Arkham games and I'm really excited for them to expand on that. Also, the Knightfall DLC makes me hopeful.

I also don't think that Batman sounds too bad. Sounds like an early Batman.

I've yet to play City but loved Asylum. I can wait to see what the reviews are. Hopefully they don't ruin what was great, we'll see. I am excitied for the VITA version being made by Armature (ex-Retro guys).

Worse than Asylum, but better than City. City had a lot going for it, but it was just missing something I couldn't put my finger on.
I absolutely love the Arkham series but also felt somethign was off in AC.

It took me a while to pinpoint exactly what the problem was, but it eventually dawned on me: the combat system was far too forgiving. In AA you had to constantly be aware of your position realitive to your enemies. You had to keep far enough away so they couldn't hit you out of your combo but at the same time they needed to be close enough that you could strike them to keep your combo going.

AC allows you to travel much greater distances mid-combo. I just held a general direction (without even having to look) after i was done beating one guy up and Batman would auto-target the next enemy even if he was clear accross the area. The ability to slow down time also made combat too easy. It felt like Rocksteady was watering down their amazing combat system in AC and combat became a bit boring. That's really the only critism I had with the game.

I'm still hyped for AO and am glad to see a different studio is getting a shot, giving Rcksteady more time to work on their next game.

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I'm liking the look of what I've seen so far.  I absolutely loved the first one but haven't gotten around to the second one yet it's sitting in my backlog right now.

Worse than Asylum, but better than City. City had a lot going for it, but it was just missing something I couldn't put my finger on.
I absolutely love the Arkham series but also felt somethign was off in AC.

It took me a while to pinpoint exactly what the problem was, but it eventually dawned on me: the combat system was far too forgiving. In AA you had to constantly be aware of your position realitive to your enemies. You had to keep far enough away so they couldn't hit you out of your combo but at the same time they needed to be close enough that you could strike them to keep your combo going.

AC allows you to travel much greater distances mid-combo. I just held a general direction (without even having to look) after i was done beating one guy up and Batman would auto-target the next enemy even if he was clear accross the area. The ability to slow down time also made combat too easy. It felt like Rocksteady was watering down their amazing combat system in AC and combat became a bit boring. That's really the only critism I had with the game.
It's interesting that you say that. I remember thinking about how goofy it was that Batman could quick roll backward 30 or 40 feet to hit a guy across the room and continue his combo. This was before AC had even come out. I actually loved the combat of AC because it had so much more variety; the number of things you could do during a skirmish was significantly increased. It was definitely easier, though, thanks to all those finishing moves.

The voice acting has me a little sad. I like the combat in both asylum games though. It feels very fluid. I like the wider variety use of weapons in the second one. That was a big variety change to the fighting. It will also be a time when Joker wasn't completely dead *sigh* Mark was so great in those games. The voice acting in them is what I think I loved the most.
I don't really like that it's a prequel. I think they were too scared to make it a sequel after they killed Joker. They should have just stuck with the decision and kept going. Now they're going back in time and he's fighting, what was it, seven or eight assassins? Including Joker and Bane, who aren't even assassins.

Also, I hate that he has new and better equipment. I know they commented on that saying his equipment could "change over the years" but that's just dumb to me.

Also, I hate that he has new and better equipment. I know they commented on that saying his equipment could "change over the years" but that's just dumb to me.
This is one of the major problems in prequel games. I was really hoping that with the new prequel-agenda they would make a true 'Silver Age' Batman game and give him the iconic Neal Adams style-blue costume and more fanciful, if less effective, gadgets. With Paul Dini gone, they should've hired Steve Englehart, possibly one of the best Batman writers in comicdom, and really give the Arkham series a different spin, storywise.

Will be better. New team will add something fresh.

Just look at how Halo 4 turned out. Best in the series.

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