How good is chromehounds?

If you love the genre, you'll love the game.

I was a huge fan of Mechassault on XBL, this is about as close as I can get on 360. Its a slower style of gameplay but not as slow as Steel Battalion. The mechs are entirely player built. Unlike Mechassault, you do not simply lock on and fire, you have to manually aim your weapons, with the exception of heat seeking missiles which you only see here and there. Its not quite on the futuristic side, no lasers or anything, there are cannons, howitzers, machine guns, etc.

The campaign tries to prepare you for the online part, but fails. You won't learn too much until you're playing with other people. The campaign isn't bad, but don't expect a riveting storyline. If you're only buying it for the single player campaign, just rent.

I'm actually playing it right now. Just got my 360 back, haven't played since February, and my clan disbanded. I'm trying to figure out who I know that still plays and see if they can weasel me into a clan somewhere, you need to be in a clan to participate in the online campaign. But, you can create your own clan, or just play in free battles if you want.

This was my primary XBL game until my 360 broke.
I wouldnt compare Mech Assault to Chromehounds. Mech Assault is just a shooter with a mech. Chromehounds is in between a mech sim and a shooter, not super complicated, but not a run and gun. It is more like Mech Warrior. You can disable body parts and weapons by shooting specific areas. Chromehound requires more tactics and skill. It is not dominated by any one mech type.

Unfortunately, if you don't have a group of friends to play with then you are pretty much screwed online. I have yet to find a squad to play with so I do boring ass solo missions online vs the cpu that pay nothing.
[quote name='LimitZer0']I wouldnt compare Mech Assault to Chromehounds. Mech Assault is just a shooter with a mech. [/QUOTE]
There is a ton of strategy involved with Mechassault (especially competitively) but you're right about Chromehounds being closer to Mechwarrior. Mechassault was fairly simplified, and there are no jump jets in Chromehounds.

I hesitate to compare it to Steel Battalion, that game was very much a sim, Chromehounds is less so. But, its also not this fast Gundam type of game where you jump around or fly.

I think there is a Chromehounds demo on Live, should give an impression of the gameplay.
I recently rented it and did not care for it. It just seemed like there was too much wandering across a map slowly. And heaven forbid you slid down a hill because your legs would get damaged and you'd go even slower.

I didn't try multiplayer because the single player turned me off so much. I just mailed it back in.
I believe we have a few open slots so both Dafoomie and LimitZero are welcome to join the Hostile Cag squad.

Today is Hound Tuesday so it is about the best time to join. Catch us online and send in your recruit request.
Chromehounds is one of my favorite 360 games. The single player is very BLAH but the online is superb and people still play. For $20 I say you pick it up. I can't even remember how many times I stayed up to 4 or 5 in the morning knowing that I have to be at work in the morning.
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