How long did you wait?

About 13 hours at the San Mateo, CA TRU. Almost didn't even see the line! They moved it to the side of the store so it wouldn't disrupt their normal business.

15/125 isn't bad, yeah?
The most I waited in line today was 30 minutes at Kmart who said they didn't have any, cut to 5 stores later where I just checked and walked out then I go back to the same Kmart and gee they had them in the back all along. So about an hour and a half's worth of driving time and 30 minutes of actual standing time. All the same compared to some of you I still came out way ahead.
6pm Saturday until 7am Sunday at CC in Covina, CA. I was #13 of a possible 28. For some strange reason, the line at target right next door filled up quicker for the 60 consoles they had on hand. Something about CC I don't know about?
[quote name='somahead33']6pm Saturday until 7am Sunday at CC in Covina, CA. I was #13 of a possible 28. For some strange reason, the line at target right next door filled up quicker for the 60 consoles they had on hand. Something about CC I don't know about?[/quote]

cc is cheaper with that $40 coupon and all the accessory/game sale so i dunno what those people were doing
I spent a good half hour refreshing the fuck out of Amazon on the second day they took preorders.

Now I 'suffer' because I won't get mine until tomorrow. Mother Teresa is on her way over to console me with spiritual guidance.
10.5 hrs. What pisses me off is that I was the last person to show up from the overnight campers. Everyone else just showed up around 5AM. Oh well, it turned out to be a great group of people overnight, despite the wind and snow flurries.
O and to add to this, while I was waiting for just those 2 hours, the people from Target were honking their horns in the car everytime they passed by and just had someone in the car hold up the Wiis...

Everyone just joked it off and jokingly wanted to go up there and punch them in the face....
[quote name='lmz00']Almost 2 hours... spent waiting to pay (the line was moving slow as fuck). My TRU had a shitload (preordering was pointless), most of which were being scooped up by Mexicans... but at least I finally got mine.[/quote]
I was probably one of those Mexicans...oh wait, no, I got mine from girlfriend's brother did a little reconnaissance driving early in the morning (as in 1, 2 AM) and found the stores with the least amount of people waiting in line. Then went back home and got a few hours of sleep. The BB by my house was way too obvious a choice so we didn't even bother...we knew people knew about Target and sure enough, there was a long line there...our best bet was Wal-Mart since he didn't see anybody there and sure enough, only 10 people in line at 6:45 AM when we got there. An hour and 15 minutes later we each had a Wii in our hands. Not bad.
waited about an hour, got to BB around 7, and then some guy his gf at a nearby target and called him and he told a buncha guys at the end that they had a few spots left, and my gf drove over to the target and paid for hers by 8am. i reliquished my ticket at BB to someone else
Eight incredible hours that culminated in me getting both a Wii & a serious cold.

Nothing like having to go straight from cleaning up people's garbage at a theatre, to camping out from 12am to 8am in windy ass 20 degree weather with nothing but a hoddy, thin work pants & a thin ass blanket.

Thankfully, after we reached a cut off point, the ENTIRE line banded togther. We became this tribal bunch of gamers HELL bent on the Wii. Some guy handed out blankets, water and snacks, while others passed around and maintained a sign-in sheet, while still someone else brovided free Pizza.

I've never seen such brotherhood and generousity. Hell, some nice guy let an old man take his spot after waiting almost 7 hours (he ended up staying anyway, in order to provide us with stuff and keep everyone company). After hereing all these horror stories about PS3 launch, it's LOL funny that this Wii campout turned out completly opposite from those stories.
Got there at 630, waited until opening at 9 with my girlfriend, her friend from work, and two of our friends. Had lots of fun in line and we all got what we wanted. Oddly, though, my friend and I were scoping out lines at circuit city and we saw classic controllers along with regular wii-motes lying on a table being sold before 12, but we passed it up. I also passed up a classic controller today so I guess not the smartest thing in the world to do. Gottay say, atmosphere was nice and laid back since most people there were buying it for themselves or buying for their kids. This launch went a million times smoother than the ps3 launch, that's for sure.
fuck 7 hours at Nintendo World Store. Got there after failing to secure one in Queens NY. We knew we had one secure but everything was sooooo sloooooowww. You'd figure Nintendo headquarters would be the one place that would have their act together for a launch, but they were sooo unprepared. When I got there at 8:15 this morning, some guy came out (Nintendo staff) and told us to go home because the line was sooo long that we would never make it into the store. By 2:30 we were inside the store, but it took another whole hour to get the actual fuck ing system....:bomb: :bomb: :bomb: So tired, haven't even hooked it up.
[quote name='equest943']Got there at 630, waited until opening at 9 with my girlfriend, her friend from work, and two of our friends. Had lots of fun in line and we all got what we wanted. Oddly, though, my friend and I were scoping out lines at circuit city and we saw classic controllers along with regular wii-motes lying on a table being sold before 12, but we passed it up. I also passed up a classic controller today so I guess not the smartest thing in the world to do. Gottay say, atmosphere was nice and laid back since most people there were buying it for themselves or buying for their kids. This launch went a million times smoother than the ps3 launch, that's for sure.[/QUOTE]

Well, taek comfort in the fact that there's not too many VC games worth owning at the moment.
I didn't wait at all, because the second shipment is this friday(its supposed to be friday from what my boss said but he also said its a 90% chance that it will be this friday) and i can just play with my ps3 for a few days, although i need the memory card adapter really bad
[quote name='assasin4hire']I didn't wait at all, because the second shipment is this friday(its supposed to be friday from what my boss said but he also said its a 90% chance that it will be this friday) and i can just play with my ps3 for a few days, although i need the memory card adapter really bad[/quote]

second shipment at which store? Best buy?
I am loving it. I found out nearly to late that these were selling out around me and I went 50+ miles to wait in line at BB to nab one @ 9am when they opened. I got there at 1:30am. Anyway I got Wii Sports obviously but I also nabbed Zelda. So far the kids and I are loving it.
8+ Hours at the Nintendo World Store in NYC.

I arrived at around 7am. There were already a couple thousand people in line. By time I walked out of the store after 3pm with my Wii, there were still hundreds of people in line. Im sure they got Wiis too, cos when I left the store there were still hundreds of Wiis laying around the store stacked all over the place.

One thing that lessended the pain of the wait was that NWS was giving away cool extras with each game you bought. I got a monkeyball plushie and Mario & Yoshi mini plushies when I bought Zelda, and Monkeyball.
7.5 hours in the Walmart Lawn and Garden Center. Can't complain--there was a roof and it was heated (sort of, at least)! Oh, and indoor plumbing FTW. #2 in line for 20 units. ^_^

While I was waiting though, some guy at the end of the line hurled all over the floor. Yeah, not pretty. Didn't smell pretty either. Thankfully, the staff was pretty quick at cleaning that up. >_
I almost went out drinking all night before I got in line, but decided against it at the last moment, fearing a similar situation, and the lack of bathrooms. ;)

[quote name='f4t4lfury']7.5 hours in the Walmart Lawn and Garden Center. Can't complain--there was a roof and it was heated (sort of, at least)! Oh, and indoor plumbing FTW. #2 in line for 20 units. ^_^

While I was waiting though, some guy at the end of the line hurled all over the floor. Yeah, not pretty. Didn't smell pretty either. Thankfully, the staff was pretty quick at cleaning that up. >_
Lol! I forgot to mention that when my brother was waiting in line, some guy brought a projector, so he got to play Super Smash Bros. Melee on the wall of Best Buy for 10 of his 24 hour wait.

[quote name='j_factor']3 hours in front of TRU and I didn't get one.[/quote]

Oh my god. That must suck so bad. I'd be pissed if I froze my ass off for 3 hours only to find out I was too late. How close were you to getting one?
Yeah TRU sucked. I got one after only waiting for 2 hours but many people got screwed. The employees didnt bother telling late arrivals that there were only 66 units. I was number 46 but there had to have been 100 people behind me by the time they started selling the systems. I don't think anyone one in line had the heart, guts, or energy to tell the people that they were probably not going to get one.

In total I waited 3.5 hours because I picked up a second Wii for my cousin at and eb that had 150 units. Apparently nintendo set up a big kiosk at one end of the mall so they stocked the mall's game store with plenty of wii systems so that if someone tried it and liked it they would have no trouble getting one. I think everyone who went to that mall got what they were looking for.
24 Hours in front of walmart. I went with three friends and we were 1/2/3 in line. It was great, after we bought our systems everyone cheered when we held them up.
When I called my local TRU yesterday the recording and a person said they opened at 8 AM today, so I got up at 7 even though I had a preorder, since I wanted to get an extra set of controllers. Of course they opened at 9, but they let us in about 10 minutes early.
There was a very brisk walk by everyone to the electronics section where people were grabbing game slips, Wii slips, and controllers. I grabbed one of the last WiiMotes and Nunchucks, along with a Rayman paper slip since I already had Zelda and Red Steel preordered, and waited about 15 minutes to pay.
After I paid I found out they didn't have any copies of Red Steel, so I had to go to a different casher to get my money back. Of course there was someone ahead of me because TRU didn't get any copies of Metal Slug, and then right when I was about to get my money back the casher got a phone call about balloons that lasted a good two minutes. Finally after waiting 5-10 minutes I got my money back and went home.
[quote name='d00k']Oh my god. That must suck so bad. I'd be pissed if I froze my ass off for 3 hours only to find out I was too late. How close were you to getting one?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I was really pissed. Still am. I was number 43 in line and they ended up only having 39 units. They didn't tell anyone how many they had until 15 minutes before opening. They passed out the day's ad to everyone and had someone trying to set us up for their damn credit card, but they wouldn't tell us we were boned until the last minute.

The next 5 people after the 39 were given "waiting list" tickets, "just in case" one of the 39 doesn't pick up their system, giving us 5 the next priority if they don't buy it by 12. I was skeptical about it, but the ticket guy really talked up the likelihood of people not claiming their Wiis, saying that at the 360 launch there were two leftover systems from people who waited in line and got a ticket but didn't buy it (which is apparently why they now have waiting list tickets). So, naturally, I hung around another 2 hours clutching my little ray of hope, only to have my initial skepticism totally confirmed. Furthermore, they wouldn't put me on an actual waiting list or give me a rain check.

It really, really pisses me off that I waited 5 hours to get nothing. It also pisses me off that if I had known immediately that they were all taken there, I would've had a chance elsewhere at that time (it was 7 am). I totally would've had a chance at Best Buy or Circuit City, but I went to TRU because some Wii website (and several individuals) said they'd have the most systems. In fact, the nearest Target had 69 and Best Buy had 60, putting Toys R Us on the low end of the spectrum.
'Waited 6 hours in a pitch-black Burbank, CA TRU parking lot with some very cheerful coffee-guzzling folks ^_^

#16 out of 30-something available.
I waited 12 hours in front of a Target. 8pm-8am. I was second in line. People started to show up around 3am. I had a friend with me so they gave her a ticket as well. We sold it for $50 to someone. Word up.
Got to Toys R Us at about 10 minutes before opening at 10am. I had a pre-order so no REAL worries. However, there were 60 un-preordered systems that came in but were quickly spoken for before the doors opened. They passed out vouchers and some people literally showed up 5 minutes before the store opened and got the voucher for the Wii. They had 4 checkouts taking care of the Wii customers so it went rather quickly. I was out of there in about 30 minutes. They only let each person buy 1 controller though. I can understand their reasoning because of the low numbers at hand, but they wouldn't let people buy a nunchuck and a wiimote. It was one or the other. But this worked in my favor since I had gone to Wal-mart at midnight last night and snagged one of the last wiimotes after the "campers" left. So yeah, my answer is: I waited 10 minutes for the store to open and about 30 minutes to check out.
Got there at 5pm* the day before for the only midnight store around (even Walmarts close in nothern VA), so had to be early. I was 101 in a line of 100 but they kept us informed, and the rumor that they would sell the 50 they were saving for 10am Sunday was good - 146 happy people got their Wiis at midnight. There were over 200 people in line despite the list that the people 101-107 were keeping, which actually got used, and the decent job TRU did of keeping us informed

The line to buy moved slow but no one was too unhappy once they got inside the store - just tired. 60 Nunchucks and 108 Wiimotes to go with those 146 Wiis, and some poor souls had already bought all the Red Steels. No Trauma Center or Metal Slug either.

*first people got there at 5am
I waited 7 and a half hours at a Target near my cousin's house since I spent the night there... We were numbers 1 and 2... 60 Wii systems and less than 60 people ended up being there... Target rocks! Especially the secluded ones where only my cousin and I know about... haha!
bread's done