How long do you game a day.


CAG Veteran
3 (100%)
About how many hours/minutes do you play computer games, console games, hand held games, just all video games in general in a normal day. I play like 4 to five-ish hours a day and lately people (friends,girlfriend,family) have been hating alot on how much I play. Is this to much and just feels normal cause i have been since like third grade or are there alot of people that play this much. I would just really love to know how much everyone games.:roll:
Unless it's a game with a bunch of save points far apart, I can't really stand more than an hour of any game at a time.

And it depends. Are you still able to do what you're supposed to do and still play that much? Doesn't really sound like it if you've gotten complaints from *everyone*.
I don't game daily, probably 2-4 days a week tops. Sessions usually run 1-2 hours, though sometimes I'll get sucked in and play for 3-6 hours and very rarely longer. i.e. played through Gears 2 in two long sessions with a friend etc.

I'd play more, but I get tired of gaming and have to divide up my free time (i.e. when not working or doing social things) with gaming, movies, reading etc. Combined with having less free time than in the past and my gaming's gotten way cut back as the years have went on.

As for you I'd say any hobby is only a problem when it's keeping you from working (or studying) and spending time with family and friends. Hobbies are to fill free time, not take away from the important things in life. And really only you can be the judge of that.
Well a lot of the time i am playing like late at night just cause i usually am up late. At the same time though, an hour or two during the day is a bit natural for me, it does keep me in at times but usually if i have something to go out and do it will prevail over games.
Probably an Average of 2 hours a day, but it really varies. Some days (usually when I'm working on beating a game) I'll play for 4 or 5 hours, and some days I won't play at all, even if I have time. For instance, this weekend the only gaming I did was about half an hour of Dynasty Warriors 4, but on Thursday I spent about 3 hours playing Indigo Prophecy.
Since I'm not working, I'll game for around 3-8 hours a day right now. I also play video games EVERY single day no matter what. I was actually on a streak of playing a game for over 1500 days in a row, but had to stop it due to having a massive college project (where I took 3-4 days off of video games).
I generally try to get in 1-2 hours of gaming a day, usually it's how I unwind at the end of my day. Instead of watching TV I play games. I'll generally play more on the weekend, I may play 4-6 hours on a weekend day if I don't have anything going on. But that all depends on other commitments, and especially my work schedule. I may go a whole week without touching any games if I'm working 15 hour days.

To the original poster, 4-5 hours a day would be a lot for me to still balance work + girlfriend, + everything else. But it's all individual. Only you can really judge whether they are being unrealistic, or you really are focusing too much time on gaming at the expense of other commitments.

One thing I have found is that people tend to not look at gaming time the same as they would view tv watching or other hobbies, when talking about how much is too much. Do the family members voicing opinions on how much you game, watch 4-5 hours of tv a night? Does your girlfriend expect you to spend hours of your time with her watching her television shows, while not reciprocating with your gaming? I notice a lot of friends and family's concerns over gaming usually stems from their underlying feelings about the hobby, and not really the amount of time.
Hard to say; I "game" sporadically. Upon a game being released, I will play several hours a day. Once finished, I hardly game until the next big game comes out. But I think I get at least half an hour to an hour of gaming in a day.
1-2 hours on days I work, usually. On my days off it's sometimes more but often less. Too busy outdoors, hanging out with friends/family, etc.
[quote name='msdmoney']I generally try to get in 1-2 hours of gaming a day, usually it's how I unwind at the end of my day. Instead of watching TV I play games. I'll generally play more on the weekend, I may play 4-6 hours on a weekend day if I don't have anything going on. But that all depends on other commitments, and especially my work schedule. I may go a whole week without touching any games if I'm working 15 hour days.

To the original poster, 4-5 hours a day would be a lot for me to still balance work + girlfriend, + everything else. But it's all individual. Only you can really judge whether they are being unrealistic, or you really are focusing too much time on gaming at the expense of other commitments.

One thing I have found is that people tend to not look at gaming time the same as they would view tv watching or other hobbies, when talking about how much is too much. Do the family members voicing opinions on how much you game, watch 4-5 hours of tv a night? Does your girlfriend expect you to spend hours of your time with her watching her television shows, while not reciprocating with your gaming? I notice a lot of friends and family's concerns over gaming usually stems from their underlying feelings about the hobby, and not really the amount of time.[/QUOTE]
Yeah actually i never really though about it like that, they do watch probably about the same amount of tv as I do play video games.
Before I left for New Zealand probably 2-3 hours per day. Now probably 30-60 minutes. The majority of what I play now is iPod Touch Games with the occasional bout on my DS, PSP or PC in the mix
Less than an hour a day and maybe 2-3 hours on the weekends.


I'm sad.

UNLESS it is a game I really want to play... Usually when a hot game comes out I MAKE time for it.
I usually play 1-2 hours a day(weekends included). My family and job take up the rest of my time. When I do have free time, I usually spend it on CAG or doing CAG-related things. I mostly play DS but have been getting in some decent time on the 360 recently. On Friday, I played about 3.5 hours of NHL 09 online. I hadn't played that long in a while.

OP, you should really take advantage of the fact that you can get 4-5 hours a day. The day you get more responsibilities(career, wife, kids), you will have much less time to spend on gaming. Enjoy it while you can.
[quote name='The Mana Knight'] I was actually on a streak of playing a game for over 1500 days in a row, [/QUOTE]

Please elaborate.....Thank you.
Sigh too much, I mean today probably played Wow for like 6 hrs and the Wii for 1 hr, I really need to get back into Fallout 3 one of these days.

I would say average 2-3 hrs a day, sometime less, and on the weekends sometimes up to 4 hrs a day. I play in spurts, sometimes I really think I should cut back and spend more time doing other things.

As of right now like finding a job or writing.
[quote name='emg28']I usually play 1-2 hours a day(weekends included). My family and job take up the rest of my time. When I do have free time, I usually spend it on CAG or doing CAG-related things. I mostly play DS but have been getting in some decent time on the 360 recently. On Friday, I played about 3.5 hours of NHL 09 online. I hadn't played that long in a while.

OP, you should really take advantage of the fact that you can get 4-5 hours a day. The day you get more responsibilities(career, wife, kids), you will have much less time to spend on gaming. Enjoy it while you can.[/QUOTE]

I try to but with the stuff i have going on now i really don't have much to spend my time on. Can't get a job(job, criminal record #-o) Got expelled from school (#-o). I am just waiting for my GED appointment to come and waiting for the time i can get my license comes. It has been that way for a few months.

None of that stuff is really important to get into on a gaming forum though.
on the weekends, its about 4 -6 hours; I play on and off during the weekends. During the week, I play for about 2-3 hours after work; not everyday for the most part. I game when I can, If I don't have anything that needs to be done at that time then I'm gaming, and trying to get my wife to join me.
[quote name='delbert31']I try to but with the stuff i have going on now i really don't have much to spend my time on. Can't get a job(job, criminal record #-o) Got expelled from school (#-o). I am just waiting for my GED appointment to come and waiting for the time i can get my license comes. It has been that way for a few months.

None of that stuff is really important to get into on a gaming forum though.[/QUOTE]

why don't you get your records expunged... that way jobs can't see your past history... and thus you can get a job.
1-2 hours a day on weekdays after work, then most of the day on the weekends. All of that also depends on if there are any TV shows to watch. If there is TV to watch, I usually don't play anything that night.
[quote name='hobocorpses']Please elaborate.....Thank you.[/QUOTE]I made a blog entry about it:
[quote name='msdmoney']
To the original poster, 4-5 hours a day would be a lot for me to still balance work + girlfriend, + everything else. But it's all individual. Only you can really judge whether they are being unrealistic, or you really are focusing too much time on gaming at the expense of other commitments.

One thing I have found is that people tend to not look at gaming time the same as they would view tv watching or other hobbies, when talking about how much is too much. Do the family members voicing opinions on how much you game, watch 4-5 hours of tv a night? Does your girlfriend expect you to spend hours of your time with her watching her television shows, while not reciprocating with your gaming? I notice a lot of friends and family's concerns over gaming usually stems from their underlying feelings about the hobby, and not really the amount of time.[/QUOTE]
I never had a girlfriend in my lifetime, so that's more time for gaming. When I have school and/or work, that takes away time from gaming, but right now I'm unemployed (but searching). I just spend my entire day (outside of job searching) playing games and browsing the internet.
I'm frequently unemployed myself (*is a freelance artist*), so about the same as Mana Knight: 2-8 hours a day, on average. Tend to play less on the weekend.

Of course, it's much the opposite when I'm working.
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I play almost every day but only for about an hour to an hour and a half on average. I work all day (11-12 hours a day) and I can't play until the kids go to sleep because (1) spending time with them is my favorite thing in the world and (2) I play lots of games that are not appropriate for them. My daughter and I have been playing more though which bodes well for my future.
Usually I'll play games about a half hour to 2 hours a day, depending on what else I have going on. On my days off, I may up that to 3-4 if I don't have much else going on. I often take a day or two off every week where I don't play anything.

For the week, I'd say I game anywhere from 8-12 hours a week.
Having a shitty internet connection way cut down on the amount of time I spend on games. I put it a good number of hours with the release of L4D, but apart from that, lucky if I game at all. These days its just more fun to do something in photoshop/FL studio/maya.
[quote name='hankmecrankme']Not as much as you'd think an unemployed single man with too much time on his hands would.[/quote]

No Arms.
[quote name='FloodsAreUponUS']No Arms.[/QUOTE]

I've just had ADD lately, and would rather spend hours bullshitting on the interwebz than play my backlog. Also, working on music is absorbing my time too.
Usually 3+ hours or none. I go days or even a week at a time without games but when time allows I play them for most of the day.
[quote name='hankmecrankme']I've just had ADD lately, and would rather spend hours bullshitting on the interwebz than play my backlog. Also, working on music is absorbing my time too.[/quote]

I hear they have medicine for that shit.
[quote name='FloodsAreUponUS']I hear they have medicine for that shit.[/QUOTE]

No way. It's more fun to be bouncing off the walls than sitting docile in front of the latest WW2 or space marine snoozefest. I'll pass.
[quote name='hankmecrankme']No way. It's more fun to be bouncing off the walls than sitting docile in front of the latest WW2 or space marine snoozefest. I'll pass.[/quote]

Don't be talking ill on my new calladuty. The shit is great and just like gears of war.
Depends. Right now not much considering is the last weeks of school and this week are finals for me (only 1 semester till college grad.) but as long as I have free time I would say about 2-3 hours. I try to make sure my investment in these consoles is worth it. Though the girlfriend does get say on how long to a point. Most of the time i play after she goes to bed.
[quote name='FloodsAreUponUS']Don't be talking ill on my new calladuty. The shit is great and just like gears of war.[/QUOTE]

The new calladuty is made by Treyarch = Instant Fail. Gears 2 multi is about heavy weapon hoarding and glitching. Patch PLZ.
1-2 a day on weekdays. On weekends it ranges from 1-8+ hours depending. From Fallout 3 to GoW and even some Zombies ate my Neighbors (last weekend):p
[quote name='hankmecrankme']The new calladuty is made by Treyarch = Instant Fail. Gears 2 multi is about heavy weapon hoarding and glitching. Patch PLZ.[/quote]

You sir, are a liar and a thief, a scoundrel and a mage. ITS A DAMN RIGHT OUTRAGE!
[quote name='FloodsAreUponUS']You sir, are a liar and a thief, a scoundrel and a mage. ITS A DAMN RIGHT OUTRAGE![/QUOTE]

I am not a liar and I don't know magick.

You sir, are suffering from delusions of grandeur. Take the red pill and wake up.
Back in the 80s/90s, I gamed about 4-10 hrs/day, 2-3 days per week (weekends only). I didn't game much on Mon-Thurs, since it was looked down upon by my parents (but not a rule).

I gamed like it was 1999 back in the Everquest days. 14-24* hrs/day, 5 days per week; 6-8 hrs/day the other 2 days (college classes). This went on for 2.5 years, with maybe 3 days per year, tops, that I didn't play. A girlfriend was unheard of.

As you can imagine, I screwed up my hand/body/brain from all that Everquest and lack of sleep. I'm not even 30 yet. So now I play mostly console games because it can be difficult to use a mouse in my right hand for extended periods of time. Maybe 1-2 hrs/day, 5-6 days per week. I haven't had a problem keeping a girlfriend w/ that schedule.

* (a good number of sessions went over 24 hrs (40 hrs was my limit))
Probably 2-3 hours a night, mostly on COD4 and then an hour or so on a different game (right now it's Fallout 3).

My friends are all playing COD so that's why I'm still putting that amount of time in.
[quote name='hankmecrankme']I am not a liar and I don't know magick.

You sir, are suffering from delusions of grandeur. Take the red pill and wake up.[/quote]

Delusions of grandeur?
Your weak attempts make me laugh.

Go Home and be a family man.
It depends on what games I'm working on. If it's terribly addictive and not just fun, I'll try to put in 3 or 4 hours throughout the day. When I don't have something like that, I'll play an hour or so.
Probably on average an hour a day. That's taking into account days where I don't play, but make up for it on other days. Lately I've gotten into the habit of playing DS in bed at night before I go to sleep (DQ IV!), and have put in a couple of late sessions there.
[quote name='Thomas96']why don't you get your records expunged... that way jobs can't see your past history... and thus you can get a job.[/QUOTE]
Well i paid all of my fines and such so once i turn eighteen it will be. But besides that i know no way of doing that. Enlighten me if you must.
Depends, if i can fit the time i'll play like 1 hour a day some days, mostly old school games (often to review for my website). On weekend its more. Sometimes though if the game is real good and I really enjoyed it as a kid, I get immersed and dont notice the time pass by and suddenly I discover that I played it all night
bread's done