How many controllers have you broken?


The thought of paying $25 for a new controller outweighs the need for me to break one.

Plus, I seldom get angry at anything.
I have only broken one. An Xbox controller while playing Ninja Gaiden, one of the most frustrating games ever. I launched it at the wall. I did eventually finish the game though.
I broke my remote control once (threw it against the wall.)

I also broke the face plate thing on my N64 for hitting it with my controller.
A Couple. A month ago I smashed a Madcatz Glow Xbox controller against my couch and it shattered like glass. Stupid 3rd party crappy controller.
I have a brokem PS2 Dual shock from throwin it. I think I ded it playing Burnout Revenge with that lame catch up logic. Oh Well.
I broke my tivo remote and my audio reciever remote. I've broken one game controller, but it wasn't completely my fault. I threw it, then I got up to walk away. When I got up, the wire caught onto my foot and swung around, slamming into the wooden part of the bed. The wire broke off the controller.
I haven't broken any controllers from one individual toss, but I did shatter the case for Def Jam: Fight for NY. That was pretty cool looking.

I slammed a shitty third-party N64 controller on the pavement once, though; because it sucked.
Glad you guys handle anger better than I do! :lol:

I do not have a running total, but I'd say roughly 6-8 PS1/PS2 dual shock controllers. They're not very durable! These almost always come from playing sports games. I love playing sports games as realistic as possible, so adjusting the difficulty level is never enough for me. I endlessly tweak with the sliders to get extremely-hard-but-realistic settings. Ocassionally, though, sports games will do something really, really lame. Like some random glitch will cause me to lose or something. Or maybe I'll be doing really good defensively, and then the receiver of a team will get a fluke 5-broken-tackle 3-yard-catch-plus-96-YAC-touchdown. When something like that happens, my controller usually finds itself forcefully driven into the ground.

Although I've broken a countless amount, I do usually open them up and swap broken parts for good one. There's literally a box in my closet with a label that reads "controller parts" attached to it. While I've broken 6-8, I bet I've managed to salvage roughly two or three of them. One of my controllers has masking tape wrapped around one of the "handles," as the screw that held the front and back of it together popped loose.

I'm really a pretty calm person, though. It's pretty silly to say that someone who breaks controllers has severe anger management problems, or something like that, so I don't worry about it. Just my way of venting frustration!
I have already gone through about 3 ps2 controllers and a couple of xbox controllers...but I have only broken one of them out of anger.
I've broken 2 gamecube controllers over SSBM and one XBOX controller over halo....those games piss me off sometimes.
None, i get mad more at the game i am playing, not the controller. But i havent had any problems like that, if a game gets too hard, i just traded it in or come back to it , at a later time.

I haven't broken any controllers, but I try to put the controller down before I have a fit of rage. I don't really want to pay $30 for another one, so that's good enough incentive to not get angry at the controller. Even though Ninja Gaiden has brought me close to destroying one.
The Nintendo 64 controllers. Their analog stick would wear out after a while. This wasn't on purpose of course. I concluded Mario 64 (when fighting Bowser) was bad for these things.
I've destroyed tons of Atari 2600 controllers. Fortunately, my xbox controllers are more durable.
[quote name='suko_32']The Nintendo 64 controllers. Their analog stick would wear out after a while. This wasn't on purpose of course. I concluded Mario 64 (when fighting Bowser) was bad for these things.[/QUOTE]

Mario Party killed two birds with one stone: a beating on the controller and on the hands.
The only time I ever broke a controller was by static electricity. I set it down to go to the kitchen, walked across the carpet, and when I picked it back up it shocked me and never worked again.
one of my xbox dukes like mixed the A button and right thumbstick, and also the X button too, and its all wierd if i move the stick toward those directions. anyways, surprisingly, i havent broken any of my Ps2 controllers, eventhough i drop them on a wood floor probably every day i use them
bread's done