how many of us here have jobs????

[quote name='MrBadExample']Always, Always, ALWAYS save the original image. :)

I'm just reading the new Photoshop User magazine and it's got some good ideas in it.[/QUOTE]

thats a good piece of advice when i was in college and took a photoshop classes thats all the professor would say... that and save often.
I've been unemployed since November.. that’s one reason why were moving in 2 days. My wife got a job offer and I'm going to be Mr. Mom for a bit. :) I was working as a cell phone sales rep until the New Manager fired me. He got fired about a month later for taking cash payment from customers, giving them no receipt, and pocketing the funds. Heck I had to help him through an activation the day I got fired. :) Before that I worked as stock at Kmart (crap Job), before that Echostar CSR (ewww.. upsale), before that I was 2nd Assnt Manager of a Gamestop, before that Late night customer service for a XXX Network. :) I hated that the company got bought out. I would have stayed there a long time. Porn basically sells itself. ;)
[quote name='MaxBiaggi2']Imagine how much more successful your company would be if it's CEO spent as much time actually working as you spend on these boards. :D[/QUOTE]

Hehe, that's the thing about real estate. It's not about working harder. It's about working smarter. ;) You don't need to be a genius to do real estate nor do you have to be a hard worker. The only thing that matters is persistence. And persistence can be done at any pace.
[quote name='onetrackmind']well there goes my chances of eventually getting hired by you to do design work ;)[/QUOTE]

It depends. ;) And my proficiency is not what it used to be so the future is still in motion.
[quote name='onetrackmind']haha its like we are multiplying! Yeah we definetly should... so what tips do you got for me??[/QUOTE]

Use separate layers for different colors and light - base color, shadows, and highlights.

Adjustment layers are your best friend.

The Healing Brush is your wife

The History Brush is your mistress.

The Pen tool is your god.
[quote name='onetrackmind']yep... graphic design/art director for a company[/QUOTE]

Very cool. That's what I am as well.

Didn't know there were others here.
i went to school for advertising arts in garphic art design, but had a baby and quit school....
I am now a manager of a quiznos subs.
I'm an IT monkey...

Right now, its all about the hurry up and wait. I got hired to put PCs in a new clinic, but the building isn't up yet. So I'm just keeping this computer busy...

I really don't mind it, but I wish my job wasn't so disposable. Would help if people knew what they were doing too.

I wish I could get a solid job just fixin hardware.
[quote name='bradr']You hit it right on the head. IT's expected to be able to fix any/all things that plug into an outlet, along with moving heavy things and working overtime. I can't believe how those "business schools" were hyping it up a few years ago like it was the best job ever.

Added: And know how to do accounting for when the accounting dept. can't figure out why they're short so it must be a software problem.[/QUOTE]

Yep, exactly right. Sometimes you just want to look them square in the eye and say, "I'll figure out how to do your job, just as soon as you figure out how to change a toner cartridge."
You really wonder how some of these people function at home. I've had some who had no idea how to plug in their laptop when they first get it....yep, I mean ac adapter into the wall.
Software licensing? Sure, I can do it.
Manage network accounts? Sure.
Manage email accounts? Do that to.
Train user on how to select their printers? *sigh* yep.
Break/Fix? Of course....
All for the outragous sum of pennies a year.

Oh computer boy....
Oh computer boy, are you there?
Can you come fix my printer....

Some day....oh yes, that day will come.
"you can't figure out how to manage an Outlook distro list you say? Well go fuck yourself."
[quote name='jaykrue']It depends. ;) And my proficiency is not what it used to be so the future is still in motion.[/QUOTE]

:cough:hire me:cough:
Oh so painfully true. I've had people get mad AT ME because I didn't know THEIR email password. There was one day a girl was doing some sort of paper for something and she came across a page in French. She couldn't understand French but 'just had to have the page'. She didn't know what it said, but it was absolutely vital she have it. So I sent her to babblefish and she bitched because it wasn't perfect English.

[quote name='howlinmad']Yep, exactly right. Sometimes you just want to look them square in the eye and say, "I'll figure out how to do your job, just as soon as you figure out how to change a toner cartridge."
You really wonder how some of these people function at home. I've had some who had no idea how to plug in their laptop when they first get it....yep, I mean ac adapter into the wall.
Software licensing? Sure, I can do it.
Manage network accounts? Sure.
Manage email accounts? Do that to.
Train user on how to select their printers? *sigh* yep.
Break/Fix? Of course....
All for the outragous sum of pennies a year.

Oh computer boy....
Oh computer boy, are you there?
Can you come fix my printer....

Some day....oh yes, that day will come.
"you can't figure out how to manage an Outlook distro list you say? Well go fuck yourself."[/QUOTE]
I had this one boss (actually CEO of the company) who based all her IT knowledge on the 60s Star Trek episodes (since it was so long ago, it must be possible now in real life). She had wanted this webcam conference with people all over the world (our board) and wanted me to look into web chatting but for CHEAP (
Why would you refuse a trip around the world? To put in webcams for christ sakes... I'da said sure, when's my flight?
I work nights(11pm - 7am) manufacturing Honda Civic steering columns. Hooray for manual labor!

So please, do NOT purchase a Honda Civic manufactured after 2004... there is a chance I had something to do with some safety critical componants!
[quote name='Kayden']Why would you refuse a trip around the world? To put in webcams for christ sakes... I'd said sure, when's my flight?[/QUOTE]

She wanted to do it for < $500 (and the whole web cam instead of meeting somewhere idea was because 9/11 had just happened ...).

It wouldn't have been some leisurely trip around the world. I would have seen someone's house and the inside of an airport for 2 months or so. Not to mention the logistics of having the cable/dsl guy at the place the same time would have been impossible. (If some of these places even offer high speed Internet).
Then she was just a stupid bitch... She wanted you -personally- to fly around the world for less than $500?

That alone discriminates her from the right to reproduce.

[quote name='bradr']She wanted to do it for < $500 (and the whole web cam instead of meeting somewhere idea was because 9/11 had just happened ...).

It wouldn't have been some leisurely trip around the world. I would have seen someone's house and the inside of an airport for 2 months or so. Not to mention the logistics of having the cable/dsl guy at the place the same time would have been impossible. (If some of these places even offer high speed Internet).[/QUOTE]
[quote name='fivecardstud']Director/TD for a cable station

...and my brother is a graphic designer ;)[/QUOTE]

everyone and there mothers are graphic designers... haha i need to find a new profession.
[quote name='onetrackmind']everyone and there mothers are graphic designers... haha i need to find a new profession.[/QUOTE]

haha, neither myself nor my mother is a graphic designer. Although my boss has a degree in Art History if that counts :roll:
[quote name='Kayden']Then she was just a stupid bitch... She wanted you -personally- to fly around the world for less than $500?

That alone discriminates her from the right to reproduce.[/QUOTE]

The less than $500 was an exaggeration. Realistically she must have known that it would cost more but "will $500 be enough to get this done" was what was asked. She probably did not mean including the airfare but we would have also had to pay for everyone's Internet access from then on (probably until they left the board) which would have been a lot and I really didn't want to spend 2 months away from home. I've traveled for work (at another job) and it's not something I really enjoyed. From my travels, I learned that it's real easy to miss a plane in Manhattan because (1. you're already late because the consultant they sent you didn't know what he was doing and 2. it's IMPOSSIBLE to hail a cab when it rains). I can only imagine the trouble I'd run into out of the country.
Systems/Network Administrator....

[quote name='Kayden']Oh so painfully true. I've had people get mad AT ME because I didn't know THEIR email password. [/QUOTE]

Just got a lady irate at me today for not knowing her email PW as well. Overall, I really do like what I do though.
[quote name='flizmo007']Systems/Network Administrator....

Just got a lady irate at me today for not knowing her email PW as well. Overall, I really do like what I do though.[/QUOTE]

Hehe... computer-illiterate people are hilariously great.
[quote name='Moxio']Hehe... computer-illiterate people are hilariously great.[/QUOTE]

Only when you aren't dealling directly with them on a daily basis....
[quote name='Kayden']Then she was just a stupid bitch... She wanted you -personally- to fly around the world for less than $500?

That alone discriminates her from the right to reproduce.[/QUOTE]

Isn't it weird when someone you can obviously tell is a complete and total moron, is somehow in charge and running the show? Makes you wonder if you somehow stepped into an alternate Bizarro-universe.

The worst part about my job when I used to do payroll was Pay-day. Every Thursday I had at least 3 or 4 crack-head employees waiting for me in front of my office at 7:30AM asking if the checks were ready.

No "Hello", no "Good morning", just "Where's my check?!!!"

Mind you we didn't cut our own paychecks in-house, and used a payroll service that didn't open up until 8:30AM. So, considering that it's only 7:30, you think that somehow I'm arriving from the future, to deliver your checks to you now? If I could honestly bend the fabric of time and space as you suggest, then I sure as hell wouldn't be working this shitty payroll job then would I? Union guidlines stated that we had to have their checks by the end of the workday Thursday(6:30PM), but that didn't stop these assholes from popping their heads into our office literally EVERY HALF HOUR, from the second I showed up, to ask "Checks ready yet?". If I had them... I would distribute them!!!

Imagine if at your job someone showed up all day long and kept asking you "Done yet?, What about now?, How 'bout now? You finished yet? You done?"

It was irritating as fuck. :bomb:
[quote name='Professor Oreo']Isn't it weird when someone you can obviously tell is a complete and total moron, is somehow in charge and running the show? Makes you wonder if you somehow stepped into an alternate Bizarro-universe.

The worst part about my job when I used to do payroll was Pay-day. Every Thursday I had at least 3 or 4 crack-head employees waiting for me in front of my office at 7:30AM asking if the checks were ready.

No "Hello", no "Good morning", just "Where's my check?!!!"

Mind you we didn't cut our own paychecks in-house, and used a payroll service that didn't open up until 8:30AM. So, considering that it's only 7:30, you think that somehow I'm arriving from the future, to deliver your checks to you now? If I could honestly bend the fabric of time and space as you suggest, then I sure as hell wouldn't be working this shitty payroll job then would I? Union guidlines stated that we had to have their checks by the end of the workday Thursday(6:30PM), but that didn't stop these assholes from popping their heads into our office literally EVERY HALF HOUR, from the second I showed up, to ask "Checks ready yet?". If I had them... I would distribute them!!!

Imagine if at your job someone showed up all day long and kept asking you "Done yet?, What about now?, How 'bout now? You finished yet? You done?"

It was irritating as fuck. :bomb:[/QUOTE]

So where's my check? :cool:
[quote name='MrBadExample']So where's my check? :cool:[/QUOTE]

It's only wednesday!!!:bomb:

Seriously though, I would even have peolpe ask me if they could be paid earlier because they didn't like having to wait until Thursday. :shock: Not to mention the number of straight bonehead - I didn't turn in a time card but you should have a check for me anyway - type responses.

And on a side note: don't crack paycheck jokes on payday. They are not original nor are they funny. I can't tell you how many times I've heard...

"Can I get 2 checks?" ;)
"You weren't supposed to take out taxes!!!" ;)
"Can I have (insert executive producer's name)'s check?" ;)
"I told you, I get paid in CASH ONLY!!!" ;)
"Can I borrow your kids? because I need some dependants!" ;)
"I'll save you the trouble of handing those out. Just gime me the stack!" ;)

Save it... we've heard them all. :wall:
[quote name='Professor Oreo']Save it... we've heard them all. :wall:[/QUOTE]

Tell them to get direct deposit. That way they won't even know when the money arrives and will (hopefully) be less likely to spend more money than they actually have. Being in debt blows anyway.
[quote name='onetrackmind']everyone and there mothers are graphic designers... haha i need to find a new profession.[/QUOTE]

Why do you think I got into real estate development in the first place? ;)

EDIT: And I'm glad I outsource my payroll so I don't have to deal with that BS.
I work at a small graduate school during the day (that's what pays the bills). At night I am working on my animated film (that doesnt pay any bills).

It would be cool if I can parlay my short film into a good career in the arts/graphics/film world.
I work for GM dealership. I am a parts specialist both GM and Mazda certified. best damn job in the world off nights weekend all holidays and make craploads of money
i just stopped working at gamestop because i graduated college, moved to the bay, and am traveling across europe for the next 2 months
I have two:

My first job grants me the title of "Bag Boy." It's very easy work, but it's extremely monotonous and is very belittling. I get paid like crap. ($6.00)

My other job is at the Park Board. I work four hours every weekday (and then Saturday and Sunday at the first job). It's also very easy. I don't really have any defined roles. Other "teachers" there basically setup games for the kids to play, and then I join one of the teams and played. So I'm more or less getting paid to play kickball, dodgeball...etc. Also, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, we go swimming at a local pool. The responsbility I'm expected to have there is next-to-none. I basically do laps around pool, and ocassionally hop in for a swim. I make $6.25 there.

Both are easy, but both pay like crap. 32 hours a week, usually.
I am a document coder and QCer for a computer litigation support firm. Sound impressive? It's a fancy way of saying I have a shit data entry job.
bread's done