How Many PS2 Games do you own?

Ditto. Your poll stops short of the amount some of us have. I as well have between 80-90 PS2 games.
[quote name='magilacudy']I have a big fat 0 number of games.

Xbox and DC is another story though =P[/quote]

Ditto, but I also have some GC and GBA games.
I haven't counted, but I know I have more than 40. Someday, hopefully soon, I will have a PS2 with which to play them.
got about 25 games for ps2, more for xbox, less but still significant for the cube, around 15 for gba, and a paltry 5 for DC.
oh now for multiple systems? well lets see ps2's definitely the most that i have. about 30ish for the PS2, about 6 for GBA (for now), and 6 for GC. (for now). i have about 10 games for N64 and 12 for SNES. and those are all my systems so, there you go.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']For all you that have around 80 or so games for PS2, is that your only system or do you have that many games for multiple systems?[/quote]

i have around 90 ps2 games and about 10 cube games, and about 35 gba games
i did have an over 40 option, but i dont know why it isnt there. I tried to edit it but i dont know how to add more to the poll after i have already done it once.
wow im THE penguin. im honored.

[quote name='racerman8']I have over 210 PS2 games and growing every week.[/quote]
:shock: are you like uber rich or something? 210? are there even that many games in existence? (kidding)
I'm so glad I don't have the most: 166. At an average of $20 a game thats over $3000. Probably no way in hell that I will play even half of them. Gamecube and xbox are a little better, around 50 each. Nearly 100 for gba, tho. Over 350 dvds, of which I have seen each one at least once, thank goodness. I'm actually somewhat embarrased to admit all this. With future generations of consoles, I think I will only rent games, just to cut down on the spending.
I have 43 for PS2 so I can't vote on this one. I need to concentrate on my GC collection but there just haven't been any good deals lately...
At one point 80 but I traded and sold a bunch of my games on Ebay and Ebgames trade in deals
I have the 80+ PS2 games like 50 X-box games, 40-50 SNES games, 25-30 Sega Genesis games, 17 gamecube games, 5 virtual boy games, 34 gameboy games, 17 GBA games, 45+ Nintendo games, 65+ Dreamcast games(including Japanese) And a lot for almost every other system
Holy crap you guys have a lot of games. I just bought a PS2 last week, and I'm already up to 10 games. I'm trying to make myself finish a game before I buy a new one though, unless I find a good deal.
bread's done