How many showers is too many showers a day?


I usually take two to three a day. Some of my friends look at me like I'm a freak saying that once a day is enough or once every 2-3 days. YUCK. How the fuck do you go 2-3 days without showering?
3 might be 1 too many. I'd say 2 a day, once in the morning, once before bed/after work is fine. I can't see how you fit a third in.
[quote name='advanced']3 might be 1 too many. I'd say 2 a day, once in the morning, once before bed/after work is fine. I can't see how you fit a third in.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='advanced']3 might be 1 too many. I'd say 2 a day, once in the morning, once before bed/after work is fine. I can't see how you fit a third in.[/QUOTE]

Reminds me of that guy that hosted Double Dare on Nickelodeon. He's one of those people that have a fear of germs. After every episode of the show where he got slimed, the second the cameras went off he'd haul ass straight to take a shower, probably in there quivering on the floor like Eva Green in Casino Royale.
Once a day, or every other day. Unless I've been doing something that makes me need another shower (going to the river, gym, etc) I'd never take more than one in a day.
Once before work, once after work.

Going a day without a shower is fine, depending on what you do and what your obligations are. If you are working professionally, you had better be showering daily at least.

Once every 2-3 days is disgusting, in my book. You do go to the bathroom 2-4 times and sweat throughout the day, after all.

[quote name='advanced']3 might be 1 too many. I'd say 2 a day, once in the morning, once before bed/after work is fine. I can't see how you fit a third in.[/QUOTE]

One before bed and one in the morning? What, are you having night sweats really bad or something? One/day is fine with me, unless I go out an cut the grass or work out or something, then it's 2/day max.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Reminds me of that guy that hosted Double Dare on Nickelodeon. He's one of those people that have a fear of germs. After every episode of the show where he got slimed, the second the cameras went off he'd haul ass straight to take a shower, probably in there quivering on the floor like Eva Green in Casino Royale.[/QUOTE]

Marc Summers. I met him. :whee: His OCD wasn't just germs, he used to spend an hour or two every day before he left his house/apt adjusting the edges of his carpet to make sure the little strands of string were all parallel.

Howie Mandel is crazy about germs as well.

Also, I couldn't imagine taking more than two showers a day and conversely I just couldn't imagine going to bed without taking at least one.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']Unless I'm feeling really grimy, I only do one a day. If I'm just sitting around doing nothing, that turns into one every other day.[/QUOTE]

Same here.

Two showers a day? My parents would've killed me if I did that. Now that I'm at college, that's kind of a moot point, but old habits die hard.
Back when I was in college and my dorm room had it's own shower I use to shower a lot. Average about 3 a day. At the most it would be something like 5 day.
[quote name='keithp']One before bed and one in the morning? What, are you having night sweats really bad or something? One/day is fine with me, unless I go out an cut the grass or work out or something, then it's 2/day max.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='crunchb3rry']Reminds me of that guy that hosted Double Dare on Nickelodeon. He's one of those people that have a fear of germs. After every episode of the show where he got slimed, the second the cameras went off he'd haul ass straight to take a shower, probably in there quivering on the floor like Eva Green in Casino Royale.[/QUOTE]

Ha, I just saw that guy on tv last night.
[quote name='dcfox']Back when I was in college and my dorm room had it's own shower I use to shower a lot. Average about 3 a day. At the most it would be something like 5 day.[/QUOTE]

When I was in college I showered twice daily and after every deuce; Of course I was getting laid a lot more back then and wanted to have fresh junk.

Now I only shower 2x a day in the summer months, or when I work in the yard.
[quote name='advanced']3 might be 1 too many. I'd say 2 a day, once in the morning, once before bed/after work is fine. I can't see how you fit a third in.[/QUOTE]

Pretty much this as well.

I can understand a third one being in some situation where you were just doing gym/exercise and you were going out somewhere after that.
I don't think more than twice a day is nessecary- you want to keep some oils on your skin, after all.

My fiance's house has 1 shower and 6 people living in it. Three of whom are girls. One of whom likes to shower 2+ times a day. I think the lack of simple opportunity to shower has made him develop an anti-stink gene or something... he tells me he often goes up to 2 weeks without a shower- and I cant tell. It honestly weirds me out.
I see no reason to shower more than once normally. I will hop in for a quick rinse after a workout though.
[quote name='Allnatural']I see no reason to shower more than once normally. I will hop in for a quick rinse after a workout though.[/QUOTE]

Exactly, if it's a weekend and I'm spacing out my workouts could have 2-3 showers easy. Other then that it's usually once a day.
I shower daily unless I just sit around doing nothing all day, in which case I skip a day. Showering twice or three times a day seems odd to me unless you've been doing some kind of rigorous activity.
[quote name='DuelLadyS']
My fiance's house has 1 shower and 6 people living in it. Three of whom are girls. One of whom likes to shower 2+ times a day. I think the lack of simple opportunity to shower has made him develop an anti-stink gene or something... he tells me he often goes up to 2 weeks without a shower- and I cant tell. It honestly weirds me out.[/QUOTE]
Haha. Some people just don't have very strong body odors. If I'm not exercising or having a lot of sex I can go a few days without showering and nobody says anything. That includes my girlfriend as well as friends who are comfortable enough to make fun of me for anything.
How can a person shower so many times a day and not have really dry skin? I dunno, i just don't have a very strong body odor, one a day is enough usually.
More than twice a day seems a bit much unless there is specific activity to warrant it.

Your friends, on the other hand, are more extreme in their lack of bathing. I might go a day without showering but only if was staying at home and not expecting to see anyone I'd care about repulsing. Two days at most if I were ill or in a prolonged depressed mood.

Last year I had a four day hopital stay that was a major annoyance because it could have been handled far less expensively on an outpatient basis. The first thing I did when I got home was take a long shower.
Once a day is more than enough, unless you are sweating profusely or begin to smell otherwise. My hair gets greasy looking after one 24 hour period, so thats usually the minimum unless I don't plan on going anywhere.
[quote name='Paco']I usually take two to three a day. Some of my friends look at me like I'm a freak saying that once a day is enough or once every 2-3 days. YUCK. How the fuck do you go 2-3 days without showering?[/QUOTE]

I kind of hate to admit it,but when we had water problems sometimes I went a week without showering. :lol: Now I shower everyday. I think once a day is enough.
More than once a day is excessive unless you have some other reason for needing to clean off (e.g. went to the gym). You're clean. Relax.
[quote name='DuelLadyS']I don't think more than twice a day is nessecary- you want to keep some oils on your skin, after all.

My fiance's house has 1 shower and 6 people living in it. Three of whom are girls. One of whom likes to shower 2+ times a day. I think the lack of simple opportunity to shower has made him develop an anti-stink gene or something... he tells me he often goes up to 2 weeks without a shower- and I cant tell. It honestly weirds me out.[/QUOTE]

Samething for me. I have seven people living in my family, 4 of them being girls with 2 of them taking more than one shower a day. So ,it's a little hard finding the opportunity plus they often horde all the towels in the house so when I can take a shower I can't because there is nothing for me to dry off with. So, once in a while I'd also go a little more than 2 weeks without showering. But, I don't stink either, my friends and family both said I don't smell. I guess me and your fiance are one of the lucky few.
[quote name='keithp']One before bed and one in the morning? What, are you having night sweats really bad or something? One/day is fine with me, unless I go out an cut the grass or work out or something, then it's 2/day max.[/QUOTE]

The morning one is more of a 'wake-up' thing. The one after work is then more of a clean thing.

Not to mention that a certain activity in the bedroom can get heated.
Depending on what you do during the day, 1-2 is normal. If you work with something along the lines of sick people or outdoors, tack another one on. As for me, once daily does the trick for me since all I do is go to class during the day, not really a strenuous day.

3 or more showers just because is crazy talk.
Just realized I haven't showered since friday night. I slept in really late yesterday and only left the house to go to Subway and the video store... I'm still slobbing around in yesterdays clothes and I just smelled and I don't stink but i'm still going to take a shower before I change and head out today. :D

I usually do morning, night and another if I workout which is rare lately lol.
I am a 2-3 showers a day kind of guy. Once in the morning and once before I go to bed. This is due to me not wanting to lie in a bed that has sweat and grossness from the day before while the shower in the morning really starts my day off nicely. A third shower can sometimes be inserted between the time I get off work and dinner time if necessary.
I take one every morning, and then usually go to the gym after work and take one when i get back...

There are RARE times I take three... usually if I have a hockey game late at night after showering in the morning and then like going golfing or something and then I'm gonna hang around for a few hours before my game.

I can't understand people who don't shower every single day... it's gross... that shit just is not cool.

And, I will add, don't make your one shower a day at night. I know when people showered before bed, and then woke up and went on their day figuring all they did was sleep so they are good to go.... you aren't.
I get my sister to scrub me down with a sponge as often as possible! You might think, "Hey, that is really gross," but I am a lazy bastard. Plus, she was able to work out her arm muscles :p. I kid, showing 5 times a day is a necessity! Shit, why not live in the damn shower?
whats up with all these stupid threads? whats the right age to get married? how many showers is too many showers a day? I'm starting to think that there are too many idiots on cag now.
I shower at least once a day usually, and often twice (once in the morning, once before bed). You need to be careful you don't shower too much or you will dry out your skin. Also, learn how to take fast showers. 5 minutes or less is best though I tend to average around 7. Even though I may take two showers, I actually use less water and time than many other people do taking one shower.
I shower once a day in the morning. I'll take another shower later if I work out, do yard work, or anything else that would require a shower after.
I like to conserve water. I only do it when I think I need it. Also, If I'm expecting to go somewhere where I'll get dirty I'm not going to take a show before hand only to have to clean up again.
I shower every day, but only wash my hair every few days. Although there are situational showers thrown in as well.
bread's done