How many times did you or do you play the same game?


yeah thats my question and i am really curious how many of you play a game over and over for joy or just achievements.

I have to admit that i sucked on my ride with dead space where i still play to get all achievements [4+].
But i don't mind and i wasn't particular hunting at the first time.

So whats your count?

Not sure if i ever will get all in Mass Effect, but my next replay will be Mirrors Edge.
Most game i play ones or twice and that is mostly with Bioware games.

Anyway, spill your seeds here. :)
There are a few fames I've played multiple times. I've mostly replayed games with multiple endings such as Fallout 1&2, Arcanum, and Way of the Samurai 1-3.

I've also replayed games with awesome stories like the Final Fantasy series, the .hack series, etc.

*edit Woops I thought this was in general. For the 360 specifically, I have replayed Mass Effect, once with Liara romance, the second without romance so I could romance Tali in Mass Effect 2. When Mass Effect 3 comes out, I'll probably go through both again.

And Way of the Samurai 3 has multiple endings, I've gotten 6 so far out of the 22 total. I'll probably play it again next week, get a few more endings since it's only like two hours each playthrough once you have good weapons and items stocked up.
Games I've played more than once (in no particular order):

Every console Zelda game except Zelda 2
Super Metroid
Final Fantasy 6,9
Soul Reaver series
Practically every Mario game

In recent times:
Borderlands (for trophies)
Wolverine (for trophies)
Heavy Rain (for trophies)
Uncharted 2 (for trophies)
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 (for storylines and trophies)

Can't think of any more -- may update later.
I usually play each game twice unless it really sucks i play twice to get all the achievements and if i cant i usually move on to the next game but mostly its when i get all the achievements i move on to a new game getting on the achievements to me is just because its getting your money worth in that game IMO
I've played through Borderlands, on two consoles, a good... 8 or 9 times now. At least 6 of them made it to 50 or 61. (max levels without/with DLC)

Too Human... 6 times (once per class)

I played through a few other games that had almost no replay value, a few times, though. Like Bad Company 1 (I didn't have LIVE for over a year and a half since I had purchased my 360), or Dark Sector.

Oh, and working on my second playthrough of Red Dead Redemption.
Considering I rarely play the games I buy, or finish the games I play... I'll say its pretty rare for me to play through twice. :) I guess once I get through SoTN that will count as one, but I didn't get a chance to FULLY finish it on the PS1. (3rd Party Memory Card failed, subsequently landed in the kitchen. Much to the wife's amusement.)
Because this is the 360 forum I'll try to keep it a Microsoft game at least- I played the original Halo campaign over and over. Solo, co-op, usually legendary but sometimes on easier difficulties for fun- for some reason itjustnever really got old playing those missions again and again. I never got that way with any of the other Halo releases since although firefight in ODST is fun.
[quote name='joemoedee']Considering I rarely play the games I buy, or finish the games I play... I'll say its pretty rare for me to play through twice. :) I guess once I get through SoTN that will count as one, but I didn't get a chance to FULLY finish it on the PS1. (3rd Party Memory Card failed...)[/QUOTE]

This is my exact post as well, even down to the part about playing SoTN and having the 3rd party Memory Card fail on me. Fortunately I was only about
Depends on how much I like the game and how long it is, as I've played through both Penny Arcade episodes at least twice to get all of the achievements and am working on my second playthrough of DeathSpank. If it's long than 10 hours, I'd rather put that time into something else I could beat first.
I played Resident Evil 5 times, and I'm currently on my fourth playthrough of Alan Wake. Other than those, I usually don't replay games.
my usual is twice. I'll play thru once on normal really enjoying the game, then again on hard for the challenge and or achievements.

Games like ME i just keep playing tho.. i've finished 2 playthroughs so far and started a third. I think I'm going to wait a couple months, get every peice of DLC available before I continue on with the third tho.. then possible start another game from 1 and play it all the way thru.
[quote name='Kerig']This is my exact post as well, even down to the part about playing SoTN and having the 3rd party Memory Card fail on me. Fortunately I was only about
[quote name='matto1233']I played Resident Evil 5 times, and I'm currently on my fourth playthrough of Alan Wake. Other than those, I usually don't replay games.[/QUOTE]

I've been wanting to go back and play through Code Veronica, I still think that's my favorite game story-wise ever.
I lost count of how many times I've beaten Warsong (Sega Genesis) but it's in the double digits. I love that game.

On the 360, I really have to like a game to give it a second playthrough. I've been working on reducing the games in my backlog but I usually play the Lego games twice to get 1000/1000. I plan on going through Borderlands twice for the Achievements.
In no order:
Halo 1 (lots) 2(2-3x) & 3 (7+ on legendary) but I never beat ODST
Modern Warfare 1 & 2 (2-3x once of easy, normal, then veteran)
Resident Evil 5(about 6x with different friends)
Mario: 1,2,3, Super Mario World(lots) RPG(2x)
Final Fantasy 7 (3x)
Ninja Gaiden & Black

That's bout all I can remember off the top of my head. I don't have much time to play through games more than once anymore. When I was younger, it was much easier because we couldn't afford all these cheap games. Now that I'm older, I can't afford the time to play them over and over again. It's more about short burst of game play for me nowadays, aka online multiplayer or fighting games.
Usually only once. But a few games I'll play a couple times if they have different paths (good or bad etc.) like Mass Effect series etc. Only games I've replayed no higher difficulties are the Gears of War games in co-op.

Other than that, and discounting online multiplayer, it's usually beat the the game on normal difficulty and move on to the next.
I don't usually play a single player game more than once. A few exceptions I can think of are Fallout 3 and Fable II. Co-op games, on the other hand, are a different story. I've played RE5 and Gears 1/2 probably 10 times each with various friends.
Diablo 2 and Borderlands, easily over and over and over again because you gotta beat with every character, and sometimes 3-4+ times each for the playthroughs and difficulty levels. Then you got your friends who want to beat it too.

I still play Borderlands, but there was no such thing as DLC before this gen of console, there was expansions and sequals.
Um, Mass Effect 2 i've played about 6 times. Fallout 3 about 4 times. And Splinter Cell Double Agent AND Marvel Ultimate Alliance about 3 times.
bread's done