How many unplayed games do you have now that you're a CAG?


Let's break this up into used games that you've bought and never played and factory sealed games you've never played. I'll post mine tommorrow. Since I've come across this site, my collection has grown tremendously and I have less time to play my games than ever since I graduated from college. The situation is a bit ridiculous.
Way too many to count, this site is a big reason why. If you plan on having kids some day your time for games dwindles ten fold. :)
I only get games that I have interest in, but I've still got like 30+ that I havent touched, but got at great prices thanks to cag :D
[quote name='naes']I only buy games I am interested in playing.[/quote]

i'd imagine most of the people on cag do too. having hundreds of games in your collection still means there's always going to be quite a few in your backlog.
Let's see.. 132 XBox games.. I still have 12 of them sealed.. let me go count the number of unplayed games I have, used or new..

57 unplayed
only 1, picked up donkey konga 2, then found a wii a few hours later, so much for that game right now.
I used to be really bad at this. I had something like 120 PS2 and PS1 games at one point. I sold about 90 of them a couple years back, now I'm down to maybe 15 games total between those two systems.
I still have maybe 5 or 6 GC games that I haven't touched, maybe 4 on the xbox and 4 on the 360.

So I guess of the 60+ games that I own right now maybe 1/3rd of them are unplayed.
I have a lot games that I sort of played, but only to get the feel for the game. Kirby's Canvas Curse and Super Princess Peach come time mind. I don't have that many I've never played, maybe 2, but I'm not a collector at all. I want to get rid of my stuff (See my list!)
I used to have over 100 sealed XBox games, but I sold some. I think I probably have around 70+ that are still sealed. Then there are a bunch that are unsealed but played only once or only played by my son.

I have a handful of unopened PSP games. I'm seriously considering selling my PSP + games on eBay -- I just never play it anymore, which is silly because the good games are just now coming out it seems.

Lastly, I have hundreds -- HUNDREDS -- of unplayed PC games going back for well over a decade. Many are still sealed, or they've been opened to discard the box (I simply ran out of room, and my wife convinced me). I've unloaded most of the really valuable ones over the past few years on eBay, but my collection is probably still over 600 games, probably 2/3 of which are unplayed. I still have the manuals for every one!

Yes, it's a sickness.
Used games I've never played: 61
Still factory sealed: 8

This thread is a wake-up call to me. It shakes reason into me, screaming: "What do you need all those other games for? Quit wasting money on new ones and play what you already have!! Then buy those other new games when they're old news and the prices have dropped."
[quote name='boyward']Used games I've never played: 61
Still factory sealed: 8

This thread is a wake-up call to me. It shakes reason into me, screaming: "What do you need all those other games for? Quit wasting money on new ones and play what you already have!! Then buy those other new games when they're old news and the prices have dropped."[/quote]

I did the same thing about six months ago. I used to buy any decently reviewed game that was 20 bucks or under but then the mountain got too big. Now, I'll ony buy a game that I really want unless I know I can use it as trade bait. I also said I'm not buying any more games until my a month after my birthday. That'll give me almost three months to enjoy what I have.
Technically Ive played all my non sealed games. Whenever I buy a used game I play it to test it out and make sure it works. But thats not really playing it enough to form an opinion.

Id say I have probably 40-50 sealed games, and another hundred open but unplayed. But those numbers span many different systems, and it has been awhile since I discovered cag. :D
No clue what's sealed and unsealed without looking in the other room, but unplayed from looking over my list of games:

GameCube: 17/47
GBA: 29/39 (ouch)
DS: 7/28
Wii: 0/3
Total: 53/117 - not as bad as it would have been before selling off half my games
[quote name='kell']Way too many to count, this site is a big reason why. If you plan on having kids some day your time for games dwindles ten fold. :)[/QUOTE]
I'll second this. My collection of games has grown because of this site, but the reason I still have so many unplayed is because I have 2 kids. If I get in 4 or 5 hours of game time in a week, it's been a good week.

I've been playing games since Pong, but this last generation was the first time I'd ever bought a game and not played it right away. That's from finding deals on CAG and suddenly having a backlog of games. My pile of unplayed games is tiny compared to some, but then again I still only buy games I am genuinely interested in playing, regardless of reviews or price. I almost never buy used games, but I'd say I have around 30-40 new and unplayed.
wow this thread makes me feel so much better. i thought i was the only one to got a ton of games and didn't play them or played them only once or twice. some games i think i'll like or i play the demo and i actually like it but when i play the real thing i just get bored with it lol.

with that said i have maybe 3-4 unplayed and 20-25 unbeaten.
More than I want to know. I think I've only finished 25 out of the over 200 games I have.

Edit: make that over 400 games I have
My backlog's gotten much more manageable in the past year or so, what with the transition between console generations. I've now beaten all of my Gamecube games (admittedly made easier by Nintendo's releasing roughly two games a year for the thing throughout its lifespan) and all but two of my XBox games (again, facilitated by Microsoft's abandoning the platform in the middle of 2005 so they could focus on the pending 360 launch). I still have about twenty games backlogged for the PS2, down from nearly forty at this time a year ago. And, since I overbought a little on the day I finally landed a Wii, I somehow have a one-game backlog for that system, a console I've owned for less than two weeks (who knew the Virtual Console would drink so much of my gaming time, enough to keep me from actual storebought titles?).

At this rate, I'll be through my backlog entirely by Christmas, or the first quarter of 2008 at the latest, and can begin looking at the (by then deeply) discounted XBox 360. Unless a lot changes between now and then, I doubt I will have garnered the interest to even bother looking at PS3.

Ah, backlogs.
I hell of a lot of games that I felt were to good of a deal to pass up and now they sit there doing nothing. I have become my dad only instead of hording junk thats not even fit for a yard sale I got loads of old games. Oh well there could be worse hobbies.
Hmmm, let's see.

In the hopper I've got Trauma Center: SO, both Metroid Primes, Killer 7, & Beyond Good & Evil. More than I'd like but managable. It used to be out of control and then I sold everything.

Games that I've played / are playing that need to be finished are Hotel Dusk, Elebits, & Chibi-Robo.

So, 3 played but unfinished and 5 unplayed. Much better than the 30+ I had about 6 months ago.

On that note, more Hotel Dusk before bed! :)
I wont spend more than $8-9 on a game if I think its likely I wont get around to playing it as much as I should. With that being said, I still have between 50-100 games I have yet to play. Just so many I bought for dirt cheap and simply because of rarity.
It's bad. I got well over 200 sealed xbox games and now I'm moving into 360 games. I have 10 sealed 360 games. It is like a sickness. I cringe every time I open a game now too. It's to the point I have to buy a used copy of a game to play and keep a sealed copy and it's all because of this site. Damn you CAG!!!!!! Damn you straight to hell!!!!!
bread's done