how much are you willing to throw down for a PS3?

[quote name='Roufuss']$500, because that's what it costs.

Then I'll get a second to sell, and try to break even on the two.[/quote]

I had considered this also, but were I to buy two, I would sell both, and have a half generations' supply of Wii games covered.
retail prices are easy to work around. $500 directly out of my pocket? PFT. haven't paid in full out of my pocket without some kind of supplement, coupon, deal, or loophole for anything expensive ever. I'll try and get the PS3 down to $200.
$300 - $400. I refuse to pay $499 for it. I still have a huge backlog of current generation games to play so I don't mind waiting for a deal/price drop.
Not until it reaches around $200 to $300 for the 60 GB HD version. Why? Well, there are a few reasons behind my madness...

1) It'll take a few good years for the PS3 to hit that somewhat-affordable level.
2) In that time the PS3 will hopefully amass a worthwhile library.
3) In that time hopefully most of the hardware kinks will be worked out.
4) Honestly, even as a gamer, I just can't justify throwing hundreds upon hundreds down on release unless it's something I've got to own.

Let's see...I'm not an early adopter of Blu-Ray (I'll be sticking with my regular ol' DVDs for a while, thanks), I already have PS1 and PS2 import capabilities, I don't really care about backwards compatibility when I have my PS1 and PS2 in a nice little corner together, and I much rather prefered spending $20 and adding a nice 120 GB HD to my PS2 rather than letting tossing Sony $50 for their own HDD.

That, it's just a system. They're only games. I can't believe I'm actually saying that but...damn.
Nice idea for a poll, and to answer your question - I'll be willing to shell out $200-$300 for a PS3 unit. I believe that will mean waiting untill 2008, but I don't mind.

I think I really fucked myself over this past generation. I skipped out on the PS2 launch and forced myself to wait for the Xbox. Finally buying the GC and PS2 at roughly the same time not too long ago with loads of good games. I think because of this I couldn't really appreciate the value of any individual game. I turned the hobby of gaming into a job where I would force myself to grind through games only to never play them over again.

This generation I plan on learning from my mistakes and pacing myself.
I'm gonna preorder one as soon as they become available for doing so. It's going to be to sell for a quick profit though. I stupidly sold my PS2 a few months before God Of War came out so one of these days i'll be rebuying a slim PS2 and have lots of games to catch up on! $600 or 500 is stupid let the game library build and the price drop a couple times on both the games and the system and then consider it. I got the 360 at launch and MANY times wish i'd just sold it and did what I just said above. That said waiting when you already have 1 next gen system its alot easier then waiting when you have none.
[quote name='Roufuss']$500, because that's what it costs.

Then I'll get a second to sell, and try to break even on the two.[/quote]

when was this confirmed?
[quote name='CaoPi']when was this confirmed?[/quote]

I'm confused. Are you saying you are not aware of the price confirmation?

$300-400 sounds about right to me. I've always been the type to preorder and get my systems on launch day, but they've priced me right out of that habit.

I'm going to do what a few other posters have already said- play through my backlog of current gen titles and patiently wait for the PS3 library to build and the prices on both system and games to drop. I never thought I'd see the day where my cheapness overtook my love of gaming, but $499 and $599? Damn. My kids would be living on macaroni and cheese and store-brand corn flakes for months.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']I'm confused. Are you saying you are not aware of the price confirmation?


Not everybody lives and breathes the internet 24 hours a day.
[quote name='Roufuss']Not everybody lives and breathes the internet 24 hours a day.[/quote]

Oh I know. I wouldve mentioned anything except that it was by the OP. I thought this thread was in response to the price announcment, trying to gauge how long people would wait as far as price drops.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Oh I know. I wouldve mentioned anything except that it was by the OP. I thought this thread was in response to the price announcment, trying to gauge how long people would wait as far as price drops.[/QUOTE]


I didn't even notice that.
WII will get my $$$ on release date. Ofcourse i'll get PS3 unless it drop down $300 or less. I know PS3 have alot GOOD exclusive games but who care i still have HUGE backlog titles to mess around over 2 yrs.
The only way I'm getting a PS3 anytime soon is if I can score 2 or 3 of them at launch to eBay and make up the difference... and even then I don't know because if I had $700 in profits from something I still don't think I'd buy a PS3 for that much money...
that's just great I wonder how limited PS3s are going to be with pre-orders? I say its all a ploy just to get people to do pre-orders then a few wks later you can find it just at about any walmart, BB, CC, Target etc.
I'm going to go "Price is Right" on this bitch a say 1 cent. Seriously, expensive consoles are nothing new.
I'm gonna have a collection of "CheapAss Deal" PS3 games long before I have the actual system. I'll still consider it too expensive whatever its price is 5 years from now.
$300 to $400 is the most I'll pay for a PS3. I may even hold out even longer, as I have a feeling my 360 and Wii will be able to hold me over even longer.
You know the funny thing is, that just month ago, the Sony rep from Europe was stating that the PS3 will be 400 and 500 Euro respectively.
And those liars from Sony spread words, that it was a misinterpreted statement.
Now its revealed, that we will indeed pay the high price for the new "next generation" console.

I am not sure if this belongs to here, but Sony's future depends on the outcome of the PS3 as well. Should the PS3 fail to deliver, Sony will be in big trouble.
Just recall that the console market is the real one feed, which brings the mula home to mama.

I will be one of the ones, who will wait until the price going down.
[quote name='yester']You know the funny thing is, that just month ago, the Sony rep from Europe was stating that the PS3 will be 400 and 500 Euro respectively.
And those liars from Sony spread words, that it was a misinterpreted statement.
Now its revealed, that we will indeed pay the high price for the new "next generation" console.

I am not sure if this belongs to here, but Sony's future depends on the outcome of the PS3 as well. Should the PS3 fail to deliver, Sony will be in big trouble.
Just recall that the console market is the real one feed, which brings the mula home to mama.

I will be one of the ones, who will wait until the price going down.[/QUOTE]

Amen. Sony was beating down the doors of any mag or site that republished that PS3 price quote last month.

You're not the only one that's going to be waiting on buying a PS3.
[quote name='Swift900']Nice idea for a poll, and to answer your question - I'll be willing to shell out $200-$300 for a PS3 unit. I believe that will mean waiting untill 2008, but I don't mind.

I think I really fucked myself over this past generation. I skipped out on the PS2 launch and forced myself to wait for the Xbox. Finally buying the GC and PS2 at roughly the same time not too long ago with loads of good games. I think because of this I couldn't really appreciate the value of any individual game. I turned the hobby of gaming into a job where I would force myself to grind through games only to never play them over again.

This generation I plan on learning from my mistakes and pacing myself.[/quote]

I have to agree with you here. I own all of the current generation systems, and hardly ever play any of them. My problem is that I feel compelled by a need to collect; that is, I buy games that I know I'll probably never play, for the sake of collection. That's really dumb, and a waste of money. So, I've begun selling my stuff so I can buy PSP games, which I actually do play on a regular basis.

As far as the next gen, I have to begrudgingly admit that I am going to with the Wii at launch. The 360 is totally unimpressive at this point, and the PS3 is just too expensive. $500 and $600? Are you kidding me? Like one of the posters said earlier, it's just a system. It's just gaming. It's not worth $700-800 to me. Plus, my wife is about to begin medical school, so she has to quit working. Our money will be needed elsewhere for quite some time. However, when she graduates and becomes a doctor, making 6 figures, then it's time to play catch up on whatever generation of systems are available at that time.
that 500 price is a joke not the real price when the system comes out the price will be 300-400 or less not 500 it wll come out with two bundles like the xbox360
[quote name='starmask2k3']that 500 price is a joke not the real price when the system comes out the price will be 300-400 or less not 500 it wll come out will two bundles like the xbox360[/quote]


Good thing if you aren't buying in Euros - the currency exchange means the premium system would run you about $750!!! The more I think about it the more I realize that it's just too much money...
[quote name='Roufuss']$500, because that's what it costs.

Then I'll get a second to sell, and try to break even on the two.[/QUOTE]

I thought it was 599 for the one with HDMI. The only one worth buying.

Good luck selling it for $1200 to break even. I don't see many people running out to spend $800 on one. Plus Sony is claiming to have 3 million available this year.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']Holy Crap!! $600+Tx for a slightly (and I f'n stress SLIGHTLY) upgraded 360? Say by-by to first place sony, maybe next generation.[/QUOTE]

Yeah if MS is smart they will drop the price of their system to $299 when the PS3 launches. That will steal their thunder.
Its already so much cheaper, is there really that much thunder to steal? Sony GAVE UP their thunder.

Now what it might do is lessen Nintendo's thunder of being able to say that we're so much cheaper, if it turns out its really not by that time.
[quote name='starmask2k3']that 500 price is a joke not the real price when the system comes out the price will be 300-400 or less not 500 it wll come out with two bundles like the xbox360[/quote]

You're an idiot.

Sony themselves set that price; it is going to cost that much. That's not much of a joke, if you are correct. Which you aren't.

Of course it will come out in two bundles. That was already said. Good Lord, where the hell have you been?
I voted for $200 - $300. I don't know though...mainly because I still have a lot of backlogged games. I am getting playing through games and selling off what I know I won't play again. I think I'll get a Wii on or close to launch depending on the price. I think with the other 2 I'll wait and see which one appeals to me more after they have been out for awhile.
I'm buying a PS3 at launch!!!! $600 it today's America ain't shit. Only 3 days of work for me after taxes. Just wait til some of you youngsters get out of your parent's houses and on your. Your will see what I mean!!!!! $600 doesn't go very far in today's economy.
$600 independent of context isnt a lot. But not everything for $600 is a GOOD value. Thats the point.

I can give someone $100 at the store for....a bag of cookies. The point is, I'll want CHANGE.
I think I might just get 2-3, keep one and EBay the extras. It'd pretty much pay for the one I keep, a couple accessories, and a bunch of games.

I mean, judging by what the 360 went for, these should probably sell for around 2 Grand.

[quote name='dberuvides']I'm buying a PS3 at launch!!!! $600 it today's America ain't shit. Only 3 days of work for me after taxes. Just wait til some of you youngsters get out of your parent's houses and on your. Your will see what I mean!!!!! $600 doesn't go very far in today's economy.[/QUOTE]

And with that comment, you publicly announce that you're a minor who can't afford shit. Good job, skippy.
[quote name='dberuvides']I'm buying a PS3 at launch!!!! $600 it today's America ain't shit. Only 3 days of work for me after taxes. Just wait til some of you youngsters get out of your parent's houses and on your. Your will see what I mean!!!!! $600 doesn't go very far in today's economy.[/quote]

This is the funniest thing I've read all day. Wait until you get out on your own and have to pay for rent, your car, food, cable, phone, internet, gas, etc. - it adds up unbelievably fast. $600 is a lot of money for just about anything and especially a videogame console.
thinking about this and its realy not ok that it costs so much I dont care if it costs them alot to make them..then they shouldve made a cheaper machine.

We just came off buying systems for 200 bucks tops and now xbox and ps3 are throwing triple that price in our face for a step up its not right I cant offord it neither can alot of people im thinking there greed should create a backlash to produce pour sales then they would be forced to pricedrop.

nintendo can realy make a killing if they play there cards right but if there gonna raise the pricetag simply cause the other systems cost so much more than there just as greedy and dont deserve shit.

ps3 and xbox360 should be 400 tops .
[quote name='Skelah']thinking about this and its realy not ok that it costs so much I dont care if it costs them alot to make them..then they shouldve made a cheaper machine.

We just came off buying systems for 200 bucks tops and now xbox and ps3 are throwing triple that price in our face for a step up its not right I cant offord it neither can alot of people im thinking there greed should create a backlash to produce pour sales then they would be forced to pricedrop.

nintendo can realy make a killing if they play there cards right but if there gonna raise the pricetag simply cause the other systems cost so much more than there just as greedy and dont deserve shit.

ps3 and xbox360 should be 400 tops .[/QUOTE]

Hoo boy, I just want to quote this to make sure it's saved for all time in case you decide to change anything later.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Hoo boy, I just want to quote this to make sure it's saved for all time in case you decide to change anything later.[/QUOTE]

Bhabhabha...he said "pour" bahbahbahba
[quote name='dberuvides']I'm buying a PS3 at launch!!!! $600 it today's America ain't shit. Only 3 days of work for me after taxes. Just wait til some of you youngsters get out of your parent's houses and on your. Your will see what I mean!!!!! $600 doesn't go very far in today's economy.[/quote]

I wasn't even remotely interested in paying $600 dollars for this. But I'm selling my Xbox 360 as soon as it gets fixed (which could be up to ten business days YAY!) for the second time. I'm spending my money on something that hopefully doesn't break every few months, so yes I will be picking up a PS3, fuck microsoft and their shoddy craftsmanship.
[quote name='AshesofWake']400-500 for the premium version[/quote]

Why do people keep saying this? Sony themselves stated the price point. Do you think they are willingly going to take a bigger hit per system than they alreade are?
I think Sony really screwed the pooch with this one. Initially, it'll probably sell out, due to the larger numbers of early adopters in electronics today and possible "mismanagement" by production, creating illusionary demand.

They try to point out that the PS2 ushered in the DVD explosion, which is why PS3 has blu ray. However, most data on the subject point that over 75% of PS2 owners rarely use their PS2 for watching movies. The DVD explosion happened when DVD players became affordable, in the 100-200 range, well below the asking price for the PS2 5 years ago.

Gamers, hardcore and casual, don't care about the dvd capabilities of their gaming machine. All Sony had to do was focus on a machine that delivered high-res video and sound, and had a killer online environment, and they'd pretty much have a competitively priced unit. They already have the stable library. I mean, seriously, who the fuck cares about having a smarcard reader on your PS?

Sony thinks that they can pretty much do anything because they have the library locked up (VF, Tekken, FF, God of War). Except for FPS, they have the best games in every category exclusive to them.

We have to show them, as both gamers and CAG's, that they can't strong-arm us like this. I, for one, refuse to buy that machine for a penny more than $350-$400. For $800 (PS3, extra controller, and 1 or 2 launch games, +tax), I'd rather buy my awesome HDTV first, then wait for that crap to lower in price.

I'll guarantee that Sony will have to drop the price by at least $50-$100 within 7-12 months, followed by another drop around 20-24 months. If they don't, they won't win the market share war with Microsoft, then we'll see where all those exclusives go......
The price is really high but it is not like sony will be raking in profit for this machine the Nvidia RSX graphics card is allegedly fast than the Geforce 7800 out on the market which is selling for ~$400. Plus blu-ray,wifi, cell etc they will be losing plenty of $$ on this machine early on. Its a steep price and that might hurt sony early on.
bread's done