How much life do you think the ps2 has?


CAG Ultra Noob
Well i've never bought one and was thinking about picking one up,how long do you think before sony stops making games for it?
I'd check a few of the "upcoming releases" lists at the various game sites online. As far as I can tell, it looks like the lineup is dying out.

That being said, the PS2 has built up a library of games that can keep anyone happy for a long time. If you haven't had a PS2 before, then there are a whole lotta good games out there to grab. Even now it is a great investment if you are looking for entertainment.
I'd say the PS2 has one, maybe two more years of solid budget/semi-indie releases ahead of it. Much like the PS1, however, it's going to be punctuated with many lame versions of games from the current generation. Ironically, that would mean that both the PS1 and the PS2 would fall short of the infamous "10-year lifespan" claim made by Sony.

I'm getting way too nitpicky for your question however. As thelonepig said, there are a ton of good PS2 games that have already been released, and are already pretty cheap. The PS2 is definitely a good investment.
Well since you have never bought one, you have a library of thousands of games to choose from and there are many, many great games on the PS2. So even if they stop making AAA titles soon, you have so much to catch up on.
I still play my NES, SNES and Jaguar. It'll last as long as there are games you want to play.

However, are you asking how long will developers support it? That depends entirely upon how long the system continues to sell like hotcakes. I'd say it easily has another two years. If you listen to Sony, its got another 3-4.
I'd say it has until the PS3 starts to pick up.

That's really the only answer. Developers are still releasing stuff for the PS2, and it's going to keep dwindling until either the PS3 takes off, or the PS2 stops selling. The question REALLY is, how long will GOOD developers keep supporting the PS2?

Here's the tricky thing, though... developers know now the the Wii and PS2 can release similar games, which may serve to increase the lifespan of the PS2. Let's say you've decided to ride the Wii wave and make a game for it... why not port it to the PS2, just because it's easy to do. Both have huge install bases, right? The Wii will definitely expand the life of the PS2, that's fairly certain.

Really, though, it's on Sony. They wouldn't even dream of still supporting the PS2 if the PS3 had sold like hotcakes (the Wii). I mean, they needed to make the PS3 cheaper, so what was the first thing to do? Backwards compatibility. It helped them because it lowered the price of the PS3, and helped to keep sales of the PS2 going, which they actually, you know, MAKE money on. If people truly made the switch from PS2 to PS3, PS2 (or at least quality games on it) would go the way of the XBox very quickly.

Anyway, I've rambled long enough... if you don't want to invest in a still backwards compatible PS3, it's certainly a reasonable idea to still pick up a PS2. This is, of course, as long as you're buying it for the BACK CATALOG. If you buy it for 'new' games, you'll be sorely disappointed, period. In that sense, PS2 is effectively over, barring the 'Wii ports' I mentioned earlier. In reality, they'll be nothing new that's truly compelling in any sense.
You have no idea how many PS2 games I haven't beaten, or even PLAYED yet.
I havent played half the ps2 games I have.
A quick glance at GameStop's release list, shows Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity - January/8th/2008, Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law - January/8th/2008, Destory All Humans! Big Willy Unleased - March/4th/2008, and Ghostbusters: The Video Game - October/7th/2008 for some maybe good games for the PS2 in 2008. After that though, I'd say it'll be pretty much finished after Christmas 2008.
it depends on the gamer and their collection.thats probably the biggest reason why the ps3 wasnt an instant success next to that ridiculoud price and thats that many people are buying up all those last gen titles for cheap now that they wanted. overall within the end of next year the system will technically be dead but for those of us beefing up our collectionsfrom all the sales and discounts the systems got years worth of life. the ps2's massive library is kinda of the ps3's bane in a way. where as for the xbox and gc you had no choice really but to upgrade since both companies and many game developers were quick to abandon those last gen consoles in favor of the next gen.
plenty of time. NeoGeo Battle colliseum is supposed to finally come out here and there is still some good titles in the works for next year. I remember when people wrote of the system after Rogue Planet, then after Odin's Sphere, etc. etc.
2008 looks to be pretty decent. I'm looking forward to Yakuza 2 myself.

But as others have said, if you never had a PS2 before go buy one. It has tons and tons of games for you to play.
This is a good time to be a PS2 fan. There wont be any more $50, AAA titles for the system, but we'll be getting something even better, cheap Japanese ports.

I think were gonna see a bunch of quirky Japanese games come over here in the next year. We just got KoF XI, and Firepro, both for $15. Neo Geo Battle Colosseum is coming in Dec again for $15. I see more stuff like that on the way. Im still hoping for some US publisher to pick up some of the more popular Simple 2000 games for release here.

As long as your into 2D, or quirky Japanesey type games, the PS2 still has lots of life left. If your looking for more God of War, or Ratchet & Clank type stuff, well your going to be dissapointed.

If you look back thru history, some of the most highly regarded software for a console is released during its last days, after the successor console has been released. Kirby for NES, Donkey Kong Country for SNES. And now for PS2 were getting stuff like Red Star, Odin Sphere, Grim Grimoire, Firepro, SNK Fighters, etc.
I think it will be supported for 2 - 3 more years with games like Madden still being released maybe a few years after that (since XBox is dead yet Madden 08, and NCAA 08 were released for it and I expected the same for PS2)
we're still getting rpgs from the smaller dev houses. We've got Mana Khemia and Baroque on the way. Probably a 2nd Ar Tonelico game.

We wouldve had Steambot Chronicles 2 and Disgaea 3 if they had stayed where they started development :whistle2:|

It doesnt really matter whats coming out for it if you've never had one. You're set with unplayed games for 5+ years easy.
Yeah, for RPG's I bet we'll still get games well into 08, possibly 09.

We may get some cool budget titles also.

The best part, is almost every game is going to cost 30 or 40 bucks.
the ps3 is catching up right know in the market in terms of sales. Also, it is producing better games now than during its launch. With that i say that the ps2 has only 1 year of life remaining :applause:
after tales of destiny for the ps2 comes out i think its as good as dead. that game came out in japan ages ago though too.
[quote name='Strubble']the ps3 is catching up right know in the market in terms of sales.[/quote]

By catching up you mean the exact opposite of catching up?
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']By catching up you mean the exact opposite of catching up?[/quote]

It's catching up to Betamax, I think.
I gotta say the ps2 is possibly one of my favorite systems ever ( next to the snes) it has an enormous amount of quality games to choose from and cheap as HELL now that we're in the next generation. You would be a fool not to buy one.
op: don't buy a ps2 for the games coming out, buy it for the low priced and high quality games out now.

The ps2 backlists are still widely available and quite inexpensive. 2008 will probably begin to see gamestores clearing out ps2 inventory which will be a great time to score games, but after that, it will become more difficult to purchase games in stores.
2006 was a great time to buy a ps2, 2007 was a great time to buy a ps2 and 2008 is a great time to buy a ps2. There are dozens of games that have not yet aged, and for under $100 you can buy a year's worth of great, great games.
Anything coming out in 2008 is a nice addition.
bread's done