How old are cheapassgamers?

21. 1 boy who is 2 and is starting to try and play games with me! 1 annoying as hell girlfriend. Started Gaming in 1985-86 years, with the Coleco. I really started collecting during the SNES era though. Been a hardcore gamer ever since. Fondest childhood gaming memory - When my mom (I come from a broken home, so my mom and siblings were all I had) woke me up to tell me that she had found the secret 100 rupees in the top right corner of Legend Of Zelda!
I'll just copy Danimal's post and edit it, since it is almost exactly my story:

I'm another 37 year old with 2 kids. ON MONDAY, I'll be a 38 year old with 2 kids. Been gaming since Pong. I work crazy long hours to pay my mortgage and support my family, so gametime is much, much shorter than it used to be. That's why I've got a backed up pile of games waiting to be played. Well, that and all the cheap deals I've been stockpiling from this site.

...I echo the thoughts expressed earlier about gaming and bonding with your kids. My father and brothers played console games with me growing up. My 7 and 5 year olds love video and computer games, but I am very careful about exposing them to games with violent and other mature content.
[quote name='WildWop']Diaper wearers [1-21]: 29
Sexual Tyrannosaurus [22]: 7
Diapers revisited [23+]: 35[/quote]

Sexual Tyrannosaurus? As in extinct? :wink:
[quote name='robdees']27 tomorrow...way to old to still be playing videogames. :)[/quote]

You're never too old to play video games IMO!!

1st game played was Donkey Kong on Coleco Vision

Have a 6 yr old daughter and she has already started down the path of gaming.

Couple gaming moments with my daughetr was the day I bought Ninja Gaiden and I chopped a guys head off. She saw it an was amazed. Then she started to get mad that I didnt cut all the bad guys heads off.

Rainbow Six 3 my wife hearing my daughter say Tango Down when i would kill people and wifey trying to figure out what the hell my daughter was talking about.
im 21, working on a science degree at ohio state and will be applying to grad school in a few months. started gaming in 87 or so with my beloved NES for my 5th birthday and i just cant seem to stop!
27, first video game system was Pong, as in the huge console that only played one game. My parents picked it up at a garage sale.
24, going on 25 at the end of this month. Gaming since '89 with the NES. Took a 6 year break from gaming in high school and first couple of years in college. Got back into gaming when I bought a PS1 5 months before PS2 came out. Not the hardest-core of gamers, but I play a bit; enough to kick people's ass in NBA 2K series.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']I'm 14....and just to put em out there, CaptainObliviousXI (or is it IX?) is 15, and XboxMaster is 12.....or 13. I forget.[/quote]
yea im 15
but i was playing nes when i was a baby, no lie. Couldnt even talk.
One time i was at my uncles house and i was playing zelda, i was like 2 or 3, i accidentaly deleted his file, you should have seen how mad at me he was, i didnt know i could remember back that far tho. I ghess when it comes to video games you never forget its like the first time you ride a bike. :?
edit: 600th post
My son, who was 19 months yesterday, goes over to the entertainment center, grabs my PS2 controller, holds it right, and begins twirling the analog sticks while looking up at the tv. Unfortunately I don't have any games that would be suitable for him. He also comes to the sofa, grabs one of the remotes, turns around, aims it at the tv, and starts pushing buttons. Really cute, except when I'm watching something, then it's somewhat annoying.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction'][quote name='wubb'][quote name='Ledhed']Edit: I noticed everyone was throwing in how long they've been playing, so I might as well too. When I was 5, my Dad came home with an NES and Super Mario Bros. We stayed up trying to beat the 1st Bowser stage. I fell asleep, but my Dad was relentless. I woke up the next morning to find him sleeping on the couch in front of the NES. I woke him up, and he told me he beat Bowser! I sat in awe of his gaming prowess. Been gaming ever since.[/quote]

:) I loved that story.[/quote]

HAHAHAHA! The look of your avatar made it even better! It seemed that you were so happy, you could cry! :D

Oh BTW, I'm 22 and have been playing games ever since I could sit up.[/quote]

:lol: Part of the reason I like my avatar is the fact that it kind of looks like my posts are always making the poor penguin sad - or maybe he's just ashamed to be associated with my thoughts...
[quote name='Gameboy415']21 as of Tax Day. WOO!

*chugs a Miller High Life[/quote]

First thing he does legally is drink shitty beer. :roll:

28. Been pimpin games back when hand held football and the portable pacman arcade cab was the shit!
I had one of those PacMan portables, as well as... Stargate.. I think... some game with a ship going sideways that if you went into a white square you'd warp somewhere else?


What's 8 bit? [1-20]: 34
Played it all and came back for more [22]: 8
You can play games with an abacus right? [23+]: 47
15, ima youngblood...started w/ the good old nes w/ duck hunt and mario...i wish i still had it :(

then got a snes, a gamboy, a ps1, a gameboy color, a n64, a ps2, and gba...i wish i still had my snes and nes though...
bread's done