How To Get Your Girl Into Gaming: Advice from a Gamer Wife

My personal experience on getting a non-gaming girl into gaming.

-puzzle games
-old school NES Marios
-Ms Pacman
-Mario Kart
-2D fighters (don't special move her to death and take it easy)
-Newer GTA games just driving around killing (all women have road rage)

-pounding the fuck out of her when she decides she wants to play Madden. :D
-pretty much everything not listed above. :cry:

I've never dated a gamer, it would be weird fighting for the controller.
I lucked into a girlfriend who had a gamer hidden deep inside from her past. Her parents got her an Atari when she was little and that was the first and last system she had. When we started dating, her favorite game was still Pole Position II.

While she mainly enjoys watching me play (I wasn't allowed to play Psychonauts, any of the Sly Coopers, and most definitely Dragon Quest VIII without her there to watch) and trying to help out with observations... I've gotten her hooked on some of the good stuff. She's played all the way through Wallace and Grommit: Project Zoo and is currently working her way through Kingdom Hearts, Eternal Darkness, Burnout: Revenge, Simpsons: Hit & Run and Beyond Good & Evil. Together, we beaten Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks and are working our way through Lego Star Wars.

I wouldn't trade her for the world.

[quote name='$hady']pounding the fuck out of her when she decides she wants to play Madden. :D [/QUOTE]

She better than me at Madden :cry: Of course, she's a sports nut and I am not.
Thanks Mrs. Shipwreck, great article! I'm going to look into some of your sugestions for non-frustrating games to try to get CheapyDad's girl (me) into gaming. You are so right about the controller. I'm wondering if you didn't grow up using one, is it even possible to achieve any kind of mastery as an adult?
[quote name='$hady']
I've never dated a gamer, it would be weird fighting for the controller.[/QUOTE]

It actually kind of sucks... whenever I want to use the PC my gf is always playing damn Sims 2.

At least its fun to watch.
I unfortunately don't have a Mrs. Phoenix6666 in my life at the moment. And the only girl gamers I know are so hardcore into gaming that they think I'm a wee babe in the woods who isn't hardcore enough for them.

My sister likes to play the occasional game. What always happens is that she'll have a passing interest suddenly and want to play and then start playing some game, die and quit. She'll never play Zelda by herself. Forces me to play it so she can watch the story but she won't do it herself. For my sister, the easy way to get her to play games would be to play ones that are rather intuitive. Like Duck Hunt or Time Crisis where you have the gun, in your hand, and shoot thing on the screen. Very simple. Or a driving game, where you use the stick to drive and have a break or gas buttons. She also likes the 'girlier' games but isn't really turned off by the 'boy' games for their content. Usually she's turned off by them b/c they're kinda harder, control wise. Like forget FPS with her b/c there are a lot of controls to worry about and using both analog sticks simultaneously does take some practice for those who aren't used to it. Kingdom Hearts would work except for the rather complicated controls (ie. so many things to worry about, like camera, magic, targeting) Also, she'll get turned off by games that have a high penality for making a mistake. That would exclude games like Super Ghouls and Ghosts or Metal Slug or something with one-hit kills or will start you all the way back at the beginning if you slip.

Most of the advice I agree with, but if I were to offer one more tip (and I'm sure it's been thought of already) is that you pick a game that isn't considered a typical video game. Try something that isn't what the oldskool social stigma of games is, like the Katamari game or a music game like Donkey Konga or something along those lines. Then you can slowly introduce other games where you have to beat the wizard on level 7 so you can get the +2 sword to defeat the demon who holds the scroll of cleansing to purify the air and thus get the key of ages from the town mayor. =)
My GF got to the final boss in PM:TTYD but gave up. She got to the end of Buffy on Xbox, but gave up on the boss. She started Wind Waker, but gave up after about an hour. We tried playing Baulders Gate 2, but the angle sucked and it was too dark for her to see. We tried playing XMen legends 2, but she hates all the character building and hates waiting for me to arange all the skill points- whereas I don't trust the game to do it right.

She doesn't like turn based RPGs. She cant understand why they run up, hit them and run away.

She doesn't like "games where you're the camera." (FPS) She hates fighting games, she lacks the coordination for most action games, she dispises racing games...
She doesn't even like Katamari!
[quote name='CheapyMom']Thanks Mrs. Shipwreck, great article! I'm going to look into some of your sugestions for non-frustrating games to try to get CheapyDad's girl (me) into gaming. You are so right about the controller. I'm wondering if you didn't grow up using one, is it even possible to achieve any kind of mastery as an adult?[/QUOTE]

You definatly can become familiar with a controler, at least in the context of a single game. While it might be frusterating when a game tells you to press R3 and there isnt an R3 on the controler (it's not labled), once you play a game for a little while you can get used to what each button does instead of what its called and then what it does, the less buttons the easier it is to learn but it all comes down to pratice.

My Gf plays only adventure games and has rarely gotten out of that genre with Ico and Disaster Report (its crappy but really fun!) and she gave me the controler when there was fighting. I want to get her into RPG games but when I tried to get her to play Final Fantasy X she immediatly got pissed off that they "just take turns hitting eachother" which is kind of hilarious and true, but at the same time she gets stressed when a game is to fast paced. I tried to teach her to play Smash Brothers Melee and after just a round her thumbs hurt because she was praticaly clinging to the controler.

I'de like any tips or help for games that might be good, and any ideas on how to get her to calm down when playing a "demanding" game or is that just a lost cause?

Oh we also play survival horror together, she likes the adventure game style puzzels and story if its good (Silent Hill)
so tell me again why I'd want her cutting into my gaming time? It's bad enough she watches stupid tv shows in MY living room and now you want me to play some cutesy kiddie puzzle game to entice her to waste more of it?

:baby: somebody hold me

[quote name='vietgurl']Any advice on getting guys to play games? Most of my guy friends (and most of my former boyfriends) hated video games...[/QUOTE]

get their attention and reward them ... after all we're like dogs remember? something like "Hey, who wants to play a game of strip Soul Caliber with me?" :bouncy:
I actually prefer my wife not being intrested in games. I view it as my hobby and I have friends that I enjoy playing games with. We have plenty of other things we enjoying doing togther.

Occasionally she'll play a game but she'll never play a game unless I'm there. Maybe because she's scared she'll break something. But when she does play she likes Animal Crossing and Mario Party with our friends.
[quote name='$hady']
-pounding the fuck out of her when she decides she wants to play Madden. :D
:rofl: That's so poorly worded that it's hilarious.
mrs. shipwreck has now been Kotaku'd. Interesting intro to say the least. lol

I think I speak for mrs. shipwreck, when I say there was no brainwashing involved (that she knows of).
[quote name='Sku Rhim']Then I recall I came home for lunch one day and I found her playing it all by herself![/quote]

That sounds so.... scandalous!
I am having a hard time getting any face time with my new DS Lite since my nongamer old lady is always playing New Super Mario Bros., she also loves Warioware, simple puzzle games and Hotshots golf.
My g/f has always played games since she was little. She started on the NES and now she plays RPGs like mad. She is playing Dragon Quest 8, Baten K, Legend of Dragoon, and Grandia III. If only I could get her on World of Warcraft...
My wife owned a GameBoy and a PSOne in her pre-married life, but I have to say that her gaming days are mostly over. More so now that we have two very young children. Now that we have less free time in general, my time with games is severely limited, but I'm still very much into it as a hobby. She occasionally feigns interest because she loves me, and we did have a good Dance Dance Revolution kick (yay coop game), but she's just not as interested as I am.

I got her to try Brain Age, though, and she liked that for about 15 minutes.
Can someone please tell me how to get my games back from my wife? I need to go buy another DS Lite already. Though I should have seen this coming since she brought the NES to our relationship.
One thing I forgot to mention about Mrs. Number83 is that although she isn't a gamer, she knows that I am. And everytime she is out shopping and near a EB Games or Best Buy, she'll call me and ask me if there is any game I want. So although she doesn;t play, she is supportive.
[quote name='whiptcracker']You forgot to add:

Let her win.[/QUOTE]

You'd think that, but that pisses off most of the girls I've played with more than anything else. They're not generally as vain, oblivious, and petty as a lot of guys would like to think.

[quote name='smithj']Can someone please tell me how to get my games back from my wife? I need to go buy another DS Lite already. Though I should have seen this coming since she brought the NES to our relationship.[/QUOTE]

Hahahahaha, welcome to the negatives of successfully winning the girls over to gaming. Grin, bear it, and be willing to buy a second copy of a game after she swipes it for her own. Yeah, it's not fair, but frankly I don't mind spending the extra cash so the girl can understand why I spend some of the obesessing hours I do in gaming.
Well written article, and more realistic than some I've seen.

As far as my situation, well... this is my fiance's website.

That and the 160 days she has logged in FFXI kinda tell the tale. :0
The thing about girls who are gamers is that, at least in my area, most of them are beastly. The decent looking ones tend to have a fucking ton of weird habits and emotional baggage, thus making them pretty much impossible to date. The closest alternative are the anime girls, who are usually equally ugly and EXTREMELY annoying. It's like every nerd stereotype happens to live in my area.
[quote name='portnoyd']Well written article, and more realistic than some I've seen.

As far as my situation, well... this is my fiance's website.

That and the 160 days she has logged in FFXI kinda tell the tale. :0[/quote]
Tell her to update more often!
Reality's Fringe;1975271]The thing about girls who are gamers is that said:
yeah, but then again..lots of girls would say the only guys who play games are the geeks, the nerds, the fat kids, the goths, the losers.

quite the stigma on our hobby.
Buying two DS Lites is a good idea. Then there's no fighting over who gets to play it, and there's the added bonus of playing the two-player games together. Shipwreck doesn't have to fight for his games too much in our house. I'm not home enough to really monopolize the 360 and when I'm playing the DS, he's usually playing Table Tennis or Uno. Plus, I have time after school to play games (like right now) and he gets the systems all to himself when he gets home from work. Marriage is all about compromise, right?
[quote name='sarausagi']yeah, but then again..lots of girls would say the only guys who play games are the geeks, the nerds, the fat kids, the goths, the losers.

quite the stigma on our hobby.[/quote]

i dunno, all the girls i've been with have been fine with me being a gamer.

of course, only one actually loved more than anything to watch me play video games (every day i ask why i gave that shit up) but the rest have liked watching me play games with stories like RE4 etc.

and some like to play the mario sports games, bust a move, tetris etc.
[quote name='Sleepkyng']i dunno, all the girls i've been with have been fine with me being a gamer.

of course, only one actually loved more than anything to watch me play video games (every day i ask why i gave that shit up) but the rest have liked watching me play games with stories like RE4 etc.

and some like to play the mario sports games, bust a move, tetris etc.[/QUOTE]

well, i think girls are fine if they meet a guy and then find out he likes video games

but in general, i'd say most "average" girls would prefer someone who plays sports to someone who plays games...

i just find it wrong..on so many levels...then again..I've never been the type of girl who is all like "OOOH! MUSCLES!!"

one girl i talked to broke up with a guy because she went to his house and found a playstation 2 and a gameboy...said "it's okay for my little brother, but not for an adult"

and if you've ever watched room raiders, when have you ever seen anything remotely geeky get good praise? i don't think i've seen -one- console in any of those guys rooms....just surfboards and guitars and football helmets and things like that....
Good Post. Two thumbs up.

As for my personal experience?

ex gf totally non-gamer. Doesn't even use internet often (WTF?) Completely electronic-device illiterate. I think this is the case of you can't turn iron into gold. She does however, play import Majong games on ps1, if everyone who knows what that is.

Current GF pinkkirby is a little better. She plays mario kart, zookeeper (complains small screen is harmful to the eye) mario party... harvest moon... Animal crossing... etc. She also watches me play shadow of C, RE4.... and ask about the storyline.

One thing that I have learned is, even if the game is totally single playr and boring as heck to her... you could probably ask her to come over nicely, have her sit on your lap and trying to get her interested. Even a non-gold iron material GF can still show SOME interest at least for a period of time.

IF you do want uninterrupted time in gaming yourself, you can also try to throw a fun game for her to play. EX: play 360 yourself, have her play DS.

I use to play Guildwars and she would bug me continuously until I got her Fire emblem for GC (don't ask me why) and it worked like a charm. Of course this came to an end when I traded the Fire emblem in before she beats the game. (fire emblem was such a good decoy, she would play non-stop just to make sure the progress is perfect, without anyone dying in game)
My wife likes to play occasionally, but not nearly as much as I do. Fortunately she enjoys watching me play games as long as I don't get frustrated (CoD2 on Veteran=Cussing)

She was raised on a little bit of gaming, her grandad had a 2600 and stuff that she enjoyed, and not much else until we started dating. Here's her preferences

She likes many of the same games as Mrs. Shipwreck: Animal Crossing (we played this together), Harvest Moon, Co-Op on Baldur's Gate and Champions of Norrath Series, Super Monkey Ball, Uno, Brain Training/Soduku.

Here's the clincher, She loves playing DOA 3 and 4, and she's pretty good at it. I'd say we split the W/L records.

Only thing she won't play is any FPSs, dual-analog control schemes just seem out of her reach, but she enjoys watching me play through these.
[quote name='sarausagi']
one girl i talked to broke up with a guy because she went to his house and found a playstation 2 and a gameboy...said "it's okay for my little brother, but not for an adult"

and if you've ever watched room raiders, when have you ever seen anything remotely geeky get good praise? i don't think i've seen -one- console in any of those guys rooms....just surfboards and guitars and football helmets and things like that....[/QUOTE]

I've seen consoles on Room Raiders, and they ALWAYS say the same thing as that girl you mentioned up above.

One dude had a ps2, and like 4 games out, Madden, GTA, some other crappy games, and she boots him off, she says "I want a guy to be focused on me and not his kids games, you've got to grow up"

The dude had 4 games, and they weren't kids games at all... I didn't get it.
[quote name='Roufuss']Exactly.

I always see these threads about guys wanting to "convert" girls into gamers, like there is some magic switch to flip that will suddenly make them crave Valkyrie Profile 2 or want to play through Half Life 2. I know the OP is a female but now we'll see posts like "Oh, I've got to try these tricks on my gf, maybe it will work on her!"

It's a very rare case if it happens, and yea, it does happen, but most guys can expect their significant others to get into The Sims and Animal Crossing and nothing more. Maybe some puzzle games, too.

My gf mostly plays old school stuff... Mario, Sonic, Ghosts and Goblins, but nothing Playstation on up unless it's the DS (2d games again, like Princess Peach) or The Sims.[/QUOTE]

Sounds like your girl has good taste overall. I think that's one big thing. Oh and on the conversion factor I don't think it helps when people have played shitty games. If you're going to introduce your girl to gaming get the classics and make Nights! a definite in this one. The gaming on that is different enough it might catch her interest over other, more traditional gameplay stylees. I would also suggest Dragon Force but I think anyone will be addicted to it as well.
Btw Rei you picked up the Sega Ages version with Artbook yet? I'd kill for the Super DX pack of it.
My wife loves fighting games. She's a huge Tekken fan, though I never liked the series. Until Tekken 5 that is, which I started playing a lot after she got it. When I got to the point where I could hold my own against her she started to get angry at me. Saying how Tekken was HER game, and now all of a sudden I was taking that from her. Was quite hilarious.
My wife owned an Atari when she was younger but was a little too old to really get into the NES when it hit. She's always been addicted to those little online mini games where you can chat with people and have a 1 in a million chance of winning some lame prize (and after thousands of hours of playing these over the last decade she has won exactly 0 prizes).

I got her to play one Xbox game, which was Tetris, and also got her to play Tetris and Dr. Mario on my old SNES. I usually took my Gameboy on plane trips and she'd play those same games on Gameboy too.

More recently, I got her into Karaoke Revolution, DDR, and, her favorite, Guitar Hero.

And last year I got myself a Nintendo DS which I thought was pretty cool. I showed my wife a couple games and how the touch screen worked and she became a video game junkie almost overnight. Her favorite games are Advanced Wars, Tetris and puzzle games, Animal Crossing, and pretty much anything except fighting or shooting games (she likes Advanced Wars because it's strategy and she can sit and think without worrying about getting shot during her turn).

Now she reads all my video game magazines and goes to the game stores with me. She's always asking when so and so DS title is coming out. Heh.
Nice article Mrs. Shipwreck. Now I'm waiting for your next post about how/where to meet gamer girls.
I started dating my girlfriend three years ago, and right off the back I thought she was some preppy dumb girl I would party with on weekends, and we'd hold hands in school all cute and stuff. Well one night she came over and I was playing grand theft auto, I let her play once, in the next days she bought a ps2, vice city, and kingdom hearts of course. Now she has a good game library (mostly the most popular titles and such) and she woops my ass in super smash brothers daily with captain falco. She had never played games really before (grew up in a house where the parents think TV is the devil) and I guess she just opened up to them.. and now we share our weekends/or weekdays playing games and she's currently playing oblivion. :D I didn't even try to make her into a gamer, it just grew onto her, haha. but the games she spends the most time with are: gta: san andreas, tetris DS, and any zelda game.
[quote name='sarausagi']well, i think girls are fine if they meet a guy and then find out he likes video games

but in general, i'd say most "average" girls would prefer someone who plays sports to someone who plays games...

i just find it wrong..on so many levels...then again..I've never been the type of girl who is all like "OOOH! MUSCLES!!"

one girl i talked to broke up with a guy because she went to his house and found a playstation 2 and a gameboy...said "it's okay for my little brother, but not for an adult"

and if you've ever watched room raiders, when have you ever seen anything remotely geeky get good praise? i don't think i've seen -one- console in any of those guys rooms....just surfboards and guitars and football helmets and things like that....[/quote]

well i'm definitely glad i avoid average girls. but i do play sports and love to watch sports too so maybe that balances it out.

never seen room raiders, but i know it's a show on mtv - those aren't real people, they're plastic replicas of what mtv thinks you should acknowledge as ideal people.
when i first started dating my boyfriend, i wasnt that big into games but he was and i was into him. i tried my hardest to accept that zelda was in his heart just as much as i was so i started to play games like harvest moon and final fantasy.

then a year or so into the relationship he started playing EQ again. i broke up with him becuase he kept blowing our dates off for raids.

to make a long and boring story shot, we got back together and decided to start an mmo together so we started ffxi. that went to shit and now we play WoW which totally consumes my life. (at least we are in the same guild)

[quote name='charcoalfeather']
then a year or so into the relationship he started playing EQ again. i broke up with him becuase he kept blowing our dates off for raids.

MMORPG is the devil. Although for my previous failed relationship I would consider counter-strike as the main catalyst (blaming on her for my death in game when she calls) - I would imagin' mmorpg being worse. I remember I use to get up in middle of the night just to check if my char is "bot-ing" correctly for doing those "2ndary jobs". I worte little desktop program to automate my mouse so it does "mining", "crafting" .. those click-simple movement kinda things. So by the time I wake up I would be like "yay! my mining skill went up like 10 lvls............." sadness.

I have not yet found a girl that enjoys mmorpg. Current gf pinkkirby almost enjoyed character creation screen for guildwars (not really a mmorpg, i know)
She thinks those chars are pretty and wants to make a char too. Then a min into the game she has no idea wht's going on. "what am i doing? this is not Sims 2?"
Buy a DS and Brain Age. Warning - don't show her the Sudoku mode if you want to play your DS every now and then.
Can I add something as a girl gamer?

I never played video games as a child (my parents didn't approve..Daddy Dearest completely freaked when he saw me play Warcraft 2 as an orc) but I really sank my jaws into gaming after meeting my boyfriend. Now I game more than him. So what did he do right?

#1 - Start with a really awesome game that can be set to "easy". He started me off with God of War. We took turns on the controller and beat the easy level in 3 days. (We rented it from blockbuster so that was more or less the time limit.) I was hooked.

#2 - I (and may be other girls) prefer games with storylines. America's Army never appealed to me, neither did counterstrike. I needed a point to the game.

#3 - Find a game that's enjoyable to watch as well as play. I watch my BF play Oblivion about as much as I play it myself. Although we do quabble over what to do (he usually gives in), the experience has been good so far.

#4 - Shower her with compliments and admit defeat when its due ;). For example, I completely outlived my BF playing Resident Evil 4. He got stuck and gave up and I spent 15 hours straight continuing the game from there. Although he complained about the time spent playing, He admitted that I was better than him at that game at least.

#5 - I agree with the post. Be wary of competitive games. Virtual Fighter and Burnout has gotten me and my BF in more than 1 fight.

To read about the games a really liked, visit my space at:
I so wish I could find a nice, attractive girl who at least has a passing interest in videogames. I think they don't exist in Wisconsin, because I've never found one that's even remotely interested.

I've never even thought it was realistic to find a girl that shared my hobby, but all the stories in this thread are showing me that maybe there are girls out there like that.

The girl I just recently broke up with hated videogames, and would plain make me feel guilty for buying or playing them, and the arguement that would ensue from me trying to get her to try a new game or something I thought she'd enjoy was rediculous. Just one of the many reasons I'm not with her anymore..
Mrs. Hathaway has played various games:
Tetris, Bust a Move, Mario's, Dungeons & Dragons, Baulder's Gate's, Champions of Norrath/ Return to Arms, Jak & Daxter, Sphinx, Kingdom, Hearts, Resident Evil's, Kaya, X-men's, Fable's, Stolen, Cy Girls, Sudeki, Harry Potter's, etc., various genres. She hated video games 10 years ago! (They stole me from her.) I talked her into playing Mario once and she has been hooked ever since. While she dies faster than me and cannot shoot/aim as accurately therefor using more lives and bullets she can solve puzzles faster and does eventually beat most games. She doesn't get as frustrated/mad at games as I do either. It is cool to be able to share this hobby with her although she has many others. Sometimes we argue over who gets what system and what game first especially when a new awaited game comes out.
She also likes pc games: Icewind Dale 1 & 2, Neverwinter Nights.
Now I need a system for my room as I have to fight with her and 4 kids for games & systems. We have 2 gamecubes, xbox, GBA, & DS. Just not enough!
need more memory cards too, 4 & 6 yr old always erasing games accidentally.
My wife is a girl gamer. A proud one. A year or so ago, she wrote her own statement of truth about her love of gaming. If you have a moment, give it a read:

Ms Shipwreck's article is good, but it does reinforce the idea that certain games should appeal to girls because those games are ... well ... girly.

Rather than appealing to the individual (who happens to be female), too many games try to step over the gender line by virtue of being cute, being stereotypical or just being packaged in a pink box. Humans are more complicated than that and we all know it.

Furthermore, regarding the article's call to "Limit the frustration!" ... Why? I had this very same discussion with my wife last night over dinner. Frustration is an integral part of almost any video game worth playing. We just need to accept it. The reason why we allow this frustration is because of the reward that will eventually come. To make the built-in frustration bearable, you form comraderies (such as with a guild or supergroup in an MMO) and you develop strategies. In the end, you will not only overcome this particular obstacle, but also have expanded your own abilities to reason and to adapt.

And you thought video games weren't educational. They are. Stephen Johnson ( has written a great book called Everything Bad Is Good For You where he talks about this very fact. In addition to video games, he covers the hidden benefits of television and movies. I recommend it to anyone on this forum.
[quote name='grabbingsand']
Furthermore, regarding the article's call to "Limit the frustration!" ... Why? I had this very same discussion with my wife last night over dinner. Frustration is an integral part of almost any video game worth playing. We just need to accept it. The reason why we allow this frustration is because of the reward that will eventually come. To make the built-in frustration bearable, you form comraderies (such as with a guild or supergroup in an MMO) and you develop strategies. In the end, you will not only overcome this particular obstacle, but also have expanded your own abilities to reason and to adapt.
When someone is new to any endeavor, frustration is a negative. All it serves is to limit the new participant's enjoyment of something. Additionally, when it relates to a newcomer to the video game scene, usually the frustration is not that which all gamers are accustomed to, but something more basic, like jumping and falling in the same hole in Super Mario Bros. every time you play the first level (an old school example).

A real-world example:

Let's say I want my fiancee to start playing tennis with me. I'm a very good player, having held a racquet from the age of 10 through high school competition. If I want her to enjoy playing tennis, it would be really foolish to start slamming 100mph serves down the T. Would this be frustrating for her? Yes. Would it make her want to keep playing? Hell no. So you start with simple volleys so she doesn't feel overwhelmed and can return a good portion of what I send over. And yes, I taught tennis for a few years :D

Frustration is something to accept once you have come to enjoy an activity, but it is something to avoid at the beginning.
I'd think any story intensive game like Final Fantasy 10 or 12 would have great appeal for the gaming gurls? They like the romance and character interaction to from new friendships.

Frustration - I hate it. If a game makes me frustrated --like some stupid unsolveable puzzle-- it disappears to the Ebay site. And I go find something fun to do like DDR or watching 24.

And I don't want a girl just like me; I want a girl who'll be similar to my thoughts and can enjoy SOME gaming; but also can show me new things. Like how to appreciate hiking or watching hockey. Stuff I don't normally do.
[quote name='charcoalfeather']then a year or so into the relationship he started playing EQ again. i broke up with him becuase he kept blowing our dates off for raids.[/QUOTE]

That's about the time you should tell him gaming is cool and you like it too, but there's a serious problem with the relationship if he's craving EQ over a date with a real girl. Sounds like he's a step too close to being one of those freaks that is truly in love with a game character...

[quote name='Roufuss']I've seen consoles on Room Raiders, and they ALWAYS say the same thing as that girl you mentioned up above.

One dude had a ps2, and like 4 games out, Madden, GTA, some other crappy games, and she boots him off, she says "I want a guy to be focused on me and not his kids games, you've got to grow up"

The dude had 4 games, and they weren't kids games at all... I didn't get it.[/QUOTE]

I bet she's the type of girl who would get pissed if you wanted to hang out with "the boys" every once in a while or do anything that doesn't involve her. A girl should know that the guy is going to prioritize her... they should never ever say something to the effect of "I want a guy to be focused on me." Of course you do. A good guy will. A tinge of jealous is good, even cute sometimes. But a statement like that's just... no. Killer turn-off.
[quote name='wubb']Buy a DS and Brain Age. Warning - don't show her the Sudoku mode if you want to play your DS every now and then.[/QUOTE]

This is so fucking true.. I got one last weekend for both of us, and got Brain Age and ZooKeeper For myself, I got Advance Wars DS. That same weekend, I bought Super Puzzle Fighter II for PS1. I've played AWDS maybe an hour and a half, as she's now a DS addict.

Whenever I introduce a girl to gaming, I whip out Bust a Move 2 for PS1. Few can resist it. I've seen mom's and even a grandma getting addicted to that game. My current g/f hasn't played anything since the original NES, but is addicted to the DS and Super Puzzle Fighter. She's tried the XBL Arcade games, but much prefers using my 360 as a DVD player.

Funny side note.. she can't STAND me playing Halo 2 or GRAW. She gets bored watching them, and tends to go narcaleptic. However... she loved watching Oblivion. I'd play the damned game for 3 hours or so, and she'd watch every minute of it. "Pick that guy's pockets," or "hey, steal that stuff after the sun goes down." She hate's FPS's more than any other genre, I think mostly due to the gunfire.
bread's done