How would it make you feel if your girlfriend proposed to you??

"Long story short, we ended up having sex then going to get chicken Nachos and drinks at our favorite restaurant (a bit of a weekend ritual)."

This thread will ALWAYS be remembered for this sentence ! :applause:
strongpimphand is making me ROFL, hard.Bro, im not going to hate on your preachings, but your over all giving an impression that having the WOMAN propose to a MAN is not right because it robs the man of his "Dominance". The man is not getting robbed out of anything and shouldn't be considered soft, etc. That's silly.
Your assuming that the OP's girlfriend (and all of women by the sound of it :lol:) are trying to get him on "Lockdown" or steal his balls, instead of her visioning her spending the rest of his life with him out of pure love. We don't know that.


There's nothing wrong with it. If shes really in love with you and wants to devote herself to you, consider yourself a lucky man.
[quote name='Viol8tor']strongpimphand is making me ROFL, hard.Bro, im not going to hate on your preachings, but your over all giving an impression that having the WOMAN propose to a MAN is not right because it robs the man of his "Dominance". The man is not getting robbed out of anything and shouldn't be considered soft, etc. That's silly.
Your assuming that the OP's girlfriend (and all of women by the sound of it :lol:) are trying to get him on "Lockdown" or steal his balls, instead of her visioning her spending the rest of his life with him out of pure love. We don't know that.


There's nothing wrong with it. If shes really in love with you and wants to devote herself to you, consider yourself a lucky man.[/QUOTE]
I wish all of yall the best of luck. It's just that statistically, the divorce rate is high for a reason. Media wise, the woman is different from the woman of yesteryears...and times are changing rapidly.

You gotta stay in your lane and not let women walk over you.

I'll be the first to admit it. I used to not get any pussy. AT ALL. I was a fat black kid who had about 30 friends who were females...trying to fuck all my friends. Using me for a shoulder to cry on. Telling me I'm cute but not taking me seriously. Or, trying to use me for my money.

So, I looked at what I was doing. I started to refuse to be that shoulder to cry on. I told women I wasn't a bank and to have their ol man buy them shit (even if they didn't have one). I hung out with my peoples more and just showed up to shit even if I didn't wanna be there. And when a woman tried to talk wild to me...I'd simply do the same to them, except worse.

Women changed around me. As college grew, I started pruning the women I'd never fuck and just have those I've went after on there. Started walking up on soriety women. Even got the quiet nice women to pay attention to me and not their art design classes.

Women (in my experience) want a man who knows he's a man, and not a caring guy. Nice guys really do finish last. Of course you don't have to beat a woman (please don't ever do that) but you gotta let her know...don't step out of line on me. Don't try to run ship. Too many of my friends were just like me, and the same shit is happening to them.

Except a few are married....

I only looked at this thread beecause the thread title reminded me of a friend. She didn't propose....but she literally made it a shotgun wedding. She had one near her when she told him she was getting tired of waiting. He noticed....and told all of us he was on the way to the jewerly store. Damn shame....

Women are trained to *typically* always want marriage....and this is basically a shotgun wedding in effect. She's about to propose to him???? She wants it more than he does! I've been typing...if what you're doing is working, and your life is grand, and you're doing it the "right" way in your book....ignore my posts and continue on. Just please....don't ever bring up my mama again like one poster did. That's some foul shit on the internet or in real life.
[quote name='Fortune_P_Dawg']Last weekend (Saturday evening) I arrive at my girlfriend's house to pick her up for a romantic night out. I knock on the door, and end up waiting about 30 seconds. She opens the door and I'm immediately greeted by the soft glow of candle light; she's standing there with a huge grin, in a tiny blue dress that seemed to shimmer, freshly painted jade toenails, a fancy new hairdo, the works. Her house is adorned with scented mood candles in select spots. I step inside, give her a brisk hello kiss and ask her "Hey love... what's the occasion?" She responds "...oh... I don't know sweetie, I just wanted to do something special for you."

Long story short, we ended up having sex then going to get chicken Nachos and drinks at our favorite restaurant (a bit of a weekend ritual).

I told her the next day that the candles and everything meant a lot to me, yadda, yadda... So she texts me yesterday while I'm working and says "Hey baby, I have a bit of a confession to make. The other night, with the candles? I was going to propose to you but I chickened out because I didn't know what you would say."

We've talked about marriage. I would marry her. But wow... I mean, I had planned on proposing before the years end but that totally threw me for a loop. I would have said "yes" without a doubt but um... wow... I didn't know girls did that.[/QUOTE]

Good for you both. I was reading this and looking at your avatar... had me cracking up.
Too me it sounds like you have a really cool girlfriend, if I was in your position I would think it was pretty cool.
[quote name='Viol8tor']
Your assuming that the OP's girlfriend (and all of women by the sound of it :lol:) are trying to get him on "Lockdown" or steal his balls, instead of her visioning her spending the rest of his life with him out of pure love. We don't know that.
This made me laugh.
@ Strongpimphand

You have your views, fine but don't go throwing around statistics like 50% of marriages end in divorce and say its the womans fault. This is because people in general rush into marriage now without properly getting to know each other, hence more marriage failures.

Easier access to marriage + People who rush things = Disproprtionate amount of divorces.

I digress.

Good luck, OP! It sounds like she really does love you. Be classy, have sex the propose straight after.
[quote name='UnderQuarantine']@ Strongpimphand

You have your views, fine but don't go throwing around statistics like 50% of marriages end in divorce and say its the womans fault. This is because people in general rush into marriage now without properly getting to know each other, hence more marriage failures.

Easier access to marriage + People who rush things = Disproprtionate amount of divorces.

I digress.

Good luck, OP! It sounds like she really does love you. Be classy, have sex the propose straight after.[/QUOTE]

This is good advice..

My current girl friend and I have been living together for about a year now...i've known more about her just by living with her than my ex who I was involved with for 6 years. You really get to see what a person is like when you live with them.

How about having propose WHILE having sex? Couldn't hurt right?
I won't go into deep analysis and rebuttal over SPH's outpouring of misogyny, but in answer to his original question "how does it benefit a man to get married?" the answer is: PLENTY.

According to essentially every long-term social study that's ever been done on the topic of marriage, married men are healthier, live longer, rate their happiness at a higher average level than that of their unmarried peer demographic, and spend less time on domestic work than they do when they are single.

Conversely, married women have poorer health, shorter lifespans, rate their happiness level at an equal average level to their unmarried peer demographic, and have an increase on their domestic workload.

Thus, from a stress and health perspective, a man benefits from marriage while a woman suffers. Some of those studies suggest that this is probably because the wife looks out for her husband's health and best interests and absorbs tasks he would have to have done for himself otherwise (laundry, cooking, shopping), and thus the additional stress while not receiving the same level of support in return.

Feel free to look into it if you want to expand your frame of reference to something a little more scholastic than BET.
Oh my.. most interesting thread I've read in a while.

OP - If you want to marry this girl, YOU need to propose properly.. and do it quickly.

As for SPH... I'm just going to speak as a 28 year old and say that while I'm definitely not the oldest or wisest member of the board, I've seen more than most and I absolutely cannot disagree with everything he says.. regardless of how much it makes me want to run around beating my chest, there's some truth to it... at least in the sense of needing to take charge of your intentions from the beginning and stick to your guns or you'll end up nothing more than a comfort blanket for your significant other while some douchebag slithers his way in and does what you stopped doing.
Next time you go over, kick and-or throw a pile of magaizes all over the place, throw a big-ass jar of glitter into the air, and scream at the top of your lungs, "In the name of Cheapy D, Wombat, and to a lesser extent Shipwreck, I declare thee to be my wife!" Then mimic your avatar, make lots of babies, and live happily forever after.
[quote name='Salmonday']Some of those studies suggest that this is probably because the wife looks out for her husband's health and best interests and absorbs tasks he would have to have done for himself otherwise (laundry, cooking, shopping), and thus the additional stress while not receiving the same level of support in return.[/QUOTE]
I'd be curious to know if similar studies were done for unmarried long-term couples. Still doesn't sound like you'd need to get married.
Thanks for the input everyone...

So here's some info....

I'm 27, she's 25.

I'm a college grad, she's finishing her last year.

We've been going out exactly one year.

We've both been in many flings and past relationships, that just didn't work out.

I've never gotten along with someone so well in my life. Ever. Some of my best friends I don't get along with so well.

We're VERY compatable sexually. There's literally nothing we won't do to one another.

I told her, laying there, after our first time together... I said "Look, I need to be forthright... I'm not playing games with you okay. This? What we just did? It was pretty real. If you're seeing somone besides me, or you're just looking for a fuck-buddy I want out now. If I so much as sense you getting flakey, or losing interest, or whatever, we're done!" I had to say this. After years, of overly-dramatic whiners, and flakey fuck-buddies, I wanted a solid long term relationship with a cool chick. I meant all that too. My tolerance for estrogen-fueled-retard-antics is at an all time low.

We're very 50/50 on most things, and all about give and take.

We have similar interests that, while not the exactly same, compliment each other nicely. We have good conversation, and we both subscribe to the school sarcastic humor.

The first time we met it was sort of a blind date. The moment she came to my door and introduced herself to me, I shook her hand and just knew that this would be bigger on an emotional level than anything I'd ever been involved in. I had a feeling we'd reach this point, though I didn't want to admit it to myself or her. Though, she says she fell in love with me "before we even first met." My grandpa would always tell me, when you find the right one, you'll just know. Maybe he was onto something... I mean, the guys been married for 55 years.

I was very dominant in this relationship, and it's worked out nicely. I let her pursue me for the first few months before opening myself up to a more 50/50 relationship.

So... that being said. I do love her, and I do want to marry her. However, I'm not going to give her a ring and tie the knot a month later. I mean, if I do pop the question we're looking at a year, year and a half AT LEAST before getting married and she knows this.

Also, guys, strongpimphand isn't just blowing smoke. While a lot of what he says might come off as a bit draconian and chauvinistic but it's not all entirely untrue.
[quote name='JimmieMac']Does she let you cum in her mouth? That's a huge selling point.[/QUOTE]

Haha, she wouldn't at first, but I made her, and now she's cool with it. She said she doesn't much care for the taste. But then she sees the things I do to her and she feels like I'm showing her up, so she said she wanted to start trying it. Well, right before I was about to pop I had a feeling she would refllexively switch to manual, so I held the back of her head and just straight unloaded into her mouth and didn't let her go until she downed it. She was pissed for about 3 minutes and then said "drop em, I'm going to try that again." So it turned her on enough to where she now does it willingly.

And before some of you say, "...that's disrespectful, you should not force her, yadda yadda..." just know that she has no problem forcing my face deeper into her crotch just before she's about to get off (even though I like it and it turns me on).
[quote name='Dr. Venkman']Yes if she's cute. No if she has a moustache.[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't be dating her if she looked like Mario. And yes she's cute.
[quote name='Fortune_P_Dawg']I've never gotten along with someone so well in my life. Ever. Some of my best friends I don't get along with so well.[/QUOTE]Well yeah. You're not marrying your friends. The person you marry is not just a best friend, not just a soul mate, it's the person you join yourself with completely.

We're VERY compatable sexually. There's literally nothing we won't do to one another.
That's nice, but that shouldn't be anywhere near to the reason you're considering marrying a person. A relationship built upon sexual satisfaction is great while everything is going well. But as you begin to deal with the more ugly aspects of life
money ...not just we don't have enough, but agreeing on budgets, what you do spend money on, what you don't spend money on. stress of work or being out of work. family issues. health issues. personal/ social wants/needs. do you both have similar moral, religious, political, ethical, et cetera perspectives? If not (and that's likely because no two people should ever agree on everything), are you able to disagree and discuss things amicably where you both are able to freely express your feelings without shutting the other person out?
(and there comes a time in every couples life where they go from playing house with the person who thrills you, to actually having to face what life throws at us) and being compatible sexually won't help when the two of you are angry or hurt or scared and the two of you don't even want to talk to the other person for the moment.

I'm truly not trying to be negative. But people need to realize life is tough, then it gets tougher. And marriage should be a beautiful thing, where you build a foundation with a person, and then those two are able to face all the rough times, the temptations, the impossible situations together.

We're very 50/50 on most things, and all about give and take.
I know what you're trying to say, but bear in mind that a couple can't be 50/50 and have it work. Because then each person is only ever giving the other 50%. You both have to always be 100/100.

I was very dominant in this relationship, and it's worked out nicely. I let her pursue me for the first few months before opening myself up to a more 50/50 relationship.
What? How can you be dominant and make her chase you? I'm confused.

So... that being said. I do love her, and I do want to marry her. However, I'm not going to give her a ring and tie the knot a month later.
Then you two should discuss that. Tell her exactly that. A relationship is also about being completely transparent with that person. If you're afraid of what they're going to say, NOT having that conversation isn't the answer... it's a serious problem.
[quote name='strongpimphand']By being a man and acting your role, you're marking your territory.

Yall can continue to be Scott Pilgrams and fight for these women....go ahead. My life isn't affected by your actions.

But...think about this....if right now you're single, and you don't have a woman, and you haven't had a relationship in a while, and you look on your facebook and you have a lot of single women on there who are your friend but you and they both know y'all would never fuck....

...Something is wrong, and you need to re-evaluate.

Times have changed, and the woman has became much more independent and less caring about how she looks relationship wise. Just look at TV. Women are now choosing men and getting praise for acting like hoes....and these teenage/young adult females are lapping it up.

If your system and methods are working, then ignore my posts about relationships and continue to do what you do. But...if you ain't living might need to make a change. You do have to keep these women in line because they're not the same women of your grandma's generation. Your mama lived through this moderately. Her daughters are now much more free, and much more willing to exercise it

*Was suppose to be a quick reply[/QUOTE]

I don't disagree with you. But there's definitely a balancing act to be performed, especially if you're looking for something long term.

It is possible to be cocky, cool, funny, and dominant, while at the same time being caring and sensitive when it counts. Men get shat on when they're simply one or the other. I know because I've been down both paths.

I find that starting out as the former and then after a few months blending it with the latter, works wonders. There's nothing wrong with loving and sweet talking your girl, you just can't be afraid to put your foot down.

And for the record, when she told me she was going to propose... Something about that made me feel manly and dominant as fuck. She was laying it out there and giving me the power to make or break what could be or what could have been. That being said, I think she's genuine, and when I spoke to her about it in person (last night) the emotionality of the situation broke down brought her to tears, in a good way.
[quote name='guinaevere']Well yeah. You're not marrying your friends. The person you marry is not just a best friend, not just a soul mate, it's the person you join yourself with completely.

That's nice, but that shouldn't be anywhere near to the reason you're considering marrying a person. A relationship built upon sexual satisfaction is great while everything is going well. But as you begin to deal with the more ugly aspects of life
money ...not just we don't have enough, but agreeing on budgets, what you do spend money on, what you don't spend money on. stress of work or being out of work. family issues. health issues. personal/ social wants/needs. do you both have similar moral, religious, political, ethical, et cetera perspectives? If not (and that's likely because no two people should ever agree on everything), are you able to disagree and discuss things amicably where you both are able to freely express your feelings without shutting the other person out?
(and there comes a time in every couples life where they go from playing house with the person who thrills you, to actually having to face what life throws at us) and being compatible sexually won't help when the two of you are angry or hurt or scared and the two of you don't even want to talk to the other person for the moment.

I'm truly not trying to be negative. But people need to realize life is tough, then it gets tougher. And marriage should be a beautiful thing, where you build a foundation with a person, and then those two are able to face all the rough times, the temptations, the impossible situations together.

I know what you're trying to say, but bear in mind that a couple can't be 50/50 and have it work. Because then each person is only ever giving the other 50%. You both have to always be 100/100.

What? How can you be dominant and make her chase you? I'm confused.

Then you two should discuss that. Tell her exactly that. A relationship is also about being completely transparent with that person. If you're afraid of what they're going to say, NOT having that conversation isn't the answer... it's a serious problem.[/QUOTE]

As for the sex thing, I've always seen that as a substantial part of the pie. I couldn't marry someone I had zero sexual chemistry with. I don't think I know a person who would disagree. But I see what you're saying.

The 50/50 thing? That's not exactly what I meant but I see what you're saying and I agree. Giving 100% in a relationship is important but I'm talking more about the descision making aspect of the union. As someone who's from a broken home and who's best friends are from broken homes I can say with some certainty that when someone gets their way in a relationship all the time, as in 100%, it just doesn't work.

And finally, the one being chased, in my experience, dominates (at least at first) the emotionality of the relationship. Letting her chase me, I was able to hang out with my pals more, play more video games, and have more free time. I wasn't being a clingy person, and as such, my heart wasn't out there to get stomped if things didn't work out. I just sat back and let her come to me, and she did. Girls do this all the time, so I thought I'd turn the tables rather than end up dissapointed. Still confused?

And she does understand that we won't be getting married the next day, if I do get her a ring. It'll be at least a year or so and she's totally cool with that.

Anyway, those are wise words you speak. Thanks for the post. :D
[quote name='EarthBound Sucks']Dear OP. Need pictures of your woman in this blue dress to prove that this story is true. So yeah. Pictures or it didn't happen.[/QUOTE]

She's great but I'm not so sure she'd be cool with me slapping her picture up on a video game website. Hell, the girl doesn't even have a myspace account or a facebook account. I wouldn't even put my own picture online much less hers.

[quote name='Salmonday']I won't go into deep analysis and rebuttal over SPH's outpouring of misogyny, but in answer to his original question "how does it benefit a man to get married?" the answer is: PLENTY.

According to essentially every long-term social study that's ever been done on the topic of marriage, married men are healthier, live longer, rate their happiness at a higher average level than that of their unmarried peer demographic, and spend less time on domestic work than they do when they are single.

Conversely, married women have poorer health, shorter lifespans, rate their happiness level at an equal average level to their unmarried peer demographic, and have an increase on their domestic workload.

Thus, from a stress and health perspective, a man benefits from marriage while a woman suffers. Some of those studies suggest that this is probably because the wife looks out for her husband's health and best interests and absorbs tasks he would have to have done for himself otherwise (laundry, cooking, shopping), and thus the additional stress while not receiving the same level of support in return.

Feel free to look into it if you want to expand your frame of reference to something a little more scholastic than BET.[/QUOTE]

That just gave me a good chuckle. :D
I've been married for 10 years and it's worked out positively for me. It's better than being alone. You're not going to talk to your freak of the week about how your day went at work. And even with the kids, and the loss of personal time and private space the benefits outweigh the negatives. (I'm trying to type this while a 2 year old pushes on me, saying Daddy Stuck!)
Definitely some rampant misogyny from SPH. It's silly as hell to try to look for benefits like money etc. from marriage. The benefit is in stability, happiness, sharing your life with someone etc. Now granted, at the end of the day marriage is just a symbol and a couple can do all that and spend their lives together without officially getting hitched.

But in any case, I see clear benefits to long-term, committed relationships over being single/dating around--and I'm someone that doesn't care about marriage (not religious) and 100% have no interest in having children. I've always been a serial monogamist with a serious of long term, multi-year relationships (current one closing in on 6 years). There's just no substitute for the emotional bond in a long-term committed relationship--and that's the benefit of them, marriage or not.
[quote name='Fortune_P_Dawg']
Also, guys, strongpimphand isn't just blowing smoke. While a lot of what he says might come off as a bit draconian and chauvinistic but it's not all entirely untrue.[/QUOTE]

No kidding, what he is saying may miss the mark a little, but some of it does hold weight. I think some females want a guy who "keeps her in line" not because they need to be controlled, but it implies they are yours, and they are protected. How can they ever look up to you and feel like they are safe with you, if at the end of the day you act like a pet dog who has been through obedience training?

Of course some females just want to have fun, some are scared to make themselves vulnerable to do anything else but dominate, and some are way too submissive, but for anything to work I think it just takes what most things take...equal balance.

You seem to realize this though, so it doesn't make the whole concept of her proposing "completely" castrating though, haha. But really, It sounds like you have this under control and are by no means being dominated over by this gesture. If you really are ready, which you were going to propose soon anyway, then why not? Good luck to you man, and congrats.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Definitely some rampant misogyny from SPH. It's silly as hell to try to look for benefits like money etc. from marriage. The benefit is in stability, happiness, sharing your life with someone etc. Now granted, at the end of the day marriage is just a symbol and a couple can do all that and spend their lives together without officially getting hitched.

But in any case, I see clear benefits to long-term, committed relationships over being single/dating around--and I'm someone that doesn't care about marriage (not religious) and 100% have no interest in having children. I've always been a serial monogamist with a serious of long term, multi-year relationships (current one closing in on 6 years). There's just no substitute for the emotional bond in a long-term committed relationship--and that's the benefit of them, marriage or not.[/QUOTE]

Yup, the appeal of a long-term relationship is like asking a guy to think of his best friend in the world. Now, you've suddenly made that person sexually attractive and willing to smoke his peace pipe.

That's at least 13.4x better than teabagging the peanut butter to have the dog lick it off, varying of course should you decide to use the Rebel or the Yankee index of repulsiveness versus gratification, adjusted for social acceptability and plausible deniability.
[quote name='TreizePlus']No kidding, what he is saying may miss the mark a little, but some of it does hold weight. I think some females want a guy who "keeps her in line" not because they need to be controlled, but it implies they are yours, and they are protected. How can they ever look up to you and feel like they are safe with you, if at the end of the day you act like a pet dog who has been through obedience training?

Of course some females just want to have fun, some are scared to make themselves vulnerable to do anything else but dominate, and some are way too submissive, but for anything to work I think it just takes what most things take...equal balance.

The balance is the key.

Any worthwhile relationship isn't either person needing to be kept in line, protected, dominated etc.

It's a 50/50 partnership where both people are always there to support the other and tackle life's challenges together.

The notion of the male having (or being supposed to) dominate the relationship, support the family etc. is just an outdated relic that has little place in today's more equal society where both people are likely working etc.
Nice, full descriptions of OPs sex life including *** in mouth...if this isn't top 5 TotY material, I dunno what is.
[quote name='gunm']Nice, full descriptions of OPs sex life including *** in mouth...if this isn't top 5 TotY material, I dunno what is.[/QUOTE]

Hey! I didn't bring it up. And I tried to be as non-descriptive as possible.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Definitely some rampant misogyny from SPH. It's silly as hell to try to look for benefits like money etc. from marriage. The benefit is in stability, happiness, sharing your life with someone etc. Now granted, at the end of the day marriage is just a symbol and a couple can do all that and spend their lives together without officially getting hitched.

But in any case, I see clear benefits to long-term, committed relationships over being single/dating around--and I'm someone that doesn't care about marriage (not religious) and 100% have no interest in having children. I've always been a serial monogamist with a serious of long term, multi-year relationships (current one closing in on 6 years). There's just no substitute for the emotional bond in a long-term committed relationship--and that's the benefit of them, marriage or not.[/QUOTE]

Women are not viewing marriage to be the same as their grandmothers...and they're certainly not viewing it the way us men view it (they've never viewed it our way)

For CAG's viewing pleasure....I shall type a long rant. Follow my road....

We typically view marriage as the woman who we feel the most comfortable around and who we want to have kids with, and spend a day with, and have sex with *until she stops putting out, and another woman does, and our morals are questioned*. I've always asked married men..."why did you marry her?"

"I felt like settling down and she was the best option for me" or "I've always loved her and I felt I could spend the rest of my life with her"

To the woman's no longer a necessity, it's now a casual event that is fueled more by the day of the marriage and less by the commitment. Women are quicker to dip out on their men, they're quicker to realize that they really don't need to be married, and they're quicker to PUNISH a man legally speaking for any major faults.

My friend...he's getting married next month. Great guy. Pals since the 4th grade! His girl hates me because I see right through her. I know what type of woman she is and how she's the type to run out on him when the fire starts burning.

Tell me why she convinced him to hold the wedding in Vegas "because it's cheaper". Cheaper at a robust.....5k! How idiotic is it for two people who are less than 25 to spend 5k on a wedding? But she wants it, and she speaks about how much she loves him for agreeing to yep. Done deal.

And he's not the first of my friends to fall victim to the new woman. I don't care if yall believe me, but my brother's co-worker was literally ON HIS DEATH BED and she still forced him to go through with it. Imagine that. Being in the hospital for serious ulcers and having to check out and walk down an aisle because she didn't want to lose her deposit and shit.

So that's why I ask what's the purpose or marriage? Besides for legality purposes like green cards or maybe to save some money or to get benefits...what's the purpose? Most women don't need us men anymore. They're much more free than before.

Beforehand, they needed us for physical labor. For protection. For representation. Society told the woman that if she was 25 and not on the verge of marriage...something was wrong with her! And if it was before the modern era...if she was 15, and not married.....

And us men...we NEVER needed women historically except for family purposes. In many societies men would practice polygamy (of course they still do) and they would only marry a woman so she can raise his children and grow the lineage. The women would be in charge of duling out responsibilities for the children and maintaining the houses while the father worked and brought back money for his wives.

In America, up until roughly 1950, it was the same way...except a single man/woman bond.

Now, the woman doesn't need many manual labor things done for her - they're much more willing to do projects themselves. I worked at Lowes...full of women ready to do their own shit.

Women don't need a man to pay for her stuff - she has a job.

Women don't need to be married honestly...because society no longer shames them for not being married young. Even movies over the past decade have moved to supporting the independent woman. Shoot, there's one coming out about a lesbian couple I believe who just want the sperm from a guy or something like that.

The weak guy is now becoming an endangered species. He's never going extinct...but his value is so far gone. Unless he can keep that woman cracked up with laughter or unless he's such a loser that the woman tries to fix him so he can be her prince charming....he's worthless.

You gotta be strong. You have to enforce yourself and remind her why to even have a man. And when you do lasso in the wild filly, you have to keep riding her at the same strength. You gotta beat down the woman until she realizes that she needs a man...even if she doesn't!

Let me share something. I'm seeing a woman right now who loves that VH1 shit. I can't stand it. She'll watch some woman choose over like 6 guys all day long. I caught her watching that shit and I bluntly said "That show makes women see powerful, but takes all the respect away from them. I wouldn't want my woman thinking she could just choose between me and other men..." and after a bit of dialog, I left the room and she started watching the history channel.

I'm not endorsing acting like a jerk, or a pimp, or of course, physically harming a woman. What I'm saying is that you're dealing with a new breed of woman, and if you want it your way, you better start from the door with 100% confident and 100% "my way" mentality. None of this "I wanna share my love with you baby" bullshit. You gotta always be on the offense, non-stop, until you know you broke her down. And then, you cannot let your guard down. You can't let her listen to her friends because they're typically stupid. You can't let her listen to her mama because hopefully by then, you're on great terms with her and you know even if you break up, you can still stop by at the BBQ and eat good. You can't let her go online and read message boards because those women don't have a man.

You gotta be a man, and assert your manliness. There was a commercial about how women minds are always changing. I think it was a body spray thing. That's the truth. The tides have shifted and it's less women chasing men and more men chasing women. Dating sites are now built around men trying to knock down the women's doors and not vise versa. If you aren't paying attention to this're going ot be a statistic. Don't be a damn statistic. Don't be the man living in a loft looking lonely asking how did this happen....

*And I guess I'll be the only person to ask the heart man berries??? Word?
[quote name='Fortune_P_Dawg']Hey! I didn't bring it up. And I tried to be as non-descriptive as possible.[/QUOTE]

To be clear, I'm not complaining.
[quote name='strongpimphand']You gotta beat down the woman until she realizes that she needs a man...even if she doesn't!

I'm not endorsing acting like a jerk, or a pimp, or of course, physically harming a woman. [/QUOTE]

You are fucking insane :applause:
[quote name='Sporadic']You are fucking insane :applause:[/QUOTE]
Once again....if your ways are more effective, and you feel as if you can just be yourself and have a long lasting relationship with a woman....then go ahead.

Most men though...they're failing. They're getting sloppy and too comfortable with what women are doing in front of their faces. They're allowing these women to be the team captain AND the coach...and then getting confused when they get put on the bench. And worse off...some men are actually happy that their woman is in charge. As if that's a positive!

But do you. My ways have benefit me greatly, but if you don't agree....well, it's not my job to wake you up.
It's not about "needing a man." Or needing a woman for that matter.

It's about whether you need/want a significant other to share your life with. Has (or at least should have) little to nothing to do with gender roles, finances, etc. etc.

Some people don't want/need this and are 100% self focused and individualistic, and those people probably shouldn't matter and are better suited with flings and casual relationships.

But most of us want stability and normalcy in our lives, so we look for long term, committed relationships as we want someone to share our lives with through the good and the bad rather than going it alone.
[quote name='dmaul1114']It's not about "needing a man." Or needing a woman for that matter.

It's about whether you need/want a significant other to share your life with. Has (or at least should have) little to nothing to do with gender roles, finances, etc. etc.

Some people don't want/need this and are 100% self focused and individualistic, and those people probably shouldn't matter and are better suited with flings and casual relationships.

But most of us want stability and normalcy in our lives, so we look for long term, committed relationships as we want someone to share our lives with through the good and the bad rather than going it alone.[/QUOTE]
What I've been typing is that you go into the relationship with that idea...but the woman is changing right in front of our eyes. That woman you're with is not going to be the same woman philosophically in the next 5 years. If she's under 25, there's a good shot she's vulerable to the stronger feminist movement occuring where women are give much more power than before and are encouraged to be promiscuous.

You want stability...she will probably want power and control. You want the present..she'll want the future. You want an ol miss...she wants a new man.

Women should not be dominating a relationship. Not even sharing half of it. A woman should respectfully stay in line or she will end up getting too independent and trying to run ship.
You're just full of shit man.

My current long-term g/f has a Ph D, makes more money than me (2 years further into her career than me), is workaholic and pretty self focused like me, and is very strong willed and independent like me.

6 years and counting and neither of us dominate the relationship. It's a 50/50 partnership. We discuss things like adults, and make decisions together. Sometimes I compromise a little, sometimes she does. Just absurd to assume all (or most) women fit what you're saying. Just as bad as women assuming all men are pigs who just want to fuck around and don't want commitment. :roll:

And a woman shouldn't have even half of the power in a relationship? What a load of misogynistic bullshit. Ignore +1.
[quote name='Lord_Kefka']Still waiting to hear more about these chicken nachos.[/QUOTE]

Your not the only one buddy ;)
[quote name='dmaul1114']You're just full of shit man.

My current long-term g/f has a Ph D, makes more money than me (2 years further into her career than me), is workaholic and pretty self focused like me, and is very strong willed and independent like me.

6 years and counting and neither of us dominate the relationship. It's a 50/50 partnership. We discuss things like adults, and make decisions together. Sometimes I compromise a little, sometimes she does. Just absurd to assume all (or most) women fit what you're saying. Just as bad as women assuming all men are pigs who just want to fuck around and don't want commitment. :roll:

And a woman shouldn't have even half of the power in a relationship? What a load of misogynistic bullshit. Ignore +1.[/QUOTE]
Good job?
Its the thread that keeps on giving.

[quote name='strongpimphand']Good job?[/QUOTE]

He's saying you apparently date stupid, immature manipulative bitches who only need you to assert your dominance because otherwise they'd walk all over you. They have no concept for rational thought, nor do they appreciate the concept of reciprocation unless they feel it is a net benefit to them.

Or something like that ;)
bread's done