Humble Bundle Thread

What would be low enough for you? Because I have a tab open at $7.88 and I have no interest in the bundle.
Even though I have a decently low BTA locked in, I'm very tempted by the full $15 on this one. I was starting to look for programming books anyway, and Lego idea books are right up my son's alley.

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Even though I have a decently low BTA locked in, I'm very tempted by the full $15 on this one. I was starting to look for programming books anyway, and Lego idea books are right up my son's alley.
Well, Python is a great first language, cause it's pretty lenient on syntax, and it's more natural language based. And it can be used to mod, say, Minecraft. That book is in BTA.

As a kid, I also learned most of my sciences from science manga, so I'd recommend those too. Although these are aimed at older kids, I think, rather than the 5-10 year old stuff I grew up on. At least, that's what I assumed when I looked at some of these in a store. I mostly want these as a refresher, because I have a niece I plan on teaching (answering those "why" questions etc.). These books are also in the BTA tier.

JavaScript, on the other hand, is like a red-headed stepchild of C/C++. It can teach some bad habits about C/C++. That book is on the $15 tier.

Even on Amazon, while both have high reviews, the Python book has 85 reviews to JavaScript's 7.

Also looked at the sample of the LEGO Neighborhood book... eh. It's pretty underwhelming if you're already building modulars. And if you're not, you probably won't have the pieces to do anything with it.

tl;dr: If you have a cheap BTA, it's easily the best bang for you buck.

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New Humble Weekly Bundle - Adventures!:

  • Detective Grimoire
  • Broken Sword 1 & 2
  • The Whispered World Special Edition
Beat the Average for:

  • The Detail Episode 1
  • A Golden Wake
  • Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller: GOTY
Pay $10 or more for:

  • Broken Sword 5
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A Golden Wake...



ETA: Got a tab at 2.86. Thinking of getting it just for A Golden Wake and the bonus OSTs...

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I'm still missing Cognition complete, but It will be bundled again and cheaper. Don't know anything about A Golden Wake, so... another pass

Meh, once it dropped below $3, it started trying awfully hard to climb back up. /tinfoil

Their problem was they overestimated how many people wanted to buy Broken Sword 5 (which is $25 on Steam) when 4's never been bundled before.

If they were smart, they'd have put Broken Sword 4/5 in the $10-tier and the average would be a lot higher. If they were smarter, they'd have put Broken Sword 3 in the BTA-tier as well.

Just hire me already Humble.

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Have you put more time into collecting all the Cognition Episodes from the various bundles, or have you spent more time playing it?
I liked the game and already played EP1, will continue playing it after getting all chapters. The game would be better if there was a method to "quick advance" some animations... some adventure games had that feature back then. But I still liked it.

BTA's holding steady at 3.07.

And yeah, Broken Sword IV should've been in this too. The Detail being in another bundle kinda hurt the price.

No comments on soundtracks yet, Foxhack?
I took a risk and bought it. As expected, the Wadjet Eye game has MP3 only. But all the others have FLAC. :)

I already knew Cognition had a FLAC version, Broken Sword 1 too since it's the remastered OST, Whispered World too since Daedalic always throws in FLACs... I didn't think The Detail had FLAC, but there it is. The OST is included in the Steam version anyhoo.

I only needed Grimoire and A Golden Wake, so the rest of the games are trade fodder.

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Well, I just checked... I'm only missing Detective Grimoire, A Golden Wake, & Borken Sword 5 (and 4).

I think I'll just hate-penny for Detective Grimoire (Android).  I don't see myself coughing up $2.86 for A Golden Wake, or even a dollar for Detective Grimoire (Steam).

Bored now.

No comments on soundtracks yet, Foxhack?
Because of the below, my only real incentive to BTA would be for soundtracks. I already have the soundtrack for Cognition, so that makes it worse.

EDIT: And Foxhack just pointed out that The Detail already includes the soundtrack, so now I'd be ponying up $3 just for A Golden Wake.

EDIT 2: Hm. Now I see that even though I have "Part 1" of the Cognition soundtrack, both parts are part of this GOTY version. REED!

That's pretty much what it is. I have 4/6 from the first two tiers.
I got you beat: I kickstarted Detective Grimoire, so I have 5/7 from all tiers.
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Man... A Golden Wake was released in October. But Blackwell Epiphany came out last April and it still hasn't been bundled. Dammit. *shakes fist at Dave Gilbert*

Because of the below, my only real incentive to BTA would be for soundtracks. I already have the soundtrack for Cognition, so that makes it worse.
According to the Steam page, Cognition has two soundtracks (Vol. 1 & 2). Vol. 1 was given away for free to owners on Steam, but Vol. 2 was not. Both are included on the bundle download page.

Man... A Golden Wake was released in October. But Blackwell Epiphany came out last April and it still hasn't been bundled. Dammit. *shakes fist at Dave Gilbert*
When I saw A Golden Wake was 70% off during the entire Steam holiday sale, it was only a matter of time until getting bundled. I guess sales weren't very good.

I remember an interview with Gilbert last year in which he said he wanted to wait a year before bundling his own games. Epiphany's already been discounted up to 80%, so it seems to be on deck for bundle duty as well. I guess April.

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Well, I just checked... I'm only missing Detective Grimoire, A Golden Wake, & Borken Sword 5 (and 4).

I think I'll just hate-penny for Detective Grimoire (Android). I don't see myself coughing up $2.86 for A Golden Wake, or even a dollar for Detective Grimoire (Steam).

Bored now.
You didn't get Detective Grimoire mobile when it was free?

...or was that only on iOS?
Played it? Thoughts?

This is CAG! Played it?!

Seriously, though, no. I just figured out how to get my Steam key a week or so after it turned up on Steam. I registered it and I haven't looked at it since. I had $5 to spare a few years ago and Kickstarter was a relatively-new thing back then. I used to spend a lot of time reading over the KS site looking for things I might be interested in and kicking myself for things I missed. This was before I realized that kickstarters are basically for people who have lots of disposable income and don't really care whether what they're tossing their money at actually results in some kind of usable finished product.

Looking back, I don't understand why this bundle was dropping at the outset... it's $1 and BTA are totally meh for bundle-junkies, but the BTA is particularly strong for non-junkies.... Norms were only tossing a buck at it?

Looking back, I don't understand why this bundle was dropping at the outset... it's $1 and BTA are totally meh for bundle-junkies, but the BTA is particularly strong for non-junkies.... Norms were only tossing a buck at it?
That struck me as peculiar, as well. I guess Cognition really did get overbundled.

BTA going back up. Seems like $2.88 was a pretty good price to lock in  :D/

Although, I don't actually want the fuck ing thing....

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bread's done