Humble Bundle Thread

So theyre actually trying this month? Never expected Mass Effect trilogy to be bundled so got in on that trilogy glitch as well unfortunately. Desperados (and Man of Medan) will be nice at least. Hopefully the dlc won't be pricey.
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So theyre actually trying this month? Never expected Mass Effect trilogy to be bundled so got in on that trilogy glitch as well unfortunately. Desperados (and Man of Medan) will be nice at least. Hopefully the dlc won't be pricey.
Sometimes I wonder how this works. Does Humble ask publishers, dev's, or whatever? Do the publishers come to them?

Sometimes, I wonder if it's on the publishers and they're just like "Nope. Not at all." or "Nope, not yet; call back in a few months, once our $50-70 MSRP dales go dead."

I know everyone is even more psyched about getting a last gen version of Madden on Origin via prime.
Mass Effect Trilogy appears to be Origin. Maybe not so bad I got the Steam key now. And wait, somehow already had man of Medan. Guess Desperados is the main draw for me then.

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Any huge differences b/t old-gen and new-gen Madden 22?
Have not tried a Madden game for maybe 15 years or so, just going by an article I looked up, but apparently better movement, AI, stadium atmosphere, and stat system.

Of course it is, it's EA. They don't often give away Steam keys for their stuff.
Last time I can remember is a bundle that had both Steam and Origin keys of the original Mirror's Edge.
Fairly decent bundle. I was sad when desperados 3 left gamepass as I hadnt gotten around to playing it yet so thats a definite win. I did play through man of medan on gamepass though and enjoyed my time with it. ME:LE on origin is a bummer as I might as well do that through gamepass if no steam key is involved. This bundle is probably worth it for me for desperados alone, especially if I can recoup some of the cost from the cess pool.
I'm thinking of pausing since I have Mass Effect already. Only interested in Police Stories (barely), Man of Medan (barely) and Desperados 3 (nice). Not sure that's worth $12 unless I can load off Mass Effect for something.

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Easy skip with ME:L not being a Steam key, they need to get real. And separate the bundles by store front completely.

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Last time I can remember is a bundle that had both Steam and Origin keys of the original Mirror's Edge.
The Humble Origin bundle? It actually had Steam keys and Origin keys for most of the games (Mirror's Edge, Dead Space, Crysis 2, Burnout Paradise, Medal of Honor and Red Alert 3 - Uprising). Only ones that were strictly Origin keys were Dead Space 3 and The Sims 3 I think.

I know everyone is even more psyched about getting a last gen version of Madden on Origin via prime.
Not as much as Surviving Mars on Epic! Oh wait, that was free on Epic like twice in two years. And in multiple bundles on humble.

Also, doesnt the Steam version of ME:L require origin to be installed?

ME:Legendary requires Origin launcher even if purchased on Steam (believe me was I disappointed to discover that). So there is no escape from them if you wanna play on PC. I broke down and made an account as I don't know when I'll be getting a PS5.
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You show this to me every time we meet, pal.

ME:Legendary requires Origin launcher even if purchased on Steam (believe me was I disappointed to discover that). So there is no escape from them if you wanna play on PC. I broke down and made an account as I don't know when I'll be getting a PS5.
Expect more of that these days with games requiring their own client's launcher (i.e. Rockstar games like GTA5, RDR2, LA Noire, and even some older games got retro-fitted with always need Rockstar Launcher; Ubi games need UPLAY like Might & Magic 10; EA games after BF3 need Origin; etc etc) - as most games these days are built from the ground-up w/ their own services in mind & also utilizing those (lack of) features, servers, and/or DRM.

They're trying to make sure they get you only into their own storefront & client-app, hoping you'll buy the version w/ only their DRM/client-app crap.

Also, Ubi likes to make Steam-versions pricier in sales on Steam store, as they probably don't like giving Steam 30% also.

Most dev's and pub's likely are just going to take their OG version w/ its OG-required service there and not re-work it totally to be Steam-only, just dumping it as it was w/ OG service there onto they are not spending tons of $, man-power, resources on spitting out a Steam-version.

It's always all about $.


Also, doesnt the Steam version of ME:L require origin to be installed?
Of course. Almost every EA game since BF3 requires Origin and was made from the ground-up w/ it in mind.

See above.

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I already have Gears 5 on W10 Store / Xbox PC Store, from when G5 and Gears Tactics were $5 each digital sale from Best Buy.

IIRC, I think Celeste a freebie before on Epic?

Recently got my hands on Cloudpunk + CoG expansion on GOG, in giveaway over on GOG. Cloudpunk's cool.

Man, they had to put Scarlet and Severed in the Top $20 Tier. Hmmm....


More on Cloudpunk, so far - it's like an open-world, space-vehicle-driving game where you drive flying cars. You're basically an Uber-driver in a Cyberpunk-y type of future in the Clouds. You meet people, make deliveries (often not knowing what's in the package you are to deliver) and make important (morality) decisions based on info you know - world's corrupt as heck in there; total dystopia. You say might have to decide to deliver a package or not; one was ticking for example and...I didn't deliver it; and the company and the person I did the job for wasn't happy with me - and I did NOT get paid for the job. Love the atmosphere, the world, world-building, and that stuff. Dialogue, voice-acting, and story stuff can be hit and miss - but some of the details to missions are bizarre, weird, and out there...which can be cool. I have not seen any say missions w/ combat in cars or say combat when you're on-foot. And yes, you can seamlessly drive around in your flying car, land in a parking garage, go on foot, explore the world, find stuff to do, characters to interact with, and whatnot. Open-world adventure game as an Uber-driver in Jetsons-like flying-cars in this horrible cyberpunk-y type of dystopia  - and it's just all kinds of cool. Something about this game, for sure - hope it doesn't get too repetitive...but so far, I'm digging it.

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I already have Gears 5 on W10 Store / Xbox PC Store.

IIRC, I think Celeste a freebie before on Epic?

Recently got my hands on Cloudpunk + CoG expansion on GOG, in giveaway. Cloudpunk's cool.

Man, they had to put Scarlet and Severed in the Top $20 Tier. Hmmm....
Now why couldn't some of those games such as Scarlet Nexus have been in the Humble Choice? Also had Gears 5, think I bought it for $10 or so on Steam. Not sure I should pay $20 for it since Scarlet Nexus and Cloudpunk both have dlc.

Want Cloudpunk (with expansion not here obviously) and Severed Steel, but yeah this bundle sucks. For $12 I would have maybe bit, but $20 is pushing it.

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Pass for me since I already own all these besides Severed Steel and Cloudpunk. Still a pretty good bundle though if you somehow don't own any of these
Miss the Mass Effect Amazon glitch, so I might keep this one, even if it's epic. I haven't heard of many of the other games, but my husband likes Westerns so Desperadoes might be good for him.

Anyone played Scarlet Nexus have any thoughts on the Base-Game? The Season Pass?
Are any of the DLC's worthwhile?
I played the demo. The combat had some good ideas, but the devs didn’t know what to do with them and it mostly went to waste. Won’t comment on the story since it was just a demo, but the gameplay was average, maybe slightly below, for a character action game like this. Not really worth it IMO.
I didn't even bother checking out the Humble Choice until today. I've almost bought Desperados III on sale on Steam multiple times for $19.99. I'm more than happy to buy it for 11.99 in Choice. Shadow Tactics was such a brilliant game.

I... I actually like this bundle. Such a strange feeling.

Played Mass Effect briefly. I own 1 and 2 on Origin (free). I have no problem adding Legendary right alongside them to maybe never play. Or maybe I make it my first ever played Origin game. I feel like it was free.

Random observation: holy shit, Man of Medan is like 124 GB to install.

FYI: Desperados III Season Pass can be picked up for $5 on Steam right now.

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Anyone played Scarlet Nexus have any thoughts on the Base-Game? The Season Pass?

Are any of the DLC's worthwhile?
"Raises hand"

I played and beat it but only did the girls route Kasane I think her name is. It's basically more god eater if you are familiar with that series. I didn't buy any of the paid dlc so I can't answer that. I did get the dlc from the demo and preorder dlc I want to say.

This makes me wonder if the games sub plot tied to the anime is finally done. As if so then you can enter all the sidequest passwords at the restaurant from episodes of the anime.

"I played the demo. The combat had some good ideas, but the devs didn’t know what to do with them and it mostly went to waste. Won’t comment on the story since it was just a demo, but the gameplay was average, maybe slightly below, for a character action game like this. Not really worth it IMO."

Like souffir said the gameplay is clunky. Partly due to them trying to use every face button.

I played the demo. The combat had some good ideas, but the devs didn’t know what to do with them and it mostly went to waste. Won’t comment on the story since it was just a demo, but the gameplay was average, maybe slightly below, for a character action game like this. Not really worth it IMO.
Story isn't all that great and a number of plot threads just get dropped or brought up without being addressed. A number of scenes happen on one route or the other so you sort of need both to tie up some of the story.

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I feel like this month's monthly and the bundle from yesterday are great. Hopefully it is a sign of things to come....I am not holding my breath though.

Also, I find it interesting that they released a bundle a day after the monthly. I feel like this never happens. I am curious if they are trying to compete with Fanatical's bundle fest.

As usual Humble middle tier is garbage. Tired of this. The games are decent except for HROT, which I found to be annoying from the Steam Fest. I own some of these so likely will be a big pass except for maybe the $1 tier.

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Scarlet Nexus season pass is also 60% off (at least with choice). Might wait and see if hits 75% off eventually, though.

Oh Hamble,


Nothing owned, everything on wishlist. I've wanted to play these games for a long time. Almost bit on a few sales but held off.

I take it all back, Hamble. Great bundle!

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Says best of boomer shooters, only has FPS crap. Old-school shooters are 2D games, hamble, get this first-person polygon shit outta here.
most people i know refer to Doom/Quake style games as boomer shooter, and holy shit does this pander to me. only have Warlock and dusk from a humble choice i believe

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I have been idling Ion Fury for over 10 hours, much longer than it actually takes to play through the entire game, and still have 1 card left to drop. WHEN'S IT fuck ING ENOUGH, DEVS!?!

Also, some of those base prices for the Hamble Capcom games bundle are straight laughable.

Also, also:

Really? I thought we were over this kind of stupid-ass shit.

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Was thinking about grabbing Resident Evil 6 solo on Steam but might do one of these bundles.  Considering if Remember Me is worth $6 and if I want the Lost Planet games.

bread's done