Humble Bundle Thread

It's Dr. Who. Dr. Who nerds waste money like their lives depend on it.
True, but I'm not sure that's really a big factor here. Rather, ebook buyers, including ebook bundle buyers, are nuts in their willingness to shell out. The Humble Ebook bundles have all had very high averages, as have the Storybundles. Maybe it's a factor of ebooks not seeing the same sort of non-bundle sales that PC games do.
I got to season 2 on the show until that horrible episode about the girl that drew things that came to life. I'm afraid to go back. It's GOT to get better than, right? My favorite was "Father's Day", but it seemed like that quality of episode was kinda rare :(

Not sure I want to get the rest of the books if I never watch the show again :(
That Olympics episode where the girl draws things that come to life is by far the very worst episode in the series. I have plenty of issues with the show, especially with the way Steven Moffat runs it after taking over, but I still think it's solid and enjoy watching it. I don't think any other episodes have been that bad.

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I got to season 2 on the show until that horrible episode about the girl that drew things that came to life. I'm afraid to go back. It's GOT to get better than, right? My favorite was "Father's Day", but it seemed like that quality of episode was kinda rare :(

Not sure I want to get the rest of the books if I never watch the show again :(
i'm half way thru season 3. it has its ups and downs, but, on balance, i think it gets better.
New Flash Sales:

New Featured Sales:


Edit: I know you're all tempted, but don't buy Magicka, it's sure to be in the daily bundle

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That Olympics episode where the girl draws things that come to life is by far the very worst episode in the series. I have plenty of issues with the show, especially with the way Steven Moffat runs it after taking over, but I still think it's solid and enjoy watching it. I don't think any other episodes have been that bad.
Pretty much this. Easily one of the worst episodes in the series. Dreadful.

Pretty much this. Easily one of the worst episodes in the series. Dreadful.
Another aspect of the show I disliked at this point was that Rose and the Doctor were always looking super chipper, holding hands and looking like they were sharing some private joke. I don't know what bothered me so much about it, it just seemed overdone. Maybe I just dislike happy people.
New Humble Daily Bundle - The Banner Saga:

  • The Banner Saga Artwork
  • The Banner Saga Factions - Starter Pack
BTA for:

  • The Banner Saga Factions - Variations Pack
Pay $15 or more for:

  • The Banner Saga
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Was thinking of going all in to get the novels at the top anyway. Definitely looks like they saved the best for the upper end.

Doctor Who is easily the best sci-fi show currently running on television. The fact that it has virtually no competition is probably why it is so popular. When I was growing up we had lots of good options, multiple Star Trek shows, Quantum Leap, Sliders, and a slew of other quality sci fi to choose from. Television today seems like an udder wasteland unfortunately. I'm really surprised that there haven't really been any solid attempts to make good science fiction in the last few years. I suppose the reality TV boom hasn't dwindled enough yet.
I mostly agree with everything you've said, but I think sci-fi is starting to pick up. Maybe a little. I haven't gotten around to watching Falling Skies yet, but I hear very good things. I did catch Defiance, and while I'm clearly missing out on some important backstory by not playing that shitty game, the first season did have some good moments.

Of course none of this even comes close to comparing to DS9, but what can you do? I guess I'll go back to catching TNG HD lol.

Clearly this is just a joke..... right?  $1 gets you artwork and some DLC, and $15 the main game? 

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I can't even tell what some of the stuff is.

Isn't it the case that if I pay below a certain amount, HB actually loses money? I kind of want to do that just out of spite. I was so excited at seeing the header was Banner Saga only to see the $15 tier...

Well, I'm posting to smugly gloat.  I told you so.

The Banner Saga is in a high priced fixed tier as I predicted.

When you you people going to learn... just because a game is in a Humble Bundle doesn't mean it's a good deal.


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I can't even tell what some of the stuff is.

Isn't it the case that if I pay below a certain amount, HB actually loses money? I kind of want to do that just out of spite. I was so excited at seeing the header was Banner Saga only to see the $15 tier...
I think it costs like $0.20 or something to process each transaction right? Or does that vary based on Amazon/Paypal/ect?

Amazon won't let you pay below "cost" but they'll let you pay 6 cents... you're over 3x too high.

I like how funny you are, posting shitty pictures/captions from shitty shows. With a sense of humor like that the bitches must love you.

I've been very anxious for a Banner Saga sale, but even as someone who would install and play this today I can't see paying $15.  There's even a "deluxe" soundtrack version on Steam, but no sountrack from Humble? Goodies like Soundtracks used to be one of the compelling reasons to buy from Humble!

Amazing! Humble Bundle has accomplished something that no other bundle site has ever done before.

Releasing two utterly horrible bundles within one hour of each other.

:applause:  :applause:  :applause:  :applause:  :applause:  :applause:  :applause:  :applause:  :applause:  :applause:  :applause:  :applause:  :applause:  :applause:  :applause:  :applause:  :applause:  :applause:  :applause:

You told me it would be $10; I'm never trusting you're predictions again, AshesMooby!
Yes. I wanted to say $15, but I felt you'd totally dismiss it as crazy, so I said $10 in hopes you'd take heed. (which was the Kickstarter price).

I like how funny you are, posting shitty pictures/captions from shitty shows. With a sense of humor like that the bitches must love you.
They do. But since the title isn't Asheskitty's Bisexual Adventures Thread... that's off topic.


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I've been very anxious for a Banner Saga sale, but even as someone who would install and play this today I can't see paying $15. There's even a "deluxe" soundtrack version on Steam, but no sountrack from Humble? Goodies like Soundtracks used to be one of the compelling reasons to buy from Humble!
I was excited for it too, and would have probably played it right away but this bundle sucks. If it even came with a few other games I would have considered it.

bread's done