Humble Bundle Thread

The Ass (or My/Your Ass) Bundle:

Pay what you want for:

Earth: Year 2066

Bad Rats

BTA for:

Deus Ex: The Fall

Infestation: Survivor Stories

Pay $15 or More:


(Probably could add more but couldn't think of some off-hand)

Still better than Humble's dailies. I'd go in on that Ass for a dollar and consider the second tier.

Mooby is too lazy to put together his own PC, let alone workout.

Humble store is reallyyy tempting me with EU IV for 9.99, though I shouldn't be spending. This mean it should show up around that on GMG or Steam soon? Rather wait and use GMG credit to get free instead, but not if it will take months to go that cheap.
Humble store is reallyyy tempting me with EU IV for 9.99, though I shouldn't be spending. This mean it should show up around that on GMG or Steam soon? Rather wait and use GMG credit to get free instead, but not if it will take months to go that cheap.
it'll match this price within the next 2-3 months, if not be even cheaper

Thanks, didn't realize it'd dropped that low! Figured it was in the 50% off range still. I'll wait for the next sale on GMG then (especially with already being cheaper then 9.99 on the Humble Store).
Don't forget that with paradox games, they'll come up with half a dozen expansion-patches that you'll *need* to have a proper game/full experience (non-expansion dlcs are passable). It might be better to just wait a few expansions down and getting the complete editions for about the same price, though it's just as likely it'll be incomplete once they release the next "we didn't intend it, but our fans requested it" expansion to the game..
Don't forget that with paradox games, they'll come up with half a dozen expansion-patches that you'll *need* to have a proper game/full experience (non-expansion dlcs are passable). It might be better to just wait a few expansions down and getting the complete editions for about the same price, though it's just as likely it'll be incomplete once they release the next "we didn't intend it, but our fans requested it" expansion to the game..
Though, I thought I heard EU IV wasn't a buggy mess when it came out so maybe Paradox has changed =p. Nah, I know they usually end up with quite a few expansions (owning HoI III, EU III, and CK II, HoI III being the best of the bunch). Seems so far they haven't, but I haven't read/watched much of EU IV so could be wrong on that.

I actually would like Guilty Gear but it being essentially bundled by itself is putting me off it. Surely it's worth a dollar to a fan of the developer, no?

I actually would like Guilty Gear but it being essentially bundled by itself is putting me off it. Surely it's worth a dollar to a fan of the developer, no?
No, it's a terrible game, and so is Vanguard Princess. I think this is the worst "bundle" Humble has ever had. Really only worth it for the cards, but the IG Monday bundle was better for cards.

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Is there any way to check the sales figures of the previous dailies? I'm curious how much money this is making Humble Sequoia Capital as compared to, say, Humble Mobile Bundles.
New Humble Daily Bundle - Crusader Kings:

  • Crusader Kings Complete
  • A Fall of Kings (ebook)
Pay $8 or more for:

  • Crusader Kings II
Pay $20 or more for:

  • Crusader Kings II DLC Collection
For those interested in the highest tier, the bundle is currently a penny cheaper on the Humble Store.

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You keep putting the only thing I want in your bundles in the highest tier at four times what I'm willing to pay, Humble! I'll keep not buying your crap.
New Humble Daily Bundle - Crusader Kings:

  • Crusader Kings Complete
  • A Fall of Kings (ebook)
Pay $8 or more for:

  • Crusader Kings II
Pay $20 or more for:

  • Crusader Kings II DLC Collection
Terrible. $8 for CK2 is 80% off MSRP. $12 for the DLC Collection is around 75% off MSRP. $20 is 75% off MSRP for CK2 + DLC Collection. CK2 would have been better as a BTA-tier.

Just a note, there's currently like 40 something DLCs on Steam, so the DLC Collection does not even come close to including everything. Not worth it.

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For some reason I thought this nonsense was ending along with the Spring Sale, but I see it's meant to continue for some reason. 

By the way, what an absolutely tragic way to end the Spring Sale - two days of repeats of games that can't even be bothered to match the lowest price they were at in the sale. 

Hate-pennying for the eBook. Least they got that part/the $1-tier right.

Edit: I paid a penny and didn't get an eBook. What the fuck Humble?

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By the way, what an absolutely tragic way to end the Spring Sale - two days of repeats of games that can't even be bothered to match the lowest price they were at in the sale.
If you're talking about them not repeating the Flash sales, I don't mind this and actually wish Steam would adopt a similar policy during their sales. Why am I going to bother checking Flash sales every eight hours or so when I know I can get the exact same price when it comes up as a daily? Either don't run flash sales at all, or make it worth my time to check out what the current ones are.

Is there any way to check the sales figures of the previous dailies? I'm curious how much money this is making Humble Sequoia Capital as compared to, say, Humble Mobile Bundles.
Pubnub has livefeeds in json format

Could use those while they work

or with historical stats

(Question is how long these work and how to get channel name (humblemelee_daily) for past bundles. Thought, I suppose guessing could work.)

Terrible. $8 for CK2 is 80% off MSRP. $12 for the DLC Collection is around 75% off MSRP. $20 is 75% off MSRP for CK2 + DLC Collection. CK2 would have been better as a BTA-tier.

Just a note, there's currently like 40 something DLCs on Steam, so the DLC Collection does not even come close to including everything. Not worth it.
You really had to analyze it? :newbie:

Go dig up the various 2012/2013 deals/packs Tony had CKII and DLC in.

If you're talking about them not repeating the Flash sales, I don't mind this and actually wish Steam would adopt a similar policy during their sales. Why am I going to bother checking Flash sales every eight hours or so when I know I can get the exact same price when it comes up as a daily? Either don't run flash sales at all, or make it worth my time to check out what the current ones are.
Totally valid point.

I would point out not all the _dailys_ got repeated... e.g. the Commandos pack was a daily for $1.94 but on recap it is $3.24.

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I was thinking "oh, at least there is a cheap ebook. I like to read. Even stupid knights and fantasy stuff."

So I look for some reviews on Amazon....No reviews. Then I look up the author....Nothing else published. Oh boy....

I'm not saying that you can't start somewhere, but I've got loads of potentially crappy books to read already. Like, a whole pile of Indiana Jones books that I just know will be formulaic and not that good.

Anyone willing to vouch for this book?

Also, why bother with the first game being included? Other than upping your steam library count it seems so pointless. Everyone who bought this bundle would go straight to the sequel.

PS: If you do buy CK2, check out the A Song of Ice and Fire conversion if you're into that series.

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bread's done