Humble Bundle Thread

Doesn't look like they're including the Rise of the Argonauts soundtrack like they did with the original bundle.

That's kinda lame, but yeah, the original bundle only had Steam keys.

I played Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising on consoles when it was new and enjoyed it.  Had a friend play and loved Overlord 1.  Going to pick this up for a buck.

I played Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising on consoles when it was new and enjoyed it. Had a friend play and loved Overlord 1. Going to pick this up for a buck.
Lemme know if they end up giving you the Rise soundtrack after all. There's no indication on the sale page for it.

Had an easy time convincing myself that I didn't need the DiRT bundle last time around, but GRiD AutoSport has me thinking that maybe Codemasters is experiencing some sort of revival of their glory days.

Doubtful, but bought anyway.

edit:  Yes, this Flash Bundle DOES include the Rise of the Argonauts soundtrack.  Well, the BTA at least.

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edit: Yes, this Flash Bundle DOES include the Rise of the Argonauts soundtrack. Well, the BTA at least.

I did get the soundtrack for Rise of Argonaunts.
Guess they just forgot to mention that on the sale page
Thanks, I'll pass this info along when recommending the bundle. OST bonuses are always nice.

Someone in the Steam thread was asking if there was one key per tier like the previous bundle. Can either of you confirm?

Thanks, I'll pass this info along when recommending the bundle. OST bonuses are always nice.

Someone in the Steam thread was asking if there was one key per tier like the previous bundle. Can either of you confirm?
For nonbta they are separate keys per game. Though overlord and dlc are one key.
Hmmm.  I haven't actually redeemed my key from the first time around.  I only grabbed it for Rise of the Argonauts.  Anyone want to trade me a Rise of the Argonauts key (from this bundle or elsewhere) for the complete base tier combined key?  I'd rather the extra games be given away rather than wasted as they'd be if I redeemed that combined key.  (That's the only reason why I haven't redeemed that key yet.  Just feels wasteful.)


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They do... the Defender's Quest and Retro City Rampage devs have GOG key options through their Humble Widgets.

It looks like it really depends on the situation. A dev selling copies at its own site versus a site that will probably generate hundreds of thousands of keys. GOG doesn't get any money, just bandwidth costs.
It's the same for Steam though. At first would seem like it just ends up costing them bandwidth with all those Steam keys and they don't get anything out of it. In the long run though it gets more people using their service, buying stuff there, preferring to have their future games on Steam with the rest of their collection etc. Doing those keys helped cement their position as the largest PC digital game store and was probably more than worth any bandwidth costs in the long term.
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New Humble 2K Bundle BTA Unlock:

  • X-Com: Complete Pack
New Humble Store Daily Deal:

DRM-Freedom Deals - Final Day (Encore):

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pretty sure i got xcom complete for about $2.50 at amazon, thank god i didn't bta

edit - nope it was $3.75. oh well, better than bta

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Super disappointing. I wasn't going to touch the $20 crap (don't want XCOM and Infinite was $5 during the Summer Sale), but I was going to Beat the Average if the added games were decent. All I wanted was Spec Ops, but it's not worth $8. Such is life, disappointment abounds.

[quote name="Lil Frier" post="11926577" timestamp="1405447933"]Super disappointing. I wasn't going to touch the $20 crap (don't want XCOM and Infinite was $5 during the Summer Sale), but I was going to Beat the Average if the added games were decent. All I wanted was Spec Ops, but it's not worth $8. Such is life, disappointment abounds.[/quote]

Might as well just snuff it.
I actually want XCOM Complete, but it's the only one I don't already have in the entire bundle. I should have grabbed it when it was cheap on Steam last October. 

A little surprised with the addition, but works out well for me. Was already thinking of dropping the ~$4 for Spec Ops and Mafia. Wouldn't mind having the classic X-Coms. Only have Apocalypse from retail already.

BL2 would have been in there first week if it was going to be included. I would have included the BL2 base game if I was making the bundle. All that DLC. And people would still have to buy the GOTY version or spend even more buying the dlc separately.

i never would've guessed this would be a bonus

honestly though, i don't understand the point of bonuses like these. shouldn't these bonuses be an incentive to have people upgrade from a dollar to a bta? hardly anybody is going to be on the fence of this and be like OH BOY 15-20 YEAR OLD GAMES HERE I COME

if they would've even included bl1 with this i may have considered going bta (i was locked in at 5.90)

nope, not doing it for this

i never would've guessed this would be a bonus

honestly though, i don't understand the point of bonuses like these. shouldn't these bonuses be an incentive to have people upgrade from a dollar to a bta? hardly anybody is going to be on the fence of this and be like OH BOY 15-20 YEAR OLD GAMES HERE I COME

if they would've even included bl1 with this i may have considered going bta (i was locked in at 5.90)

nope, not doing it for this
I'm pretty sure the second week additions are to get media coverage again. If it was solely to get you to pony up for the BTA they'd be better off announcing all the games at launch.

Well, I don't have any of the X-Coms so I'm not too disappointed.
JohnHarker one day you will have everything and that day you will know disappointment.

I'm pretty sure the second week additions are to get media coverage again. If it was solely to get you to pony up for the BTA they'd be better off announcing all the games at launch.
This. They can pretty much phone it in if they want. It's just for free advertising because something, anything, got added.
New Humble Store Daily Deal:

Wasn't this game in the $1-tier of two Humbles?

X-COM: Complete Pack was added to the BTA tier of the Humble 2K Bundle.
Meh, they didn't even repeat any of the Sid Meier stuff. How much you wanna bet they pulled an EA and took away an addition or two because the bundle was selling well enough as is?

I already grabbed the XCOM Complete, Enemy Within, Enemy Unknown and the Bureau for $20 with pierat monies, so I'm kinda disappointed. I bought the Bioshock Triple Pack for $10 during the Steam summer sale too (which I kinda sorta regret), leaving me with just Spec Ops and Mafia 2 as reasons to BTA, and Mafia 2 has a Digital Deluxe Edition anyways so I'm on the fence. I guess I'm lucky I locked in the first day, seeing as the average has shot up to $8.

On the bright side, XCOM Complete has DRM-free versions available for whatever reason, which is a nice touch.

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I'm pretty sure the second week additions are to get media coverage again. If it was solely to get you to pony up for the BTA they'd be better off announcing all the games at launch.
Yes. Caseyblink has said that week two reveals are for exactly that reason.

That said, I think Humble has lately shifted toward having more in the initial BTA tier with less held back for the bonuses. That at least can describe the last two book bundles.

Yes. Caseyblink has said that week two reveals are for exactly that reason.

That said, I think Humble has lately shifted toward having more in the initial BTA tier with less held back for the bonuses. That at least can describe the last two book bundles.
That seems smart to me. I imagine more people check in on the bundle when it first launches than in the second week and make a decision on it then, so they're better off putting most of what they've got out there right off the bat instead of holding off for the second week. It doesn't really make a difference to me since the end result is the same, though it does lessen the excitement of getting something new after a week.

I would have been happy w almost anything else. I'm just not a big xcom fan. Though, with the complete pack and bureau I guess I'm going to learn to love xcom lol
i never would've guessed this would be a bonus

honestly though, i don't understand the point of bonuses like these. shouldn't these bonuses be an incentive to have people upgrade from a dollar to a bta? hardly anybody is going to be on the fence of this and be like OH BOY 15-20 YEAR OLD GAMES HERE I COME

if they would've even included bl1 with this i may have considered going bta (i was locked in at 5.90)

nope, not doing it for this

Humble Bundle's motto: "Beat the average, mother fucker!"

Man, locked in $1 for the Bureau. I kinda want Bioshock 2, Mafia 2, and the Xcom collection, but I don't know if I'd actually play any of them. It'd only be 4.27 more for me and I already have Spec Ops. I love the original Xcom, but I don't know if I could go back to it at this point. Never really played any of the other old ones.

Eh, I'm glad I made this post. I just came to the realization that there's almost a 0% chance I'd play Mafia or Bioshock and the Xcom collection isn't worth $4 to me.

Not a great bonus, but the rest of the bundle is fairly strong. Still, I'll probably wait till next week to BTA. 

Also, I don't know if anyone said it yet, but the flash bundle tab says to "check back every monday for new deals". Are they copying Indie Gala now?

Not a great bonus, but the rest of the bundle is fairly strong. Still, I'll probably wait till next week to BTA.

Also, I don't know if anyone said it yet, but the flash bundle tab says to "check back every monday for new deals". Are they copying Indie Gala now?

bread's done