Humble Bundle Thread

Anyone wanna split the $15 tier? I need Ether One, I already fakeybroed Hand of Fate which is actually a really cool game

I also did that tier. Both of those games were high on my wish list. I am relatively new to gaming bundles outside of the humble bundle ones. If it shows up on bundlestars/indieroyale/etc for cheaper, it will be a lesson learned for me.
I like your attitude!

I decided to go with the $15 Tier, too.

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So I try to buy the EC Bundle with a credit card....and they TEXT A CONFIRM NUMBER TO MY PHONE? WTF?

I dunno if they specifically ask for if a number is mobile when you put it in the indo but seriously, it doesn't matter as I can't make or recieve texts. So I had to pay by Paypal. And this had to have been something added recently as I bought something on like July 29 or so.

Also, Enemy Mind looks really neat, but not $15 neat...alas...

So I try to buy the EC Bundle with a credit card....and they TEXT A CONFIRM NUMBER TO MY PHONE? WTF?

I dunno if they specifically ask for if a number is mobile when you put it in the indo but seriously, it doesn't matter as I can't make or recieve texts. So I had to pay by Paypal. And this had to have been something added recently as I bought something on like July 29 or so.

Also, Enemy Mind looks really neat, but not $15 neat...alas...
What? Enemy Mind is in the $1 tier.

Hand of fate is really cool. I played for about 2 hours last night and thoroughly enjoyed it. The card aspect can use some work still to make it clearer, and animation for buying gear is silly, but the fights are quite fun. I'm glad I fakecagd it.
Why is there always only ONE game in these bundles at (at least) the $5 tier that I want lately.

Someday Stick it to the Man.. someday...  :(angry, cheap old-man) fistshake:

Why is there always only ONE game in these bundles at (at least) the $5 tier that I want lately.
Someday Stick it to the Man.. someday... :(angry, cheap old-man) fistshake:
Well, Ether One and Hand of Fate look pretty good, but I'm not fakeCAGging those. I already have Master Reboot from some earlier bundle and probably enough keys for Two Brothers from previous bundles to start my own business. I'm not too interested in Enemy Mind or One Finger, so this weekly's probably a pass for me.

OTOH, I was happy to get Van Helsing Complete for $1 in the Jumbo (and Deadlight was a nice bonus). Maybe there'll be bonuses next week decent enough to justify a BTA.
Humble Store Nordic Games Weekend:

New Humble Store Daily Deal:

Other Humble Store sales:

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Well, Ether One and Hand of Fate look pretty good, but I'm not fakeCAGging those. I already have Master Reboot from some earlier bundle and probably enough keys for Two Brothers from previous bundles to start my own business. I'm not too interested in Enemy Mind or One Finger, so this weekly's probably a pass for me.

OTOH, I was happy to get Van Helsing Complete for $1 in the Jumbo (and Deadlight was a nice bonus). Maybe there'll be bonuses next week decent enough to justify a BTA.
I esp wont FAKECAG knowing one of those higher tier games is an EA game. I will wait though i'm sure those games look alright.

well, anyone interested in splitting the bundle?  I am interested in Stick it to the Man & Hand of Fate.  You can have Enemy Mind, Master Reboot, One Finger Dead Punch, Two Brothers & Ether One Deluxe.

Speaking of splitting bundles. Anyone want to split the Lazy Guy Studio bundle or the Titanium Bundle from Bundle Stars? From the LGS bundle I only want Song of the Myrne, Vintage Year, and Unsummoning. From the Titanium bundle I just want I want half the copies (two) of Murder Miners, both Space Farmers copies, and Terrorhedron. All others games from the two bundles I do not want. PM me if interested.

I'm not too interested in... ...One Finger, so this weekly's probably a pass for me.
Just out of curiosity, have you watched the video for the game? I only ask because I initially knew nothing about it, was really surprised, and ended up enjoying it quite a bit. Most of the people I know that have played it had a good time with it as well.

If arcade action isn't your thing then it's understandable, but it is a good game.

Just out of curiosity, have you watched the video for the game? I only ask because I initially knew nothing about it, was really surprised, and ended up enjoying it quite a bit. Most of the people I know that have played it had a good time with it as well.

If arcade action isn't your thing then it's understandable, but it is a good game.
One Finger Death Punch is addicting. It's fun, and it gets challenging in the later levels.

The one thing I don't like is that the trailer music isn't in the game. :(

Ether One was a disappointment. Puzzles are extremely unintuitive. I put in about 6 hours and finally gave up and just started using a walkthrough. I doubt I would have solved many of the ones I was stuck on without it. I'm no genius but I haven't struggled this bad with an adventure game since the 90s. Rest of the bundle was good so far, but I definitely have buyers remorse over that 15 bucks.
New Humble Flash Bundle - Modern Retro:

  • Super Amazing Wagon Adventure
  • Full Bore
  • Tiny Barbarian DX
Pay $6 or more for:

  • NEStalgia
  • Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures

New Humble Store Daily Deal:

Other Humble Store sales:

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I like that dollar tier.  Sort of regretted not getting Full Bore at IGS a while back, but it finally pays off.

Tiny Barbarian has 2 out of 4 episodes released and the key is supposed to give you access to the other two if/when released.

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In for a buck. I've had my eye on Barbarian for a while now.

I wasn't too interested in Super Amazing Wagon Adventure until I watched the video and was surprised to see it is a shooter with some random elements. 

Full Bore is cool and has a great soundtrack, though it's rather too opaque at times and doesn't do a good job showing you how to progress. It's frustratingly easy to hit a brick wall where you have no idea where to go, only to discover you'd missed a secret room/button/character that you needed to interact with to move on. It doesn't help that its world is designed like a maze and has tons of dead ends and pointless rooms that serve little purpose but to try and flesh out the backstory a bit more (which it does to moderate success).

Still, for $1 it's worth checking out, even if I wouldn't expect to finish it. It's polished and the mechanics are solid, it just doesn't do a great job pulling them all together.

Awesome, I've been waiting for Tiny Barbarian DX to appear in a bundle. I passed on that IndieMeadow Greenlight Bundle last year and again on IGS. It's nice to see it reappear. Not owning 2 of 3 in a Humble Flash bundle isn't too bad actually.

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Awesome, I've been waiting for Tiny Barbarian DX to appear in a bundle. I passed on that IndieMeadow Greenlight Bundle last year and again on IGS. It's nice to see it reappear. Not owning 2 of 3 in a Humble Flash bundle isn't too bad actually.
i own none on the tier 1 but the retro graphic is so hard for me to put $1.. so I pennied it & grab the DRM free version instead :whistle2:

Refreshing lack of repeats. Tremor got the Jumbo 2 bta stuff, but with a fixed price here I dunno if they'll show there.

Refreshing lack of repeats. Tremor got the Jumbo 2 bta stuff, but with a fixed price here I dunno if they'll show there.
Yeah, that's what I'm waiting on as well. I'm not sure if Tremor will get the Monday Flash bundle games before this ends making the decision difficult. Guess I'll wait and hopefully not gilby it by mistake.

I want AVGN and Tiny Barbarian DX. That Nestalgia game doesn't look like my type of game (don't like MMORPGS), and at that price I could likely get AVGN in another bundle. Has anyone played Tiny Barbarian DX? It looks pretty fun, and I may just get the dollar tier for that and give the other 2 games away (Super Amazing Wagon Adventure is fun for a while and an interesting take on the Oregon Trail). I enjoyed Super Amazing Wagon Adventure more than Organ Trail if that means anything. I still think the shooting and moving parts in this game are not clean. Way to hard to shoot quickly and accurately in Organ Trail.

bread's done