Humble Bundle Thread

Maybe Rogue Legacy will be added next week.

No, that's not going to happen.

Hmmm, figured more people would be readily getting the $10 tier. That's the one I'm getting. The value, even at $10 is pretty awesome for the number and caliber of the games in it.
I would have but I already own all but Luftrausers and Prison Architect. It's a great bundle if you don't have most of the games, but otherwise you can probably get the ones you're missing for less during a sale (unless they're in the dollar tier; everyone please play Gunpoint).
Just need LuftRausers (looks fun but I can get likely in next Steam sale or something), and Hammerwatch which I would gladly take a free copy of, but wont buy for it alone. It is a high quality bundle for sure though, and I can vouch for Steamworld Dig being a pretty fun game, though it gets old after a while, but by then you're pretty much done with the game.

Should have figured Gone Home would be in the BTA tier. Otherwise, not bad. Maybe Rogue Legacy will be added next week.
I really wish Rogue Legacy would get bundled, but at this point I'm probably just getting it next time it hits 75% off (has it hit that before?). I'd assume it'd be a BTA game and not a bonus, but maybe I will be proven wrong.

0 games owned! $10 tier here I come. Shit, they got $13 out of me last time. I figure it balances out since I haven't been buying the shittier ~$1 bundles of late. It also sways me being able to give basically everything to the devs.

I'm not even really interested in the non-BTA stuff, so I just said, "Screw it" and got PP and GH from a trade-thread seller. Spoder's probably right about the bonuses anyway.

EDIT: BTW, I still have a Warlock link if anyone reading this needs one. 

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Good one; been interested in Gone Home, Gun Point, Papers Please, and Prison Architect for awhile. Maybe we'll See Stanley Parable in the bonus games.

Don't own a single game in this bundle. Almost bought Steamworld during the Steam summer sale. Already know LUFTRAUSERS is awesome since I bought it on PSN. I've been waiting for Papers, Please and Hammerwatch for a while too. I'm in for the $7.21 lowest I've seen since I missed the starting gun. Figures they launch a core bundle during the Apple conference.

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How on earth can the BTA still be going up at this rate from a $7+ BTA after 20,000 purchases? There can't seriously be enough mooks buying the $65 tier to warrant that, right? Can an extra $2.50+ for one (albeit popular) early access game really be that appealing to the average mook?
How on earth can the BTA still be going up at this rate from a $7+ BTA after 20,000 purchases? There can't seriously be enough mooks buying the $65 tier to warrant that, right? Can an extra $2.50+ for one (albeit popular) early access game really be that appealing to the average mook?
an extra 2.50 for an extremely popular early access game that has never been near that low before is enough to sway a lot of purchases from bta to ten dollar, i would imagine

How on earth can the BTA still be going up at this rate from a $7+ BTA after 20,000 purchases? There can't seriously be enough mooks buying the $65 tier to warrant that, right? Can an extra $2.50+ for one (albeit popular) early access game really be that appealing to the average mook?
The average mook? It's appealing even to #trueCAGs.

i'm calling BS on that average
only another 2.50 though...if you want the game at all this is the best deal you're likely to see. and you can always just wait til it's finished to play anyway
I'm not sure waiting 30 years is worth another 2.50.

Edit: Who am I kidding... I'm not gonna play them anyway. In for $10 I guess.

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Just need Hammerwatch which I would gladly take a free copy of
You can donate to my Extra Life drive and try to win it from my steam ^_~

I really wish Rogue Legacy would get bundled, but at this point I'm probably just getting it next time it hits 75% off (has it hit that before?). I'd assume it'd be a BTA game and not a bonus, but maybe I will be proven wrong.
It's been that price a few times. It's a really really awesome game; I doubt we'll see it get bundled until the next numbered humble at this point since it's definitely a BTA tier game.
Just in case anyone is on the fence (pun intended?) about Prison Architect (someone posted this a while back)...

I just finished S2 of Orange is the New Black, too, so I'm more intrigued than I normally would be by this top tier.

Will consider $10 tier based on next week's bonuses.  There's no point in getting the BTA tier without going in another $2+ for Prison Architect unless you already own it.

Hammerwatch is one ugly (and boring) game.
And on the opposite side of the spectrum, I think the graphics are fine and that the game is actually fun. Unfortunately it's really difficult, and getting far basically requires you to have a full co-op party.

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fuck... I didn't set an alarm early because I thought this was supposed to start yesterday. Now the BTA is $7.75, and that's a hard stretch from $1.
i find it hard to believe enough people are giving a fuck about an early access game to spend $10 and bump up the average all day. 

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i find it hard to believe enough people are giving a fuck about an early access game to spend $10 and bump up the average all day.
It's a combination of things.

Prison Architect is a game with good reviews from a popular/well known dev and this is close to the historical low for the game itself.

Add to that the relatively small difference between the $10 and the average at $7.XX and it makes it a lot easier for people to say "I can add PA for only $2.xx"

Gone Home historical low is $4.99. Luftrausers and Papers Please around $2.50 each? So while by CAG or old HiB standards $10 might seem crazy, it's actually a really good deal for the games. People were paying $1 to $2 for Hammerwatch alone just a few months ago when it glitched and gave extra copies.

I paid $10 for 6 games I didn't have and wanted. So it's around $1.66 a game. If each of these games glitched on Steam for that price, I'm sure a ton of people would pick them up and be happy about it.

I mean, I'm well aware that this is HiB sort of conditioning us to look at bundle prices differently and pull in more devs, but I'd much rather have this set up with quality games in it than a cheaper bundle with games I'm less likely to play.

bread's done