Humble Bundle Thread

January Monthly:

Project Cars

Mother Russia Bleeds


Neon Chrome


The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky (this is at the top of your keys page, you must PICK between a Steam key or DRM-Free version, you dont get both)

Kimmy (Original)

February unlock:


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Two wishlisted (Project Cars and Neon Chrome)

Two owned that I'll sell or trade off (Mother Russia and Jotun)

Two no-clues (Hopiko and Kimmy) and Hopiko looks like fun.

And a last game The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky, that is in a genre Im not overly enthralled with but is a good addition to the bundle.

Good Feb unlock that I already own but will get anyway and just sell off.

Not the best, not the worst, par for the course. If I owned none of it it'd be best ever IMO.

Yeah, pretty easy calling this the best ever. Great start to 2017.

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Nice! Cars and Jotun! Don't know anything about the rest, but was about to bite on Jotun, glad I waited.

And now xcom 2... AMAZING! Best ever
Trails in the Sky is one of the best JRPG's ever made, if you like that sort of thing. Jotun looks great, but haven't played it yet (although I already own it) Warhammer was enough by itself, even tho I own that already as well. 

Still even tho I already own those 3, I am sure I will be able to get 12 for all 3 keys, the rest of the stuff looks great, and Neon Chrome was on my wishlist, made by the same people that made Crimsonland tho, so it will be bundled 600 more times.

Nice! Cars and Jotun! Don't know anything about the rest, but was about to bite on Jotun, glad I waited.

And now xcom 2... AMAZING! Best ever
Yeah, I'd agree with this. Good for CARS and Jotun, the rest not so much. XCOM 2 as next month's headliner is a no-brainer, though; I doubt you can go wrong with this even if everything else in February sucks (says the guy who hasn't played an XCOM game. . . ever).


X-Com 2 is a no brainer. I'm guessing the rest of the unlocks will be MSRP 9.99 or so....but yeah wishlist game!

Excellent Monthly too. Everything other than TiTs, the humble original, and the humble debut were wishlist games. Mother Russia Bleeds is the one i'm most excited before. Excellent! 

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XCOM 2 as next month's headliner is a no-brainer, though; I doubt you can go wrong with this even if everything else in February sucks (says the guy who hasn't played an XCOM game. . . ever).
Color me shocked on that revelation... Considering your age (don't take that the wrong way I assume your as old as me) and your preference for games I figured it would be a franchise you had at least tried. (If not outright enjoyed.)

That said I still haven't played the reboot from a few years ago... and that is the only reason why I didn't own XCom 2.

Came really close to not getting this month but had a change of heart (i.e. got intoxicated) last week and subscribed. My doctor tells me I need to drink less but those quality unlocks show just how stupid he is.
The thing is Humble monthly generally only chooses very highly rated things. Even with the randomness there is usually some good surprises. I'm not a huge fan of unknown stuff, but this stuff is high quality. It's not like say Tanga trash...which mainly was...well trash. I will likely continue to keep doing them and just sell off/give away repeats and such. The headliners are usually excellent though.

Also Kimmy looks fun and I always enjoy a visual novel.

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Russians have hacked my wishlist!

And, apparently, they work for Humble.

It feels good to knock a bunch off the list. Not seeing much love for Neon Chrome in here. Where are my top-down twin-stick-shooter fans?

I'm going to continue to hope my bundle voodoo pays off and I get mostly new stuff. Definitely staying in for XCOM 2 and I may even unlock it early. And **gasp** play it. :twoguns:

It feels good to knock a bunch off the list. Not seeing much love for Neon Chrome in here. Where are my top-down twin-stick-shooter fans?
I didn't know anything about it until I looked it up on the Store page. I'm always up for more twin-stick shooters. Have been hoping to see Helldivers get bundled one of these days but this will suffice.

I didn't know anything about it until I looked it up on the Store page. I'm always up for more twin-stick shooters. Have been hoping to see Helldivers get bundled one of these days but this will suffice.
Yeah, I'd love to see Helldivers in an upcoming Monthly. I spent a lot of time looking at the store page this winter trying not to hit the ADD TO CART button.

Came really close to not getting this month but had a change of heart (i.e. got intoxicated) last week and subscribed. My doctor tells me I need to drink less but those quality unlocks show just how stupid he is.
your gaming, like your drinking is only a problem if you start doing it alone. Then again, its been a while since you bro fisted.......



In the category of things Fox's mom says at truck stops: does anyone want my TitS for $7? Not sure if I'll get a refund, since I idled it for 4 hours already.

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Wow, this is good humble monthly, I'm kind of shocked. I didn't own any (again) and all were on my list except for HoPiko (Platformer!? Sure). I almost bought Neon Chrome and Jotun during the Steam sale, but I felt both had a decent chance at being in a future monthly (This soon though?). Project CARS and Trails in the Sky are both great surprise additions as well. It's going to be tough to top the first Humble Monthly of 2017 heading into the new calendar year, but please try your best Humble.

Yup, I just locked myself into the February Monthly for XCOM 2 and future surprises, because why not?  :whee:

I wonder if Humble would put the Xcom 2 Reinforcement pack on sale this month. I've been wanting it for awhile and haven't jumped on it yet since I don't know when I'll have time to go back to the game again.

Not a bad bundle at all, pretty good unlocks. And wow, xcom 2 as could have a bunch of turds for unlocks and it'd still be worth 12 bucks.

Great monthly for me and I wanted X-com 2 so early buy was a given.

What was that other monthly most of us signed up for?  That $20 a year one, forgot it's name. 

Decent bundle, but not much here for me. Legend of Heroes would have been the standout but I got that for $10 on release from a russian trader and it's been on steam for over 2 years. Project Cars is nice but dat DLC.. Vermintide is the real standout but I got that from Parallacks (thanks), and many of us got Jotun from IndieBox lol. Mother Russia Bleeds looks interesting, but the lack of online co-op is disappointing. Still probably a lot better than what we'll get from a full year of Game Pump though.

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Do the Monthlies ever include DRM-Free copies of the games? I'm not talking about the crappy humble originals. I mean games that are available on Steam.

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Do the Monthlies ever include DRM-Free copies of the games? I'm not talking about the crappy humble originals. I mean games that are available on Steam.
January had Hopiko, Jotun and Neon Chrome, December had Hacknet and The Escapists and November had Broforce.

So yeah, some include DRM free copies, though I'm surprised Stardew Valley (November) didn't have one included.

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Do the Monthlies ever include DRM-Free copies of the games? I'm not talking about the crappy humble originals. I mean games that are available on Steam.
Yes, but it seems limited and variable. This January Monthly offers up DRM-Free copies of Neon Chrome, Jotun, & HoPiko. December had Hacknet & The Escapists.

EDIT: Well shit, Foxhack. Beaten. Well played.

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Ok Game Pump, has anyone received their email for games? Supposed to start today right?

Despite our best efforts, we were unable to meet our development, submission, and release schedule we had planned. Which would have had our first game release to subscribers today (January 6th, 2017).

Rather than push an unfinished slate of games out the door to meet this deadline, we have decided to delay the launch of the service to ensure that we can meet the expectations of our fans and subscribers.

This delay could be as short as three weeks (by the end of Jan) or as long as a month (early March), we are working to get it shippable as soon as possible.

As founder of the GAMEPUMP service, I personally take full responsibility for this delay and am sorry for this failing. I understand that this can be frustrating and disappointing and I do not want any of our subscribers to feel cheated. Therefore, I would like to offer a full refund to any user who may feel that way.

If you would like to cancel your preorder and receive a full refund via the payment method you subscribed with, please fill out the form located at the bottom of this announcement and we will get it processed as fast as possible.

Regardless if you decide to leave the service, or if you decide to stick it out with us, we have a few tokens of our appreciation we'd like to offer as an official apology.


All subscribers who purchased a subscription on or before January 6th, 2017 (our intended launch day) will still be receiving a game in Jan and in Feb, however these games will be BONUS games, and not part of your GAMEPUMP subscription.

This just means they're great games, but not reflective of the types of games you'll be receiving as part of your subscription and do not count as part of your 12 games (with an annual subscription).

The first bonus game for Jan will be the award winning puzzle game LIT from Wayforward. We've rebuilt the game from the ground up for PC and added a new playable character. This game is our gift to you and does not count against your 12 game total.

The second bonus game which will be sent out in Feb is an NES horror game that has been brought to PC for the first time.

Those games are going through the certification process on modern PC marketplaces now and as soon as we can process keys for them, we will be emailing them out to all active subscribers. We estimate this will be within the next 2 weeks.

bread's done