Humble Bundle Thread

I think that no matter the charity, someone is going to find issue with it. Personally, I don't find an organization that defends the civil liberties of people in this country all that controversial, but that is me.

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the ACLU doesn't fit that description. It's an organization with political aim.

With that being said, I donated to the Medicine Sans Frontiere. I prefer medical doctors than lobbyists

The world is fucked, Blade and I agree with each other.

I prefer medical doctors than lobbyists
Not that I'm in any way opposed to MSF's mission or anyone's donation, but I'm thinking more about the lawyers than the lobbyists in the ACLU. As people get detained or states try to pass laws making it legal to "accidentally" hit a protester with your car, the ACLU is on the legal end; offering legal services or fighting in court to block these laws and orders.

Not that I'm in any way opposed to MSF's mission or anyone's donation, but I'm thinking more about the lawyers than the lobbyists in the ACLU. As people get detained or states try to pass laws making it legal to "accidentally" hit a protester with your car, the ACLU is on the legal end; offering legal services or fighting in court to block these laws and orders.
There you go again. Thinking that protesters should enjoy protections from physical assault or murder is a political agenda.

Proud supporter of the ACLU & subscriber to local and big newspapers. Also I support Childs Play and Charity water. I recently found humble bundles and I'm glad they offer extra ways to support causes I care about. 

Lobbying is so big in the US that you cant buy a game without supporting a political agenda.

Also, if someone wants to stand in the middle of the road they should get hit by a car.
Well, my belief in the 2nd amendment is different than that of the ACLU. I believe the 2nd Amendment is pretty straightforward since I believe in Originalism. To skew the constitution to mean something differently than what the framers intended or wrote based on your particular political belief is to do a great injustice to the country.
WOOO GUNZ! PEW! PEW! Gotta protect ourselves from the Mooslims, Mexicans, and Black people!

WOOO GUNZ! PEW! PEW! Gotta protect ourselves from the Mooslims, Mexicans, and Black people!
It's a right, and it's used for protection. Around here, lots of meth addicts break into homes and stab people.....and I also think it's sad and pathetic you're scared of guns.

Well the ACLU just did fight to get this Obama Admin rule removed.... More mentally ill people can get guns now thanks to the ACLU. (I happen to agree with them on this issue as well)

"Senate wants to block rule on guns and mentally ill"

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Around here, lots of meth addicts break into homes and stab people
You should totally pull yourself up by your bootstraps, apply yourself and make enough money to move somewhere where you're not being stabbed by meth addicts. Anyone who gets stabbed by a meth addict burglar was just too lazy to live somewhere else and therefore deserved to get stabbed for being a burden on society.

Not that I'm in any way opposed to MSF's mission or anyone's donation, but I'm thinking more about the lawyers than the lobbyists in the ACLU. As people get detained or states try to pass laws making it legal to "accidentally" hit a protester with your car, the ACLU is on the legal end; offering legal services or fighting in court to block these laws and orders.
Keyboard warriors. All of you. You know why people aren't responding? Because they're sick of listening to crap like this all the time from every direction. It isn't needed here. It is off topic. Just like the people standing "protesting" in the middle of the street/interstate infringing on those of us trying to go to work.

So have fun on your soapboxes but this thread USED to be about deals and Humbles.

Keyboard warriors. All of you. You know why people aren't responding? Because they're sick of listening to crap like this all the time from every direction. It isn't needed here. It is off topic. Just like the people standing "protesting" in the middle of the street/interstate infringing on those of us trying to go to work.

So have fun on your soapboxes but this thread USED to be about deals and Humbles.


Anyway, I doubt most people "mad" at protesters blocking streets live anywhere near where that's happening. Don't see too much of that in the corngrass of middle America.

Also, as an originalist, it is my belief that the founding fathers anticipated meth heads trying to kill me.
Keyboard warriors. All of you.
Not that you know what I do in my day-to-day beyond posting here. But responding to a topic to bitch about people responding to a topic is kind of silly. I mean, it's not even just "Hey, can we move off this?" but you actively engaging with remarks about protesters and then complaining that people are talking about it. :shame:

Sweet, this puts my SMB sale offer back on the active page.  Everything is comin' up Syntax.

Also, two more hours until new games are revealed.  Or maybe new audio books because, boy, that would be exciting.

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... you mean two minutes. They unlock at 11 AM Pacific.

Edit: That's what the site says, it's 11 AM, and no unlocks are showing? Guess the "no guarantees" thing was right?

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It says 2 hours below the ? icon, but it does say 11:00 am Pacific when you click on it.  I'm guessing they'll add more in 2 hours and just never changed the description.

I wonder if they didn't anticipate all the support for this amazing bundle so they are trying to secure more keys of the bonus games. I'm glad to see so many people agree with the value that this bundle brings.
New items:

  • Color Sky (Music)
  • Guns of Icarus Online (Steam)
  • Q.U.B.E.: Director's Cut (Steam)
  • Rituals (Steam)
  • Dangerous High School Girls in Trouble (Steam)
  • TIMEframe (Steam)
  • JumpJet Rex (Steam)
  • Potatoman Seeks the Troof (Steam)
  • Hands-On Intro to Game Programming by Chris DeLeon (Book)
  • Chris DeLeon (Steam)
  • Ballistick (Steam)
  • GRAV (Early Access) (Steam)
  • Team Indie (Steam)
  • Luna's Wandering Stars (Steam)
  • Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken (Steam)
  • Chroma Squad (Steam)
  • Shütshimi (Steam)
  • Beat Hazard Ultra (Steam)
Solid games, but most have been bundled repeatedly. No additional soundtrack albums were added. Boo.

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New items:

  • Color Sky (Music)
  • Guns of Icarus Online (Steam)
  • Q.U.B.E.: Director's Cut (Steam)
  • Rituals (Steam)
  • Dangerous High School Girls in Trouble (Steam)
  • TIMEframe (Steam)
  • JumpJet Rex (Steam)
  • Potatoman Seeks the Troof (Steam)
  • Hands-On Intro to Game Programming by Chris DeLeon (Book)
  • Chris DeLeon (Steam)
  • Ballistick (Steam)
  • GRAV (Early Access) (Steam)
  • Team Indie (Steam)
  • Luna's Wandering Stars (Steam)
  • Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken (Steam)
  • Chroma Squad (Steam)
  • Shütshimi (Steam)
  • Beat Hazard Ultra (Steam)
Solid games, but most have been bundled repeatedly. No additional soundtrack albums were added. Boo.
Not really anything big to push it over the top. Still, if the missing keys weren't missing, I probably would have purchased.

At least one of the additions is in my wishlist. Considering without them, I felt like the $30 was worth the content already, I have no complaints.

They add the equivalent of 1-2 $1 Indiegala Happy Hour bundles to a $30 bundle and you guys applaud it? It's almost like you have an ulterior motive to purchase and support this bundle.

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At some point they also added Super Galaxy Squadron EX, Dusty Revenge: Co Op Edition, and the Double Fine Adventure documentary too.
Dusty has some free DLC that removes all the furries.

And that Double Fine Adventure doc is DRM free, despite being available on steam. They're Trump apologists, I tells ya!

At some point they also added Super Galaxy Squadron EX, Dusty Revenge: Co Op Edition, and the Double Fine Adventure documentary too.
I just found this out. Really happy about getting Dusty Revenge and Double Fine Adventure... but I'm somehow not surprised that the video DLC pack for Double Fine Adventure is not included. :p


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Even for 30 bucks it's a good bundle. Helps that I didn't have any of the bigger games in the bundle, including Stardew Valley or Nuclear Throne. And you could have the witness and like one of the other higher profile games in it and that's it and it'd probably still be better than the yogscast bundle

Yeah, I didn't have any of the bigger titles: Stardew Valley, Witness, Subnautica, Nuclear Throne, Invisible Inc or Overgrowth.  And a lot of the minor titles were new for me since I buy less bundles than a lot of people here. 

Even for 30 bucks it's a good bundle. Helps that I didn't have any of the bigger games in the bundle, including Stardew Valley or Nuclear Throne. And you could have the witness and like one of the other higher profile games in it and that's it and it'd probably still be better than the yogscast bundle
Yogcast bundle was a scam. It made the pre-order BullSh1t from Groupees look legit

The Yogscast bundle sucked (granted, I gave my GW2 key to a CAG -- what kind of person is paying $25 for it?).  It was "for charity" but the fact that my money went to charity was the only thing that made it bearable.  If you buy a box of Girl Scout cookies you are probably doing so because you like cookies and helping to finance the Girl Scouts of America is a secondary concern.  If the box is filled with weevils, you still get to be disappointed.  Yogscast was a big ole thirty-dollar box of weevil-infested Trefoils.

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bread's done