Humble Origin Bundle - Steam keys - 8/22: C&C Red Alert 3 Uprising and Populous added


56 (100%)
  • Dead Space
  • Burnout Paradise: Ultimate Box
  • Crysis 2 Maximum Edition
  • Mirror's Edge
  • Dead Space 3 - Origin only
  • Medal of Honor
Beat the Average
  • Battlefield 3 - Origin only
  • The Sims 3 + Starter Pack - Origin Only
  • C&C: Red Alert 3 - Uprising*
  • Populous* - Origin Only
*Included for all purchases, regardless of price, made before 11 AM PST on 8/22.

Steam keys are provided unless otherwise noted. All games are on Origin. Keys are individual for each game on both platforms.

The money in this bundle goes to charity, not Origin/EA.

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Well, 2 pm has come and gone without any bonus games. The THQ bundle added games 7 days later, but the Deep Silver Bundle added their bonuses 8 days later.

I want to backlog those bonuses NOW!
lol that's exactly what I was thinking. If getting DS1 (best horror game in a while), DS3, BF3, Crysis 2 and ME weren't going to get you to buy it I doubt any extras would have swung you unless of course you owned all of those.

But I'm a little curious on if they add more myself and the normal time has come and gone so in just going to assume that the original bundle was so good that they aren't adding anymore. So if they do its a positivie
One of the bonuses unlocked = Dragon Age 2 Steam key...

...would be a great bonus to have... why don't you go play some of the games from this bundle while you wait for bonuses to unlock instead of F5'ing the heck out of it? Impatient little rascals  :p 

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But I'm a little curious on if they add more myself and the normal time has come and gone so in just going to assume that the original bundle was so good that they aren't adding anymore. So if they do its a positivie
Yeah, I kinda dropped $5 to BTA assuming there would be more than two bonus games I don't want - but if there's nothing else, that's not a biggy.

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I was looking back to see if you were correct (it appears it was 8 days for the Deep Silver bonuses... good news), and I found this post:

I haven't bought many of the publisher bundles, but the Android and Indie ones added their games 7 days later; the Deep Silver was the outlier. I don't know specifically WHEN they added those games because the emails seem to be staggered out. I got the THQ one forwarded by my friend and had bought it over an hour before it hit my inbox - I saved on the BTA because he did that.

As for bshirk, wishful thinking paying off doesn't not equal foresight. He was just spitballing something no one ever would've expected. Honestly, if someone told you 1 week, 1 hour ago that EA would offer 8 games with ALL the money going to charity, would you have believed it? Exactly.

One of the bonuses unlocked = Dragon Age 2 Steam key...

...would be a great bonus to have... why don't you go play some of the games from this bundle while you wait for bonuses to unlock instead of F5'ing the heck out of it? Impatient little rascals :p
Not. Cool. Why do people think it's funny to troll like this?

My memory might be failing me, but I seem to recall with the THQ bundle that the bonuses didn't appear until a few hours after the time people were expecting. Like it was supposed to be 1 or 2 PM EST, and they didn't appear until around 4PM EST.

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Hope they come out later today. Moving to a dorm tomorrow with very limited bandwidth and would love to download the bonus games today.

Yeah, I kinda dropped $5 to BTA assuming there would be more than two bonus games I don't want - but if there's nothing else, that's not a biggy.
Can't you think that you gave $4 to charity regardless of whether you get extra games? How many people here would give ANYTHING to charity if it wasn't for the option via these bundles, much less something other than Child's Play or EFF? Yeah, we're being bribed to be charitable, but should we be whining at all over the lack of more than the 6-8 games they've given so far?

Can't you think that you gave $4 to charity regardless of whether you get extra games? How many people here would give ANYTHING to charity if it wasn't for the option via these bundles, much less something other than Child's Play or EFF? Yeah, we're being bribed to be charitable, but should we be whining at all over the lack of more than the 6-8 games they've given so far?
Umm. Who is whining?

You sounded like you were complaining about giving more than you would've for games you didn't want.

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You sounded like you were complaining about given more than you would've for games you didn't want.
It's a legitimate point just the same, I've seen a bit of whining elsewhere. Because there's almost always a bonus, disappointment understandable to an extent - we're like Pavlov's dogs. The bell is ringing, but there's no food.

This is an awesome bundle and also I think people have the right to whine/complain/voice opinions either way. Let's face it, we aren't buying to support charity, we do it for the games. I'm fine if they don't add bonuses since they should be surprises and not expected, but it would be breaking precedent and precedent is very important.
Can't you think that you gave $4 to charity regardless of whether you get extra games? How many people here would give ANYTHING to charity if it wasn't for the option via these bundles, much less something other than Child's Play or EFF? Yeah, we're being bribed to be charitable, but should we be whining at all over the lack of more than the 6-8 games they've given so far?

If Ea doesn't add bonuses, I feel like this whole PR stunt would be a lot more diminished. Then again maybe there saving something special for us. *fingers crossed*

Like the weekly sales, is there a specific day/time they add the bonuses? I didn't even buy in yet as I own all of the games on various platforms.

If Ea doesn't add bonuses, I feel like this whole PR stunt would be a lot more diminished. Then again maybe there saving something special for us. *fingers crossed*
IF no bonuses this time, and if we trust what the Steam database updates indicated, then we may expect a Humble Origin Bundle 2 after this one.

To be honest, this way will raise more money for the charities than adding more bonus to the bundle.

IF no bonuses this time, and if we trust what the Steam database updates indicated, then we may expect a Humble Origin Bundle 2 after this one.

To be honest, this way will raise more money for the charities than adding more bonus to the bundle.
The Steam DB doesnt Lie! Yeah I agree somethings.
I just really dont want to see EA break the bonus tradition. They will no doubtably get more hate and flak b/c they are still EA.


Like the weekly sales, is there a specific day/time they add the bonuses? I didn't even buy in yet as I own all of the games on various platforms.
Just buy the bundle support charity and sell any hard copies you may not play or want anymore.

if nothing happens by friday 1 p.m. then I would throw my money on no bonuses and go on a Rampage.

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If Ea doesn't add bonuses, I feel like this whole PR stunt would be a lot more diminished. Then again maybe there saving something special for us. *fingers crossed*
I do not think this has changed anyones minds about EA. Maybe I'm wrong but they ruined sim city and star wars in about a years time, it will take me a while to forget that....

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I do not think this has changed anyones minds about EA. Maybe I'm wrong but they ruined sim city and star wars in about a years time, it will take me a while to forget that....

Yeah, because BioWare and DICE working on Star Wars titles is the WORST idea in the world.

Who the fuck wants another Battlefront game anyway? Not like anyone wanted that.

Yeah, because BioWare and DICE working on Star Wars titles is the WORST idea in the world.

Who the fuck wants another Battlefront game anyway? Not like anyone wanted that.
were you in the swtor beta telling them of all the bugs and stuff that should have been improved that they didnt listen to? Even after that I still went with a 6 month sub thinking they cant keep screwing up, boy was I wrong, biggest train wreck I've ever seen of a MMO. Don't get me started on how they completely ruined sim city or should i call it sim village...

I should add that I did get 8 games(amazon gave me a credit for a bad game and the free game from EA) for my sim city purchase, however they still ruined the game.

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were you in the swtor beta telling them of all the bugs and stuff that should have been improved that they didnt listen to? Even after that I still went with a 6 month sub thinking they cant keep screwing up, boy was I wrong, biggest train wreck I've ever seen of a MMO. Don't get me started on how they completely ruined sim city or should i call it sim village...

I should add that I did get 8 games(amazon gave me a credit for a bad game and the free game from EA) for my sim city purchase, however they still ruined the game.
that sucks they dont listen to their customer

Yeah, because BioWare and DICE working on Star Wars titles is the WORST idea in the world.

Who the fuck wants another Battlefront game anyway? Not like anyone wanted that.
stars wars fans and it the worst idea ea does it they have many dlc

were you in the swtor beta telling them of all the bugs and stuff that should have been improved that they didnt listen to? Even after that I still went with a 6 month sub thinking they cant keep screwing up, boy was I wrong, biggest train wreck I've ever seen of a MMO. Don't get me started on how they completely ruined sim city or should i call it sim village...

I should add that I did get 8 games(amazon gave me a credit for a bad game and the free game from EA) for my sim city purchase, however they still ruined the game.
You likely haven't played in awhile, since it's solid enough now. Most of the beta bugs are in the past.

It's still a rather dull MMO. I played the crap out of it until the "WHOO, Star Wars MMO!" feeling wore off and I was just left with a "Why am I playing this when there are such better MMOs?" feeling. Still, it's worth playing if you're a Star Wars fan. The gameplay and setup may suck, but the writing isn't all terrible. Voiceovers help too.

SimCity has 5 paid DLCs, I believe? 3 of which come with the Digital Deluxe?

Cities in Motion has 13 paid pieces of DLC.

Tropico 4 has 9.

I'm not seeing why this is all EA's fault. They really don't "nickel and dime" the consumer any more than the rest of the gaming market. 

So is the Sims 3 on Mac notoriously crummy? Because so far my experience has been poop. I get pop-in, cars clipping through each other, ignored actions, and I've been playing for three hours now and the only other Sim I've seen is the paper boy. I have a 2012 iMac and I'm playing on almost all medium settings, so I don't really think it's my computer.

You likely haven't played in awhile, since it's solid enough now. Most of the beta bugs are in the past.

It's still a rather dull MMO. I played the crap out of it until the "WHOO, Star Wars MMO!" feeling wore off and I was just left with a "Why am I playing this when there are such better MMOs?" feeling. Still, it's worth playing if you're a Star Wars fan. The gameplay and setup may suck, but the writing isn't all terrible. Voiceovers help too.
after the comedy that was the 1.2 patch I uninstalled and haven't been back since.

SimCity has 5 paid DLCs, I believe? 3 of which come with the Digital Deluxe?

Cities in Motion has 13 paid pieces of DLC.

Tropico 4 has 9.

I'm not seeing why this is all EA's fault. They really don't "nickel and dime" the consumer any more than the rest of the gaming market.
has nothing to do with DLC for me. I will gladly pay a lot of money for a real sim city game. The issue is it doesnt seem like they can really fix the game with DLC. At least I dont think they will be expanding the map size with DLC.

So is the Sims 3 on Mac notoriously crummy? Because so far my experience has been poop. I get pop-in, cars clipping through each other, ignored actions, and I've been playing for three hours now and the only other Sim I've seen is the paper boy. I have a 2012 iMac and I'm playing on almost all medium settings, so I don't really think it's my computer.
Cars clipping happens I think, though I've rarely seen it and it doesn't really bother me. As for pop-in, loading hangs as you move around through different parts of the neighborhood? There's a LOT to load up and shit going on in TS3. You can interact with just about every object out there, so the choppiness when other parts of the world are loading up are gonna give you some hang up. Ignored actions? Don't know, the only thing I can think of is if a sim is horribly low in one mood bar and is refusing to do something, which is a game mechanic. I never have my sims ignore what I tell them. As for not seeing other sims, again, no idea. Maybe you're living in the boonies? I have a sim that lives pretty far away from the city in a small suburb, and I even see my neighbor sims doing shit, sims jogging down the road, inviting themselves over to say hi, etc. Really have no idea what that's all about.

All that said, I'd download most of the mods here if I were you:

Fixes a lot of stuff and basically gives you godlike control over every tiny detail of the game. I use it mainly because it allows you to switch active families on the fly with no wish losses (just go into settings and change "Retain wishes.. etc" to true). Awesome mods there.

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EA should be paying us to be playing these games
Can we get downvotes on CAG? As opposed to just likes?

Seriously, the "We hate EA" bandwagon is that way. This is a bundle with some cool, fun games for dirt cheap and completely for charity. If you're just gonna be a complainer, [customspoiler= go away ]

Can we get downvotes on CAG? As opposed to just likes?

Seriously, the "We hate EA" bandwagon is that way. This is a bundle with some cool, fun games for dirt cheap and completely for charity. If you're just gonna be a complainer, [customspoiler= go away ]
Yes to the downvotes and agreed on the complaining. Seriously, this is an awesome bundle that EA isn't seeing a cent of. How people still feel the need to hate on them is beyond me, but then again I've never had a huge problem with them anyway. Sure they made some less than stellar decisions in the past, but so does every company and EA has been doing a lot to regain some good will as of late (removing online passes, improving Origin, and this bundle for starters). I have no problem supporting EA, and if I did I would simply not buy/play it instead of complaining on the internet for them to change. The phrase "putting your money where your mouth is" pretty much sums it up.

I wish you guys would just realize EA is the devil, not some company that started out small (even smaller than a lot of these indies today) and built up to what it is today. I don't see how you can defend EA, all they do is put out quality franchises year after year and employ a ton of people. Don't you realize they RUINED Sim City? I'm pretty sure the company is owned by Satan. Only Satan and Gaben would be evil enough to do something like Steam/Origin. But Gaben isn't evil because half life 3. fuck EA for actually delivering sequels they promise.
Yes to the downvotes and agreed on the complaining. Seriously, this is an awesome bundle that EA isn't seeing a cent of. How people still feel the need to hate on them is beyond me, but then again I've never had a huge problem with them anyway. Sure they made some less than stellar decisions in the past, but so does every company and EA has been doing a lot to regain some good will as of late (removing online passes, improving Origin, and this bundle for starters). I have no problem supporting EA, and if I did I would simply not buy/play it instead of complaining on the internet for them to change. The phrase "putting your money where your mouth is" pretty much sums it up.
I might not like a lot of EA's past business practices (i.e. locked-out DLC From Ashes was mostly on the disc; BioWare Points are overpriced and never go on sale; the whole SimCity online DRM fiasco; C&C4 + Darkspore also have always online DRM; etc etc - that's just for starters) - they still often put out games that range from good to great.

And since I'm normally a CAG and have often waited for major price-drops on most games, I don't often feel burned by EA when buying a game from them.

Even when I spent around $30 for Dragon Age 2 not too long after its original release, I did NOT feel burned. Even spending $30 for ME3 about a month after release - didn't feel burned; just wasn't too thrilled w/ the end, but loved most of the rest of the game. Often, though - $10 or less on EA games or 75% off or better.

BTW - Dead Space 3 was easily worth my $1.05 from the HB. ;)

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I've always scratched my head at the people who attack every announcement that EA is doing something to be less jerky. The bad old EADM was replaced with Origin and they've kept working on Origin to make it better and all the haters do is bash it for either copying Steam or not being as good as Steam or simply not being Steam at all.

My only "complaint" is that I've either got all these games - both what's out and what's rumored to be coming - or I'm not interested in them.


Of the rumored bonuses I've got Bulletstorm on Steam and don't care about Command and Conquer Red Alert 3 Uprising since I haven't even played the base RA3, have other unplayed C&C games, generally suck at RTS games, and I'm wondering why I picked up Starcraft II the other day other than it was only $15?

It's also amusing to see EA haters/Steam lovers siding with the company that's lied for six years about where HL2E3 is and has done nothing but crank out party hats and trading cards and has "customer service" that EA would have to start murdering puppies to get close to matching in pure suckage.

And cardz. If Origin had card$, EA should be nominated for sainthood.
You know what's worse?

EA will add cardz to Origin just to add a feature their customers have responded well to and to make their client as appealing as the top client in the industry copy Steam because fuck fucking EA.

bread's done