Humble Voxatron Debut/Bundle has ended


56 (100%)
There's a new Humble "Bundle" out, The Humble Voxatron Debut. Right now it only includes an alpha for Voxatron, but like other bundles, expect more to be added is it goes on. As usual, it's pay what you want and part of your payment will go to charity by default.

This game is still an alpha and is available as a direct download only. There's currently no indication of Steam or Desura keys coming in the future for this game.

Games in this bundle:
* Only available to those who purchased before 11/1 at 10 AM PST and new buyers who pay more than the average.

Update 11/1:
Blocks That Matter and The Binding of Isaac have been added to the bundle. There is a Steam key for the bundle that unlocks both as well as the BoI soundtrack (Steam DLC). If you've already purchased the bundle you have access to them now. Future buyers must beat the average price to get them.

Update 11/9:
Four new games have been added. They are Gish, Jasper's Journey, Chocolate Castle, and Zen Puzzle Garden. Only Gish is on Steam and a separate key is available for it.
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[quote name='DukeEdwardI']Thanks! Were you using a controller or M&KB?[/QUOTE]

WASD to move and mouse to shoot. I wish there was a directional indicator for the mouse but it's an alpha so meh.
[quote name='TheDragonAce']Really hope they add humble indie bundle #1 for those who beat the average price.[/QUOTE]

This. Humble Bundle #1 is the only one I missed.
I'd never even heard of this game until I got the email earlier. I bought the bundle, but for low money. If the game seems good when it releases, I guess I'll up my offer. If turns out to suck, well I didn't lose much.
[quote name='sunghost']This. Humble Bundle #1 is the only one I missed.[/QUOTE]

If you got HIB #2 you should have everything from HIB #1.
[quote name='louiedog']If you got HIB #2 you should have everything from HIB #1.[/QUOTE]

I didn't. I got Humble Bundle 3 which gave me everything from Humble Bundle 2 lol, which is why I'm missing #1.
[quote name='sunghost']I didn't. I got Humble Bundle 3 which gave me everything from Humble Bundle 2 lol, which is why I'm missing #1.[/QUOTE]

Ah, that explains that. Hopefully it will come back at some point. It was a good one with games that people should play.
I bought Binding of Isaac, damn. But now I always buy these bundles the first day out of principle. They've never NOT added more games, and since I've been eyeing Blocks that Matter for a long while I'll throw down a few bucks on the gamble. :)
Pretty interesting little game.

I played far enough to kill a blue frog on stilts that pukes rainbows and to learn that armadillos are more lethal than you would think.

My two main gripes at the moment are the limited view area that rarely uses up half of my screen (though this may be a "difficulty" feature) and not always being able to shoot in the direction I want to, M&K.
For those complaining about Voxatron's (awful) controls: If you've got a controller on hand, use J2K or Xpadder and map the number pad to the right stick and WASD to left. Voila, twin-stick! If stuck with KB/M, STILL USE THE NUMBER PAD; the 8-way aiming is amazing.
I just buy all of the Humble Bundles sight unseen.

Between the Steam and Desura codes and the fact that I use both Windows and Linux it's never a bad deal. (I tend to double/triple dip and pass the codes along as well)
Remember that, in previous bundles, a "beat the average" requirement was included for access to some of the additions. In every case, though, those who had purchased prior to the additions were grandfathered in and were able to access these bonuses regardless of the price they had paid. It may be worthwhile to purchase the bundle now for a small amount, and then revise it upward later if you find the extras to your liking.

Personally, I am quite happy to bet a dollar that there will be something in this bundle which I will appreciate. Every bundle so far has been lovely.
I'm in practically sight unseen for this one easily. Okay, I lied - I saw the video and thought that, for an alpha, this was shaping up really well. Alphas are typically a vertical slice of what a game is all about in a really rough, unpolished form. Having said that, I think Voxatron is looking really good for an alpha.

As for the worries about this being a type of crowdsourced HB promo: I can understand why people think that but all clues point to this just being the leadoff game in a much larger, better bundle. If anything, I think HB is experimenting and gauging interest in this type of leadoff rather than having a more polished indie game/games to begin with. I don't really mind in the case of HB because their bundles tend to be really good (even if I have multiple copies of some games, LOL).

Edit: DANG. The bundle has already hit just north of $139k!

Edit2: Tweaked my first paragraph above for clarity. I also donated $10 and boosted the Child's Play donation this time around. Remember, you can always up your donation at a later date so if you just want to take a $1 risk for now and find that you really dig the final build and (likely) extra games in the bundle you can.
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Seeing the Humble Voxatron Debut topics on other deal forums, I have to say that it's refreshing to come back to the civil nature here at CAG. Everyone's quite upset about the single-game events, even if this particular instance uses the term "Debut" instead of "Bundle."

Indeed, the rest of the Internet Children seem quite angry about donating to an Alpha's development, even if they're promised the eventual final product as part of the deal.

Personally, I think the game is quite nice, even in its current state; I'm glad I donated. For those unsure, even a dollar for a cute, entertaining little diversion like Voxatron's Alpha build is worth it. (After all, those familiar with 3D Dot Game Heroes will instantly enjoy the game's visuals.) I recommend the donation and the game.
^Yeah, I think HB knows there's a careful balance to how they promote these debuts and bundles and they wouldn't do anything intentionally dumb to ruin the goodwill they've cultivated so far.

I too am glad I donated because it's still democratic after all. Want it all to go to Child's Play? Then go ahead. Want to spread it out? Be our (er, their) guest. I always support Child's Play so it was easy for me to toss in a few dollars.

Back to this deal: I just noticed that there's an editor available for the game. Cool! I'm not into modding since a) I'm kind of lazy and b) I'm always in awe with what others make but in this case I think I'm going to have a go. I haven't made my own anything since I last booted up my copy of the Shoot-'Em-Up Construction Kit on my Amiga 500 :D
I was skeptical - but tossed in a few bucks as I always do (because hey, it's for a good cause, and all the bundles to date have been terrific). I played for the past 10 minutes and absolutely love the game so far. As an alpha - I definitely could get my $5 out of it. Fingers crossed BOI is added like the registry says. Either way, I'm happy and give the alpha a thumbs up and can't wait for the updates!
I also spent the last 10 minutes playing and I too am totally loving this alpha so far. It has elements of Robotron and adventure (at least for the Adventure mode I played). Downing waves unleashes more waves in rooms, sometimes revealing a finish crystal thing or voxeling up a hidden staircase to another doorway.

The bonus items I've encountered so far include food, extra lives (which this game seems to be pretty generous with at the moment), special weapons (3-way, blaster, and a builder shot that creates vertical steps if you shoot against an object or previous shots), bonus multipliers and a duplicate powerup that duplicates each enemy on the screen. I can see the latter two being used to create insane high scores.

The graphics are quite charming and fresh. Minecraft has a great look to it but Voxatron sports a cleaner, pixel-inspired look with lots of nice particle effects. I love the effect when you die and your explosion breaks up everything around you :) Anyway, so far I haven't thought to myself "gad, this game is just too busy looking". On the contrary, it's clean but not at all spartan. You'll just have to play it to see it because I don't know if the video does it justice. I look forward to seeing if the developer adds more detail to the game or uses other techniques to enhance the visuals. I for one think the character designs are incredibly cute and charming already.

The control methods aren't totally implemented yet obviously but I can't imagine the developer not clarifying them more in later builds. For those who only use the keyboard, just remember to aim and hold down the shot button to "lock" the shot in that directions. You can do diagonals, too. KB & M isn't really there yet, and I have yet to use my Xbox 360 pad (soon). As far as the game goes as it is, control is something I'm not at all worried they'll tweak more.

So, overall I'm totally jazzed about this game. I was always more of a Robotron and Llamatron (Amiga, baby!) fan than a fan of Geometry Wars or Beat Hazard and so far this is much more my kind of shooter game.
Looks interesting. Not crazy about these kind of games, but this looks pretty cool. I'll probably wait to see how things play out as far as any more games being added.
The Binding of Isaac and Blocks That Matter have been added. If you haven't purchased yet you need to beat the average which is currently $3.71. It's just going to go up as time goes on.
Not a huge fan of Voxatron so far. The controls are what's really holding me back. Definitely needs improvement. I can't rag on it too hard since it's an alpha though. The bundle's still worth it though for the other games. Already have BoI and it's amazing. The bundle is just in time for the big update too, which adds more bosses, levels, and items.
Binding of Isaac looks... interesting. How do people like it?

Oh, and BOI includes the soundtrack which I always think is a nice touch for most games.
[quote name='NeoGutsman']Binding of Isaac looks... interesting. How do people like it?

Oh, and BOI includes the soundtrack which I always think is a nice touch for most games.[/QUOTE]
The biggest problem BOI has is it's written in flash. The game is great fun but it has the problem where if you get rid of I forget what it is, something with flash like a cache or something it would delete your progress. No clue if that is fixed now but yeah...

Anyway I bought in on the bundle. Mainly for Blocks that Matter. I own BOI and Voxatron looks like meh, but hey it's for charity.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']glad to see binding of Isaac but waiting for steam keys before downloading and playing.[/QUOTE]
I just ordered mine and it came with Steam Keys for both BOI and Blocks that Matter. No Steam keys on Voxatron.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']glad to see binding of Isaac but waiting for steam keys before downloading and playing.[/QUOTE]

Mine already had a steam key for the new games.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']glad to see binding of Isaac but waiting for steam keys before downloading and playing.[/QUOTE]

There is a key to unlock both it and Blocks That Matter on Steam.
I bought it earlier, so I'm happy that I now get the additional games. Humble Bundles always rock.
Too bad they are all one code, I already own Isaac and was going to give it to a friend.
But hey, Blocks that Matter. I've been eyeing it for a long while.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']The biggest problem BOI has is it's written in flash. The game is great fun but it has the problem where if you get rid of I forget what it is, something with flash like a cache or something it would delete your progress. No clue if that is fixed now but yeah...[/QUOTE]

Same issue with Machinarium. Came back to that game and I was, "Oh yay my save is gone... well, I guess it is time to stop playing that game".
[quote name='Kaltic']Same issue with Machinarium. Came back to that game and I was, "Oh yay my save is gone... well, I guess it is time to stop playing that game".[/QUOTE]

Same here. I was playing, saved, came back a few hours later and my save was gone. I was really enjoying it but I didn't want to immediately replay the last 90 minutes. That was about 10 months ago and I haven't touched it since.
[quote name='Kaltic']Same issue with Machinarium. Came back to that game and I was, "Oh yay my save is gone... well, I guess it is time to stop playing that game".[/QUOTE]

I'm not a programmer so I don't know if this is a dumb answer or not: Can't Flash games save outside of the cache or some other method? I know VVVVVV was fixed to solve this problem recently so I wonder why these two additions haven't done so either.
[quote name='louiedog']Same here. I was playing, saved, came back a few hours later and my save was gone. I was really enjoying it but I didn't want to immediately replay the last 90 minutes. That was about 10 months ago and I haven't touched it since.[/QUOTE]

you can add an exception to whatever your clearing the cache with to exclude stuff like that but it is more work. Think I may have read this was fixed in general for machinarium but I'm not sure.
i think this might actually be the first bundle I don't get. it's tempting, but.... I dont' know. Just not THAT enticing.

OTOH, I really like supporting these bundles, and I'm a bit interested in some of the games.

*sigh* I'll probably get it and give it all to charity.
[quote name='NeoGutsman']I'm not a programmer so I don't know if this is a dumb answer or not: Can't Flash games save outside of the cache or some other method? I know VVVVVV was fixed to solve this problem recently so I wonder why these two additions haven't done so either.[/QUOTE]
I don't know about Flash, but I know VVVVVV solved the problem by rewriting the entire game in C - it's a native program now, no Flash required.
bought it for $10 before I knew there were any games added... but i figured there would be. Voxatron is pretty dope!
I dropped a measly dollar on it yesterday. Never bought an indie game before. Didn't expect to get another two with it. I'll be making sure to get more in the future.
bread's done