I can't get into Halo 3

[quote name='Puzznic']Some of the weapon lunges do need to be toned down some but 4 to 5 feet is still letting someone get very close. Pay attention to your surroundings, watch your radar, and walk backwards while shooting if someone tries to run in to close the gap.

Most of this so called "logic" you provide are half-truths at best. It's easy to snipe people...........if you can actually get your hands on the sniper rifle and the opposing team is running around in the open like idiots. Melees are powerful................if you can actually catch someone by surprise and manage to both close the gap and get their shield down first.

Oh, and for someone that has no interest in the game you seem to be pretty obsessed with it.[/quote]
Half truths? What the hell? So you are telling me that the sniper rifle doesnt have a reticle? Auto aim (no matter how small its still auto aim) turns red when its on an enemy? Fires all 4 shoots within 3 seconds of each other?

How are any of those facts half truths? What the fuck are you talking about?

I said, the sniper rifle is very easy to use...it doesnt matter when you pick it up. What the hell does that have to do with anything. Running around in the open? The whole point was that its very easy to shoot the sniper rifle no matter what is going on around you because it almost shoots itself.

I literally want to punch a baby in the face because you for some reason just can not comprehend what I am saying about the melee system. You keep giving advise to me like it fucking changes the fact that Melee kills are among the top 3 ways to kill someone in halo. (God I cant find that damn website that linked to where I saw that information)

It doesnt matter what I do....there are still 3573489573894578934 players all meleeing each other. I am talking about halo as a whole not me by myself. So no..your stats dont god damn matter, my stats dont god damn matter.

Its like saying that dunking in the NBA is the among the top 3 ways to score. You reply...well soodmeg you should shuffle my feet more. Yeah thats great advise if I was looking for advise but I am not...I am simply telling you a fact that dunking is among the top 3 ways to scoring in the NBA.

The US is at war.

"Well you should be nicer to people and work things out by talking"

Uhhhh great...that still doesnt change the fact that the US is at war.

Now again, this all comes back to what I first said. Halo fans will get all antsy in the pantsy if you point out the flaws in Halo. Look at both of these 2 Halo fans struggling to proof me wrong, one just disregards anything I say because either, "I am just not good at the game," or "The player were bad thats why it proved your point." And I love the fact that random people keep chiming in saying basically the exact same thing I am saying yet you still say that I am completely off base with everything I have said. Go to youtube man, look a the thousands of videos that show all the flaws in Halo. But remember....that they all cant "just be bad players" and it wont work if you just write everything off because you dont want to believe that halo is not a very challenging game.

The other really has no idea what is even going on. He is just basically making random statements that really dont make sense to the actually topic.

Halo is a deeply flawed game...made for the masses with its very easy to pick up and play style, a style that takes away as much player skill by auto aiming, auto lunging, and many other factors.

You prove to me other wise with arguments that are more than just, " your bad at the game, those guys suck" then we can talk. Until then I am done go play your Halo. Have fun. But know that its a very easy game that take a small amount of effort and skill to be above average.
This thread turned from an honest question to male menstration. Good job Soodmeg. Drink some cranberry juice, eat some chocolate and change your tampon. Get over yourself and quit shitting on this thread.
[quote name='Kendal']This thread turned from an honest question to male menstration. Good job Soodmeg. Drink some cranberry juice, eat some chocolate and change your tampon. Get over yourself and quit shitting on this thread.[/quote]

Oh that was really clever and funny.....here is your gamefaqs cookie for the best burn of the thread.I stated my opinion they challenge it. I stated why I thought that, they once again challenged it.

Yeah that completely means this is entirely my fault.

Plus, this is what the OP wanted. You cant ask a question about why you are not into Halo and not expect people from opposing sides to make an argument for what they think.

This goes along with my CAG are really crazy people. I am the bad guy in this thread because I provided the most back ground information for my opinion instead of just blindly fucking makeing statements like a gamefaqs bitch.

I had a point I made it while providing information to support it. Yeah logic usually does ruin simple minded peoples threads.

By the way...good read if you are interested.

lol. Melees are among the top 3 ways to kill someone because there is virtually only 3 way TO kill somebody on foot. You either shoot, grenade, or melee them. What else should (or could) there be?

Every game is flawed, including Halo 3. I have alot of experience with the game and I could come up with plenty of things that could be better. But there is a difference between saying toning down the lunge or sniper fire would make the game more balanced and saying that because something is flawed, that the game takes no skill.

It's also completely fine to dislike to dislike the game. The argument that all Halo players are the same and that the game takes no skill is the only argument I take issue with.

But then again, what do I know? I only play the game becasue I am a mindless sheep that is blinded by the hype.
I will say the Halo series never lived up to the monstrous hype it got, but I will say it was a good game. It reminds me of the old doom type shooters. It is 2 gen ago one current gen to me. Nostalgia.
[quote name='Puzznic']lol. Melees are among the top 3 ways to kill someone because there is virtually only 3 way TO kill somebody on foot. You either shoot, grenade, or melee them. What else should (or could) there be?

Every game is flawed, including Halo 3. I have alot of experience with the game and I could come up with plenty of things that could be better. But there is a difference between saying toning down the lunge or sniper fire would make the game more balanced and saying that because something is flawed, that the game takes no skill.

It's also completely fine to dislike to dislike the game. The argument that all Halo players are the same and that the game takes no skill is the only argument I take issue with.

But then again, what do I know? I only play the game becasue I am a mindless sheep that is blinded by the hype.[/quote]

What? I swear to god man. Yeah because there are no other weapons in the game than one and the melee. There is like 15 weapons in the game what are you talking about that there are only 3 ways to kills them? Yes they all involve shooting but they are not the same way.

Handgun kills
Rocket kills
Needler kills
melee kills

When you look at your stats it just doesnt say

Shooting kills

It says, battle rifle kills, shotgun kills, ect ect.

You clearly have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.

God, I just hate the fact that people just state random ass shit as fact without anything to back it up. You guys have made 6 or 7 points telling me I am wrong without linking to anything that proves it.

And dont cop out like a bitch with this, "What do I know...." bullshit. Thats what people say when they cant figure out what to do next. I never said you were a sheep, I said that just because you like the game doesnt make the game challenging..its still a deeply flawed shallow game reguardless of how many people like it.

BUT since this isnt going anywhere I am dropping it.
This is my last post on the subject as well. You get way too worked up.

The melees are done with different guns, which have different melee attributes. So if your going to combine melees you have to combine shooting as well.

What exactly do you want people to "link to" to prove their points. As if some stupid You Tube video is going to prove that the game takes skill are not.
[quote name='Puzznic']This is my last post on the subject as well. You get way too worked up.

The melees are done with different guns, which have different melee attributes. So if your going to combine melees you have to combine shooting as well.

What exactly do you want people to "link to" to prove their points. As if some stupid You Tube video is going to prove that the game takes skill are not.[/quote]

I know dude...watching video evidence of the exact point you are trying to make is indeed stupid. I wonder if the Court system got that memo. I am sure there is a lot of people in jail right now because of a stupid video that showed them doing the very thing some one accused them of.

Yes, I do get a little worked up...its because I really, really,really hate people who make blinds statements.

Also, I am not suppose to find links for you...its part of your argument not mine. I found videos that proved my points you did not.
[quote name='$hady']Buy CoD4 and forget Halo like most other FPS fans have done. :D[/quote]

That's what I did and I didn't even think about it... It just happened. I'd love to COD 4 to knock Halo off the to 10 list!
bread's done