I Caught my 11 year old cousin browsing porn, what do i do?


What should I do? DO I tell on him? Do I ask for shut-up money? Finally I can get a revenge on that little devil. LOL. (I have a hobby to watch people cry ... Am I sick? AM I CRAZY?)
I would say let him. He'll just think of you as being much cooler, and besides it's always good to know ;)

Well, others have been more direct with what I was intending so I'll just copy what they said:

[quote name='XboxHardcore.com']You say "Well atleast he's not gay."

And go on with your life.[/QUOTE]

Exactly as long as he wasn't looking at Gay Porn.

Note: I'm not trying to sound insensitive or mean or prejudicial or anything to gays/lesbians or anything.
[quote name='XboxHardcore.com']You say "Well atleast he's not gay."

And go on with your life.[/QUOTE]
Might've been gay porn for all you know!

... And there's nothing wrong with that, I might add.
This is the fourth time actually. I warned him not to do that anymore, The second time he did it again. his time, he browsed into my PC (I told him to use my password just to play CounterStrike), watch some porn, look at some "goodies" I intended to use as wallpaper on my PSP, some hentai...) ARGHHHH. I just want to see his "pastor" mom give him a good lesson.
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']Might've been gay porn for all you know!

... And there's nothing wrong with that, I might add.[/QUOTE]

There's a lot of things wrong if an 11 year old is watching two well constructed men going at it with each other.
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']Might've been gay porn for all you know!

... And there's nothing wrong with that, I might add.[/QUOTE]

Well I found ONE gay porn picture though (should I describe it?). OMG. Now I think he might be metro... or pure gay...
well I dont have anything to go against gay people, but i am sure his dad would give him a hell of a spanking (I hope so, since they are a very "religious" methodist family)
[quote name='praystation']well I dont have anything to go against gay people, but i am sure his dad would give him a hell of a spanking (I hope so, since they are a very "religious" methodist family)[/QUOTE]

Be careful... you never know what kind of kinky shit your cousin might be into. For all you know, spanking might turn him onto S & M.:lol:
[quote name='evilmregg']Boo, that link didn't work! :bomb:[/QUOTE]

It is working for me. It is good stuff.
Not like I would know though.

[quote name='evilmregg']Boo, that link didn't work! :bomb:[/QUOTE]

The link works - the site just had a hiccup. Like CAG sometimes does. :lol: But I recommend puretna.com over empornium since their restrictions are more lenient.
Am I the only one that is disturbed with an 11 y/o looking at porn? Yea I got a few looks at a Playboy when I was that age but porn is too much for a developing brain IMO. You should explain to him that it isn't right and he will not enjoy his first kiss if he keeps looking at porn.
[quote name='spoo']Am I the only one that is disturbed with an 11 y/o looking at porn? Yea I got a few looks at a Playboy when I was that age but porn is too much for a developing brain IMO. You should explain to him that it isn't right and he will not enjoy his first kiss if he keeps looking at porn.[/QUOTE]
I was about to say... an 11 year old shouldn't be looking at porn. He's probably just looking at it because its the "cool" thing to do.
[quote name='jaykrue']The link works - the site just had a hiccup. Like CAG sometimes does. :lol: But I recommend puretna.com over empornium since their restrictions are more lenient.[/QUOTE]

What, they allow beastiality and kiddie porn? You can't sign up right now anyway ...
He probably got introduced to porn through his friends (i'm assuming this since his parents sound strict) as you said he's done it in the past and he'll probably continue to do it...
he is too afraid to come out right now. I know he is pretending to be sick when I asked his dad his whereabout. LOL..... wait a minute... (Or he is touching himself in his room at this moment?).

Anyway, I kinda saw this thing came when he told me to make an user-account to log into his own computer when I set-up a wifi connection goin into my router. I was like "This little sh*t only has 4 GB of hard drive, it almost has no space for any storage, why would he want a private account?" So several weeks later, He asked me to fix his computer (OMG, a lot of pop ups, some porn pop ups, and a lot of trojans and viruses have infected his PC). SO I went to the IE history, the favorite tabs, and found 137 Porn links.and took me 4 days to clean the PC from all the Trojans, SPies, Viruses (had to wait for updates since some of the spies and viruses were new. To amke a long story short, I think he has become addicted to it. Now I am going to ask $3 everyday from him. BWAHAHAHAHA. (Or should I? Do you think $3 is a lot for an 11 year old bastard?)

Anyway I just became a "cheap ass regular." Anybody wants to say "welcome to the club?" I would really appreciate it.
Replace His Porn with this...

Then laugh because he cant do anything about it
If you really want to get at him and be nasty about it, send him links to goatse or lemonparty or tubgirl. He'll get a real kick out of those ;).
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']If you really want to get at him and be nasty about it, send him links to goatse or lemonparty or tubgirl. He'll get a real kick out of those ;).[/QUOTE]
I heard the goatse guy died, dunno if thats true or not though. Wouldn't be surprised.
I can't tell if you're serious or just trying to get a rise out of everyone. If you want a serious answer - tell his parents. That's what parents are for, it's their job - to directly raise ("rear" if you are going to get technical about it) children. Parents are not the "bad guys", they're just people who are about 10 - 15 years older than you are and have kids.

Why be a "snitch"? Porn has dramatic psychological effects on people - especially children. It is well documented. If you are going to ignore the moral issue altogether (which you do have a moral obligation but that doesn't seem to go far with people these days...), tell on this kid to give him a fighting chance at a normal. And if you can't do it for the kid, do it for society - because kids who are exposed to porn at that age are at much higher risk for crime, etc. in the future. And if you won't do it for society, do it for yourself so you won't have to worry about feeling guilty about this for the rest of your life.

If you won't get the kid some help for any of the above reasons, you might as well stop posting because you've already made up your mind not to help this kid. You can, of course, PM me this kid's phone number. I'll gladly call his parents and rat him out if you're too scared. Kids that age don't understand the future consequences of being exposed to too much too soon - that's what the rest of us are here for.
On a serious note, I guess I agree with chosen1s. Not because porn will "ruin his life" but just because the parents should know. Or rather, the dad should. Moms won't understand.
[quote name='XboxHardcore.com']There's a lot of things wrong if an 11 year old is watching two well constructed men going at it with each other.[/QUOTE]
nothing more wrong than 2 girls, what would you fear, that some 11 year old you dont even know might be gay?

[quote name='Mouse']On a serious note, I guess I agree with chosen1s. Not because porn will "ruin his life" but just because the parents should know. Or rather, the dad should. Moms won't understand.[/QUOTE]
yeah id agree tell his dad, at the risk of sounding uncool, you would be doing the right thing.
[quote name='chosen1s']

Why be a "snitch"? Porn has dramatic psychological effects on people - especially children. It is well documented. If you are going to ignore the moral issue altogether (which you do have a moral obligation but that doesn't seem to go far with people these days...), tell on this kid to give him a fighting chance at a normal. And if you can't do it for the kid, do it for society - because kids who are exposed to porn at that age are at much higher risk for crime, etc. in the future. And if you won't do it for society, do it for yourself so you won't have to worry about feeling guilty about this for the rest of your life.

Bullshit, that has not been documented. Exposure to porn leads to more liberal sexual values, has an immediate negative impact on the sexual rating of their partner (not an issue at his age) etc., but does not have any connection to crime or things like that. That's a basic thing any half decent intro psych or sociology class will teach you. Hell, personal experience, I've been looking at porn for probably as long as that kid, and I'm the the "nice guy" who respects women out of the people I know.

Also, to the OP, we've all done it, and it hasn't screwed up any of us. I think the whole issue of the parents finding out and such may have a more damaging effect if they are as religious as you say, because it may lead to them teaching him sex is a dirty little secret. Also, if you say he has gay stuff you're just feeding their bigotry. If he is gay, or bi, you'd be doing more damage to him to let his parents know or believe that and try to change it, and/or not let him work that out on his own schedule.

If there's a real issue, like violent, particularly demeaning porn etc. then I can see it, but there's no point in telling on him for things ever kid does and do not have harmful long term effects, especially when there are other issues at play here concerning the nature of the parents.
[quote name='chosen1s']I can't tell if you're serious or just trying to get a rise out of everyone. If you want a serious answer - tell his parents. That's what parents are for, it's their job - to directly raise ("rear" if you are going to get technical about it) children. Parents are not the "bad guys", they're just people who are about 10 - 15 years older than you are and have kids.

Why be a "snitch"? Porn has dramatic psychological effects on people - especially children. It is well documented. If you are going to ignore the moral issue altogether (which you do have a moral obligation but that doesn't seem to go far with people these days...), tell on this kid to give him a fighting chance at a normal. And if you can't do it for the kid, do it for society - because kids who are exposed to porn at that age are at much higher risk for crime, etc. in the future. And if you won't do it for society, do it for yourself so you won't have to worry about feeling guilty about this for the rest of your life.

If you won't get the kid some help for any of the above reasons, you might as well stop posting because you've already made up your mind not to help this kid. You can, of course, PM me this kid's phone number. I'll gladly call his parents and rat him out if you're too scared. Kids that age don't understand the future consequences of being exposed to too much too soon - that's what the rest of us are here for.[/QUOTE]

Thanks buddy. I am going to do it. how do i start it though? Get just his parents? or with him in our discussion circle? how do I say it? I am really bad at giving speech.
[quote name='jaykrue']The link works - the site just had a hiccup. Like CAG sometimes does. :lol: But I recommend puretna.com over empornium since their restrictions are more lenient.[/QUOTE]

not that I know or anything but they dont allow new sign ups right now....
Haha install one of those parental monitors that blocks out all questionable websites just to piss him off. He has plenty of time to grow up a bit and look at all the pron he wants, but i think 11 might be a bit too young. let him be a kid not a teenager.
Option #1- Just tell his frickin' parents. They're the one who'll have to go to court with him when he turn into a sexual predator cuz net porn taught him girls like that. (or something...)

Option #2- If you can't say it to their face, send an anonaymous email to them saying you're a 'friend', you know he's looking at porn, and instructions on how to check his cookies so they can see it for themselves.

Option #3- If for some reason you can't tell his folks at all... go for scare tactics. Tell him that the government can check his interet use and arrest him for looking at porn at his age. Tell him he'll get STDS from girls like these, so he just needs to leave it alone. (That one you can add pictures to. I once saw a pic of a guy with Syphillis in high school health... sick freakin-stuff.)
I still think it's best left alone, or kept between you two, unless it's violent porn or stuff like that.

Honestly though, I was caught once, I just learned to hide the stuff better.

He'll just start putting it on cd's or dvd's and you'll have no idea what the hell he's watching.
Pull up a muthafucking chair?

He is young and curious. I assume he is in the 5th grade or so. I remember in 5th grade they taught us sex ed and I did not know what the fuck they were talking about, for about another year or so.

If you are that worried about it install a parental blocker.
[quote name='DuelLadyS']Option #1- Just tell his frickin' parents. They're the one who'll have to go to court with him when he turn into a sexual predator cuz net porn taught him girls like that. (or something...)

Option #2- If you can't say it to their face, send an anonaymous email to them saying you're a 'friend', you know he's looking at porn, and instructions on how to check his cookies so they can see it for themselves.

Option #3- If for some reason you can't tell his folks at all... go for scare tactics. Tell him that the government can check his interet use and arrest him for looking at porn at his age. Tell him he'll get STDS from girls like these, so he just needs to leave it alone. (That one you can add pictures to. I once saw a pic of a guy with Syphillis in high school health... sick freakin-stuff.)[/QUOTE]

Option 3 did not work. I told him he could go to jail, or one of his parents will (My logic is that one has to slick on "i am 18 yo and older" to pass the "gate" of a pornsite right?)

anyway I will try opt 1.
don't rat on him, let the kid be. I remember my friends and I were curious when we were that age, hell maybe even younger like 9 or 10. I don't see anything wrong with it unless hes looking at violent porn or something to that effect like alonzo said.
Don't punish him, educate him. Either ignore it and go on with your business, or talk to him about it, i.e. talk to him about addiction, etc. etc.
bread's done