I don't know if PSX qualifies as classic but I had a question about one game


3 (100%)
Incredible Crisis. Could someone tell me about it? I bought one because I've heard good things but I don't think I know anyone who's played it yet. Let me know. Thanks.
Very unique and goofy Japanese title that somehow got released over here. It's basically a collection mini-games blended together to tell short little stories. I thought it was a blast, even if it was too short.
I have a demo disc of it and it's fun. I remember hearing something about a sequel but it was to never come out here.
I downloaded it a year ago for a PSX emulator (didn't have a playstation) and it was fun. Very diffrent game. It's basically a day in the life of a weird family broken up into a bunch of diffrent types of mini-games. Unique and creative as hell. I'm keeping an eye out for it at local ebgames, it's a game I want complete.
It's one I've been casually looking to own for a while. I really liked the level where you're basically trying to make a female "get off" by looking for her "spot" on a ferris wheel. Or something like that -- it's been a while since I played it.

I remember that it can be pretty frustrating, though. Still, easily the best Titus-published video game.
I bought it new when I saw it was demo'ed at the local TRU. Hilarious story. The games themselves weren't all that great though, and may get frustrating at times if you're not good at arcade style button mashers.
If you like a good laugh, this games for you. Definately funny and character galore. I've always felt this game was quite the sleeper.
I have it. Its really nutty...the string of mini games will make you tired...Its funny and quirky..I liked it and its worth the 7.99 you can get it for..well thats how much i paid for it.
I paid 10 new a few years back. Just a lot of beat-type music button pressing mini-games. An interesting experience. Not for everyone, but worthy game in a collection.
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