I finally gave in and dropped 117.98 on Suikoden 2

[quote name='XboxMaster']I'm pretty sure I've seen a few of these for $19.99 at EB.[/quote]

I call shenanigans. The original Suikoden has gone for $40 in fairly crappy condition at every EB I've visited (and had a copy). If you saw the sequel with a $20 price tag, it was either a very serious error, someone had changed the sticker, or you saw a VERY oddball copy.
My local EB has had multiple copies of the first suikoden of late, for $19.99. I looked everywhere for the second one, and the best I could do was $69.99 for a very beat disk only copy at an EB, which I didn't buy because I wasn't at all sure it would still work.
I read alot of people saying it's stupid to spend that much money on a game. I think it's stupid if you're an RPG fan and you "don't" own this game. Suikoden 2 is very pricey, but I belive well worth it. And once you own it, unless they make it a greatest hits like FF Tactics, it probably won't go down in price. It'll only go up. So get one if ya got the cash, not only is it a great game, but a great investment.
You know you want Suikoden II so much you start having dreams about a dude selling it to you for 20 bucks.....not that I had any dream of that sort.
Suikoden II is NOT that hard to find. Go to Gamestop.com and do a search on it, use their find a copy service and put in your ZIP code and select a 100 mile radius. When you find a store that has it, call them, ask what condition it's in and if you're happy with the description they give you call YOUR Gamestop and have them get an item/inventory transfer from the store that has it. It's a very little known feature they offer and can only be done if you've done you're homework on the website. Your price, because of the guide, was very fair. That is not a bad deal IMHO considering it's going used for $49.99 at EB or Gamestop.
I tried that out, and theres only one within a 100 miles of me that has it! Luckily, it's less than 10 minutes away. Thanks Pittsburgh. That completley slipped my mind.
[quote name='xzafixz']You guys act like spending this much money for a good game is a bad deal. A game is worth as much as it is worth to you, but now those people that are buying dragon ball GT final bout for 100+ just because it is rare, those people need to be killed[/quote]

Agree, no game is worth more than it's original MSRP. So I wouldn't pay more than $50 for a game. If it's used, I wouldn't pay more than $40.

I love videogames but I think the whole "rare" and collection stuff is just going out of hand.
As for people say that this is a great investment, what planet do you come from? Your better off saving you money and purchasing a real investment like a house.
i got mine for $20 on ebgames.com a few years back(used), beat it and it sat in my collection auntil recently I saw that it sold for huge amounts on ebay. I was like "no game is worth more than $50 much less $100 for a single game." so I listed mine on ebay with a $105 buyitnow and it sold like an hour after I put it up on ebay. I feel like a skunk for selling it for that much but I figure in a few years konami will come out with suikoden 1,2,3 GH on one disc. So then all those suckas paying $100+ will feel the shaft.

And gamestop.com is wrong half the time anyways.
I doubt that Suikoden will ever get a collection, considering that many, many more well known series haven't been given that treatment.
Heck, Konami's own Castlevania series hasn't even had that treatment, and it's a more well known series that Suikoden.

I'd guess there would be a slight chance of Suikoden 2 getting a repress in the last days of the PS1, but the chance is almost nil that they'd actually do a "Suikoden Collection". I mean, Konami's even stepping away from using the save data from the previous game in Suikoden 4.
I bought this one the first week it came out for $39.99. I thought it was good, not holy crap good but decent. I dunno, I liked the first one better, personally. Therefore, I might consider unloading mine, since I really don't give a crap about collecting it. Mint condition, boys and girls, any takers?
You should have your CAG membership revoked for paying that much! Seriously...thats a hard nut to crack. I am still perplexed by gamers and RPGs. They always insist on buying games when they are "rare". I had this on my shelf forever and then one day it was valuable. Do you realize this is a PSone game!!! The PS2 is available. It's like you can make money easy just by purchasing multiple copies of every new RPG and waiting about 2-3 years to double your money. Why do RPG fans refuse to buy a game for $50 on release yet go on Ebay and pay $50-$150 when the title is old. This doesnt happen in any other genre really as much as RPGs. A couple good puzzle games and a DBZ game..but DBZ is bought not because it is a good game but because its a cartoon collectable that people want (final bout sucks as do most DBZ titles).

Why not take the $120 you spent and find 3 new releases that are great games? 3 Games are always better than 1.
I find the whole collectible video game thing to be silly. If games are collectibles now then shouldn't my old Atari stuff be worth something. Seriously, paying over $50 for a PS One game is just not worth it for me. Then again, I buy games that I want to play and be entertained with, not to sell them to make a profit off of them.
[quote name='defender']You should have your CAG membership revoked for paying that much! Seriously...thats a hard nut to crack. I am still perplexed by gamers and RPGs. They always insist on buying games when they are "rare". I had this on my shelf forever and then one day it was valuable. Do you realize this is a PSone game!!! The PS2 is available. It's like you can make money easy just by purchasing multiple copies of every new RPG and waiting about 2-3 years to double your money. Why do RPG fans refuse to buy a game for $50 on release yet go on Ebay and pay $50-$150 when the title is old. This doesnt happen in any other genre really as much as RPGs. A couple good puzzle games and a DBZ game..but DBZ is bought not because it is a good game but because its a cartoon collectable that people want (final bout sucks as do most DBZ titles).

Why not take the $120 you spent and find 3 new releases that are great games? 3 Games are always better than 1.[/quote]

You are very right, its confusing. Id say the next closest has to be those shooters, like Ikaruga and Rez. Yeah they are fun, but why pay a ton. Funny thing is I think when Ikaruga was harder to come by people would be willing to pay 50 for its, but as soon as it became available for 20, its like it must not be that good anymore.
[quote name='starman9000'][quote name='defender']You should have your CAG membership revoked for paying that much! Seriously...thats a hard nut to crack. I am still perplexed by gamers and RPGs. They always insist on buying games when they are "rare". I had this on my shelf forever and then one day it was valuable. Do you realize this is a PSone game!!! The PS2 is available. It's like you can make money easy just by purchasing multiple copies of every new RPG and waiting about 2-3 years to double your money. Why do RPG fans refuse to buy a game for $50 on release yet go on Ebay and pay $50-$150 when the title is old. This doesnt happen in any other genre really as much as RPGs. A couple good puzzle games and a DBZ game..but DBZ is bought not because it is a good game but because its a cartoon collectable that people want (final bout sucks as do most DBZ titles).

Why not take the $120 you spent and find 3 new releases that are great games? 3 Games are always better than 1.[/quote]

You are very right, its confusing. Id say the next closest has to be those shooters, like Ikaruga and Rez. Yeah they are fun, but why pay a ton. Funny thing is I think when Ikaruga was harder to come by people would be willing to pay 50 for its, but as soon as it became available for 20, its like it must not be that good anymore.[/quote]
You both are on to something here; if it's expensive, it must be good! (Flawed American thinking...)
Im surprised some of you are so upset, and are mildly flaming me about some aspects of this purchase :p .

Ive been trying to find this in like new/mint condition for sometime now and I have only seen the price for this condition go from 60 to 80 then 120 over time. I loved the first one, and besides being rare, many rpg fans consider one of the best rpgs to play on the playstation


I could have easilly gone on irc/or grabbed a torrent and downloaded a copy. But we know thats not the right thing to do.. correct? :)

I wasn't concerned about giving in to "the man" and paying high priced, I just wanted to play this game.

So what should I do If I want to play this game?

And if this had any signs of becoming a GH I would have waited.

This is how I wieghed out my decision,

As someone posted earlier, the Guide is quite expensive as well. The guide I received should go between 45-50 on ebay for its condition. So that brings my price for the game to roughly 70. Which is below the avg price for this game. (90-110)
And many of you have paid 70 for importing, etc

I considered my opportunity cost of searching, and its about equal for me to sit at work for an extra hour overtime compared to driving and getting it locally if i could find it for 50.

So altough it was not cheap...it was cheap in comparision of the avg price of this game.

BTW 1000 :p

I sold a sealed chrono for 300 a few years ago, it seems people are more understanding towards that game :roll: Or Radiant Silvergun/Panzer Dragoon Saga etc.

If I dont like the game, Im sure I can sell it back on ebay and make at least 150.
ok..at least you are smart enough to just want to simply play it and then resell it..so thats smart

but honestly I dont think Suikoden II will maintain that price point very long

What happens if Konami does a small reprint? When a game hits that high a mark its time to call the company and demand a repressing. They might do it...Symphony of the Night got a repressing and it was $60-$100 for quite a while. Not to pay over $30 for it is stupid and there are lots on ebay for under $20 new.

If it wasnt for a few crazy bidders on ebay the game would trade in regular forums for $40-$75.
bread's done