I gave in and bought WoW...Could anyone help a fellow CAG newb out?


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I just got World of Warcrack and have a couple questions. It came with 2 10 day guest passes. Is there anyway I could use those and pretend I am the guest or whatever and get a few days for free then sign the game's 30 days into that when it's done?

Also, what's the difference between Alliance and Horde? Does it really matter? I just want to be a Mage. Speaking of Mage, could anyone recommend which character I should be to become a mage?

Finally, I was wondering if anyone starting a new character would want to help me out on learning how to play and stuff. Thanks for any help as I am about to become another Blizzard slave.
I don't know about using your guest passes like that. I thought they still gave you 30 days for free when you bought the game anway. You could use the 10 day tril and then upgrade it. Horde and alliance not a whle lot of difference, I tend to see more noobs/annoying ppl play alliance "the good guys." It only really matters if you join a PVP server.

Mage question, for alliance I recommend Gnomes. For horde use a troll or the undead, opps had to edit that...lol
The only thing I'll warn you about now is that leveling with a mage will get real boring real quick. You will have a LOT of down time where you have to eat and drink after almost every fight so you can try and take on another mob. I'll admit I didn't completely know how to play a mage, but I just felt there was way too much time sitting around after fights. Still, the upside is completely there, as you nuke things for 300-400 damage. And it doesn't really matter whether you go Horde or Alliance. You'll run into the assholes no matter what side you pick, but you'll also run into the awesome people on both sides.
If you want to play it easy, go alliance. If you like a challenge go horde. Race doesnt really matter. Its just cosmetic.
Both sides have their share of tards though. In my expereinece, horde has a few less then alliance.
Thanks. I'm downloading the updates right now and they're taking forever. The first one is 75 minutes and I guess there's like 10 or something...Argh
Are you able to change your realm whenever you want? Because I don't really wanna pick one now and figure that other people that I know are in a different one or something...And as of now I'm kinda trying to decide between a Mage and Warlock. Which is easier to start with?
Warlock helps because you get a summoned creature to take damage for you. I play on Dark Iron server, part of the webcomic war(Penny Arcade vs PVP/two others) so it's lively enough. I don't know, every class has downtime. Gnomes have higher starting intelligence, so that's a boost for mage/lock. My mage is a draenei and my lock is a gnome.
Is there anyone starting an Undead character that would wanna do some quests with me and help me get started? The realm I play on is something Peaks...If anyone would be able to help I'll tell you the full name. Thanks for all the help so far
everytime I play I always prefer Horde, cann't really say why but I like the horde, but I do hate Thunderbluff area not well laid out and confusing.

Anyway, Warriors are always fun to play, I have played warriors, hunters, shamans and either mage or priest and I enjoy warrior the most seems to have the most fun/action as a warrior you are the muscle of the group if your group knows how to play ie. 1st keep warrior alive and attack from outside.
I'm just getting started into WoW as well--since my 360 took a crap on me I have to pass the time while its in transit in its coffin.

Are there any deals for the WoW subscription cards going on?
bread's done