I had my first prostate exam today (let's be mature)


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So I hadn't had a physical in awhile because I didn't have insurance until just recently. So when I got insurance, I looked around for a doctor and found one I liked, who scheduled me for a full physical. I was surprised he also wanted to do a prostate exam, since I thought you start getting checked around 50 years old for that.

So last night and this morning I was worrying about the exam in general and the prostate exam in particular. To get right to the point the prostate exam was really nothing to worry about. Guys shouldn't be afraid to go. I am the biggest wimp and it was nothing, the whole thing took about 5 seconds.

Below I'll go more into detail for those interested. (please let's be grown up) if a mod thinks it's too graphic, please edit or remove the topic.

Ok, so the doctor had me on the exam table and looking me over and pushing down on my chest & stuff looking for problems. Then he says "I think we're going to do a rectal exam" which I had already known. So he asked me to "drop your drawers" lol and roll over onto my side. Then he asked me to pull one of my legs up towards my chest. He was behind me and asked "have you ever had a rectal exam?" and I said "No, I nev-OHHHH!" because halfway through my answer he was already doing it. He stuck his (gloved, lubricated) finger up my butt for about 5 seconds, feeling the prostate and pulled it out and said everything was fine.

It didn't hurt, he just surprised me because I thought he'd at least give me the heads up before the finger went in. Maybe he tricked me because he wanted me to be relaxed during the exam, or maybe he was more embarrassed than I was. Whatever. It was over in 5 seconds, didn't hurt at all- just mildly uncomfortable (like, 'hey, that's not supposed to be in there') and it's over before you know it. After it was done, I actually felt really relieved because at least now I know there was no problem with it.

So any guy that is afraid to go, or too cool to go, it's really nothing at all. It's so quick and easy. Don't be afraid to get it checked.
Maturity? Here? You must be joking. The finger in the anus is not fun, but it is necessary.

Colonoscopy is the other exam that's not too pleasant, but again, it's necessary.
[quote name='mr unoriginal']why isn't this a javeryh topic? Also, how old are you that they suggested the prostate exam?[/quote]

[quote name='Haggar']41.[/QUOTE]

What? I thought in your 30's.

Edit: Nevermind. I didn't understand Unoriginal's question.
I lol'd at the part where he thought the doctor "tricked" him. As you get older, I believe they also may do a blood test after the rectal exam.
[quote name='shieryda']I lol'd at the part where he thought the doctor "tricked" him. As you get older, I believe they also may do a blood test after the rectal exam.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I had blood & urine test too but won't hear the results from that for a few more days. EKG, blood pressure & prostate were good though.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']I'm more fearful about getting blood taken then a rectal exam...[/QUOTE]

Same. I fucking hate blood draws. I always have to lay down or else the nurse will be picking me up off the floor.

He forgot how to spell "tickled".

Is it weird that I thought of the Pillsbury Dough Boy when I read that?
[quote name='shieryda']The finger in the anus is not fun[/QUOTE]

I've dated some girls that would disagree with this statement. Just sayin' :cool:
One day I drank a lot of cranberry juice and had to take mega shits. It was something fierce!

So I went to the emergency room because my insurance doesn't fully cover me in the state I'm in - only ER visits.

And the doctor was like "I'm going to check for any problems. Pull your pants down...."

I disliked that of course. I wanted him to just do blood work but I guess that's why I'm not a doctor. And he...did that to me too. And it felt horrible afterwards. The lube feeling. But it only took like 5 seconds. And i'm confident that doctor did not want to do it at all, because I saw him looking at the stool and then quickly throwing the glove away.

He said I had a small hemroid and gave me some suppositories...but I haven't really drank cranberry juice since. Too scared.

But to be mature, you gotta take care of your ass. That's how I see it. You don't wanna be one of those old men who has ass cancer because he was too scared to let a medical doctor check it for 5 seconds or even less. Let it happen. Get it over with. Pull your draws back up and find out what the next step is. This isn't like breast cancer where anyone can feel your breast. And this isn't a laughing matter, especially with black men. Highest rates for colon cancer and prostate cancer.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']I'm more fearful about getting blood taken then a rectal exam...[/QUOTE]
just don't look while they are sticking you. works for me. saw my doc yesterday and he said i would be getting the old finger wave next year when i turn 40.
[quote name='shieryda']Maturity? Here? You must be joking. The finger in the anus is not fun, but it is necessary.

Colonoscopy is the other exam that's not too pleasant, but again, it's necessary.[/QUOTE]

Obviously I can't have a prostate exam, but I have had a colonoscopy. It's not too bad as they put me under for the actual thing, but the "prep" was turrible. Sounds like you don't really have to go through any prep for the prostate exam.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Obviously I can't have a prostate exam, but I have had a colonoscopy. It's not too bad as they put me under for the actual thing, but the "prep" was turrible. Sounds like you don't really have to go through any prep for the prostate exam.[/QUOTE]

however, i can still stick it in the pooper for ya.
so when you say prostate exam is it an actual exam or do you mean "prostate exam" as in a code word for you letting some guy store his lumber in your truck bed ?
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Obviously I can't have a prostate exam, but I have had a colonoscopy. It's not too bad as they put me under for the actual thing, but the "prep" was turrible. Sounds like you don't really have to go through any prep for the prostate exam.[/QUOTE]

My only experience with a colonoscopy was that I wasn't fully sedated when the doctor started sticking the camera into my rectum. Not fun. I don't remember what happened after that because they finally got a clue and gave me more anesthesia.

The only "prep work" necessary for the prostate exam is psyching yourself up for getting a lubed finger shoved up your rectum, and then having the finger bent at a 45-degree angle to check for swelling or polyps.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Obviously I can't have a prostate exam, but I have had a colonoscopy. It's not too bad as they put me under for the actual thing, but the "prep" was turrible. Sounds like you don't really have to go through any prep for the prostate exam.[/QUOTE]

What does the prep involve? Anal forceps or something?

Did they find anything cool like some skittles or something?
[quote name='thegreek']i had a rectal exam before, i thought i was going to shit on the doc's hand![/QUOTE]

What, one bad joke wasn't enough?
I used to have to get it done for flight physicals. I demanded to have a different flight surgeon perform them due to my squadron surgeon having what has to be the world largest fingers...
[quote name='Anexanhume']What does the prep involve? Anal forceps or something?

Did they find anything cool like some skittles or something?[/QUOTE]

You have to drink a big-ass jug of Go-Lytely (why they named it that I'll never know, because you pour liquid feces out of your ass for 2-3 hours while drinking it). And you have to drink the ENTIRE jug. Sometimes they make you do an enema and possibly suppositories to make sure your colon is nice and clean.

My only wish the time I had to have one, is that my roommate had recorded the entire routine while I was drinking that nasty stuff. He seemed to think it was pretty hilarious, watching me sprint to the bathroom every 10 minutes while I was holding my ass-cheeks together to prevent the seepage from getting on the floor.
[quote name='shieryda']You have to drink a big-ass jug of Go-Lytely (why they named it that I'll never know, because you pour liquid feces out of your ass for 2-3 hours while drinking it). And you have to drink the ENTIRE jug. Sometimes they make you do an enema and possibly suppositories to make sure your colon is nice and clean.

My only wish the time I had to have one, is that my roommate had recorded the entire routine while I was drinking that nasty stuff. He seemed to think it was pretty hilarious, watching me sprint to the bathroom every 10 minutes while I was holding my ass-cheeks together to prevent the seepage from getting on the floor.[/QUOTE]

Why not just park on the toilet?
Prostate exam is over before you know it, but I am super concerned about a Colonoscopy. I skipped an appointment about a year ago after the prep scared me half way to hell. Anyone want to tell me to stop being a wimp and just do it? Experiences with it? Any horror stories? It CAN be a dangerous procedure, correct?
[quote name='Anexanhume']Why not just park on the toilet?[/QUOTE]

We were probably trying to watch "Curb Your Enthusiasm" at the time. Either that, or "Chappelle's Show". You don't want to sit on the toilet the whole. That's a good way to get hemmorhoids.

I am super concerned about a Colonoscopy. I skipped an appointment about a year ago after the prep scared me half way to hell. Anyone want to tell me to stop being a wimp and just do it? Experiences with it? Any horror stories? It CAN be a dangerous procedure, correct?

Just man up and get it done. Like I said, drinking that jug of liquid is rough and you may get nauseous from it, but it needs to be done. Make sure you don't have any plans that day (oh, I forgot that you have to fast, too) because you will be running for the toilet every few minutes. When the procedure starts, just be sure that you are good and sedated or it will feel like they're shoving a phone book up your ass. The camera itself isn't that big, but it's long.

You will have some mega gas after the procedure, too. I was ripping some mighty ones and I actually thought that I cracked the basin with one at the hospital.
A friend of my family actually had his colon ruptured during a colonoscopy, nearly killed him. The doctor somehow punctured his colon without realizing it, he went home and kept feeling worse until he finally went to the ER. Glad he's ok, I hope he's hired a lawyer, pretty clear malpractice when you go in for a routine test and it nearly kills you.
They have different ways to clean you out. My g/f had to do one recently, for her it was some ducalax pills, and some kind of laxative she had to mix into a 64 ounces of gatorade.

Same result in terms of running to the toilet all the time, but drinking the liquid wasn't bad tasting etc. since it was just Gatorade. And it was drank over 2 hours or something in 8 ounce intervals rather than all at once.
I had a prostate exam as part of a physical at 25, I didn't think twice about it since I guess it is better to check it than not to.

I've also had a colonoscopy, and I agree with Dead of Knight the prep was god awful. Of course I was very sick at the time and asking me to drink a gallon of what amounted to salt water and nothing else for 24 hours wasn't ideal.
[quote name='JolietJake']A friend of my family actually had his colon ruptured during a colonoscopy, nearly killed him. The doctor somehow punctured his colon without realizing it, he went home and kept feeling worse until he finally went to the ER. Glad he's ok, I hope he's hired a lawyer, pretty clear malpractice when you go in for a routine test and it nearly kills you.[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't call it a routine test, but I definitely would check my options.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Same result in terms of running to the toilet all the time, but drinking the liquid wasn't bad tasting etc. since it was just Gatorade. And it was drank over 2 hours or something in 8 ounce intervals rather than all at once.[/QUOTE]

For sure. Yeah, you don't have to chug the stuff. You just have to finishe the jug. The last few ounces of the Go-Lytely are pretty harsh. At the end, you'll just be pissing clear liquid out of your anus.

They say you're supposed to have a colonoscopy every 10 years, but more frequently if you someone in your family has had polyps or colon cancer. I should probably get another one scheduled in the next year or so.
Yeah, I need to man up and get one myself. My mother had some polyps, and I have lots of problems with upset stomach etc.--though I think that's just irritable bowel problems.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Yeah, I need to man up and get one myself. My mother had some polyps, and I have lots of problems with upset stomach etc.--though I think that's just irritable bowel problems.[/QUOTE]

We should schedule ours on the same day, then come back here and compare experiences.
[quote name='gaypunk']Prostate exam is over before you know it, but I am super concerned about a Colonoscopy. I skipped an appointment about a year ago after the prep scared me half way to hell. Anyone want to tell me to stop being a wimp and just do it? Experiences with it? Any horror stories? It CAN be a dangerous procedure, correct?[/QUOTE]

never had a Colonoscopy, but my understanding is the prep is the worst part since they put you mostly under for the procedure.

I have how ever had a Rigid Sigmoidoscopy which is in no way fun (at least for me, but I guess certain people would like it). Since you feel every bit of it and it takes what feels like forever. I do have to say I felt rather violated from that.

That said from talking to people that have had a colonoscopy it's way easier than than the other. Seriously even if it were the other procedure... man up and do it... I can tell you that having it done is way better than the possible alternative of possibly needing a colostomy bag or worse.
Now you can never say you haven't been with a man. Just kidding! :) Yeah we all got to go through it one time or another and it's not a big deal. could save your life.
It's actually nice to see everyone's kept their comments pretty mature about this. It's really an important topic that needs to get more discussion as most men hate talking about this let alone thinking about having to get it done.

On a another note in the same vein (No Pun intended), Guys make sure you check yourselves at least once a month for lumps on your testicles. It's embarrassing to talk about I know. But as someone who has had family members diagnosed and a scare myself, that 5 minutes to check yourselves in the shower is more important than pride.

[quote name='Haggar']
He was behind me and asked "have you ever had a rectal exam?" and I said "No, I nev-OOOOOOLD MAN RIIIIIIIIIIVERRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!

I once had to go in tot he hospital as a result of becoming violently ill from running out of my medication. For some reason, some woman stuck her finger in there. It was cold, unexpected, and awkward. At least I hopefully won't have to have that done again for another 25 years.
bread's done