I hate to say this but... Goozex is shady (Updated).


I know there are a lot of Goozex fans. I'm also sure that some people might not care that other users are scamming the system pretty hard. But it does bother me, I'm sure it might bother someone else.

The Goozex system is, painted with a really broad brush, broken.

You can buy or trade to acquire points. You can also use referral to gain more points for new members. All well and good, I work in social networking software, I know how important new users are.

This, in and of itself, doesn't make the system broken. The fact that Goozex proper is unwilling or unable to police exploits to the referral system IS what makes it broken.

Check it out, Goozex user Itzyuik has been posting phoney and suspicious game listings all week. I've cleared out two of them myself by requesting the game and letting it time out. He was offering "Planet of The Apes" for the Dreamcast - a game that doesn't exist.

He's traded to other "users" games that don't exist, like the awesomely titled "Frank IIII" for the Dreamcast. The user he traded it to gave him positive feedback. It requires almost NO internet batmannery to smell the bullshit on this trade.

The fact that Goozex lets you attempt to trade games that don't even exist is it's own problem that just makes it easier to do this kind of spoofing.

Even right now, I'm posting this because I need to vent my anger, because people doing this devalues the rest of the users points - it's literally equivalent to counterfeiting. There's nothing backing these points up, no game introduced into the goozex system, no cash paid to goozex (which they could in turn use to inject new games into the system), nothing.

And while no one asked me to do it - why am I the only one noticing this? That's just sad. They really need to get their house in order.

I work for a really small social networking start up. We have like 6 fulltime employees, all with regular duties (I'm the art director and in charge of game development. Other people are Java programmers, web programmers, database programmers) and we can manage 5,000 users. This level of house keeping is insignificant as far as man power goes. Our marketing team, made up of mostly college students are capable of noticing chicanery in account creation and use.

Honestly, missing this is tantamount to apathy or incompetence.

I was negative on goozex when it came out, I didn't like the idea of paying to trade. I did a complete 180. I love it now, recommended it to everyone and I've managed to move a small amount of games that I didn't care for into a large amount of new games with little out of pocket expense.

That love is starting to atrophy and I'm beginning to wonder if my first instinct wasn't correct.

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Here is the thing. This may look bad from the view point of the average user and it in fact may be bad depending on how Goozex handles this. This could in fact be a benefit to the overall Goozex economy. When adding new members you cannot have the economy stagnant, you need to increase the amount of currency to keep in line with growth. But is that amount enough? I am not that familiar with Goozex but I would reckon users who can't trade can buy points, and therefore create an inflation effect on the overall economy just like the users using the free point sign up thing. Now, as far as I know you cannot pay Goozex points and they only way to deflate the economy is to add new users.

Actually I have no idea what I am talking about. Bye.
I've thought about this many times and figured that they had to have some sort of system set where they could track users based on their internet connection or something like Cheapy does. Good thing you found this guy and reported him, but I do believe (and hope it is true) that the majority of people are honest. I couldn't agree with you more that giving users the ability to list fake games without taking action is absurd and I hope that they will crack down on this policy. I've traded many many games on goozex and it's redicoulous that these fucks can get the same amount of points for virtually nothing. Let's hope goozex does something about it.
Does goozex have a system in place so that you can know the following before trading to get a game: whether it has box & instruction manual, quality of disc, etc.?
[quote name='J7.']Does goozex have a system in place so that you can know the following before trading to get a game: whether it has box & instruction manual, quality of disc, etc.?[/quote]

You can set it to only accept games w/complete packaging, but it won't speak for condition of disk.
[quote name='J7.']Does goozex have a system in place so that you can know the following before trading to get a game: whether it has box & instruction manual, quality of disc, etc.?[/quote]

They have that done right. When you request a game you can say disc only, disc and instructions, or 'complete'.

As a general rule, people will "round down" what they have, that at least the have what you're asking for. It's not uncommon to see in someone's feedback that they shipped a complete game when they listed game and manual because the case is cracked or something.

As far as the disc being scratched or not, when you give them feedback you can then post the condition of the disc and if it's unplayable and so forth.
[quote name='Blaine']They have that done right. When you request a game you can say disc only, disc and instructions, or 'complete'.

What about a game and case only?
I have been very active trading on Goozex. The few issues I had all resulted in full refund within 24 hours.

As far as the 'safety' of the 'market'.....I'd treat it like anywhere else you are putting your money. Really....what's the worst you are going to lose? 2000 points (about $100). That $100 is probably safer than anywhere on Wall Street right now.

Goozex has a very interesting economy (worthy of study even).

There will be fraud, because of the sheer number of assholes on the Internet. Goozex is going to have to roll with the punches and refine their anti-fraud system, as time goes on, while scaling up in size AND, most importantly, keeping the customer first attitude. This means they have to bite the bullet for fraud, and probably ride the line between being overly restrictive and losing too much to the scam artists. I think, given the potential of what they got and how good their service is......they will do just fine.

They'll be around for a long time, or at least until someone bigger (Ebgames, Ebay, etc) buys them out and fucks it all up.
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[quote name='Pucker'] -SNIP- They'll be around for a long time, or at least until someone bigger (Ebgames, Ebay, etc) buys them out and fucks it all up.[/QUOTE]

Sad but true. Made me laugh. Goozex is not perfect, but I like the way it is. I would hate to see Goozex ruined by drastic changes.
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I reported a user that was exploiting the referral system, and using multiple account to do fake trades. He got banned quickly.
some people may try to claim it doesn't work even though your game is mint! You might as well take pictures before sending! shady people these days, never know what's gonna go wrong! Also the community on there is lacking when it comes to PM's also! I Pm'd a guy about confirming my shipment shot him 2 PM's actually but never got back to me
Goozex definitely has flaws, but for the most part it works. I was 'scammed' on the site before. I stayed up and requested GTA IV the moment it became available and about a week later someone claimed to be sending it to me. As usual, I looked at the profile information of the user sending and it was all bad.. sending non-existant games and whatnot. Basically it was a sub account that someone was (ab)using to scam points. Why they claimed to send the game was beyond me because they weren't at the point of getting the points right away.

In the end, it sucked hardcore that I was held up on getting my game for the three weeks + 3 days while it had to time out but goozex refunded my trade credit and points same day I reported negative feedback. I've traded here, gametz and on goozex and I'll gladly pay the trade credit fee to get that 'protection'.
Goozex does have its fair share of flaws, as do all websites, but the Goozex Team is particularly good at fixing flaws whenever they can. Right now I'm working with them to try and correct some of the games that have prices that are entirely skewed (such as 1000 points for games that are $20 new)... They'll get most of the kinks out with time and hopefully they'll never sell out to Gamestop =P
my problem with goozex is in this day and age of being connected to the internet pretty much everywhere i was "shunned" by the community for asking for feedback immediately after i knew the game arrived.. i get testing the game.. but when it was my first trade and i was sitting on 40 bucks worth of points it was quite substantial.. anyways as with everything you have minimal protection.. however if you get a non working game you can leave feedback and you'll get refunded.
Kinda disappointing. Anyone who's worried about them being bought out should really worry about them destroying themselves.
Personally, I love Goozex. It was the single best thing to happen to my CAG lifestyle in the past 6 months or so.
Hmm.. that response from Goozex isn't too encouraging. I remember someone proposed a "black market" swapping of goozex points for games that don't exist and goozex responded by pretty much condoning it.

I think I will write them as well to express my feelings on this as I've had my points/trade tied up for 3 weeks by one of these people abusing the system when I specifically went out of my way to be one of the first to get it. Being lax is one thing, but you have to protect the people consuming your product first and foremost.

Edit: Started a thread in the suggestion forum. Let's see if they will address it.
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[quote name='goomba478']Goozex does have its fair share of flaws, as do all websites, but the Goozex Team is particularly good at fixing flaws whenever they can. Right now I'm working with them to try and correct some of the games that have prices that are entirely skewed (such as 1000 points for games that are $20 new)... They'll get most of the kinks out with time and hopefully they'll never sell out to Gamestop =P[/QUOTE]

something you need to remember about prices though

you need to find a nationwide dealer who has that price. Just cause you find a game in your store for 5 bucks that sells for 50 anywhere else doesnt mean the game should just be 100 pts cause you got the game for 5 bucks.

funny thing yesterday SIM CITY DS went from 200 to 250 even though noone is requesting it.
i would of grabbed it at 150 (not worth more then that to me)

there was a major drop on some games yesterday and hope i get matched on all of them

4 games matched

Spyro: Shadow Legacy DS 100 matched seller says shipping Woooooo

Paws & Claws: Pet Vet Ds 150 Matched seller says shipping WOOOOOOOo fun little game

Need for Speed Underground 2 Ds 100 pts still waiting to be accepted

Tony Hawk's American Sk8land Ds 100 pts Still waiting to be accpted

hope they all ship.... shipped out harvest moon PSP for 400 pts this will be like getting 4 games for 1

I really need to stop Sending out games (im thinking about doing 2 more once they end) i might send out another Harvest moon PSP and Dungon someting PSP both fetch around 400 pts each (800)

also have hot shots open tee 2 for psp tempted to list it at 800 pts

right now i have READY FOR THIS 23, 550 pts (thats right over 23000 pts)

though i been doing this since they open that is how i got so many (trade a game for 400 to 800 pts and only buy games at 100 to 200 pts )
I think Goozex is a great site. As with everything there will be scams, even I've done it. But it's up to me to make sure I'm not getting scammed. If I do get scammed and can prove it Goozex should correct it.
Who's getting hurt with the bogus game scams? Goozex, the community, me, traders?
Yes there will always be cheats, but I think as a whole Goozex provides a great service to gamers for a cheap price. And I feel better giving my game to a gamer than to a Wall Street company (Gamestop). But maybe it's a matter of time before I get scammed and leave. It happened to me on Ebay and I haven't been back since.
That reponse you got for Goozex makes me worry. It seems to boilerplate, to ehhh.

BTW....my scam, I picked up a free copy of Manhunt 2 and dumped it on Goozex for the points.
[quote name='slidecage']
...funny thing yesterday SIM CITY DS went from 200 to 250 even though noone is requesting it. [/quote]

You know how I mentioned I was requesting the fake games to clear them out? I got an email lettting me know that Planet of The Apes for Dreamcast has been bumped 50 points because of demand.

That said... I did kinda figure it was because they have a metric gauging how fast a game sits available - which would mean this one went from available to requested really quickly. *shrug*
[quote name='chi.bri']BTW....my scam, I picked up a free copy of Manhunt 2 and dumped it on Goozex for the points.[/quote]

Know what? Not a scam. At all. Doesn't matter how you got that game.

Alright, I know I write really long messages, so I'll try and shorten this up:

Imagine goozex as a pool. You can take a game so long as you throw a game back in. Some games are worth more, so that is taken into consideration. Maybe you can take 2 for 1 you put in. Maybe you need to put in 3 to take back 1.

Let's say you have no games but want one from the pool. You can pay goozex for the right to take games from the pool. Now, if everyone does this and the pool gets low - the onus can be on goozex to take the money they converted and restock the pool.

Your 'scam' was you introduced a new game into the pool and took one out - it doesn't affect the, for lack of a better word, 'economy'. Someone gave you $50 and you spent it.

This is different than printing up a $50 in your basement. If everyone does this then it'll:

1) In theory, bankrupt goozex: you're taking without giving back, eventually that system will collapse.

2) Drive up the prices for everyone else.

As this whole thing progressed, I care less and less about #1 and more about #2 because at the end of the day I want goozex to work but I can't force them to give a shit about their company. That's on them.
[quote name='Blaine']Know what? Not a scam. At all. Doesn't matter how you got that game.

Alright, I know I write really long messages, so I'll try and shorten this up:

Imagine goozex as a pool. You can take a game so long as you throw a game back in. Some games are worth more, so that is taken into consideration. Maybe you can take 2 for 1 you put in. Maybe you need to put in 3 to take back 1.

Let's say you have no games but want one from the pool. You can pay goozex for the right to take games from the pool. Now, if everyone does this and the pool gets low - the onus can be on goozex to take the money they converted and restock the pool.

Your 'scam' was you introduced a new game into the pool and took one out - it doesn't affect the, for lack of a better word, 'economy'. Someone gave you $50 and you spent it.

This is different than printing up a $50 in your basement. If everyone does this then it'll:

1) In theory, bankrupt goozex: you're taking without giving back, eventually that system will collapse.

2) Drive up the prices for everyone else.

As this whole thing progressed, I care less and less about #1 and more about #2 because at the end of the day I want goozex to work but I can't force them to give a shit about their company. That's on them.[/QUOTE]

i doubt you will ever see Goozex just fold up. another comany would take it out ... there has been alot smaller places get taken over by bigger companies.... Gottaplay took over a smaller trading site. It was VERY VERY Good for around the first 2 months. I havent logged onto the stie since then.... I was lucky and was able to dump all of my pts as soon as the merger happened

got 3x Pokemon Diamond (within a month of coming out)
2 Wii games dump them on goozex for pts
1 ps3 game
and 2 Rpg games for the PS 2 IrIS 3 (shocking i got it a week after it came out) and i think FF 12?
bread's done