I have an idea to deter scammers.


6 (100%)
Ok, I just started a trade with a member named rmoushon (for those that dont like to read the whole post, this isnt about him being a scammer, dont worry). He has 0 trades here. As some of you know, he made his first trade thread and had a Nintendo DS new for $110. I told him I would buy it and he agreed to ship first. Now I may have lots of feedback here, but I bet it just has to be nervracking (sp?) for him to send first since he doesnt even know who I am and that maybe I just decided to leave the site and rip the last person off I trade with or something. So I thought of an idea.

Now this wont stop scamming but hopefully make it less likely to happen. The main point though is that when someone does get scammed, we will all be able to figure out who scammed who. So hopefully we wont have another mess like that ChrisXE thing. Anyways, this is how it would work.

I propose that we make a sticky thread called the New trader honor thread ( or something else). Any member who has less than 3-5 (mods can decide the limit) feedback and makes a trade with another member must post who they are trading with and all the details of the trade, as well as the member who they are dealing with. The mods or someone can make up a list they must fill out such as:

1 You are sending to _______.
2. You are getting _______ from ______
3. You are shipping/ First, same tme, after.
4. The DC# for your package being sent is.
5. Your type of shipping is.
6. (etc, maybe list paypal info or addresses if it applies.)

pretty much like the feedback thread, only these are pending trades, and will show that the two parties involved already agreed upon it, so they cant make changes or lie after the trade has gone bad.

So, in this way every new traders trade can be monitored, so they are less likely to scam, and a "senior" member is less likely to use his feedback as excuse to make a bad trade. And after a new trader has a certain amount of trades (mods decide) then they dont have to post in that thread anymore, unless they of course trade with another new trader.

well, just a thought. thanks for reading. :)
Interesting idea, though my only worry is that it'll get to be big very quickly, and only the mods will be able to remove the posts, unless having the OP of the post clear out the information, such as "Trade completed" or something like that would suffice.
I think it's a good premise, but how do you regulate this? In other words, how can you be sure people will use it? If someone is going to scam someone, they would know ahead of time and choose not to use this system. It will likely discourage people from posting threads trying to get another CAG "in trouble" over a deal gone bad, but I don't think it'll cut down on the scamming unless you make it a requirement to use (which, again, is impossible to regulate).
[quote name='punqsux']AFAIK theres a new trading system in the works, but defenders been saying that for a year or so[/quote]

Yup, I bet the winners of that DS contest will be announced when the new trading system debuts... :roll:


P.S. I like defender and all, but he certainly doesn't follow through with his contests...
[quote name='TJordan522'][quote name='punqsux']AFAIK theres a new trading system in the works, but defenders been saying that for a year or so[/quote]

Yup, I bet the winners of that DS contest will be announced when the new trading system debuts... :roll:


P.S. I like defender and all, but he certainly doesn't follow through with his contests...[/quote]

He did forget, but he actually ended the two CAG contests he had going on and announced winners.
[quote name='Trakan'][quote name='TJordan522'][quote name='punqsux']AFAIK theres a new trading system in the works, but defenders been saying that for a year or so[/quote]

Yup, I bet the winners of that DS contest will be announced when the new trading system debuts... :roll:


P.S. I like defender and all, but he certainly doesn't follow through with his contests...[/quote]

He did forget, but he actually ended the two CAG contests he had going on and announced winners.[/quote]

When? Link?
good idea....and I only been talking about the feedback system for a couple months...

I am about to start on the coding for that by the weekend...it may take 1-2 weeks....hopefully sooner. I will be creating a test forums for it. I will ask for volunteers when I am ready. (DO NOT PM BE ABOUT THIS NOW).


the OP idea is cool though....maybe I can integrate that idea somehow into what I have planned
[quote name='defender']good idea....and I only been talking about the feedback system for a couple months...

I am about to start on the coding for that by the weekend...it may take 1-2 weeks....hopefully sooner. I will be creating a test forums for it. I will ask for volunteers when I am ready. (DO NOT PM BE ABOUT THIS NOW).


the OP idea is cool though....maybe I can integrate that idea somehow into what I have planned[/quote]

No mention of that DS contest?
[quote name='defender']good idea....and I only been talking about the feedback system for a couple months...

I am about to start on the coding for that by the weekend...it may take 1-2 weeks....hopefully sooner. I will be creating a test forums for it. I will ask for volunteers when I am ready. (DO NOT PM BE ABOUT THIS NOW).


the OP idea is cool though....maybe I can integrate that idea somehow into what I have planned[/quote]

Cool, I think a better feedback system really would fix the few trading problems we have.
[quote name='shrike4242']I wouldn't mind being a test case for the new feedback system.[/quote]

:lol: Well if you keep your current trade rate up you could test the system all by yourself. :wink:
Ok, please dont flame me but why would anyone in their right mind sell systems or other expensive game items when they know they are under the "ships first" catagory? I had to ship first in my deals and did. But I wisely limited my exposure.

Another thing, there is no perfect system. Unless we all met in a common place and swapped with everybody else looking on, scams can and will take place. Its sucks but fact of life. To me, the bulk of our problem isnt the SYSTEM, its THE PEOPLE. Ive seen countless instances where somebody says they got ripped off and three people chime in they did too a while back but never left feedback. Defender cant build a system that does everything FOR us.

I like the idea of trying to make things better. Im sure change can and will be good. But IMHO the bulk of the problems lie with people who

a) Dont follow the common sense guidelines we constantly preach.
b) Dont report when theyve been scammed thereby letting scammer continue to take advantage of CAG
c) Dont keep proper records of the trade so we have full evidence of what took place when and where.

No system is going to force people to use common sense, tell others of problems, or make them keep records of the transactions. We may make it a little easier to do these things, but the bulk of the burden lies on the user. NOT the coder.

my 2 cents

**edit** One more idea Id like to throw out there. GET ADVICE FROM OTHER CAGers ON BIG TRADES !!! There are plenty of kind souls around here who will lend you a set of eyes. When you are all wrapped up in getting something big/exciting/or a good deal you often lose your head. It never hurts to ask somebody else to review all the info for you. Since theyre detached they often see possible problems and issues you dont (or dont want to see)
[quote name='supadupacheap']Ok, please dont flame me but why would anyone in their right mind sell systems or other expensive game items when they know they are under the "ships first" catagory? [/quote]

Because there are a lot of people who only come here to sell something expensive and they don't want to or can't deal with ebay. The thing is that a decent amount of them sell off the item and are done with the trading topic. It means that building up feedback is worthless to them.
[quote name='defender']good idea....and I only been talking about the feedback system for a couple months...

I am about to start on the coding for that by the weekend...it may take 1-2 weeks....hopefully sooner. I will be creating a test forums for it. I will ask for volunteers when I am ready. (DO NOT PM BE ABOUT THIS NOW).


the OP idea is cool though....maybe I can integrate that idea somehow into what I have planned[/quote]

I make a good guinea pig...
[quote name='zionoverfire'][quote name='supadupacheap']Ok, please dont flame me but why would anyone in their right mind sell systems or other expensive game items when they know they are under the "ships first" catagory? [/quote]

Because there are a lot of people who only come here to sell something expensive and they don't want to or can't deal with ebay. The thing is that a decent amount of them sell off the item and are done with the trading topic. It means that building up feedback is worthless to them.[/quote]

Yeah thats me! I just hate ebay. I rather sell stuff here even though I could get more money on ebay. Its just easy and no hassle here. :wink:
[quote name='blueweltall'][quote name='zionoverfire'][quote name='supadupacheap']Ok, please dont flame me but why would anyone in their right mind sell systems or other expensive game items when they know they are under the "ships first" catagory? [/quote]

Because there are a lot of people who only come here to sell something expensive and they don't want to or can't deal with ebay. The thing is that a decent amount of them sell off the item and are done with the trading topic. It means that building up feedback is worthless to them.[/quote]

Yeah thats me! I just hate ebay. I rather sell stuff here even though I could get more money on ebay. Its just easy and no hassle here. :wink:[/quote]

:lol: Well some people don't have credit cards and can't do paypal so it's a real hassle. Also for a lot of little stuff I just sell it really cheap here to be rid of it. I normally charge 6-8 for my crappy old PS2/GC games that I just want to get rid of.
[quote name='blueweltall'][quote name='zionoverfire'][quote name='supadupacheap']Ok, please dont flame me but why would anyone in their right mind sell systems or other expensive game items when they know they are under the "ships first" catagory? [/quote]

Because there are a lot of people who only come here to sell something expensive and they don't want to or can't deal with ebay. The thing is that a decent amount of them sell off the item and are done with the trading topic. It means that building up feedback is worthless to them.[/quote]

Yeah thats me! I just hate ebay. I rather sell stuff here even though I could get more money on ebay. Its just easy and no hassle here. :wink:[/quote]

There is nothing wrong with that. If you want to chance it, its your decision. I just think we shouldnt try to rearrange the whole system just for the few people that are special cases.

I didnt expect anybody to trust me when I came here. I had to prove myself and I did by following the trading guidelines that were decided on long before I got here. I am not special, I am no unique snowflake, I am the all singing all dancing crap of the world. Everybody is.

No system can be fair to everybody. Its simply a percentages thing. The one we have in place right now is fair to the bulk of the usership and to those who have established themselves. I do feel sorry for noobs and low posters who have to send first. Ive been there. But its a risk they chose by deciding to sell an expensive item at a place they have little or no rep. They look fishy.They should know this and not be surprised by having to prove their honesty.
[quote name='supadupacheap']
No system can be fair to everybody. Its simply a percentages thing. The one we have in place right now is fair to the bulk of the usership and to those who have established themselves. I do feel sorry for noobs and low posters who have to send first. Ive been there. But its a risk they chose by deciding to sell an expensive item at a place they have little or no rep. They look fishy.They should know this and not be surprised by having to prove their honesty.[/quote]

Exactly, I was also there and in my first trade I was scarred shitless to send first but I got over it and did it and I haven't had a problem on this site. I don't really feel sorry for new traders who have to send first because if the system isn't actively enforced then what will their feedback mean in future trades?
Exactly, I was also there and in my first trade I was scarred shitless to send first but I got over it and did it and I haven't had a problem on this site. I don't really feel sorry for new traders who have to send first because if the system isn't actively enforced then what will their feedback mean in future trades?[/quote]

Another thing Id like to add is, the top traders here are too nice. Seriously. I have a very modest amount of feedback yet when I deal with people 3 4 and 5 times my senior, they are cool and dont force me to ship first even though its their right. I think a majority of traders here dont bust balls like they could or maybe even SHOULD. So demanding them to grant us lesser feedback traders even more leway is flat out rediculous.
Exactly, I was also there and in my first trade I was scarred shitless to send first but I got over it and did it and I haven't had a problem on this site. I don't really feel sorry for new traders who have to send first because if the system isn't actively enforced then what will their feedback mean in future trades?[/quote]

Another thing Id like to add is, the top traders here are too nice. Seriously. I have a very modest amount of feedback yet when I deal with people 3 4 and 5 times my senior, they are cool and dont force me to ship first even though its their right. I think a majority of traders here dont bust balls like they could or maybe even SHOULD. So demanding them to grant us lesser feedback traders even more leway is flat out rediculous.
over at Hardforum.com you must have a traceable email in your FS, FT, WTB thread in order to post.

it works great.

also, a feedback system where there's a subcategory called "feedback" and everyone has a thread with just their name is a nice way to organize feedback. that way you can go into the "feedback" sub forum and search for the user you may be dealing with

[quote name='supadupacheap']Another thing Id like to add is, the top traders here are too nice. Seriously. I have a very modest amount of feedback yet when I deal with people 3 4 and 5 times my senior, they are cool and dont force me to ship first even though its their right. I think a majority of traders here dont bust balls like they could or maybe even SHOULD. So demanding them to grant us lesser feedback traders even more leway is flat out rediculous.[/quote]

i have a policy that if youre a regular to the board and have a decent amount of feedback (5 or so) i have no problem shipping same time, even tho i have 50+ feedback here.

but trading has changed alot here in the past year, it used to be a very small community, and like every aspect of this site, and by the nature of the site itself, the trade forums have exploded, and its held up pretty well thus far, but there just needs to be some changes because its not going to hold up forever, and i dont want to see the trade forums go to hell.
[quote name='punqsux'][quote name='supadupacheap']Another thing Id like to add is, the top traders here are too nice. Seriously. I have a very modest amount of feedback yet when I deal with people 3 4 and 5 times my senior, they are cool and dont force me to ship first even though its their right. I think a majority of traders here dont bust balls like they could or maybe even SHOULD. So demanding them to grant us lesser feedback traders even more leway is flat out rediculous.[/quote]

i have a policy that if youre a regular to the board and have a decent amount of feedback (5 or so) i have no problem shipping same time, even tho i have 50+ feedback here.

but trading has changed alot here in the past year, it used to be a very small community, and like every aspect of this site, and by the nature of the site itself, the trade forums have exploded, and its held up pretty well thus far, but there just needs to be some changes because its not going to hold up forever, and i dont want to see the trade forums go to hell.[/quote]

Yes, with the amount of growth we've had in the last six months, a lot has changed and it's time to look into what's going on and where we see ourselves going in the futre.
bread's done