I have physical copies of 3 games that I wanna download from XBL GoD. Could anyone give me some advice on how to do this w/out losing too much money?


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I know this seems silly, but this is just how much I prefer having games on my hard drive, as opposed to having discs.

The three games, and how much I paid for the physical copies, are Ninja Gaiden II ($5, used from GameStop), and Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe + Injustice: Gods Among Us (bought bundled for $50).

Problem is, NGII is 30 bucks On Demand. Injustice is 60, and MKvsDC is 20. That's 110 dollars. Even if I managed to sell all the games I have and break even, I'd still take a 100% hit on the $55 I'd get back.

This doesn't really look like a hopeful situation, but I figured maybe it was worth a shot. If anyone has any advice on how I can do this and not take a tremendous monetary loss (I know it's almost impossible for me to NOT lose money on this deal), I'd appreciate it.

By the way, I'm new here, so if this sounds really silly or I did something against the rules/unwritten etiquette, I apologize.


I don't think there is a way to convert your physical copies to digital without it costing you.

Three options:

1. Wait for a sale. I believe I purchased MK vs DC on sale for $5 sometime at the beginning of the year so it's possible it and NGII will go on sale. Injustice is too new to drop down that low.

2. MS announcesd their two free games/month will continue past December so you could possibly get them for free.

3. Rip the games to your HD but you would still need the disc to play the games and it will should run from your HD.

Hope this helps.

That actually does help. Don't get me wrong-- I'm not really trying to "convert" the games to digital in a literal sense. I just pretty much want to sell the physical copies for as much as possible and buy the GoD versions for as little as possible.

Unfortnately, as Gideon mentioned, there's no cheap way to do this :(

They sometimes have good sales on Digital games though - I would bet some big ones near Black Friday week or Christmas. Ninja Gaiden 2 is an older title, so they may even include it as part of the Free games through Gold.

the fact that NGII is 30 dolllas for GOD should tell you...that GOD is a ripoff if you care about saving cash.

it sucks that there is no cheap way to do it, but as the above post mentions waiting for a sale is a good idea and probably your best bet.

bread's done