I is EpiC TaRd (Brain Age 2)


So whilst laying in bed trying to rest after work, i notice my sister's ds sitting there. after about 2 minutes of debating, i started playing this game.

STORY: Yeah...none

GAMEPLAY: So the perfect "brain age" is 20, right? well i'm 15 and i got a brain age of 80. i can't subtract, add, or create change to save my ass. there were a couple of moments where it was fun, and a couple that were just freakin' annoying.

one of these moments was when i had to either win or lose a game of rock, paper, sissors (SPOCK!) by saying one of the three. i had no trouble with it until i had to say sissors. it doesn't pick up "s" very good. so i sat there screaming into it for three minutes until i finally game up and just said very nicely "sissors". guess what? it worked! another is an activity where you subtract this number that gets scribbled out after you solve the one before it. i failed so bad, i just put the thing down, got on my xbox 360, killed something on Crackdown, and then came back calmer. sometimes the game makes you go, "oh that was for third graders". then you get to the "memory runner" activity where you watch these sick figures run and you have to tell what place the one you where watching got in. so after about 2 levels, it speeds up, then more, and more, until i threw the ds (not mine btw) across the room, went downstairs and threw on some Slipknot. afterwords, i said "fuck it!" and i haven't played it since.

FINAL WORD: So it was a good game. but it was so frustrating that my mom is even getting pissed off at it. she handed the game to my sister and said, "i'm so sorry for buying this for you" and walked off.

so if you want to see how stupid you really are, or how pissed you can get after saying sissors thirty fuckING times, buy this game.

save chuckles!
bread's done