I just got laid off

Immortal fWd

20 (100%)
I just want to vent so I'm going to do it here. fuck this shitty economy and fuck Cox for laying me off. I've got a newborn child and these sons of bitches don't care.
That sucks. Especially this time of year. Hopefully you can get another job pretty quick, and maybe it'll be better than Cox, who knows?
That sucks. Hang in there.

If nothing else, it's easy to find temporary, seasonal retail jobs over the next couple months if you need something right away to get a paycheck again until you get brought back or find another job.
Sorry to hear that. Hopefully something comes up for you.

Kind of going through the same crap right now. They are debating on keeping our plant open or not. Half the workforce is gone since the economy went south. We know its coming, just waiting on the word.
[quote name='mtxbass1']Sorry to hear that.

File for unemployment.

I hope you have savings to live on.[/QUOTE]

I'll be filing next week for sure. I got a decent severance package, so between that and my savings I hopefully will be ok for a couple of months until I find something else.
Sucks man. We were notified there were no raises to be given out this year... a bummer considering I was hired over summer as part time help ridiculously below market value for my field and I've developed into a full-time staff member since with no raise. It took all of a second before I realized "Shit.. I should be lucky to still have a job and not be cut loose."

Hang in there and do your best to let this open another door.
Good luck in finding a new one. I'm looking for a new one now because I hate the one I have. However I'm glad I atleast have one. I found out last night thatthe steel plant in my town is going to lay off. Well not just lay off they are just going to shut down and have just a few people there to keep the building running incase work comes in. The mayor doesnt think it will do anything to the town however some places will also have to shut down. One restront owner said he might have to close his doors because most of his business came from Granite City Steel he might have to close up.

I know how it is to be laid off so other then the kid I know where you are coming from. I'm just glad that I don't have a kid or anyone else that depends on the money I make.

Like others said if need be find a temp job. If your area is like mine you can find plenty of them. I suggest finding one that is temp to perm. That way they may end up picking you up after 90 days. That is what I did when I lost my last job.

Again good luck and I hope you not only find another job but a better one.
Prepare yourself for at least 6 months of shitty, poor economy, thanks-for-the-bailout-now-where's-my-job quality of living. Things are just *starting* to get bad, and it's going to take a long time before it gets any better. Anything you can do to limit your spending - buying generic, get your gal on WIC for the infant, cut your internet and piggyback on a nearby wireless signal - do it. Don't anticipate your luck will change anytime soon.

Not to be a downer, but stats revealed tomorrow will show that there were nearly half a million more unemployed people on December 1st than there were on November 1st. You're going to have stiff competition applying for the very few jobs there are out there.

I'm sorry to hear about your poor fortune. Be wise, and know that you're not the first, and you're not going to be the last.
Employer's do not care about the holidays. They don't care if it's xmas or your birthday. They do not care if you are married with kids or going thru a divorce. If they need to cut jobs to keep their company afloat (and money for their CEO's), then your gonna get the boot. I am personally sick and tired of seeing good people just let go. That's just bullshit..but hey that's america during the Bush area. God where things this bad when democrats where in office?
My dad is worried GM is going to cut his pension in half or axe it entirely if they go bankrupt. You can be retired and get fucked the same as those still working.

No matter what anybody says to you, you won't truly how to learn to budget money until you have none. :lol: Sad but true. But trust me, if there's a will, there's a way. You'll go through some hard times, but I guarantee you'll get through it.
I would suggest the temp route as well. Though to be honest, don't get any hopes up about being hired of full time when its classified as temp to hire. My partner is going thru that shit now. Hes with Accountemps, and hes been stuck at the same place as an inventory auditor for over a year and just keeps getting jerked around about being hired.
[quote name='HumanSnatcher']I would suggest the temp route as well. Though to be honest, don't get any hopes up about being hired of full time when its classified as temp to hire. My partner is going thru that shit now. Hes with Accountemps, and hes been stuck at the same place as an inventory auditor for over a year and just keeps getting jerked around about being hired.[/quote]

Then he needs to move on to something else. If they are dicking with him for more than 3-6 months, then it's time to go.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']My dad is worried GM is going to cut his pension in half or axe it entirely if they go bankrupt. You can be retired and get fucked the same as those still working.


Yep, he's fucked.
[quote name='ITDEFX']Then he needs to move on to something else. If they are dicking with him for more than 3-6 months, then it's time to go.[/quote]

I know...hes tried applying at other places and tried getting into another company thru the agency. Last Fri he noticed a place that was looking for someone that that does what he does that paid 2/hr more than what hes getting now. But his contact at the agency hasn't returned his calls or anything, and so now, that job is gone. I mean, hes 48, has at least 25 years experience at pretty much all levels of office work and accounting, but they all want a piece of paper saying that he has a BA, yet he only has an Associates in accounting. Hell, before he quit his job last year over trumped up BS, he was a supervisor in charge of inventory auditing...
[quote name='ITDEFX'] God were things this bad when democrats where in office?[/QUOTE]

Jimmy Carter. 'Nuf said.
man...i'm sorry to hear. i'm especially sorry to hear taht it seems to be becoming more and more frequent. I'm currently planning on quitting my job (it's a dead end neways) and going back to school. i'm thankful for the work, but there really is no future in it.
that does suck.. While i am also unemployed, I'm lucky enough to have a nice savings and collecting unemployment from R.I which has one of the nations highest payouts while living in a state with a lower cost of living. Good luck man!
Before I go into a rant - I wish you luck. You can always use this time to learn a different trade/go back to school. And don't underestimate going to a temp agency - they may be able to find you work and that could lead to something.

[quote name='ITDEFX']Employer's do not care about the holidays. They don't care if it's xmas or your birthday. They do not care if you are married with kids or going thru a divorce. If they need to cut jobs to keep their company afloat (and money for their CEO's), then your gonna get the boot. I am personally sick and tired of seeing good people just let go. That's just bullshit..but hey that's america during the Bush area. God where things this bad when democrats where in office?[/QUOTE]

It's not a republican/democrat thing. Remember the dot com bubble, the build up of Enron - all happened during Clinton's presidency. Greed and laziness is to be blamed - for those past problems and for what is happening now. I'm not even going to try and say I understand how it all fell apart but I know that it's not all the CEOs fault either and it's not all Bush's fault either (anyone read Grapes of Wrath?). Nobody stepped up to do the right thing - as long as they were getting paid and making money it didn't matter. How can people who can't afford homes get loans, and then who in their right mind would start trading/buying these risky loans?

the idea of bailing out companies that didn't act responsibly boogles my mind. Then there's the auto industry with their messed up union contracts, building SUVS and huge trucks while gas prices were at all time highs. Why should the government bail them out so that in turn they would spend several billions just to pay workers (some who aren't even working but still getting paid? and I'm not talking about retired workers) In any other industry you get laid off and it's goodbye, go look for a new job. Today Good Morning America showed an unemployed auto worker (probably in mid 30s) who's getting paid but now he's worried because if the bail out doesn't come through he's out of luck.

Somewhere along the line people stopped caring about the quality of their work and just thought about their paycheck. Personal experience: When I joined my employer 3 years ago, the group mostly consisted of long time employees where everyone was dependent on the manager's decisions. If the manager didn't bring up any problems then the staff meetings went quick. When I joined I saw all sorts of problems and started bringing it up with the manager and it was only then that things started to change. It seems that nowadays people need to be scared into changing.
[quote name='62t']welcome. I got laid off last month. Good thing I dont have a newborn child to take care off[/quote]

Same here. :cry:
bread's done