I LOVE The Postal Service!!!


20 (100%)
Seriously. This is one of the best CDs I've heard in a long long while and yes I know it came out in 2003 but you can't hear of everything on the day of release. Does anyone know of any other similar type bands that I might enjoy and not have heard of based on my new found love of The Postal Service? I also love the Eels, Interpol, Radiohead, Pavement, etc.

Recommend me something, biatch!
welcome to 2003!

but seriously, though... they rock. glad you like them.

now listen to bloc party, electric 6, rilo kiley, death cab for cutie, all-time quarterback, the arcade fire, etc., etc., etc.
I was going to say Interpol, oh well. Maybe American Hi-Fi, Burden Brothers, or The Toadies? They're a bit different but good stuff none the less.
I love them too, espeically the way the deliver packages to my door. I swear, one day it was raining cats and dogs, and the guy brought my package all the way up from the street, stood in the rain while I signed, and and ran back to deliver more packages. Now that's dedication. I usually don't deal with the people when I have to go to the Post Office, because they have those new-fangled shipping devices out in the lobby which really expedites my shipping ability. Yeah, USPS for the win. :)

Wait, we're talking about music? Pfft, fuck that.
I love the postal service too!
I can send a 16 page letter across country for 37 cents, it gets there in 2-3 days. I can ship my BBO disks back, they get there tomorrow. A game, for 1.26, for two days.


never listened to that band.

Last two cd's I bought were
Iron Maiden - Best of the Beast
Keiko Matsui - Walls of Akendora
[quote name='Skaterpunk444']try Death Cab for Cuties- Plans It is a great cd.[/QUOTE]
Plans and Transatlanticism.
Of Montreal-ANYTHING BITCH. Actually u want good music just hit me a message at RunOfTheDill at aim. I have what u want and need to know about good music.
The post office sucks I mailed back 2 games to Gamefly last saturday and they got one on tuesday and still haven't got the other. I already filed it as lost with Gamefly.
[quote name='zenintrude']welcome to 2003!

but seriously, though... they rock. glad you like them.

now listen to bloc party, electric 6, rilo kiley, death cab for cutie, all-time quarterback, the arcade fire, etc., etc., etc.[/QUOTE]

Welcome to 2004! ;-)
Death Cab For Cutie
Bright Eyes
Arcade Fire
The New Pornographers
The Fruit Bats
The Music
Sufjan Stevens

I'd say if you like The Postal Service you'll like theses bands.
[quote name='sisco1986']Death Cab For Cutie
Bright Eyes
Arcade Fire
The New Pornographers
The Fruit Bats
The Music
Sufjan Stevens

I'd say if you like The Postal Service you'll like theses bands.[/QUOTE]

Thanks.. I'll see what I can dig up. I know Death Cab (same singer), Bright Eyes [try Desaparacidos if you like Bright Eyes], Arcade Fire, and The New Pornographers but not the rest... I'll try and find some stuff by them but it probably won't be easy...
[quote name='sisco1986']The New Pornographers[/QUOTE]
Best fucking band ever. INVEST IN THEIR MUSIC RIGHT NOW!

[quote name='sisco1986']Death Cab For Cutie[/QUOTE]
Meh. I like Postal Service, but DCFC sucks, IMO. Whatever.
Oh, and another great musician:

Xavier Rudd

He's Australian, and I don't think his CD's are distributed in the US, so you'll either have to import it or download it. Either way, his music is fantastic.
The Arace Fire is awesome. Also try the Decemberists - Picaresque. They are a great Indy rock band IMO. Good songs are: Sporting Life, Engine Driver, On the Bus Mall, Sixteen Military Wives.
Sufjan Stevens - Illinois. Best indie album of the year. He just did a 5 night run at the Bowery Ballroom, it was great.
It's never too late to discover a great album. The Postal Service is great. If you like them alot, check out their EP's.

Also, listen to The Rapture. They are very similar and are often mentioned in the same breath as The Postal Service.
[quote name='zenintrude']and if you end up liking the arcade fire, by all means listen to some of the stuff by the decemberists[/QUOTE]

I have a few Decemberists CDs - they are pretty good and definitely along the lines of The Arcade Fire but I don't like them nearly as much as The Postal Service...
in the indie vein, but not synth:

Copeland - Beneath Medicine Tree & In Motion

Pinback - Blue Screen Life & Summer in Adaddon
[quote name='Stace']in the indie vein, but not synth:

Copeland - Beneath Medicine Tree & In Motion

Pinback - Blue Screen Life & Summer in Adaddon[/QUOTE]

This man speaks the truth. Pinback's a great band.

May I also suggest Feist, Metric, The Polyphonic Spree, and The Appleseed Cast.
maybe a bit out there but great rock nonetheless:

Deerhoof-- Apple O
Shellac -- 1000 hurts
Stereolab -- Emperor Tomato Ketchup
Stephen Malkmus + the Jicks -- Face the Truth
Fugazi -- any album will do
[quote name='subparplasma']This man speaks the truth. Pinback's a great band.

May I also suggest Feist, Metric, The Polyphonic Spree, and The Appleseed Cast.[/QUOTE]

Good god man. The Appleseed Cast. My favorite discovery in the past 5 years. What a fucking band that is.

May I also recommend my second favorite discovery...Longwave. Check out their brand new one - There's a Fire. Not quite as synthy, but there is some synth in there for good measure.

Hell for that matter, I'll recommend MY band - Only Shallow - I've had people compare us to Death Cab, My Bloody Valentine, Red House Painters, and the Stills...all pretty damn flattering I have to say. We have a myspace music account, but we don't have any tunes posted at the moment due to copyright issues. We have a forthcoming CD on it's way which we've been working on recording for around 9 months so far. Feel free to add us, we'll be posting more tunes when we get our issues resolved.
[quote name='crickett003']Everyone must listen to and love the Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs. Best album of the last 2 years.[/QUOTE]

"Fever to Tell" was really great minimalist art-rock. Not sure it's for everyone, but I dig it.

As for OP, if you like the synth-y side, maybe try Air and Daft Punk.
GUSTER, totally forgot. Simple rock that any postal service fan would love. Its 3 guys who are incredible musicians. There drummer is an incredible bongo player.
[quote name='Chris Dillon']GUSTER, totally forgot. Simple rock that any postal service fan would love. Its 3 guys who are incredible musicians. There drummer is an incredible bongo player.[/QUOTE]

Not my style. I've got a Guster CD and I don't really like it. Bongos aren't my thing unless I'm playing Donkey Konga...
bread's done