I need a good giant robot fight game...

Sofa King Kool

18 (100%)
I just got back from my second viewing of Transformers and I really want a game where I can be a robot and blow stuff up. Unfortunetly the Transformers game sucks (big suprise). What are some good mech type games? Downloaded the Armored Core 4 demo and that didn't do it for me. Chromehounds is a no go as well.

Any suggestions?
Tech Romancer on Dreamcast (I little of practically all robot genres in a fighting game)

Steel Battalion (what's better than a giant robo-tank with a 40+ button controller)

Mech Assault 1 and 2

RAD: Robot Alchemic Drive (Giant robots fight big Godzilla/Ultraman monsters, unique control scheme, a lot of fun)

Front Mission series (tactical/strategy RPG, but has giant bots)

Robotech Battlecry (transforming robots in a decent game? yup)

Zone of Enders 1 and 2 (flashy, anime style robots, fun as hell)

and my biggest recomendation: Transformers Armada for PS2.

I absolutely HATED the Armada TV show, but the game was absolutely amazing. Huge environments, fun, though fairly basic third person run and gun gameplay, but it encouraged exploration to find all the hidden powerups (minicons). Transforming was a fairly useless addition due to the license but still great fun.
Zone of Enders 1 and 2 if you haven't played them. Godzilla is a good giant bash,... with the new Wii exclusive one coming out soon. The old King of the Monsters can be found on the world wide web, or purchased on a NeoGeo system. Ultraman on the SNES was fabulous! The Transformers game that came out on the Playstation 2 was pretty damn good as well. I have heard that Black and White is a good god-sim game with enourmous deities you possess. Virtua On is a decent game, as Moses^ stated on the Dreamcast, and PS2 I beleive. I think Blast Corps on the N64 had some massive enemies, and Sin and Punishment; also on the N64, eventually led to you jumping into a giant mech that kicked major ass!!! There are a few others that I cannot think of atm, but I'll hit back if I remember them.
Not really a mech game, but in the same vein as beat em-ups and brawlers, I highly recommend War of the Monsters. If you're an importer/anime fan, I suggest Evangelion Battle Orchestra.
Zone of the Enders is very fast-paced, and you'll love it if you're a Gundam fan. The sequel is far superior, but the original is only $5 at GS/EB.

RAD (Robot Alchemic Drive) is almost a super sentai-kind of game. Imagine the Megazord fighting Godzilla, minus the Power Rangers, and you have RAD. The control system is intuitive too; if you wanna start walking with your right foot forward, you have to press R1, then alternate with your left foot by pressing L1. Likewise, if you wanna punch with your left arm, you have to swing with the left analog stick, etc.

Mech Assault for Xbox is also an excellent series if you're just looking to blow stuff up. Mech Warrior for PC is more of a simulation (slow, encumbered mechs and all) if you're into that.
Robot Alchemic Drive Is Where Its At!!!

"doctor, we are doomed...I know we have not tested it yet, but we must do it!!!"...

bread's done