i need an nes!!

i have been on a journy to get an nes forever but i cant seem to get one.......i want one for a realistic price.....if anyone has one that they no longer want plz make a deal with me. thx!
yes on ebay if it goes for low it always says sold as is and i can't trust that other then that it goes for over 40 and yes i have never found 1 in a garage sale.
They have this new thing... latest technology... it's called "Craig's List."

Look into it.

BTW, to the founder of RarityGuide.com, I am seldom embarrassed for someone when they try to rate game rarity when they clearly have no clue. As someone who contributed to the abortion that was Video Game Bible, which failed to list some Dreamcast games because those guys had 'never heard of games' like Midway Arcade 2, I have to say your list might very well be the worst since Video Game Bible's N64/Dreamcast sections. Top to bottom, it's so inaccurate, clearly guessworker, uses no hard numbers, and is just overall bad.

I say it out love. But you clearly got into this with no clue.
A Messiah Generation NEX (97.25% compatibility) or a FC Twin are better alternatives to an actual NES. The alternatives are smaller and do not have the 72-pin connector problem that plagues the original NES.
go on ebay and get the NES 2. I bought one on ebay for 50 bucks with Roadblasters and Gaunlet 2. Its a top loader but its not AV formatted which means you need the RFU adapter for it. Get it. its small,top loads,light, and its made from ninty and not some knock off company.
I have 4 only 2 of the them work. Try Goodwills around you that is where I found 3 of mine. One even came with a power glove.
I got a toploader with Master Blaster for $12, my friend found a toploader for $1 at a Goodwill. Some times dumb luck is your best bet. Get an untested one on ebay. I've got a lot of great untested crap. Nintendo's rarely have problems other than bad 72 pin connectors and it's really worth it to just buy a new one. You don't have to be an electronics wizard to do it. Just note that when you replace the 72 pin you don't have to push the game down anymore...it feels wrong but I rarely see that mentioned on the internet and I had problems because I was still pushing the cart down but once I discovered that my front loader works better than my toploader which works like 99.9% of the time.
bread's done