I Need My Roomate OUT!!!!!!!!!


40 (100%)

I live with 2 other people at the moment and two of us is having a problem with 1 roommate (girl). I moved in over the summer and me and the guy got along great. We then needed to find a third roommate because one of the other roommates was leaving. We came across this girl who we thought was nice and her schedule fit into ours.

A few months go by and she loses her job (gets fired) she then goes into school and gets a part-time job, which results in her being home alot more, which is fine. She then proceeds to change the whole house according to her taste. She moves our food to corners of the kitchen to make room for hers. She also bitches about every little thing. It got so bad one time that she wrote an apology letter for me for being such a bitch. Her reason was because she was on her period. She is disrespectful and gives the landlords a hard time. She complains about rent, heat, and any little thing you can think of. She is a pain. Now she is eating my food and sticking baking soda and all this crap on my side of the fridge when she clearly has plenty of room on her shelf!!!!!

I spoke to the landlord on Friday and ask her to write out a lease for my roommate and I to sign because currently there is no lease in existence (month to month). From there we are thinking of giving her a 30 days notice and then giving her the boot. But, what if she doesn't leave? What are the legalities behind this roommate eviction? Any ideas?

UPDATE 2: We Live in NY for those asking.

UPDATE 3: I have a picture here for those who want to see. Before you click I would like to give another update. She texted me last night telling me to talk to her like a man and stop hiding behind text, sticky notes, and making idle. She said her "MAN" wants to speak to me and straighten me out. I responded say i'm not going to put up with her shit anymore and to be careful with what she says.

Next morning she puts the tv all loud and starts banging shit in the kitchen to try and wake me up, which she did. I ignored her and went back to bed. Woke up later and went to go get ready. She stops me in the hallway and tells me she needs to talk to me. She then threatens me again saying that her "MAN" is going to take care of it. She then states the following:

1. I should stop living in this fantasy world of an Actor. I'll never make it. Its a fantasy. Face reality. Contribute to the world. Contribute to the people.

2. Go back to sleep and sleep for another 15 hours because thats all I do.

3. I'm cheap because I don't pay and contribute towards the tv bill

I respond:

1. I rather be following a dream and a passion then be a pathetic 30 year old women with no established job, unstable relationship, and a person who's solution to there mid-life crisis is nursing school.

2. Thank you, I will go back to sleep because I actually make a shitload of money from my computer freelancing business and I can take off the next six months if I want to. I didn't drink, smoke, and party my who twentys.

3. Why should I pay for tv when I don't even use it? I pay for netflix. I rather not sit down in front of a tv for 4 hours watching mindless reality shows that make you feel empty inside.

She started crying and continued to insult me. I finished getting ready and left. I then went to the landlord after work and told them about the situation and they are all for getting her ass out. So it's 4 against 1.

Update will follow later in the week. Oh, and i'm unplugging that fucking tv in the living room.


UPDATE 4: First of all, Thanks for all the advice guys! I'm def not going to fuck with any of her shit. I'm going to go about this legally. I replaced the lock on my bedroom door. I also went to speak to the landlords and they are on board for throwing her out. I will be sitting down with her and my other roommate as soon as he gets back from cali. Next week is the big meeting and we will see what she says. She has not left any notes, texts, or any sort of messages. I sorta tested her by leaving dirty dishes in the sink for 2 days just to see what she would do. I think she suffers from bi-polar. Some days she is fine and dandy and other days she just depressed out of her mind.

Regardless, keep the ideas coming and any other legal advice that would help in this situation. Sorry about the broken link! Thats what she looks like on the inside.
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Have you tried asking her to not eat your food/move your stuff? You'd be surprised at what people will do if you just ask them nicely. If you have though, ignore what I just said.

If she's not on the lease yet, then it seems to me that if you really wanted her out, you could just tell her to leave. I don't know how the laws are in your state, but here in California, if they're not on the least they're considered a guest, and can stay a maximum of 14 days before the landlord forces them to leave or they get added onto the lease.
I'd try talking to them first (as pantweasel said). It's hard and awkward, but being straight forward and not skirting the issue can save everyone a large headache. If that doesn't work, you can always try contaminating your food, and leaving it for her ^^

Also, clearly define your spaces and lines. if you're not cool with her, then she can't use your area. if she is, politely move it to her area. with the baking soda, just put it way in the back.

When she complains about the situation in teh apartment, you might want to ask her how she suggests you solve it (heat?! you can't control the weather. maybe have her open a window? close the vent?) And if she complains about the rent, suggest she find a place she can afford.
Not sure, but could you just lie? Like say that you all have to move out within a month for _______ or ______ will happen. And pretend to move out and when she does just don't leave. It may be drastic, but you could probably think of some lie.
Not sure how it works since you don't have a lease. How do you live in an apartment and not have a lease? Is it just a verbal agreement?

Once you and your other roommate sign a lease, I don't think you'd technically even have to give her notice. If it comes down to it, have the cops escort her out.

Bitches be trippin'.
Channeling first-year property...

It's always a bad idea to not have a written lease, so get one.

The specific rules will depend entirely on your local law, though in any event you'll be better served by dealing with things amicably. Unless you have cause (you don't), you'll likely have to get your landlord to give her notice (probably 30 days) that her lease is expiring and then sue to evict her if she doesn't comply. In any event, do not attempt to physically remove her or her stuff without a cop, and don't deny her access to the property until she's been formally evicted and removed.

I suppose it's also technically possible that she might be you or your roommate's sub-tenant in which case you'll be the one responsible for giving the notice and filing the eviction unless you want your landlord evicting everybody. Does she pay rent directly to your LL or through you?
[quote name='shadylane']We came across this girl who we thought was nice and her schedule fit into ours. [/QUOTE]

Be honest. You let her move in because you thought she was hot.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']Be honest. You let her move in because you thought she was hot.[/QUOTE]

If you're not having sex with the roommate, there is no need to have a roommate of the opposite sex.
Make her feel uncomfortable (i.e. walking in boxers, leaving used condoms in common places (even if not truly used), have friends over when she is trying to sleep, etc)... she will walk.
Talk to her. If that doesn't work your only real choice is to get a new place with the good roommate.

Quite a few areas have squatter laws. If someone stays at that place for more than xx days they are legal residents, you can't just kick them out.

Unless you want to pay for a lawyer to do it right, find a new place. Consider yourself extremely lucky to have a month to month lease, you can give notice and move without her at any time. If you had a written, time-based lease you would be all but stuck with her.
with what BigPopav said
does your landlord have any other openings at that property? if worst comes to worst, you could move out yourself, but simply to another place on the property, so it's not a huge move. Then she's left with an entire place to pay for

obviously, I wouldn't do that unless she refuses to leave when you talk to her about it.
Start taking pictures of her butt everytime she walks past you.

Seriously, though. You and the other roommate should have a "house meeting" with this girl. And if she doesn't shape up, you have her outnumbered. Just tell her to GTFO.
1. Webcams in her bedroom and the bathroom.
2. Register "watchmydirtyroomate.com" with CAG's GoDaddy discounts.
3. Profit.

Wait.......what was the question again ?
Stay classy, CAG.

What I'd recommend before you go all out and kick her out is to have an intervention. You and the other roomie and she should sit down, talk about your problems, and try to sort it out. Set a deadline for things to be fixed.

If you've had enough of it, check your state regulations for evictions. Thirty days is the standard, but I'm not familiar with NY.

If you decide to have an intervention, I'd recommend looking for a replacement roomie now, just in case.
[quote name='tcrash247']Pics?[/QUOTE]

i was just going to comment that im surprised nobody has asked for pics. usually it doesnt take until the 2nd page.

i say you start hitting on her, like really aggressively. shell either go for it, or move out. its win win.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']i was just going to comment that im surprised nobody has asked for pics. usually it doesnt take until the 2nd page.

i say you start hitting on her, like really aggressively. shell either go for it, or move out. its win win.[/QUOTE]

And if she gives it up, then she should be allowed to put her food wherever she likes.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']i was just going to comment that im surprised nobody has asked for pics. usually it doesnt take until the 2nd page.[/QUOTE]

That's why I asked, I knew it was going to happen sooner or later. I just wanted to get it out of the way.

But I'm sure everyone is curious as to what she looks like.
People put baking soda in the refrigerator to get rid of / prevent bad smells in the fridge. Not uncommon.

1)Make of jug of Thera-flu so it looks like koolaid and put it in the refrigerator and watch her drink it because it tastes horrible.
and 2)Do anything involving her taking laxatives.
Wait outside the bathroom until she goes to shower and snap a pic of her all naked.

....yeah, I don't know how that would help.

But that doesn't mean you shouldn't do it!
Roommates can be hell (especially if you have a long term lease). Try talking first and if that doesn't work, find out about the local laws. I would be glad you found at least one good roommate so you're not out numbered. A few years ago I was out numbered and it was not a good thing at all. Best of luck to getting this resolved.
1. Steal her used underwear.
2. Sell it to pervs on the internet, most likely to be from Japan.
3. Profit.

Watch out for the Gnomes. They might get pissed at you for moving in on their turf.
Marry her. Sounds like you already are and at least this way you can file joint income tax returns.

Honestly, be very careful how this plays out. Do everything legally and nicely and hopefully nothing goes wrong. I would hate to see her sleep with your other roomate just to get to you.
[quote name='Magus8472']Channeling first-year property...

It's always a bad idea to not have a written lease, so get one.

not true. many states give you even more rights as a tennant w/o a lease. some places allow you to move out at any time and the land lore must give 60 day notice, on top of that the land lord might have no claim to any security deposit payed and have to return the entire amount when the agreement dissolves. I'm not certain what rights you have in your state/city. i don't agree w it since in reality neither party should have any contractual obligation since any contract dealing in real estate, purchased or leased, must always be in writing per the law
[quote name='WormFOODx']Marry her. Sounds like you already are and at least this way you can file joint income tax returns.[/QUOTE]

I think Shadylane is a girl.
Tell her she won a contest and she has to pick up the prize across town.

After she leaves, box up all her stuff and put it on the curb. Change the locks.

Problem solved.
sounds like shes taking her own personal shit out on you 2 ( especially you). shes probably jealous of your situation and embarassed by her own. id either get her out of there or if you and your other roommate can swing it find a new place to live and leave her there ( that way she wont know where you live) because chances are that once shes kicked out she will be back to either steal or damage shit or do something else stupid.

id also suggest you all keep track of what belongs to you and if you dont already have them put locks on your bedroom doors. and once shes kicked out immeadetly have all the locks replaced.
If her name is not on the lease, she's can probably be kicked out. But if you signed a lease with your buddy, effectively creating a lease behind her back, she could use that against you.

If you had a lease prior to this and she wasn't on it, you could have kicked her out easy. I'd just leave with your buddy. Let her have the place...and 100% of the rent.
If she is going to be a little fuck about everything then she needs to be removed. She has no input on where things go or things are done especially if she was the third one there. Also her "MAN" can't do fuck, he doesn't live there, and I would be more than annoyed if one of my roommates ate my food without my permission.
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